Commit 3bba9ce9 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Clean up handling of COLLATE clauses in index column definitions.

Ensure that COLLATE at the top level of an index expression is treated the
same as a grammatically separate COLLATE.  Fix bogus reverse-parsing logic
in pg_get_indexdef.
parent 472671e1
......@@ -837,49 +837,62 @@ ComputeIndexAttrs(IndexInfo *indexInfo,
attcollation = attform->attcollation;
else if (attribute->expr && IsA(attribute->expr, Var) &&
((Var *) attribute->expr)->varattno != InvalidAttrNumber)
/* Tricky tricky, he wrote (column) ... treat as simple attr */
Var *var = (Var *) attribute->expr;
indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[attn] = var->varattno;
atttype = get_atttype(relId, var->varattno);
attcollation = var->varcollid;
/* Index expression */
Assert(attribute->expr != NULL);
indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[attn] = 0; /* marks expression */
indexInfo->ii_Expressions = lappend(indexInfo->ii_Expressions,
atttype = exprType(attribute->expr);
attcollation = exprCollation(attribute->expr);
Node *expr = attribute->expr;
* We don't currently support generation of an actual query plan
* for an index expression, only simple scalar expressions; hence
* these restrictions.
if (contain_subplans(attribute->expr))
errmsg("cannot use subquery in index expression")));
if (contain_agg_clause(attribute->expr))
errmsg("cannot use aggregate function in index expression")));
Assert(expr != NULL);
atttype = exprType(expr);
attcollation = exprCollation(expr);
* A expression using mutable functions is probably wrong, since
* if you aren't going to get the same result for the same data
* every time, it's not clear what the index entries mean at all.
* Strip any top-level COLLATE clause. This ensures that we treat
* "x COLLATE y" and "(x COLLATE y)" alike.
if (CheckMutability((Expr *) attribute->expr))
errmsg("functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE")));
while (IsA(expr, CollateExpr))
expr = (Node *) ((CollateExpr *) expr)->arg;
if (IsA(expr, Var) &&
((Var *) expr)->varattno != InvalidAttrNumber)
* User wrote "(column)" or "(column COLLATE something)".
* Treat it like simple attribute anyway.
indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[attn] = ((Var *) expr)->varattno;
indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[attn] = 0; /* marks expression */
indexInfo->ii_Expressions = lappend(indexInfo->ii_Expressions,
* We don't currently support generation of an actual query
* plan for an index expression, only simple scalar
* expressions; hence these restrictions.
if (contain_subplans(expr))
errmsg("cannot use subquery in index expression")));
if (contain_agg_clause(expr))
errmsg("cannot use aggregate function in index expression")));
* A expression using mutable functions is probably wrong,
* since if you aren't going to get the same result for the
* same data every time, it's not clear what the index entries
* mean at all.
if (CheckMutability((Expr *) expr))
errmsg("functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE")));
......@@ -794,7 +794,6 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
List *context;
Oid indrelid;
int keyno;
Oid keycoltype;
Datum indcollDatum;
Datum indclassDatum;
Datum indoptionDatum;
......@@ -902,6 +901,8 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
AttrNumber attnum = idxrec->indkey.values[keyno];
int16 opt = indoption->values[keyno];
Oid keycoltype;
Oid keycolcollation;
if (!colno)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, sep);
......@@ -916,6 +917,7 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
if (!colno || colno == keyno + 1)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, quote_identifier(attname));
keycoltype = get_atttype(indrelid, attnum);
keycolcollation = get_attcollation(indrelid, attnum);
......@@ -939,16 +941,18 @@ pg_get_indexdef_worker(Oid indexrelid, int colno,
appendStringInfo(&buf, "(%s)", str);
keycoltype = exprType(indexkey);
keycolcollation = exprCollation(indexkey);
if (!attrsOnly && (!colno || colno == keyno + 1))
Oid coll;
Oid indcoll;
/* Add collation, if not default */
coll = indcollation->values[keyno];
if (coll && coll != DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID && coll != get_attcollation(indrelid, attnum))
appendStringInfo(&buf, " COLLATE %s", generate_collation_name((indcollation->values[keyno])));
/* Add collation, if not default for column */
indcoll = indcollation->values[keyno];
if (OidIsValid(indcoll) && indcoll != keycolcollation)
appendStringInfo(&buf, " COLLATE %s",
/* Add the operator class name, if not default */
get_opclass_name(indclass->values[keyno], keycoltype, &buf);
......@@ -6646,7 +6650,8 @@ get_from_clause_coldeflist(List *names, List *types, List *typmods, List *collat
format_type_with_typemod(atttypid, atttypmod));
if (attcollation && attcollation != DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID)
appendStringInfo(buf, " COLLATE %s", generate_collation_name(attcollation));
appendStringInfo(buf, " COLLATE %s",
......@@ -747,19 +747,21 @@ SELECT a, (dup(b)).* FROM collate_test3 ORDER BY 2;
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 (b);
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "C");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "C")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (((b||'foo') COLLATE "POSIX"));
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
ERROR: collations are not supported by type integer
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
ERROR: collations are not supported by type integer
LINE 1: ...ATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C...
LINE 1: ...ATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C...
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%';
relname | pg_get_indexdef
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%' ORDER BY 1;
relname | pg_get_indexdef
collate_test1_idx1 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b)
collate_test1_idx2 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b COLLATE "C")
collate_test1_idx3 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 USING btree (((b COLLATE "C")) COLLATE "C")
(3 rows)
collate_test1_idx3 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b COLLATE "C")
collate_test1_idx4 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 USING btree (((b || 'foo'::text)) COLLATE "POSIX")
(4 rows)
-- schema manipulation commands
CREATE ROLE regress_test_role;
......@@ -524,21 +524,23 @@ SELECT a, (dup(b)).* FROM collate_test2 ORDER BY 2;
-- indexes
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 (b);
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "C");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "C")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "POSIX");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "POSIX")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (((b||'foo') COLLATE "POSIX"));
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "POSIX"); -- fail
ERROR: collations are not supported by type integer
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "POSIX")); -- fail
ERROR: collations are not supported by type integer
LINE 1: ...ATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C...
LINE 1: ...ATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "P...
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%';
relname | pg_get_indexdef
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%' ORDER BY 1;
relname | pg_get_indexdef
collate_test1_idx1 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b)
collate_test1_idx2 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b)
collate_test1_idx3 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 USING btree (((b COLLATE "C")) COLLATE "C")
(3 rows)
collate_test1_idx2 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b COLLATE "POSIX")
collate_test1_idx3 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 USING btree (b COLLATE "POSIX")
collate_test1_idx4 | CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 USING btree (((b || 'foo'::text)) COLLATE "POSIX")
(4 rows)
-- Clean up. Many of these table names will be re-used if the user is
......@@ -231,11 +231,12 @@ SELECT a, (dup(b)).* FROM collate_test3 ORDER BY 2;
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 (b);
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "C");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "C")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (((b||'foo') COLLATE "POSIX"));
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%';
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%' ORDER BY 1;
-- schema manipulation commands
......@@ -178,13 +178,14 @@ SELECT a, (dup(b)).* FROM collate_test2 ORDER BY 2;
-- indexes
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx1 ON collate_test1 (b);
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "C");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "C")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx2 ON collate_test1 (b COLLATE "POSIX");
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx3 ON collate_test1 ((b COLLATE "POSIX")); -- this is different grammatically
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (((b||'foo') COLLATE "POSIX"));
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx4 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "C"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "C")); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx5 ON collate_test1 (a COLLATE "POSIX"); -- fail
CREATE INDEX collate_test1_idx6 ON collate_test1 ((a COLLATE "POSIX")); -- fail
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%';
SELECT relname, pg_get_indexdef(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'collate_test%_idx%' ORDER BY 1;
-- Clean up. Many of these table names will be re-used if the user is
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