Commit 36ce6d43 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Support subscripts on bare column names.

parent f9e2c7fa
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v 1.52 1999/07/16 04:59:32 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v 1.53 1999/07/16 22:32:25 tgl Exp $
......@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
#include "utils/builtins.h"
static Node *parser_typecast(Value *expr, TypeName *typename, int32 atttypmod);
static Node *transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence);
static Node *transformAttr(ParseState *pstate, Attr *att, int precedence);
static Node *transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Ident *ident, int precedence);
static Node *transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode,
List *indirection, int precedence);
* transformExpr -
......@@ -51,45 +54,7 @@ transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
case T_Attr:
Attr *att = (Attr *) expr;
Node *temp;
/* what if att.attrs == "*"? */
temp = ParseNestedFuncOrColumn(pstate, att, &pstate->p_last_resno,
if (att->indirection != NIL)
List *idx = att->indirection;
while (idx != NIL)
A_Indices *ai = (A_Indices *) lfirst(idx);
Node *lexpr = NULL,
uexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->uidx, precedence); /* must exists */
if (exprType(uexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
if (ai->lidx != NULL)
lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->lidx, precedence);
if (exprType(lexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
ai->lidx = lexpr;
ai->uidx = uexpr;
* note we reuse the list of indices, make sure we
* don't free them! Otherwise, make a new list
* here
idx = lnext(idx);
result = (Node *) make_array_ref(temp, att->indirection);
result = temp;
result = transformAttr(pstate, (Attr *) expr, precedence);
case T_A_Const:
......@@ -106,12 +71,10 @@ transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
case T_ParamNo:
ParamNo *pno = (ParamNo *) expr;
Oid toid;
int paramno;
int paramno = pno->number;
Oid toid = param_type(paramno);
Param *param;
paramno = pno->number;
toid = param_type(paramno);
if (!OidIsValid(toid))
elog(ERROR, "Parameter '$%d' is out of range", paramno);
param = makeNode(Param);
......@@ -120,40 +83,8 @@ transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
param->paramname = "<unnamed>";
param->paramtype = (Oid) toid;
param->param_tlist = (List *) NULL;
if (pno->indirection != NIL)
List *idx = pno->indirection;
while (idx != NIL)
A_Indices *ai = (A_Indices *) lfirst(idx);
Node *lexpr = NULL,
uexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->uidx, precedence); /* must exists */
if (exprType(uexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
if (ai->lidx != NULL)
lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->lidx, precedence);
if (exprType(lexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
ai->lidx = lexpr;
ai->uidx = uexpr;
* note we reuse the list of indices, make sure we
* don't free them! Otherwise, make a new list
* here
idx = lnext(idx);
result = (Node *) make_array_ref((Node *) param, pno->indirection);
result = (Node *) param;
result = transformIndirection(pstate, (Node *) param,
pno->indirection, precedence);
case T_A_Expr:
......@@ -247,12 +178,7 @@ transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
case T_Ident:
* look for a column name or a relation name (the default
* behavior)
result = transformIdent(pstate, expr, precedence);
result = transformIdent(pstate, (Ident *) expr, precedence);
case T_FuncCall:
......@@ -544,48 +470,79 @@ transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
static Node *
transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence)
transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode,
List *indirection, int precedence)
Ident *ident = (Ident *) expr;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
Node *column_result,
List *idx;
column_result = relation_result = result = 0;
/* try to find the ident as a column */
if ((rte = colnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name)) != NULL)
if (indirection == NIL)
return basenode;
foreach (idx, indirection)
Attr *att = makeNode(Attr);
A_Indices *ai = (A_Indices *) lfirst(idx);
Node *lexpr = NULL,
/* we add the relation name for them */
att->relname = rte->refname;
att->attrs = lcons(makeString(ident->name), NIL);
column_result = (Node *) ParseNestedFuncOrColumn(pstate, att,
&pstate->p_last_resno, precedence);
/* uidx is always present, but lidx might be null */
if (ai->lidx != NULL)
lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->lidx, precedence);
if (exprType(lexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
uexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->uidx, precedence);
if (exprType(uexpr) != INT4OID)
elog(ERROR, "array index expressions must be int4's");
ai->lidx = lexpr;
ai->uidx = uexpr;
* note we reuse the list of A_Indices nodes, make sure
* we don't free them! Otherwise, make a new list here
return (Node *) make_array_ref(basenode, indirection);
static Node *
transformAttr(ParseState *pstate, Attr *att, int precedence)
Node *basenode;
/* try to find the ident as a relation */
if (refnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name) != NULL)
/* what if att->attrs == "*"? */
basenode = ParseNestedFuncOrColumn(pstate, att, &pstate->p_last_resno,
return transformIndirection(pstate, basenode,
att->indirection, precedence);
static Node *
transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Ident *ident, int precedence)
Node *result = NULL;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
/* try to find the ident as a relation ... but not if subscripts appear */
if (ident->indirection == NIL &&
refnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name) != NULL)
ident->isRel = TRUE;
relation_result = (Node *) ident;
result = (Node *) ident;
/* choose the right result based on the precedence */
if (precedence == EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST)
if (result == NULL || precedence == EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST)
if (column_result)
result = column_result;
result = relation_result;
if (relation_result)
result = relation_result;
result = column_result;
/* try to find the ident as a column */
if ((rte = colnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name)) != NULL)
/* Convert it to a fully qualified Attr, and transform that */
Attr *att = makeNode(Attr);
att->relname = rte->refname;
att->paramNo = NULL;
att->attrs = lcons(makeString(ident->name), NIL);
att->indirection = ident->indirection;
return transformAttr(pstate, att, precedence);
if (result == NULL)
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