Commit 36c9c968 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add static finding script.

parent 4a132abf
trap "rm -f /tmp/$$" 0 1 2 3 15
# This script finds functions that are either never called, or
# should be static.
# Some functions, like library functions and debug_print functions,
# should remain unchanged.
# Run on a compiled source tree, from the top of the source tree
# My nm utility has 9 characters of address which I strip, then a 'type'
# character, with T as a text function, and U as an undefined function
# symbol, then the function name.
find . -name '[a-z]*.o' -type f -print | while read FILE
nm $FILE | cut -c10-100 |awk '{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", "'"$FILE"'",$1,$2}'
done >/tmp/$$
destroydb debug
createdb debug
echo "
create table debug (file text, scope char, func text);
copy debug from '/tmp/"$$"';
select *
into table debug2
from debug;
update debug2
set scope = '_'
from debug
where debug2.func = debug.func and
debug2.scope = 'T' and debug.scope = 'U';
delete from debug2
where scope = '_';
select *
from debug2
where scope = 'T';
" |psql debug
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