Commit 314c7b64 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

Make separate targets for building printable documentation in A4 and

US letter paper formats.
parent 5f1f30d1
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# PostgreSQL documentation makefile
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v 1.83 2006/12/10 16:01:06 petere Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v 1.84 2006/12/10 20:46:03 petere Exp $
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ features-unsupported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_package
## Print
# RTF to allow minor editing for hardcopy
%.rtf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
......@@ -133,11 +134,19 @@ features-unsupported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_package
# Regular TeX and pdfTeX have slightly differing requirements, so we
# need to distinguish the path we're taking.
%.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print -V texdvi-output -o $@ $< = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d $(srcdir)/stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print
%-A4.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $<
%-US.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $<
%.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print -V texpdf-output -o $@ $<
%-A4.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $<
%-US.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $<
%.dvi: %.tex-ps
@rm -f $*.aux $*.log
......@@ -145,7 +154,7 @@ features-unsupported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_package
jadetex $<
jadetex $<
# Postscript from TeX
# PostScript from TeX %.dvi
dvips -o $@ $<
......@@ -218,6 +227,7 @@ postgres.xml: postgres.sgml $(GENERATED_SGML)
sed -e 's/\[\(amp\|copy\|egrave\|gt\|lt\|mdash\|nbsp\|ouml\|pi\|quot\|uuml\) *\]/\&\1;/g' \
-e '1a\' -e '<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "">' \
# ' hello Emacs
override XSLTPROCFLAGS += --stringparam pg.version '$(VERSION)'
......@@ -227,8 +237,11 @@ xslthtml: stylesheet.xsl postgres.xml
htmlhelp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) $^ stylesheet-fo.xsl %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) -o $@ $^ stylesheet-fo.xsl %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type A4 -o $@ $^ stylesheet-fo.xsl %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type USletter -o $@ $^
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/docguide.sgml,v 1.60 2006/12/10 02:37:40 petere Exp $ -->
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/docguide.sgml,v 1.61 2006/12/10 20:46:03 petere Exp $ -->
<appendix id="docguide">
......@@ -601,18 +601,13 @@ gmake man.tar.gz
To make a <acronym>DVI</acronym> version:
To generate PostScript via <acronym>DVI</acronym> in A4 format:
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake postgres.dvi</userinput>
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake</userinput>
To generate PostScript from the <acronym>DVI</acronym>:
In U.S. letter format:
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake</userinput>
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake</userinput>
......@@ -621,7 +616,11 @@ gmake man.tar.gz
To make a <acronym>PDF</acronym>:
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake postgres.pdf</userinput>
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake postgres-A4.pdf</userinput>
<prompt>doc/src/sgml$ </prompt><userinput>gmake postgres-US.pdf</userinput>
(Of course you can also make a <acronym>PDF</acronym> version
from the PostScript, but if you generate <acronym>PDF</acronym>
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