Commit 2a7ab4d9 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Update to pgaccess 0.98.7.

parent 7fcd675d
PGACCESS 0.98.4 29 January 2000
PGACCESS 0.98.7 27 January 2001
I dedicate this program to my little daughters Ana-Maria and Emilia and to my
wife for their understanding. I hope they will forgive me for spending so many
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ time far from them.
1. How to INSTALL ?
You will need a Tcl/Tk package, at least Tcl 7.6 and Tk 4.2, recommended
Tcl/Tk 8.x
You will need a Tcl/Tk package greater than 8.0
For Unix users, unpack the pgaccess-xxx.tar.gz archieve in you preferred
directory (usually /usr/local).
CREATE SEQUENCE "cities_id_seq" start 7 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1 cache 1 ;
SELECT nextval ('cities_id_seq');
SELECT nextval ('"cities_id_seq"');
CREATE TABLE "pga_queries" (
"queryname" character varying(64),
"querytype" character,
......@@ -7,41 +7,50 @@ CREATE TABLE "pga_queries" (
"querytables" text,
"querylinks" text,
"queryresults" text,
"querycomments" text);
"querycomments" text
CREATE TABLE "pga_forms" (
"formname" character varying(64),
"formsource" text);
"formsource" text
CREATE TABLE "pga_scripts" (
"scriptname" character varying(64),
"scriptsource" text);
"scriptsource" text
CREATE TABLE "pga_reports" (
"reportname" character varying(64),
"reportsource" text,
"reportbody" text,
"reportprocs" text,
"reportoptions" text);
"reportoptions" text
CREATE TABLE "phonebook" (
"name" character varying(32),
"phone_nr" character varying(16),
"city" character varying(32),
"company" bool,
"continent" character varying(16));
"continent" character varying(16)
CREATE TABLE "pga_layout" (
"tablename" character varying(64),
"nrcols" int2,
"colnames" text,
"colwidth" text);
"colwidth" text
CREATE TABLE "pga_schema" (
"schemaname" character varying(64),
"schematables" text,
"schemalinks" text);
"schemalinks" text
REVOKE ALL on "pga_schema" from PUBLIC;
GRANT ALL on "pga_schema" to PUBLIC;
CREATE TABLE "cities" (
"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval ( '"cities_id_seq"' ) NOT NULL,
"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval('cities_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
"name" character varying(32) NOT NULL,
"prefix" character varying(16) NOT NULL);
"prefix" character varying(16) NOT NULL
REVOKE ALL on "cities" from PUBLIC;
GRANT INSERT,SELECT,RULE on "cities" to "teo";
CREATE FUNCTION "getcityprefix" (int4 ) RETURNS varchar AS 'select prefix from cities where id = $1 ' LANGUAGE 'SQL';
COPY "pga_queries" FROM stdin;
Query that can be saved as view S select * from phonebook where continent='usa' \N \N \N \N
......@@ -10,30 +10,11 @@
<br>The primary site for PgAccess downloads is:
<br>The primary site for PgAccess download is:
<ul><a href=""></a>
<a href="">Unix tar.gz
<a href="">Windows .zip
<p>Another one (just with a little bit faster, try this one first) would
be :
<ul><a href=""></a>
<a href="">Unix tar.gz
<a href="">Windows .zip
<li><a href="">Unix tar.gz file</a></li>
<li><a href="">Windows ZIP file</a></li>
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PgAccess has been written by <a href="">Constantin Teodorescu<
using Visual Tcl, the best tool for developing Tcl/Tk applications I've
ever seen.
<p><b>Last version</b>
<br>Last stable version is 0.98.5 , released on 30 March 2000. Read <a href="whatsnew.html">what's
<br>Last stable version is 0.98.7 , released on 27 January 2001. Read <a href="whatsnew.html">what's
new</a> .
<p><b>Portability issues</b>
<br>PgAccess is available for every platform where PostgreSQL was ported
......@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ on :
<br>- HPUX
<br>- Irix
<br>- Windows 95,98,NT
<p>PgAccess needs Tcl/Tk versions 8.0.x and higher thought PgAccess. For
win32 platforms there are some special DLL's that have to be downloaded
and installed, more information <a href="win32.html">here</a>.
<p>PgAccess needs Tcl/Tk versions 8.0.x and higher. For win32 platforms there are some special DLL's that have to be downloaded and installed, more information <a href="win32.html">here</a>.
<p>PgAccess is protected by the following <a href="copyright.html">copyright</a>.
......@@ -5,6 +5,24 @@
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i586) [Netscape]">
<body bgcolor="#FEFEDF">
<b>27 January 2001 - PgAccess 0.98.7</b>
Fixed table creation when all columns are inherited and no new columns are added
Geometry improvements in diagram definition
added DLL's for Win32, Tcl/Tk 8.3.x and PostgreSQL 7.x
<b>1 May 2000 - PgAccess 0.98.6</b>
fixed a ugly bug in forms, query opening procedure</li>
<b>30 March 2000 - PgAccess 0.98.5</b>
......@@ -803,6 +803,7 @@ switch $PgAcVar(fdobj,$item,class) {
set DataControlVar($base.$name,recno) 0
set DataControlVar($base.$name,nrecs) \[pg_result \$res -numTuples\]
setCursor NORMAL
pg_result \$res -clear
namespace eval ::DataControl($base.$name) "proc setSQL {sqlcmd} {
global DataControlVar
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CREATE DATABASE name \[ WITH LOCATION = 'dbpath' \]
" {} "CREATEDB" {italic} "
Message returned if the command completes successfully.
" {} "NOTICE: createdb: database \"name\" already exists." {italic} "
" {} "WARN: createdb: database \"name\" already exists." {italic} "
This occurs if database specified already exists.
" {} "ERROR: Unable to create database directory directory" {italic} "
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ VACUUM \[ VERBOSE \] ANALYZE \[ table \[ (column \[, ...\] ) \] \]
Prints a detailed vacuum activity report for each table.
" {} "ANALYZE" {italic} "
Updates column statistics used by the optimizer to determine the most efficient way to execute a query. The statistics represent the dispersion of the data in each column. This information is valuable when several execution paths are possible.
Updates column statistics used by the optimizer to determine the most efficient way to execute a query. The statistics represent the disbursion of the data in each column. This information is valuable when several execution paths are possible.
" {} "table" {italic} "
The name of a specific table to vacuum. Defaults to all tables.
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" "Soubor"
"Your table has no fields!" "Tabulka nem poloky!"
"Your table has no columns!" "Tabulka nem poloky!"
"Height" "Vka"
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" "Datei"
"Your table has no fields!" "Die Tabelle hat keine Felder."
"Your table has no columns!" "Die Tabelle hat keine Felder."
"Height" "Hhe"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" "File"
"Your table has no fields!" "La tabella non ha campi !"
"Your table has no columns!" "La tabella non ha campi !"
"Height" "Altezza"
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ hiba
"File" "Fjl"
"Your table has no fields!" "A tblban nincsenek mezk!"
"Your table has no columns!" "A tblban nincsenek mezk!"
"Height" "Magassg"
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" "Arquivo"
"Your table has no fields!" "Sua tabela no possui campos !"
"Your table has no columns!" "Sua tabela no possui campos !"
"Height" "Altura"
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" "Fiier"
"Your table has no fields!" "Tabela asta nu are nici un cimp ?"
"Your table has no columns!" "Tabela asta nu are nici un cimp ?"
"Height" "nlime"
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" ""
"Your table has no fields!" " !"
"Your table has no columns!" " !"
"Height" ""
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ array set Messages {
"File" ""
"Your table has no fields!" " !"
"Your table has no columns!" " !"
"Height" ""
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ formulario en la Base de Datos?"
"File" "Archivo"
"Your table has no fields!" "La tabla no tiene campos!"
"Your table has no columns!" "La tabla no tiene campos!"
"Height" "Alto"
......@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:About {base} {
wm title $base [intlmsg "About"]
label $base.l1 -borderwidth 3 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-* -relief ridge -text PgAccess
label $base.l2 -relief groove -text [intlmsg "A Tcl/Tk interface to\nPostgreSQL\nby Constantin Teodorescu"]
label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -text {v 0.98.5}
label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -text {v 0.98.7}
label $base.l4 -relief groove -text "[intlmsg {You will always get the latest version at:}]
......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ global PgAcVar
option add *Entry.background #fefefe
option add *Entry.foreground #000000
option add *Entry.Font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)
option add *Button.BorderWidth 1
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(schema,links) $links
foreach {ulx uly lrx lry} [.pgaw:Schema.c bbox all] {
wm geometry .pgaw:Schema [expr $lrx+30]x[expr $lry+30]
......@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ global PgAcVar
.pgaw:Schema.c lower rect
.pgaw:Schema.c bind mov <Button-1> {Schema::dragStart %W %x %y}
.pgaw:Schema.c bind mov <Button-1> {Schema::dragStart %W %x %y %s}
.pgaw:Schema.c bind mov <B1-Motion> {Schema::dragMove %W %x %y}
bind .pgaw:Schema.c <ButtonRelease-1> {Schema::dragStop %x %y}
bind .pgaw:Schema <Button-1> {Schema::canvasClick %x %y %W}
......@@ -152,29 +155,31 @@ set PgAcVar(schema,nexty) $nexty
proc {deleteObject} {} {
global PgAcVar
# Checking if there
set obj [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili]
if {$obj==""} return
set objs [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili]
set numobj [llength $objs]
if {$numobj == 0 } return
# Is object a link ?
if {[getTagInfo $obj link]=="s"} {
foreach obj $objs {
if {[getTagInfo $obj link]=="s"} {
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -icon question -parent .pgaw:Schema -message [intlmsg "Remove link ?"] -type yesno -default no]=="no"} return
set linkid [getTagInfo $obj lkid]
set PgAcVar(schema,links) [lreplace $PgAcVar(schema,links) $linkid $linkid]
.pgaw:Schema.c delete links
# Is object a table ?
set tablealias [getTagInfo $obj tab]
set tablename $PgAcVar(schema,tablename$tablealias)
if {"$tablename"==""} return
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -icon question -parent .pgaw:Schema -message [format [intlmsg "Remove table %s from query?"] $tablename] -type yesno -default no]=="no"} return
for {set i [expr [llength $PgAcVar(schema,links)]-1]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} {
# Is object a table ?
set tablealias [getTagInfo $obj tab]
set tablename $PgAcVar(schema,tablename$tablealias)
if {"$tablename"==""} return
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -icon question -parent .pgaw:Schema -message [format [intlmsg "Remove table %s from schema?"] $tablename] -type yesno -default no]=="no"} return
for {set i [expr [llength $PgAcVar(schema,links)]-1]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} {
set thelink [lindex $PgAcVar(schema,links) $i]
if {($tablealias==[lindex $thelink 0]) || ($tablealias==[lindex $thelink 2])} {
if {($tablename==[lindex $thelink 0]) || ($tablename==[lindex $thelink 2])} {
set PgAcVar(schema,links) [lreplace $PgAcVar(schema,links) $i $i]
for {set i 0} {$i<$PgAcVar(schema,ntables)} {incr i} {
for {set i 0} {$i<$PgAcVar(schema,ntables)} {incr i} {
set temp {}
catch {set temp $PgAcVar(schema,tablename$i)}
if {"$temp"=="$tablename"} {
......@@ -182,11 +187,12 @@ for {set i 0} {$i<$PgAcVar(schema,ntables)} {incr i} {
unset PgAcVar(schema,tablestruct$i)
#incr PgAcVar(schema,ntables) -1
.pgaw:Schema.c delete tab$tablealias
.pgaw:Schema.c delete links
#incr PgAcVar(schema,ntables) -1
.pgaw:Schema.c delete tab$tablealias
.pgaw:Schema.c delete links
......@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ global PgAcVar
set dx [expr $x - $PgAcVar(draginfo,x)]
set dy [expr $y - $PgAcVar(draginfo,y)]
if {$PgAcVar(draginfo,is_a_table)} {
$w move $PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag) $dx $dy
$w move dragme $dx $dy
} else {
$w move $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) $dx $dy
......@@ -206,7 +212,7 @@ global PgAcVar
proc {dragStart} {w x y} {
proc {dragStart} {w x y state} {
global PgAcVar
PgAcVar:clean draginfo,*
set PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) [$w find closest $x $y]
......@@ -223,8 +229,12 @@ if {[getTagInfo $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) table]=="header"} {
set taglist [.pgaw:Schema.c gettags $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)]
set PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag) [lindex $taglist [lsearch -regexp $taglist "^tab\[0-9\]*"]]
.pgaw:Schema.c raise $PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag)
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] hili
if {$state == 0} {
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure hili -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag hili
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag dragme
.pgaw:Schema.c addtag dragme withtag $PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag)
.pgaw:Schema.c addtag hili withtag $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure hili -fill blue
} else {
......@@ -247,7 +257,11 @@ if {$este==""} return
# Re-establish the normal paint order so
# information won't be overlapped by table rectangles
# or link lines
.pgaw:Schema.c lower $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)
if {$PgAcVar(draginfo,is_a_table)} {
.pgaw:Schema.c lower $PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag)
} else {
.pgaw:Schema.c lower $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)
.pgaw:Schema.c lower rect
.pgaw:Schema.c lower links
set PgAcVar(schema,panstarted) 0
......@@ -327,25 +341,21 @@ foreach link $PgAcVar(schema,links) {
# Source object is on the left of target object
set x1 $sre
set y1 [expr ([lindex $sbbox 1]+[lindex $sbbox 3])/2]
.pgaw:Schema.c create line $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+10] $y1 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}] -width 3
set x2 [lindex $dbbox 0]
set y2 [expr ([lindex $dbbox 1]+[lindex $dbbox 3])/2]
.pgaw:Schema.c create line [expr $x2-10] $y2 $x2 $y2 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}] -width 3
.pgaw:Schema.c create line [expr $x1+10] $y1 [expr $x2-10] $y2 \
.pgaw:Schema.c create line $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+10] $y1 \
[expr $x1+10] $y1 [expr $x2-10] $y2 \
[expr $x2-10] $y2 $x2 $y2 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}] -width 2
} else {
# source object is on the right of target object
set x1 [lindex $sbbox 0]
set y1 [expr ([lindex $sbbox 1]+[lindex $sbbox 3])/2]
.pgaw:Schema.c create line $x1 $y1 [expr $x1-10] $y1 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}] -width 3
set x2 $dre
set y2 [expr ([lindex $dbbox 1]+[lindex $dbbox 3])/2]
.pgaw:Schema.c create line $x2 $y2 [expr $x2+10] $y2 -width 3 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}]
.pgaw:Schema.c create line [expr $x1-10] $y1 [expr $x2+10] $y2 \
.pgaw:Schema.c create line $x1 $y1 [expr $x1-10] $y1 \
[expr $x1-10] $y1 [expr $x2+10] $y2 \
$x2 $y2 [expr $x2+10] $y2 \
-tags [subst {links lkid$i}] -width 2
incr i
......@@ -405,8 +415,8 @@ proc {linkClick} {x y} {
global PgAcVar
set obj [.pgaw:Schema.c find closest $x $y 1 links]
if {[getTagInfo $obj link]!="s"} return
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] hili
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure hili -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag hili
.pgaw:Schema.c addtag hili withtag $obj
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure $obj -fill blue
......@@ -457,8 +467,8 @@ if {$w==".pgaw:Schema.c"} {
set PgAcVar(schema,panobject) tables
if {$canpan} {
if {[.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili]!=""} {
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili] hili
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure hili -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag hili
.pgaw:Schema configure -cursor hand1
......@@ -482,7 +492,7 @@ global PgAcVar
toplevel $base -class Toplevel
wm focusmodel $base passive
wm geometry $base 759x530+10+13
wm maxsize $base 1280 1024
wm maxsize $base [winfo screenwidth .] [winfo screenheight .]
wm minsize $base 1 1
wm overrideredirect $base 0
wm resizable $base 1 1
......@@ -558,9 +568,6 @@ Window destroy .pgaw:Schema} -padx 2 -pady 3 -text [intlmsg Close]
entry $base.f.esn \
-background #fefefe -borderwidth 1 -textvariable PgAcVar(schema,name)
label $base.f.lsn -text [intlmsg {Schema name}]
place $base.c -x 5 -y 30 -width 748 -height 500 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.f \
-x 5 -y 5 -width 748 -height 25 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
pack $base.f.l \
-in .pgaw:Schema.f -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.f.e \
......@@ -580,6 +587,8 @@ Window destroy .pgaw:Schema} -padx 2 -pady 3 -text [intlmsg Close]
pack $base.f.lsn \
-in .pgaw:Schema.f -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side right
pack $base.f -side top -anchor ne -expand 0 -fill x
pack $base.c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
......@@ -1185,8 +1185,8 @@ if {$PgAcVar(nt,tablename)==""} then {
focus .pgaw:NewTable.etabn
if {[ size]==0} then {
showError [intlmsg "Your table has no fields!"]
if {([ size]==0) && ($PgAcVar(nt,inherits)=="")} then {
showError [intlmsg "Your table has no columns!"]
focus .pgaw:NewTable.e2
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