Commit 2816b2cd authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

Clean up the doc makefile for draft HTML generation. It no longer works

to do "make DRAFT=Y html"; you need to use "make draft" (which was also
supported previously).
parent 4718358f
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# PostgreSQL documentation makefile
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v 1.100 2007/10/07 00:23:21 alvherre Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v 1.101 2007/10/07 00:32:11 alvherre Exp $
......@@ -53,11 +53,6 @@ ifdef DOCBOOKSTYLE
# Enable draft mode during development
ifeq ($(DRAFT), Y)
override JADEFLAGS += -V draft-mode
# Enable some extra warnings
# -wfully-tagged needed to throw a warning on missing tags
# for older tool chains, 2007-08-31
......@@ -89,24 +84,21 @@ man: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
all: html
# The draft target creates HTML output in draft mode
draft : JADEFLAGS += -V draft-mode
draft: html-output
html: html-output
# Re-run this target until HTML.index does not change
@cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@
# This is run for all output formats because we need bookindex.sgml
html: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
html-output: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
@rm -f *.html
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SPFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -i output-html -t sgml $<
ifeq ($(vpath_build), yes)
@cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css .
ifneq ($(DRAFT), Y)
# If not draft, re-run the this rule until HTML.index does not change
@cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@
# The draft rule calls gmake again and sets the DRAFT variable.
# This seems to be the only way to set gmake variables in a rule.
@$(MAKE) DRAFT="Y" html
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