Commit 2442e79e authored by Barry Lind's avatar Barry Lind

applied patch from Liam Stewart fixing a message in the properties file

also fixed a NPE when calling the next() method on a result set after the
connection or resultset has been closed. (bug reported by Hans Deragon)
parent e68eb63e
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ postgresql.arr.range:The array index is out of range.
postgresql.drv.version:An internal error has occured. Please recompile the driver.
postgresql.con.auth:The authentication type {0} is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or Subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver.
postgresql.con.authfail:An error occured while getting the authentication request.
postgresql.con.backend:Backend start-up failed: {0}.
postgresql.con.backend:Backend start-up failed: {0} Statements are not supported at this time.
postgresql.con.creobj:Failed to create object for {0} {1}
postgresql.con.failed:The connection attempt failed because {0}
......@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ postgresql.geo.point:Conversion of point failed - {0}
postgresql.jvm.version:The postgresql.jar file does not contain the correct JDBC classes for this JVM. Try rebuilding. If that fails, try forcing the version supplying it to the command line using the argument -Djava.version=1.1 or -Djava.version=1.2\nException thrown was {0}
postgresql.lo.init:failed to initialise LargeObject API
postgresql.metadata.unavailable:Metadata unavailable. of money failed - {0}. of money failed - {0}
postgresql.noupdate:This ResultSet is not updateable.
postgresql.notsensitive:This ResultSet is not sensitive to realtime updates after the query has run.
postgresql.psqlnotimp:The backend currently does not support this feature. as parameter not supported
postgresql.prep.param:No value specified for parameter {0}.
postgresql.prep.param:No value specified for parameter {0}
postgresql.prep.range:Parameter index out of range.
postgresql.prep.type:Unknown Types value.
postgresql.res.badbigdec:Bad BigDecimal {0}
......@@ -56,12 +56,13 @@ postgresql.res.badlong:Bad Long {0}
postgresql.res.badshort:Bad Short {0}
postgresql.res.badtime:Bad Time {0}
postgresql.res.badtimestamp:Bad Timestamp Format at {0} in {1}
postgresql.res.closed:Result set is closed. Operation is not permitted.
postgresql.res.colname:The column name {0} not found.
postgresql.res.colrange:The column index is out of range.
postgresql.res.nextrequired:Result set not positioned properly, perhaps you need to call next().
postgresql.serial.interface:You cannot serialize an interface.
postgresql.serial.namelength:Class & Package name length cannot be longer than 32 characters. {0} is {1} characters.
postgresql.serial.noclass:No class found for {0}.
postgresql.serial.noclass:No class found for {0}
postgresql.serial.table:The table for {0} is not in the database. Contact the DBA, as the database is in an inconsistent state.
postgresql.serial.underscore:Class names may not have _ in them. You supplied {0}.
postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch entry {0} {1} was aborted.
......@@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ public class ResultSet extends org.postgresql.ResultSet implements java.sql.Resu
public boolean next() throws SQLException
if (rows == null)
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.closed");
if (++current_row >= rows.size())
return false;
this_row = (byte [][])rows.elementAt(current_row);
......@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ public class ResultSet extends org.postgresql.ResultSet implements java.sql.Resu
public boolean next() throws SQLException
if (rows == null)
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.closed");
if (++current_row >= rows.size())
return false;
this_row = (byte [][])rows.elementAt(current_row);
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