Commit 22d7fa7d authored by Hiroshi Inoue's avatar Hiroshi Inoue

Add files for ODBC3.0 support.

parent 26d6e199
LIBRARY psqlodbc30
SQLAllocConnect @1
SQLAllocEnv @2
SQLAllocStmt @3
SQLBindCol @4
SQLCancel @5
SQLColAttributes @6
SQLConnect @7
SQLDescribeCol @8
SQLDisconnect @9
SQLError @10
SQLExecDirect @11
SQLExecute @12
SQLFetch @13
SQLFreeConnect @14
SQLFreeEnv @15
SQLFreeStmt @16
SQLGetCursorName @17
SQLNumResultCols @18
SQLPrepare @19
SQLRowCount @20
SQLSetCursorName @21
SQLTransact @23
SQLColumns @40
SQLDriverConnect @41
SQLGetConnectOption @42
SQLGetData @43
SQLGetFunctions @44
SQLGetInfo @45
SQLGetStmtOption @46
SQLGetTypeInfo @47
SQLParamData @48
SQLPutData @49
SQLSetConnectOption @50
SQLSetStmtOption @51
SQLSpecialColumns @52
SQLStatistics @53
SQLTables @54
SQLBrowseConnect @55
SQLColumnPrivileges @56
SQLDescribeParam @58
SQLExtendedFetch @59
SQLForeignKeys @60
SQLMoreResults @61
SQLNativeSql @62
SQLNumParams @63
SQLParamOptions @64
SQLPrimaryKeys @65
SQLProcedureColumns @66
SQLProcedures @67
SQLSetPos @68
SQLSetScrollOptions @69
SQLTablePrivileges @70
SQLBindParameter @72
SQLAllocHandle @80
SQLBindParam @81
SQLCloseCursor @82
SQLColAttribute @83
SQLCopyDesc @84
SQLEndTran @85
SQLFetchScroll @86
SQLFreeHandle @87
SQLGetDescField @88
SQLGetDescRec @89
SQLGetDiagField @90
SQLGetDiagRec @91
SQLGetEnvAttr @92
SQLGetConnectAttr @93
SQLGetStmtAttr @94
SQLSetConnectAttr @95
SQLSetDescField @96
SQLSetDescRec @97
SQLSetEnvAttr @98
SQLSetStmtAttr @99
SQLDummyOrdinal @199
dconn_FDriverConnectProc @200
DllMain @201
ConfigDSN @202
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