Commit 1df3555a authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Get rid of the separate serial_schedule list of tests.

Having to maintain two lists of regression test scripts has proven
annoyingly error-prone.  We can achieve the effect of the
serial_schedule by running the parallel_schedule with
"--max_connections=1"; so do that and remove serial_schedule.

This causes cosmetic differences in the progress output, but it
doesn't seem worth restructuring pg_regress to avoid that.

parent 5b2d09be
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ regress_data_files = \
$(wildcard $(srcdir)/output/*.source) \
$(filter-out $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(input_files)),$(wildcard $(srcdir)/sql/*.sql)) \
$(wildcard $(srcdir)/data/*.data) \
$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule $(srcdir)/serial_schedule $(srcdir)/resultmap
$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule $(srcdir)/resultmap
install-tests: all install install-lib installdirs-tests
$(MAKE) -C $(top_builddir)/contrib/spi install
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ check-tests: all | temp-install
$(pg_regress_check) $(REGRESS_OPTS) $(MAXCONNOPT) $(TESTS) $(EXTRA_TESTS)
installcheck: all
$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/serial_schedule $(EXTRA_TESTS)
$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --max-connections=1 $(EXTRA_TESTS)
installcheck-parallel: all
$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule $(MAXCONNOPT) $(EXTRA_TESTS)
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ runtest: installcheck
runtest-parallel: installcheck-parallel
bigtest: all
$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/serial_schedule numeric_big
$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --max-connections=1 numeric_big
bigcheck: all | temp-install
$(pg_regress_check) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule $(MAXCONNOPT) numeric_big
# src/test/regress/serial_schedule
# This should probably be in an order similar to parallel_schedule.
test: tablespace
test: boolean
test: char
test: name
test: varchar
test: text
test: int2
test: int4
test: int8
test: oid
test: float4
test: float8
test: bit
test: numeric
test: txid
test: uuid
test: enum
test: money
test: rangetypes
test: pg_lsn
test: regproc
test: strings
test: numerology
test: point
test: lseg
test: line
test: box
test: path
test: polygon
test: circle
test: date
test: time
test: timetz
test: timestamp
test: timestamptz
test: interval
test: inet
test: macaddr
test: macaddr8
test: multirangetypes
test: create_function_0
test: geometry
test: horology
test: tstypes
test: regex
test: type_sanity
test: opr_sanity
test: misc_sanity
test: comments
test: expressions
test: unicode
test: xid
test: mvcc
test: create_function_1
test: create_type
test: create_table
test: create_function_2
test: copy
test: copyselect
test: copydml
test: insert
test: insert_conflict
test: create_misc
test: create_operator
test: create_procedure
test: create_index
test: create_index_spgist
test: create_view
test: index_including
test: index_including_gist
test: create_aggregate
test: create_function_3
test: create_cast
test: constraints
test: triggers
test: select
test: inherit
test: typed_table
test: vacuum
test: drop_if_exists
test: updatable_views
test: roleattributes
test: create_am
test: hash_func
test: errors
test: infinite_recurse
test: sanity_check
test: select_into
test: select_distinct
test: select_distinct_on
test: select_implicit
test: select_having
test: subselect
test: union
test: case
test: join
test: aggregates
test: transactions
ignore: random
test: random
test: portals
test: arrays
test: btree_index
test: hash_index
test: update
test: delete
test: namespace
test: prepared_xacts
test: brin
test: gin
test: gist
test: spgist
test: privileges
test: init_privs
test: security_label
test: collate
test: matview
test: lock
test: replica_identity
test: rowsecurity
test: object_address
test: tablesample
test: groupingsets
test: drop_operator
test: password
test: identity
test: generated
test: join_hash
test: brin_bloom
test: brin_multi
test: create_table_like
test: alter_generic
test: alter_operator
test: misc
test: async
test: dbsize
test: misc_functions
test: sysviews
test: tsrf
test: tid
test: tidscan
test: tidrangescan
test: incremental_sort
test: rules
test: psql
test: psql_crosstab
test: amutils
test: stats_ext
test: collate.linux.utf8
test: select_parallel
test: write_parallel
test: publication
test: subscription
test: select_views
test: portals_p2
test: foreign_key
test: cluster
test: dependency
test: guc
test: bitmapops
test: combocid
test: tsearch
test: tsdicts
test: foreign_data
test: window
test: xmlmap
test: functional_deps
test: advisory_lock
test: indirect_toast
test: equivclass
test: json
test: jsonb
test: json_encoding
test: jsonpath
test: jsonpath_encoding
test: jsonb_jsonpath
test: plancache
test: limit
test: plpgsql
test: copy2
test: temp
test: domain
test: rangefuncs
test: prepare
test: conversion
test: truncate
test: alter_table
test: sequence
test: polymorphism
test: rowtypes
test: returning
test: largeobject
test: with
test: xml
test: partition_join
test: partition_prune
test: reloptions
test: hash_part
test: indexing
test: partition_aggregate
test: partition_info
test: tuplesort
test: explain
test: compression
test: resultcache
test: event_trigger
test: oidjoins
test: fast_default
test: stats
......@@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ exit 0;
sub installcheck_internal
my ($schedule, @EXTRA_REGRESS_OPTS) = @_;
# for backwards compatibility, "serial" runs the tests in
# parallel_schedule one by one.
my $maxconn = $maxconn;
$maxconn = "--max_connections=1" if $schedule eq 'serial';
$schedule = 'parallel' if $schedule eq 'serial';
my @args = (
......@@ -132,6 +138,12 @@ sub installcheck
sub check
my $schedule = shift || 'parallel';
# for backwards compatibility, "serial" runs the tests in
# parallel_schedule one by one.
my $maxconn = $maxconn;
$maxconn = "--max_connections=1" if $schedule eq 'serial';
$schedule = 'parallel' if $schedule eq 'serial';
chdir "${topdir}/src/test/regress";
my @args = (
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