Commit 1d1cf38c authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

Fix max(int8) result by making sure int8larger() copies its result

 rather than reusing the input storage.
Also made the same fix to int8smaller(), though there wasn't a symptom,
 and went through and verified that other pass-by-reference data types
 do the same thing. Not an issue for the by-value types.
parent 84746009
......@@ -228,11 +228,7 @@ int8um(int64 *val)
if (!PointerIsValid(val))
return NULL;
*result = temp - (*val);
result = int8mi(&temp, val);
return result;
} /* int8um() */
......@@ -293,39 +289,27 @@ int8div(int64 *val1, int64 *val2)
int64 *
int8larger(int64 *val1, int64 *val2)
int64 *result = palloc(sizeof(int64));
if ((!PointerIsValid(val1)) || (!PointerIsValid(val2)))
return NULL;
*result = ((*val1 > *val2) ? *val1 : *val2);
return result;
return (*val1 > *val2) ? val1 : val2;
} /* int8larger() */
int64 *
int8smaller(int64 *val1, int64 *val2)
int64 *result = palloc(sizeof(int64));
if ((!PointerIsValid(val1)) || (!PointerIsValid(val2)))
return NULL;
*result = ((*val1 < *val2) ? *val1 : *val2);
return result;
return (*val1 < *val2) ? val1 : val2;
} /* int8smaller() */
......@@ -458,7 +442,6 @@ int84(int64 *val)
elog(ERROR, "Invalid (null) int64, can't convert int8 to int4", NULL);
* Hmm. This conditional always tests true on my i686/linux box. It's
* a gcc compiler bug, or I'm missing something obvious, which is more
......@@ -466,8 +449,8 @@ int84(int64 *val)
if ((*val < INT_MIN) || (*val > INT_MAX))
if ((*val < (-pow(2, 31) + 1)) || (*val > (pow(2, 31) - 1)))
elog(ERROR, "int8 conversion to int4 is out of range", NULL);
if ((*val < (-pow(2, 31) + 1)) || (*val > (pow(2, 31) - 1)))
elog(ERROR, "int8 conversion to int4 is out of range", NULL);
result = *val;
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