Commit 14a76088 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Since the plpgsql test has been part of the standard regression tests

for a good long while, I see no reason to maintain this original copy.
parent 40faa4a5
Test suite for PL/pgSQL
A building with a modern TP cabel installation where any
of the wall connectors can be used to plug in phones,
ethernet interfaces or local office hubs. The backside
of the wall connectors is wired to one of several patch-
fields in the building.
In the patchfields, there are hubs and all the slots
representing the wall connectors. In addition there are
slots that can represent a phone line from the central
phone system.
Triggers ensure consistency of the patching information.
Functions are used to build up powerful views that let
you look behind the wall when looking at a patchfield
or into a room.
create table Room (
roomno char(8),
comment text
create unique index Room_rno on Room using btree (roomno bpchar_ops);
create table WSlot (
slotname char(20),
roomno char(8),
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index WSlot_name on WSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PField (
name text,
comment text
create unique index PField_name on PField using btree (name text_ops);
create table PSlot (
slotname char(20),
pfname text,
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index PSlot_name on PSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PLine (
slotname char(20),
phonenumber char(20),
comment text,
backlink char(20)
create unique index PLine_name on PLine using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table Hub (
name char(14),
comment text,
nslots integer
create unique index Hub_name on Hub using btree (name bpchar_ops);
create table HSlot (
slotname char(20),
hubname char(14),
slotno integer,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index HSlot_name on HSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create index HSlot_hubname on HSlot using btree (hubname bpchar_ops);
create table System (
name text,
comment text
create unique index System_name on System using btree (name text_ops);
create table IFace (
slotname char(20),
sysname text,
ifname text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index IFace_name on IFace using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PHone (
slotname char(20),
comment text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index PHone_name on PHone using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
create function pslot_backlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
bltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.backlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
bltype := substr(rec.backlink, 1, 2);
if bltype = ''PL'' then
rec record;
select into rec * from PLine where slotname = outer.rec.backlink;
retval := ''Phone line '' || trim(rec.phonenumber);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if bltype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = rec.backlink;
retval := trim(rec.slotname) || '' in room '';
retval := retval || trim(rec.roomno);
retval := retval || '' -> '';
return retval || wslot_slotlink_view(rec.slotname);
end if;
return rec.backlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
create function pslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
psrec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into psrec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if psrec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(psrec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PS'' then
retval := trim(psrec.slotlink) || '' -> '';
return retval || pslot_backlink_view(psrec.slotlink);
end if;
if sltype = ''HS'' then
retval := comment from Hub H, HSlot HS
where HS.slotname = psrec.slotlink
and = HS.hubname;
retval := retval || '' slot '';
retval := retval || slotno::text from HSlot
where slotname = psrec.slotlink;
return retval;
end if;
return psrec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
create function wslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(rec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PH'' then
select into rec * from PHone where slotname = rec.slotlink;
retval := ''Phone '' || trim(rec.slotname);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if sltype = ''IF'' then
syrow System%RowType;
ifrow IFace%ROWTYPE;
select into ifrow * from IFace where slotname = rec.slotlink;
select into syrow * from System where name = ifrow.sysname;
retval := || '' IF '';
retval := retval || ifrow.ifname;
if syrow.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || syrow.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
return rec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
create view Pfield_v1 as select PF.pfname, PF.slotname,
pslot_backlink_view(PF.slotname) as backside,
pslot_slotlink_view(PF.slotname) as patch
from PSlot PF;
export DB
FRONTEND="psql -e -q -X"
echo "*** destroy old $DB database ***"
dropdb $DB
echo "*** create new $DB database ***"
createdb $DB
echo "*** install PL/pgSQL ***"
createlang plpgsql $DB
echo "*** create tables ***"
$FRONTEND -f tables.sql -d $DB >output/tables.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/tables.out expected/tables.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** create triggers ***"
$FRONTEND -f triggers.sql -d $DB >output/triggers.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/triggers.out expected/triggers.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** create views and support functions ***"
$FRONTEND -f views.sql -d $DB >output/views.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/views.out expected/views.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** running tests ***"
$FRONTEND -f test.sql -d $DB >output/test.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/test.out expected/test.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
-- ************************************************************
-- *
-- * Tables for the patchfield test of PL/pgSQL
-- *
-- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/test/Attic/tables.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:16:27 momjian Exp $
-- *
-- ************************************************************
create table Room (
roomno char(8),
comment text
create unique index Room_rno on Room using btree (roomno bpchar_ops);
create table WSlot (
slotname char(20),
roomno char(8),
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index WSlot_name on WSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PField (
name text,
comment text
create unique index PField_name on PField using btree (name text_ops);
create table PSlot (
slotname char(20),
pfname text,
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index PSlot_name on PSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PLine (
slotname char(20),
phonenumber char(20),
comment text,
backlink char(20)
create unique index PLine_name on PLine using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table Hub (
name char(14),
comment text,
nslots integer
create unique index Hub_name on Hub using btree (name bpchar_ops);
create table HSlot (
slotname char(20),
hubname char(14),
slotno integer,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index HSlot_name on HSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create index HSlot_hubname on HSlot using btree (hubname bpchar_ops);
create table System (
name text,
comment text
create unique index System_name on System using btree (name text_ops);
create table IFace (
slotname char(20),
sysname text,
ifname text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index IFace_name on IFace using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PHone (
slotname char(20),
comment text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index PHone_name on PHone using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the backside of a patchfield slot
-- ************************************************************
create function pslot_backlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
bltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.backlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
bltype := substr(rec.backlink, 1, 2);
if bltype = ''PL'' then
rec record;
select into rec * from PLine where slotname = outer.rec.backlink;
retval := ''Phone line '' || trim(rec.phonenumber);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if bltype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = rec.backlink;
retval := trim(rec.slotname) || '' in room '';
retval := retval || trim(rec.roomno);
retval := retval || '' -> '';
return retval || wslot_slotlink_view(rec.slotname);
end if;
return rec.backlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the front of a patchfield slot
-- ************************************************************
create function pslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
psrec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into psrec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if psrec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(psrec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PS'' then
retval := trim(psrec.slotlink) || '' -> '';
return retval || pslot_backlink_view(psrec.slotlink);
end if;
if sltype = ''HS'' then
retval := comment from Hub H, HSlot HS
where HS.slotname = psrec.slotlink
and = HS.hubname;
retval := retval || '' slot '';
retval := retval || slotno::text from HSlot
where slotname = psrec.slotlink;
return retval;
end if;
return psrec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the front of a wall connector slot
-- ************************************************************
create function wslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(rec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PH'' then
select into rec * from PHone where slotname = rec.slotlink;
retval := ''Phone '' || trim(rec.slotname);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if sltype = ''IF'' then
syrow System%RowType;
ifrow IFace%ROWTYPE;
select into ifrow * from IFace where slotname = rec.slotlink;
select into syrow * from System where name = ifrow.sysname;
retval := || '' IF '';
retval := retval || ifrow.ifname;
if syrow.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || syrow.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
return rec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * View of a patchfield describing backside and patches
-- ************************************************************
create view Pfield_v1 as select PF.pfname, PF.slotname,
pslot_backlink_view(PF.slotname) as backside,
pslot_slotlink_view(PF.slotname) as patch
from PSlot PF;
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