Commit 10540974 authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier

More cleanups of the include files

	- centralizing to simplify the -I's required to compile
parent ca405ae4
...@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ ...@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
* *
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* *
* $Id: funcindex.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:08 scrappy Exp $ * $Id: funcindex.h,v 1.2 1996/08/28 01:56:16 scrappy Exp $
* *
*------------------------------------------------------------------------- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
*/ */
#include "postgres.h"
typedef struct { typedef struct {
int nargs; int nargs;
Oid arglist[8]; Oid arglist[8];
* catalog.h--
* prototypes for functions in lib/catalog/catalog.c
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: catalog.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:21 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef CATALOG_H
#define CATALOG_H
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
extern char *relpath(char relname[]);
extern bool IsSystemRelationName(char *relname);
extern bool IsSharedSystemRelationName(char *relname);
extern Oid newoid(void);
extern void fillatt(TupleDesc att);
#endif /* CATALOG_H */
* catname.h--
* POSTGRES system catalog relation name definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: catname.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:23 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef CATNAME_H
#define CATNAME_H
#include "postgres.h"
#define AggregateRelationName "pg_aggregate"
#define AccessMethodRelationName "pg_am"
#define AccessMethodOperatorRelationName "pg_amop"
#define AccessMethodProcedureRelationName "pg_amproc"
#define AttributeRelationName "pg_attribute"
#define DatabaseRelationName "pg_database"
#define DefaultsRelationName "pg_defaults"
#define DemonRelationName "pg_demon"
#define GroupRelationName "pg_group"
#define HostsRelationName "pg_hosts"
#define IndexRelationName "pg_index"
#define InheritProcedureRelationName "pg_inheritproc"
#define InheritsRelationName "pg_inherits"
#define InheritancePrecidenceListRelationName "pg_ipl"
#define LanguageRelationName "pg_language"
#define ListenerRelationName "pg_listener"
#define LogRelationName "pg_log"
#define MagicRelationName "pg_magic"
#define OperatorClassRelationName "pg_opclass"
#define OperatorRelationName "pg_operator"
#define ProcedureRelationName "pg_proc"
#define RelationRelationName "pg_class"
#define RewriteRelationName "pg_rewrite"
#define ServerRelationName "pg_server"
#define StatisticRelationName "pg_statistic"
#define TimeRelationName "pg_time"
#define TypeRelationName "pg_type"
#define UserRelationName "pg_user"
#define VariableRelationName "pg_variable"
#define VersionRelationName "pg_version"
extern char *SharedSystemRelationNames[];
#endif /* CATNAME_H */
* heap.h--
* prototypes for functions in lib/catalog/heap.c
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: heap.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:26 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef HEAP_H
#define HEAP_H
extern Relation heap_creatr(char *relname, unsigned smgr, TupleDesc att);
extern int RelationAlreadyExists(Relation pg_class_desc, char relname[]);
extern void addNewRelationType(char *typeName, Oid new_rel_oid);
extern void AddPgRelationTuple(Relation pg_class_desc,
Relation new_rel_desc, Oid new_rel_oid, int arch, unsigned natts);
extern Oid heap_create(char relname[],
char *typename,
int arch,
unsigned smgr, TupleDesc tupdesc);
extern void RelationRemoveInheritance(Relation relation);
extern void RelationRemoveIndexes(Relation relation);
extern void DeletePgRelationTuple(Relation rdesc);
extern void DeletePgAttributeTuples(Relation rdesc);
extern void DeletePgTypeTuple(Relation rdesc);
extern void heap_destroy(char relname[]);
extern void heap_destroyr(Relation r);
extern void InitTempRelList();
extern void AddToTempRelList(Relation r);
extern void RemoveFromTempRelList(Relation r);
extern void DestroyTempRels();
#endif /* HEAP_H */
* index.h--
* prototypes for index.c.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: index.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:27 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef INDEX_H
#define INDEX_H
#include "access/funcindex.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
extern Form_pg_am
AccessMethodObjectIdGetAccessMethodTupleForm(Oid accessMethodObjectId);
extern void
UpdateIndexPredicate(Oid indexoid, Node *oldPred, Node *predicate);
extern void InitIndexStrategy(int numatts,
Relation indexRelation,
Oid accessMethodObjectId);
extern void index_create(char *heapRelationName,
char* indexRelationName,
FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo,
TypeName *IndexKeyType,
Oid accessMethodObjectId,
int numatts,
AttrNumber attNums[],
Oid classObjectId[],
uint16 parameterCount,
Datum *parameter,
Node *predicate,
bool islossy);
extern void index_destroy(Oid indexId);
extern void FormIndexDatum(int numberOfAttributes,
AttrNumber attributeNumber[], HeapTuple heapTuple,
TupleDesc heapDescriptor, Buffer buffer, Datum *datum,
char *nullv, FuncIndexInfoPtr fInfo);
extern void UpdateStats(Oid relid, long reltuples, bool hasindex);
extern void FillDummyExprContext(ExprContext *econtext, TupleTableSlot *slot,
TupleDesc tupdesc, Buffer buffer);
extern void index_build(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation,
int numberOfAttributes, AttrNumber attributeNumber[],
uint16 parameterCount, Datum *parameter, FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo,
PredInfo *predInfo);
#endif /* INDEX_H */
* indexing.h--
* This include provides some definitions to support indexing
* on system catalogs
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: indexing.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:29 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef INDEXING_H
#define INDEXING_H
#include "utils/rel.h"
* Some definitions for indices on pg_attribute
#define Num_pg_attr_indices 3
#define Num_pg_proc_indices 3
#define Num_pg_type_indices 2
#define Num_pg_class_indices 2
* Names of indices on system catalogs
#define AttributeNameIndex "pg_attnameind"
#define AttributeNumIndex "pg_attnumind"
#define AttributeRelidIndex "pg_attrelidind"
#define ProcedureNameIndex "pg_procnameind"
#define ProcedureOidIndex "pg_procidind"
#define ProcedureSrcIndex "pg_procsrcind"
#define TypeNameIndex "pg_typenameind"
#define TypeOidIndex "pg_typeidind"
#define ClassNameIndex "pg_classnameind"
#define ClassOidIndex "pg_classoidind"
extern char *Name_pg_attr_indices[];
extern char *Name_pg_proc_indices[];
extern char *Name_pg_type_indices[];
extern char *Name_pg_class_indices[];
extern char *IndexedCatalogNames[];
* indexing.c prototypes
* Functions for each index to perform the necessary scan on a cache miss.
extern void CatalogOpenIndices(int nIndices, char *names[], Relation idescs[]);
extern void CatalogCloseIndices(int nIndices, Relation *idescs);
extern void CatalogIndexInsert(Relation *idescs,
int nIndices,
Relation heapRelation,
HeapTuple heapTuple);
extern bool CatalogHasIndex(char *catName, Oid catId);
extern HeapTuple AttributeNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
Oid relid,
char *attname);
extern HeapTuple AttributeNumIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attnum);
extern HeapTuple ProcedureOidIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, Oid procId);
extern HeapTuple ProcedureNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
char *procName, int nargs, Oid *argTypes);
extern HeapTuple ProcedureSrcIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, text *procSrc);
extern HeapTuple TypeOidIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, Oid typeId);
extern HeapTuple TypeNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, char *typeName);
extern HeapTuple ClassNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, char *relName);
extern HeapTuple ClassOidIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, Oid relId);
* What follows are lines processed by to create the statements
* the bootstrap parser will turn into DefineIndex commands.
* The keyword is DECLARE_INDEX every thing after that is just like in a
* normal specification of the 'define index' POSTQUEL command.
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_attnameind on pg_attribute using btree (mkoidname(attrelid, attname) oidname_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_attnumind on pg_attribute using btree (mkoidint2(attrelid, attnum) oidint2_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_attrelidind on pg_attribute using btree (attrelid oid_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_procidind on pg_proc using btree (Oid oid_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_procnameind on pg_proc using btree (proname name_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_procsrcind on pg_proc using btree (prosrc text_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_typeidind on pg_type using btree (Oid oid_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_typenameind on pg_type using btree (typname name_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_classnameind on pg_class using btree (relname name_ops));
DECLARE_INDEX(pg_classoidind on pg_class using btree (Oid oid_ops));
/* now build indices in the initialization scripts */
#endif /* INDEXING_H */
* pg_aggregate.h--
* definition of the system "aggregate" relation (pg_aggregate)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_aggregate.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:30 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* pg_aggregate definition.
* cpp turns this into typedef struct FormData_pg_aggregate
* aggname name of the aggregate
* aggtransfn1 transition function 1
* aggtransfn2 transition function 2
* aggfinalfn final function
* aggbasetype type of data on which aggregate operates
* aggtranstype1 output types for xition func 1
* aggtranstype2 output types for xition func 2
* aggfinaltype output type for final func
* agginitval1 initial aggregate value
* agginitval2 initial value for transition state 2
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
CATALOG(pg_aggregate) {
NameData aggname;
Oid aggowner;
regproc aggtransfn1;
regproc aggtransfn2;
regproc aggfinalfn;
Oid aggbasetype;
Oid aggtranstype1;
Oid aggtranstype2;
Oid aggfinaltype;
text agginitval1; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
text agginitval2; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
} FormData_pg_aggregate;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_aggregate corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_aggregate relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_aggregate *Form_pg_aggregate;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_aggregate
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_aggregate 11
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggname 1
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggowner 2
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtransfn1 3
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtransfn2 4
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggfinalfn 5
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggbasetype 6
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtranstype1 7
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtranstype2 8
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_aggfinaltype 9
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_agginitval1 10
#define Anum_pg_aggregate_agginitval2 11
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_aggregate
* ---------------
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( avg PGUID int4pl int4inc int4div 23 23 23 23 0 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( avg PGUID int2pl int2inc int2div 21 21 21 21 0 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( avg PGUID float4pl float4inc float4div 700 700 700 700 0.0 0.0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( avg PGUID float8pl float8inc float8div 701 701 701 701 0.0 0.0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sum PGUID int4pl - - 23 23 0 23 0 _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sum PGUID int2pl - - 21 21 0 21 0 _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sum PGUID float4pl - - 700 700 0 700 0.0 _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sum PGUID float8pl - - 701 701 0 701 0.0 _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( max PGUID int4larger - - 23 23 0 23 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( max PGUID int2larger - - 21 21 0 21 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( max PGUID float4larger - - 700 700 0 700 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( max PGUID float8larger - - 701 701 0 701 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( min PGUID int4smaller - - 23 23 0 23 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( min PGUID int2smaller - - 21 21 0 21 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( min PGUID float4smaller - - 700 700 0 700 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( min PGUID float8smaller - - 701 701 0 701 _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( count PGUID - int4inc - 0 0 23 23 _null_ 0 ));
* prototypes for fucnctions in pg_aggregate.c
extern void AggregateCreate(char *aggName,
char *aggtransfn1Name,
char *aggtransfn2Name,
char *aggfinalfnName,
char *aggbasetypeName,
char *aggtransfn1typeName,
char *aggtransfn2typeName,
char *agginitval1,
char *agginitval2);
extern char *AggNameGetInitVal(char *aggName, Oid basetype,
int xfuncno, bool *isNull);
#endif /* PG_AGGREGATE_H */
* pg_am.h--
* definition of the system "am" relation (pg_am)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_am.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:32 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
* XXX do NOT break up DATA() statements into multiple lines!
* the scripts are not as smart as you might think...
#ifndef PG_AM_H
#define PG_AM_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_am definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_am
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_am) {
NameData amname;
Oid amowner;
char amkind;
int2 amstrategies;
int2 amsupport;
regproc amgettuple;
regproc aminsert;
regproc amdelete;
regproc amgetattr;
regproc amsetlock;
regproc amsettid;
regproc amfreetuple;
regproc ambeginscan;
regproc amrescan;
regproc amendscan;
regproc ammarkpos;
regproc amrestrpos;
regproc amopen;
regproc amclose;
regproc ambuild;
regproc amcreate;
regproc amdestroy;
} FormData_pg_am;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_am corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_am relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_am *Form_pg_am;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_am
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_am 22
#define Anum_pg_am_amname 1
#define Anum_pg_am_amowner 2
#define Anum_pg_am_amkind 3
#define Anum_pg_am_amstrategies 4
#define Anum_pg_am_amsupport 5
#define Anum_pg_am_amgettuple 6
#define Anum_pg_am_aminsert 7
#define Anum_pg_am_amdelete 8
#define Anum_pg_am_amgetattr 9
#define Anum_pg_am_amsetlock 10
#define Anum_pg_am_amsettid 11
#define Anum_pg_am_amfreetuple 12
#define Anum_pg_am_ambeginscan 13
#define Anum_pg_am_amrescan 14
#define Anum_pg_am_amendscan 15
#define Anum_pg_am_ammarkpos 16
#define Anum_pg_am_amrestrpos 17
#define Anum_pg_am_amopen 18
#define Anum_pg_am_amclose 19
#define Anum_pg_am_ambuild 20
#define Anum_pg_am_amcreate 21
#define Anum_pg_am_amdestroy 22
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_am
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 405 ( hash PGUID "o" 1 1 hashgettuple hashinsert hashdelete - - - - hashbeginscan hashrescan hashendscan hashmarkpos hashrestrpos - - hashbuild - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 402 ( rtree PGUID "o" 8 3 rtgettuple rtinsert rtdelete - - - - rtbeginscan rtrescan rtendscan rtmarkpos rtrestrpos - - rtbuild - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 403 ( btree PGUID "o" 5 1 btgettuple btinsert btdelete - - - - btbeginscan btrescan btendscan btmarkpos btrestrpos - - btbuild - - ));
#define BTREE_AM_OID 403
DATA(insert OID = 783 ( gist PGUID "o" 100 7 gistgettuple gistinsert gistdelete - - - - gistbeginscan gistrescan gistendscan gistmarkpos gistrestrpos - - gistbuild - - ));
#ifdef NOBTREE
DATA(insert OID = 404 ( nobtree PGUID "o" 5 1 nobtgettuple nobtinsert nobtdelete - - - - nobtbeginscan nobtrescan nobtendscan nobtmarkpos nobtrestrpos - - nobtbuild - - ));
#endif /* NOBTREE */
#endif /* PG_AM_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_amproc.h--
* definition of the system "amproc" relation (pg_amproce)
* along with the relation's initial contents. The amproc
* catalog is used to store procedures used by indexed access
* methods that aren't associated with operators.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_amproc.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:36 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_AMPROC_H
#define PG_AMPROC_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_amproc definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_amproc
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_amproc) {
Oid amid;
Oid amopclaid;
Oid amproc;
int2 amprocnum;
} FormData_pg_amproc;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_amproc corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_amproc relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_amproc *Form_pg_amproc;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_amproc
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_amproc 4
#define Anum_pg_amproc_amid 1
#define Anum_pg_amproc_amopclaid 2
#define Anum_pg_amproc_amproc 3
#define Anum_pg_amproc_amprocnum 4
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_amproc
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 422 193 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 422 194 2));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 422 195 3));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 433 193 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 433 194 2));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 433 196 3));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 434 197 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 434 198 2));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (402 434 199 3));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 421 350 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 423 355 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 424 353 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 425 352 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 426 351 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 427 356 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 428 354 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 429 358 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 406 689 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 407 690 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 408 691 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 1181 359 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 430 374 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 431 360 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 432 357 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 435 928 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 436 948 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 437 828 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 1076 1078 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 1077 1079 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 1114 1092 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (403 1115 1107 1));
#ifdef NOBTREE
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 421 350 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 423 355 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 424 353 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 425 352 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 426 351 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 427 356 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 428 354 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 429 358 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 406 689 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 407 690 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 408 691 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 1181 359 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 430 374 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 431 360 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (404 432 357 1));
#endif /* NOBTREE */
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 421 449 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 423 452 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 426 450 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 427 453 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 428 451 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 429 454 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 406 692 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 407 693 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 408 694 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 1181 455 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 430 499 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 431 456 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 1076 1080 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 1077 1081 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 1114 450 1));
DATA(insert OID = 0 (405 1115 694 1));
#endif /* PG_AMPROC_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_class.h--
* definition of the system "relation" relation (pg_class)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_class.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:39 scrappy Exp $
* ``pg_relation'' is being replaced by ``pg_class''. currently
* we are only changing the name in the catalogs but someday the
* code will be changed too. -cim 2/26/90
* [it finally happens. -ay 11/5/94]
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/nabstime.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_class definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_class
* Note: the #if 0, #endif around the BKI_BEGIN.. END block
* below keeps cpp from seeing what is meant for the
* genbki script: pg_relation is now called pg_class, but
* only in the catalogs -cim 2/26/90
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* This structure is actually variable-length (the last attribute is
* a POSTGRES array). Hence, sizeof(FormData_pg_class) does not
* describe the fixed-length or actual size of the structure.
* FormData_pg_class.relacl may not be correctly aligned, either,
* if aclitem and struct varlena don't align together. Hence,
* you MUST use heap_getattr() to get the relacl field.
* ----------------
NameData relname;
Oid reltype;
Oid relowner;
Oid relam;
int4 relpages;
int4 reltuples;
int4 relexpires; /* really used as a abstime, but fudge it for now*/
int4 relpreserved;/*really used as a reltime, but fudge it for now*/
bool relhasindex;
bool relisshared;
char relkind;
char relarch; /* 'h' = heavy, 'l' = light, 'n' = no archival*/
int2 relnatts;
/* relnatts is the number of user attributes this class has. There
must be exactly this many instances in Class pg_attribute for this
class which have attnum > 0 (= user attribute).
int2 relsmgr;
int28 relkey; /* not used */
oid8 relkeyop; /* not used */
bool relhasrules;
aclitem relacl[1]; /* this is here for the catalog */
} FormData_pg_class;
(offsetof(FormData_pg_class,relhasrules) + sizeof(bool))
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_class corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_class relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_class *Form_pg_class;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_class
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* Natts_pg_class_fixed is used to tell routines that insert new
* pg_class tuples (as opposed to replacing old ones) that there's no
* relacl field.
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_class_fixed 17
#define Natts_pg_class 18
#define Anum_pg_class_relname 1
#define Anum_pg_class_reltype 2
#define Anum_pg_class_relowner 3
#define Anum_pg_class_relam 4
#define Anum_pg_class_relpages 5
#define Anum_pg_class_reltuples 6
#define Anum_pg_class_relexpires 7
#define Anum_pg_class_relpreserved 8
#define Anum_pg_class_relhasindex 9
#define Anum_pg_class_relisshared 10
#define Anum_pg_class_relkind 11
#define Anum_pg_class_relarch 12
#define Anum_pg_class_relnatts 13
#define Anum_pg_class_relsmgr 14
#define Anum_pg_class_relkey 15
#define Anum_pg_class_relkeyop 16
#define Anum_pg_class_relhasrules 17
#define Anum_pg_class_relacl 18
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_class
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 71 ( pg_type 71 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f f r n 16 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 75 ( pg_attribute 75 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f f r n 16 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 76 ( pg_demon 76 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 4 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 80 ( pg_magic 80 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 2 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 81 ( pg_proc 81 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f f r n 16 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 82 ( pg_server 82 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 3 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 83 ( pg_class 83 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f f r n 18 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 86 ( pg_user 86 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 6 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 87 ( pg_group 87 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t s n 3 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 88 ( pg_database 88 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 3 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 89 ( pg_defaults 89 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t r n 2 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 90 ( pg_variable 90 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t s n 2 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 99 ( pg_log 99 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t s n 1 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 100 ( pg_time 100 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t s n 1 0 - - f _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 101 ( pg_hosts 101 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 f t s n 3 0 - - f _null_ ));
#define RelOid_pg_type 71
#define RelOid_pg_demon 76
#define RelOid_pg_attribute 75
#define RelOid_pg_magic 80
#define RelOid_pg_proc 81
#define RelOid_pg_server 82
#define RelOid_pg_class 83
#define RelOid_pg_user 86
#define RelOid_pg_group 87
#define RelOid_pg_database 88
#define RelOid_pg_defaults 89
#define RelOid_pg_variable 90
#define RelOid_pg_log 99
#define RelOid_pg_time 100
#define RelOid_pg_hosts 101
#define RELKIND_INDEX 'i' /* secondary index */
#define RELKIND_RELATION 'r' /* cataloged heap */
#define RELKIND_SPECIAL 's' /* special (non-heap) */
#define RELKIND_UNCATALOGED 'u' /* temporary heap */
#endif /* PG_RELATION_H */
* pg_database.h--
* definition of the system "database" relation (pg_database)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_database.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:41 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_database definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_database
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_database) BOOTSTRAP {
NameData datname;
Oid datdba;
text datpath; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
} FormData_pg_database;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_database corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_database relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_database *Form_pg_database;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_database
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_database 3
#define Anum_pg_database_datname 1
#define Anum_pg_database_datdba 2
#define Anum_pg_database_datpath 3
#endif /* PG_DATABASE_H */
* pg_defaults.h--
* definition of the system "defaults" relation (pg_defaults)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_defaults.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:42 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_defaults definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_defaults
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_defaults) BOOTSTRAP {
NameData defname;
NameData defvalue;
} FormData_pg_defaults;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_defaults corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_defaults relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_defaults *Form_pg_defaults;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_defaults
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_defaults 2
#define Anum_pg_defaults_defname 1
#define Anum_pg_defaults_defvalue 2
#endif /* PG_DEFAULTS_H */
* pg_demon.h--
* definition of the system "demon" relation (pg_demon)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_demon.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:44 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_DEMON_H
#define PG_DEMON_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_demon definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_demon
* ----------------
Oid demserid;
NameData demname;
Oid demowner;
regproc demcode;
} FormData_pg_demon;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_demon corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_demon relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_demon *Form_pg_demon;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_demon
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_demon 4
#define Anum_pg_demon_demserid 1
#define Anum_pg_demon_demname 2
#define Anum_pg_demon_demowner 3
#define Anum_pg_demon_demcode 4
#endif /* PG_DEMON_H */
* pg_group.h--
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_group.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:45 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_GROUP_H
#define PG_GROUP_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
NameData groname;
int4 grosysid;
int4 grolist[1];
} FormData_pg_group;
typedef FormData_pg_group *Form_pg_group;
#define Natts_pg_group 1
#define Anum_pg_group_groname 1
#define Anum_pg_group_grosysid 2
#define Anum_pg_group_grolist 3
#endif /* PG_GROUP_H */
* pg_hosts.h--
* the pg_hosts system catalog provides host-based access to the
* backend. Only those hosts that are in the pg_hosts
* currently, this table is not used, instead file-based host authentication
* is used
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_hosts.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:47 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_HOSTS_H
#define PG_HOSTS_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
NameData dbName;
text address;
text mask;
} FormData_pg_hosts;
typedef FormData_pg_hosts *Form_pg_hosts;
#define Natts_pg_hosts 3
#define Anum_pg_hosts_dbName 1
#define Anum_pg_hosts_address 2
#define Anum_pg_hosts_mask 3
#endif /* PG_HOSTS_H */
* pg_index.h--
* definition of the system "index" relation (pg_index)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_index.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:49 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_INDEX_H
#define PG_INDEX_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_index definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_index. The oid of the index relation
* is stored in indexrelid; the oid of the indexed relation is stored
* in indrelid.
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_index) {
Oid indexrelid;
Oid indrelid;
Oid indproc; /* registered procedure for functional index */
int28 indkey;
oid8 indclass;
bool indisclustered;
bool indisarchived;
text indpred; /* query plan for partial index predicate */
bool indislossy; /* do we fetch false tuples (lossy compression)? */
bool indhaskeytype; /* does key type != attribute type? */
} FormData_pg_index;
#define INDEX_MAX_KEYS 8 /* maximum number of keys in an index definition */
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_index corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_index relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_index *IndexTupleForm;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_index
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_index 10
#define Anum_pg_index_indexrelid 1
#define Anum_pg_index_indrelid 2
#define Anum_pg_index_indproc 3
#define Anum_pg_index_indkey 4
#define Anum_pg_index_indclass 5
#define Anum_pg_index_indisclustered 6
#define Anum_pg_index_indisarchived 7
#define Anum_pg_index_indpred 8
#define Anum_pg_index_indislossy 9
#define Anum_pg_index_indhaskeytype 10
#endif /* PG_INDEX_H */
* pg_inheritproc.h--
* definition of the system "inheritproc" relation (pg_inheritproc)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_inheritproc.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:51 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_inheritproc definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_inheritproc
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_inheritproc) {
NameData inhproname;
Oid inhargrel;
Oid inhdefrel;
Oid inhproc;
} FormData_pg_inheritproc;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_inheritproc corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_inheritproc relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_inheritproc *Form_pg_inheritproc;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_inheritproc
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_inheritproc 4
#define Anum_pg_inheritproc_inhproname 1
#define Anum_pg_inheritproc_inhargrel 2
#define Anum_pg_inheritproc_inhdefrel 3
#define Anum_pg_inheritproc_inhproc 4
#endif /* PG_INHERITPROC_H */
* pg_inherits.h--
* definition of the system "inherits" relation (pg_inherits)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_inherits.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:52 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_inherits definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_inherits
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_inherits) {
Oid inhrel;
Oid inhparent;
int4 inhseqno;
} FormData_pg_inherits;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_inherits corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_inherits relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_inherits *InheritsTupleForm;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_inherits
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_inherits 3
#define Anum_pg_inherits_inhrel 1
#define Anum_pg_inherits_inhparent 2
#define Anum_pg_inherits_inhseqno 3
#endif /* PG_INHERITS_H */
* pg_ipl.h--
* definition of the system "ipl" relation (pg_ipl)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_ipl.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:54 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_IPL_H
#define PG_IPL_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_ipl definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_ipl
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_ipl) {
Oid iplrel;
Oid iplipl;
int4 iplseqno;
} FormData_pg_ipl;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_ipl corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_ipl relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_ipl *Form_pg_ipl;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_ipl
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_ipl 3
#define Anum_pg_ipl_iplrel 1
#define Anum_pg_ipl_iplipl 2
#define Anum_pg_ipl_iplseqno 3
#endif /* PG_IPL_H */
* pg_language.h--
* definition of the system "language" relation (pg_language)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_language.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:57 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_language definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_language
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_language) {
NameData lanname;
text lancompiler; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
} FormData_pg_language;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_language corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_language relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_language *Form_pg_language;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_language
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_language 2
#define Anum_pg_language_lanname 1
#define Anum_pg_language_lancompiler 2
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_language
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 11 ( internal "n/a" ));
#define INTERNALlanguageId 11
DATA(insert OID = 12 ( lisp "/usr/ucb/liszt" ));
DATA(insert OID = 13 ( "C" "/bin/cc" ));
#define ClanguageId 13
DATA(insert OID = 14 ( "sql" "postgres"));
#define SQLlanguageId 14
#endif /* PG_LANGUAGE_H */
* pg_listener.h--
* Asynchronous notification
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_listener.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:56:58 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* pg_listener definition.
* cpp turns this into typedef struct FormData_pg_listener
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
CATALOG(pg_listener) {
NameData relname;
int4 listenerpid;
int4 notification;
} FormData_pg_listener;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_listener
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_listener 3
#define Anum_pg_listener_relname 1
#define Anum_pg_listener_pid 2
#define Anum_pg_listener_notify 3
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_listener are NOTHING.
* ----------------
#endif /* PG_LISTENER_H */
* pg_log.h--
* the system log relation "pg_log" is not a "heap" relation.
* it is automatically created by the transam/ code and the
* information here is all bogus and is just here to make the
* relcache code happy.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_log.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:00 scrappy Exp $
* The structures and macros used by the transam/ code
* to access pg_log should some day go here -cim 6/18/90
#ifndef PG_LOG_H
#define PG_LOG_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
Oid logfoo;
} FormData_pg_log;
typedef FormData_pg_log *Form_pg_log;
#define Natts_pg_log 1
#define Anum_pg_log_logfoo 1
#endif /* PG_LOG_H */
* pg_magic.h--
* definition of the system "magic" relation (pg_magic)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_magic.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:02 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_MAGIC_H
#define PG_MAGIC_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_magic definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_magic
* ----------------
NameData magname;
NameData magvalue;
} FormData_pg_magic;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_magic corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_magic relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_magic *Form_pg_magic;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_magic
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_magic 2
#define Anum_pg_magic_magname 1
#define Anum_pg_magic_magvalue 2
#endif /* PG_MAGIC_H */
* pg_opclass.h--
* definition of the system "opclass" relation (pg_opclass)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_opclass.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:03 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_OPCLASS_H
#define PG_OPCLASS_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_opclass definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_opclass
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_opclass) {
NameData opcname;
Oid opcdeftype;
} FormData_pg_opclass;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_opclass corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_opclass relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_opclass *Form_pg_opclass;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_opclass
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_opclass 2
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcname 1
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcdeftype 2
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_opclass
* ----------------
* putting _null_'s in the (fixed-length) type field is bad
* (see the README in this directory), so just put zeros
* in, which are invalid OID's anyway. --djm
DATA(insert OID = 406 ( char2_ops 409 ));
DATA(insert OID = 407 ( char4_ops 410 ));
DATA(insert OID = 408 ( char8_ops 411 ));
/* OID 409 is already used in table pg_type--this one should be unused */
DATA(insert OID = 1181 ( name_ops 19 ));
DATA(insert OID = 421 ( int2_ops 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 422 ( box_ops 603 ));
DATA(insert OID = 423 ( float8_ops 701 ));
DATA(insert OID = 424 ( int24_ops 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 425 ( int42_ops 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 426 ( int4_ops 23 ));
#define INT4_OPS_OID 426
DATA(insert OID = 427 ( oid_ops 26 ));
DATA(insert OID = 428 ( float4_ops 700 ));
DATA(insert OID = 429 ( char_ops 18 ));
DATA(insert OID = 430 ( char16_ops 20 ));
DATA(insert OID = 431 ( text_ops 25 ));
DATA(insert OID = 432 ( abstime_ops 702 ));
DATA(insert OID = 433 ( bigbox_ops 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 434 ( poly_ops 604 ));
DATA(insert OID = 435 ( oidint4_ops 910 ));
DATA(insert OID = 436 ( oidname_ops 911 ));
DATA(insert OID = 437 ( oidint2_ops 810 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1076 ( bpchar_ops 1042 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1077 ( varchar_ops 1043 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1114 ( date_ops 1082 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1115 ( time_ops 1083 ));
#endif /* PG_OPCLASS_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_parg.h--
* definition of the system "parg" relation (pg_parg)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_parg.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:07 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_PARG_H
#define PG_PARG_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_parg definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_parg
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_parg) {
Oid parproid;
int2 parnum;
char parbound;
Oid partype;
} FormData_pg_parg;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_parg corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_parg relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_parg *Form_pg_parg;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_parg
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_parg 4
#define Anum_pg_parg_parproid 1
#define Anum_pg_parg_parnum 2
#define Anum_pg_parg_parbound 3
#define Anum_pg_parg_partype 4
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_parg
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 28 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 29 1 - 16 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 30 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 31 1 - 17 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 32 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 33 1 - 18 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 34 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 35 1 - 19 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 36 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 37 1 - 20 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 38 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 39 1 - 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 40 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 41 1 - 22 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 42 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 43 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 44 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 45 1 - 24 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 46 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 47 1 - 25 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 50 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 50 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 50 3 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 51 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 52 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 52 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 52 3 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 52 4 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 53 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 54 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 54 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 55 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 55 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 56 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 56 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 57 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 57 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 57 3 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 60 1 - 16 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 60 2 - 16 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 61 1 - 18 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 61 2 - 18 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 63 1 - 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 63 2 - 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 64 1 - 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 64 2 - 21 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 65 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 65 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 66 1 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 66 2 - 23 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 67 1 - 25 ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( 67 2 - 25 ));
#endif /* PG_PARG_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_rewrite.h--
* definition of the system "rewrite-rule" relation (pg_rewrite)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_rewrite.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:11 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_REWRITE_H
#define PG_REWRITE_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_rewrite definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_rewrite
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_rewrite) {
NameData rulename;
char ev_type;
Oid ev_class;
int2 ev_attr;
bool is_instead;
text ev_qual; /* VARLENA */
text action; /* VARLENA */
} FormData_pg_rewrite;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_rewrite corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_rewrite relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_rewrite *Form_pg_rewrite;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_rewrite
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_rewrite 7
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_rulename 1
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_type 2
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_class 3
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_attr 4
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_is_instead 5
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_ev_qual 6
#define Anum_pg_rewrite_action 7
#endif /* PG_REWRITE_H */
* pg_server.h--
* definition of the system "server" relation (pg_server)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_server.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:12 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_SERVER_H
#define PG_SERVER_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_server definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_server
* ----------------
NameData sername;
int2 serpid;
int2 serport;
} FormData_pg_server;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_server corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_server relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_server *Form_pg_server;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_server
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_server 3
#define Anum_pg_server_sername 1
#define Anum_pg_server_serpid 2
#define Anum_pg_server_serport 3
#endif /* PG_SERVER_H */
* pg_statistic.h--
* definition of the system "statistic" relation (pg_statistic)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_statistic.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:14 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_statistic definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_statistic
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_statistic) {
Oid starelid;
int2 staattnum;
Oid staop;
text stalokey; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
text stahikey; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
} FormData_pg_statistic;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_statistic corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_statistic relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_statistic *Form_pg_statistic;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_statistic
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_statistic 5
#define Anum_pg_statistic_starelid 1
#define Anum_pg_statistic_staattnum 2
#define Anum_pg_statistic_staop 3
#define Anum_pg_statistic_stalokey 4
#define Anum_pg_statistic_stahikey 5
#endif /* PG_STATISTIC_H */
* pg_time.h--
* the system commit-time relation "pg_time" is not a "heap" relation.
* it is automatically created by the transam/ code and the
* information here is all bogus and is just here to make the
* relcache code happy.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_time.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:17 scrappy Exp $
* The structures and macros used by the transam/ code
* to access pg_time should some day go here -cim 6/18/90
#ifndef PG_TIME_H
#define PG_TIME_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
Oid timefoo;
} FormData_pg_time;
typedef FormData_pg_time *Form_pg_time;
#define Natts_pg_time 1
#define Anum_pg_time_timefoo 1
#endif /* PG_TIME_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_user.h--
* definition of the system "user" relation (pg_user)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_user.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:20 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_USER_H
#define PG_USER_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_user definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_user
* ----------------
NameData usename;
int4 usesysid;
bool usecreatedb;
bool usetrace;
bool usesuper;
bool usecatupd;
} FormData_pg_user;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_user corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_user relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_user *Form_pg_user;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_user
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_user 6
#define Anum_pg_user_usename 1
#define Anum_pg_user_usesysid 2
#define Anum_pg_user_usecreatedb 3
#define Anum_pg_user_usetrace 4
#define Anum_pg_user_usesuper 5
#define Anum_pg_user_usecatupd 6
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_user
* ----------------
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( postgres PGUID t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( mike 799 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( mao 1806 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( hellers 1089 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( joey 5209 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( jolly 5443 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sunita 6559 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( paxson 3029 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( marc 2435 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( jiangwu 6124 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( aoki 2360 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( avi 31080 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( kristin 1123 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( andrew 5229 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( nobuko 5493 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( hartzell 6676 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( devine 6724 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( boris 6396 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( sklower 354 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( marcel 31113 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( ginger 3692 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( woodruff 31026 t t t t ));
DATA(insert OID = 0 ( searcher 8261 t t t t ));
#endif /* ALLOW_PG_GROUP */
#endif /* PG_USER_H */
* pg_variable.h--
* the system variable relation "pg_variable" is not a "heap" relation.
* it is automatically created by the transam/ code and the
* information here is all bogus and is just here to make the
* relcache code happy.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_variable.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:21 scrappy Exp $
* The structures and macros used by the transam/ code
* to access pg_variable should someday go here -cim 6/18/90
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
CATALOG(pg_variable) BOOTSTRAP {
Oid varfoo;
} FormData_pg_variable;
typedef FormData_pg_variable *Form_pg_variable;
#define Natts_pg_variable 1
#define Anum_pg_variable_varfoo 1
#endif /* PG_VARIABLE_H */
* pg_version.h--
* definition of the system "version" relation (pg_version)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_version.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:23 scrappy Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_VERSION_H
#define PG_VERSION_H
/* ----------------
* postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
* CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
* can be read by both and the C compiler.
* ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/nabstime.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_version definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_version
* ----------------
CATALOG(pg_version) {
Oid verrelid;
Oid verbaseid;
int4 vertime; /* really should be some abstime */
} FormData_pg_version;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_version corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_version relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_version *VersionTupleForm;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_version
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_version 3
#define Anum_pg_version_verrelid 1
#define Anum_pg_version_verbaseid 2
#define Anum_pg_version_vertime 3
#endif /* PG_VERSION_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* makefuncs.h--
* prototypes for the creator functions (for primitive nodes)
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: makefuncs.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:33 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef MAKEFUNC_H
#define MAKEFUNC_H
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "utils/fcache.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
extern Oper *makeOper(Oid opno,
Oid opid,
Oid opresulttype,
int opsize,
FunctionCachePtr op_fcache);
extern Var *makeVar(Index varno,
AttrNumber varattno,
Oid vartype,
Index varnoold,
AttrNumber varoattno);
extern Resdom *makeResdom(AttrNumber resno,
Oid restype,
int reslen,
char *resname,
Index reskey,
Oid reskeyop,
int resjunk);
extern Const *makeConst(Oid consttype,
Size constlen,
Datum constvalue,
bool constisnull,
bool constbyval,
bool constisset);
#endif /* MAKEFUNC_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* nodeFuncs.h--
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: nodeFuncs.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:35 scrappy Exp $
extern bool single_node(Node *node);
extern bool var_is_outer(Var *var);
extern bool var_is_inner(Var *var);
extern bool var_is_rel(Var *var);
extern Oper *replace_opid(Oper *oper);
extern bool non_null(Expr *c);
#endif /* NODEFUNCS_H */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
* readfuncs.h--
* header file for read.c and readfuncs.c. These functions are internal
* to the stringToNode interface and should not be used by anyone else.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: readfuncs.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:57:47 scrappy Exp $
* prototypes for functions in read.c (the lisp token parser)
extern char *lsptok(char *string, int *length);
extern void *nodeRead(bool read_car_only);
* prototypes for functions in readfuncs.c
extern Node *parsePlanString();
#endif /* READFUNCS_H */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
* item.h--
* POSTGRES disk item definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: item.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 01:58:06 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef ITEM_H
#define ITEM_H
#include "c.h"
typedef Pointer Item;
#endif /* ITEM_H */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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