Commit 0d1e1f0e authored by Robert Haas's avatar Robert Haas

Fix typos in comments.

Etsuro Fujita

parent 460c89f4
......@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ RelationGetPartitionQual(Relation rel)
* Returns information necessary to route tuples down a partition tree
* All the partitions will be locked with lockmode, unless it is NoLock.
* A list of the OIDs of all the leaf partition of rel is returned in
* A list of the OIDs of all the leaf partitions of rel is returned in
* *leaf_part_oids.
PartitionDispatch *
......@@ -1012,9 +1012,9 @@ RelationGetPartitionDispatchInfo(Relation rel, int lockmode,
* Cannot use find_all_inheritors() here, because then the order of OIDs
* in parted_rels list would be unknown, which does not help, because we
* we assign indexes within individual PartitionDispatch in an order that
* is predetermined (determined by the order of OIDs in individual
* partition descriptors).
* assign indexes within individual PartitionDispatch in an order that is
* predetermined (determined by the order of OIDs in individual partition
* descriptors).
*num_parted = 1;
parted_rels = list_make1(rel);
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