Commit 0aba92a2 authored by Edmund Mergl's avatar Edmund Mergl

creation for postgresql-6.1

parent a2fd844c
# demo script, has been tested with:
# - Postgres-6.1
# - apache_1.2b8
# - mod_perl-0.97
# - perl5.003_93
use CGI::Apache;
use Pg;
use strict;
my $query = new CGI;
print $query->header,
$query->start_html(-title=>'A Simple Example'),
"<CENTER><H3>Testing Module Pg</H3></CENTER>",
"Enter the database name: ",
"Enter the select command: ",
$query->textfield(-name=>'cmd', -size=>40),
if ($query->param) {
my $dbname = $query->param('dbname');
my $conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbname");
my $cmd = $query->param('cmd');
my $result = $conn->exec($cmd);
my $i, $j;
for ($i=0; $i < $result->ntuples; $i++) {
print "<TR>\n";
for ($j=0; $j < $result->nfields; $j++) {
print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>", $result->getvalue($i, $j), "\n";
print "</TABLE></CENTER><P>\n";
print $query->end_html;
Revision history for Perl extension Pg.
1.0 Mar 24, 1995
- creation
1.1 Jun 6, 1995
- Bug fix in PQgetline.
1.1.1 Aug 5, 95
- adapted to postgres95-beta0.03
- Note: the libpq interface has changed completely !
1.2.0 Oct 15, 1995
- adapted to Postgres95-1.0
- README updated
- doQuery() in now returns 0 upon success
- added test for PQgetline()
1.3.1 Oct 22, 1996
- adapted to Postgres95-1.08
- large-object interface added, thanks to
Sven Verdoolaege (
- PQgetline() changed. This breaks old scripts !
- PQexec now returns in any case a valid pointer.
This fixes the annoying message:
'res is not of type PGresultPtr at ...'
- testsuite completely rewritten, contains
now examples for almost all functions
- resturn codes are now available as constants (PGRES_xxx)
- PQnotifies() works now
- enhanced doQuery()
1.3.2 Nov 11, 1996
- adapted to Postgres95-1.09
- adapted to postgres95-1.0.9:
PQputline expects now '\.' as last input
and PQgetline outputs '\.' as last line.
1.4.2 Nov 21, 1996
- added a more Perl-like syntax
1.5.3 Jan 2, 1997
- adapted to PostgreSQL-6.0
- new functions PQconnectdb, PQuser
- changed name of method 'new' to 'setdb'
1.5.4 Feb 12, 1997
- changed for large objects:
test only lo_import and lo_export
1.6.0 Apr 29, 1997
- renamed to pgsql_perl5
- adapted to PostgreSQL-6.1
- test only functions, which are also
tested in pgsql regression tests
# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1997/04/29 19:37:09 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
print "\nConfiguring Pg\n";
print "Remember to actually read the README file !\n";
die "\nYou didn't read the README file !\n" unless ($] >= 5.003);
warn "\$POSTGRESHOME not defined. Searching for Postgres...\n";
foreach(qw(/usr/pgsql /usr/local/pgsql /usr/pgsql-6.1 /usr/local/pgsql-6.1)) {
if (-d "$_/lib") {
print "\nFound Postgres in $ENV{POSTGRESHOME}\n";
} else {
die "Unable to determine \$POSTGRESHOME !\n";
'NAME' => 'Pg',
'LIBS' => ["-L$ENV{POSTGRESHOME}/lib -lpq"],
'INC' => "-I$ENV{POSTGRESHOME}/include",
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
# $Id: README,v 1997/04/29 19:37:10 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
This is version 1.6 of pgsql_perl5 (previously called pg95perl5).
Pgsql_perl5 is an interface between Larry Wall's language perl version 5 and the
database PostgreSQL (previously Postgres95). This has been done by using the
Perl5 application programming interface for C extensions which calls the
Postgres programmer's interface LIBQ. Pgsql_perl5 tries to implement the LIBPQ-
interface as close, as possible.
You have the choice between two different interfaces: the old C-style like
interface and a new one, using a more Perl-ish like style. The old style
has the benefit, that existing Libpq applications can easily be ported to
perl. The new style uses class packages and might be more familiar for C++-
This Postgres-Perl interface is copyright 1996, 1997 Edmund Mergl. You are
free to use it for any purpose, commercial or noncommercial, provided
that if you redistribute the source code, this statement of copyright
remains attached.
Please send comments and bug-reports to <>
Please include the output of perl -v,
and perl -V,
the version of PostgreSQL,
and the version of pgsql_perl5
in your bug-report.
- perl5.003
- PostgreSQL-6.1
This release of pgsql_perl5 has been developed using Linux 2.0 with
dynamic loading for the perl extensions. Let me know, if there are
any problems with other platforms.
Using dynamic loading for perl extensions, the preferred method is to unpack
the tar file outside the perl source tree. This assumes, that you already
have installed perl5.
The Makefile checks the environment variable POSTGRESHOME as well some
standard locations, to find the root directory of your Postgres installation.
1. perl Makefile.PL
2. make
3. make test
4. make install
( 1. to 3. as normal user, not as root ! )
Run 'make test'.
Note, that the user running this script must have been created with
the access rights to create databases *AND* users ! Do not run this
script as root !
If you are using the shared library, make sure, your dynamic loader
is able to find With Linux the command /sbin/ldconfig -v should tell
you, where it finds If not, you need to add an appropriate entry to
/etc/ or to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Some linux distributions (eg slackware) have an incomplete perl installation.
If you have compile errors like "XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK undeclared", make a
'find /usr/lib/perl5 -name XSUB.h -print'
If this file is not present, you need to recompile and reinstall perl.
Edmund Mergl <> April 29, 1997
# $Id:,v 1997/04/29 19:37:10 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..49\n"; }
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use Pg;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
######################### End of black magic.
$dbmain = 'template1';
$dbname = 'pgperltest';
$trace = '/tmp/pgtrace.out';
$cnt = 2;
$DEBUG = 0; # set this to 1 for traces
$| = 1;
######################### the following methods will be tested
# connectdb
# db
# user
# host
# port
# finish
# status
# errorMessage
# trace
# untrace
# exec
# getline
# endcopy
# putline
# resultStatus
# ntuples
# nfields
# fname
# fnumber
# ftype
# fsize
# cmdStatus
# oidStatus
# getvalue
######################### the following methods will not be tested
# setdb
# conndefaults
# reset
# options
# tty
# getlength
# getisnull
# print
# notifies
# printTuples
# lo_import
# lo_export
# lo_unlink
# lo_open
# lo_close
# lo_read
# lo_write
# lo_creat
# lo_seek
# lo_tell
######################### handles error condition
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "broken pipe\n" };
######################### create and connect to test database
# 2-4
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbmain");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
# might fail if $dbname doesn't exist => don't check resultStatus
$result = $conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
######################### debug, PQtrace
if ($DEBUG) {
open(TRACE, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!";
######################### check PGconn
# 5-8
$db = $conn->db;
cmp_eq($dbname, $db);
$user = $conn->user;
cmp_ne("", $user);
$host = $conn->host;
cmp_ne("", $host);
$port = $conn->port;
cmp_ne("", $port);
######################### create and insert into table
# 9-20
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE TABLE person (id int4, name char16)");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("CREATE", $result->cmdStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$result = $conn->exec("INSERT INTO person VALUES ($i, 'Edmund Mergl')");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_ne(0, $result->oidStatus);
######################### copy to stdout, PQgetline
# 21-27
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person TO STDOUT");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_OUT, $result->resultStatus);
$i = 1;
while (-1 != $ret) {
$ret = $conn->getline($string, 256);
last if $string eq "\\.";
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl", $string);
$i ++;
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
######################### delete and copy from stdin, PQputline
# 28-33
$result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("DELETE FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("DELETE", $result->cmdStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person FROM STDIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_IN, $result->resultStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
# watch the tabs and do not forget the newlines
$conn->putline("$i Edmund Mergl\n");
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
$result = $conn->exec("END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
######################### select from person, PQgetvalue
# 34-47
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT * FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->nfields; $k++) {
$fname = $result->fname($k);
$ftype = $result->ftype($k);
$fsize = $result->fsize($k);
if (0 == $k) {
cmp_eq("id", $fname);
cmp_eq(23, $ftype);
cmp_eq(4, $fsize);
} else {
cmp_eq("name", $fname);
cmp_eq(20, $ftype);
cmp_eq(16, $fsize);
$fnumber = $result->fnumber($fname);
cmp_eq($k, $fnumber);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->ntuples; $k++) {
$string = "";
for ($l = 0; $l < $result->nfields; $l++) {
$string .= $result->getvalue($k, $l) . " ";
$i = $k + 1;
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl ", $string);
######################### debug, PQuntrace
if ($DEBUG) {
close(TRACE) || die "bad TRACE: $!";
######################### disconnect and drop test database
# 48-49
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbmain");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
$result = $conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
######################### hopefully
print "all tests passed.\n" if 50 == $cnt;
######################### utility functions
sub cmp_eq {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" eq "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = $conn->errorMessage;
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
sub cmp_ne {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" ne "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = $conn->errorMessage;
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
######################### EOF
# $Id:,v 1997/04/29 19:37:10 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..60\n"; }
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use Pg;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
######################### End of black magic.
$dbmain = 'template1';
$dbname = 'pgperltest';
$trace = '/tmp/pgtrace.out';
$cnt = 2;
$DEBUG = 0; # set this to 1 for traces
$| = 1;
######################### the following methods will be tested
# connectdb
# db
# user
# host
# port
# finish
# status
# errorMessage
# trace
# untrace
# exec
# getline
# endcopy
# putline
# resultStatus
# ntuples
# nfields
# fname
# fnumber
# ftype
# fsize
# cmdStatus
# oidStatus
# getvalue
# print
# notifies
# lo_import
# lo_export
# lo_unlink
######################### the following methods will not be tested
# setdb
# conndefaults
# reset
# options
# tty
# getlength
# getisnull
# printTuples
# lo_open
# lo_close
# lo_read
# lo_write
# lo_creat
# lo_seek
# lo_tell
######################### handles error condition
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "broken pipe\n" };
######################### create and connect to test database
# 2-4
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbmain");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
# might fail if $dbname doesn't exist => don't check resultStatus
$result = $conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
######################### debug, PQtrace
if ($DEBUG) {
open(TRACE, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!";
######################### check PGconn
# 5-8
$db = $conn->db;
cmp_eq($dbname, $db);
$user = $conn->user;
cmp_ne("", $user);
$host = $conn->host;
cmp_ne("", $host);
$port = $conn->port;
cmp_ne("", $port);
######################### create and insert into table
# 9-20
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE TABLE person (id int4, name char16)");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("CREATE", $result->cmdStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$result = $conn->exec("INSERT INTO person VALUES ($i, 'Edmund Mergl')");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_ne(0, $result->oidStatus);
######################### copy to stdout, PQgetline
# 21-27
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person TO STDOUT");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_OUT, $result->resultStatus);
$i = 1;
while (-1 != $ret) {
$ret = $conn->getline($string, 256);
last if $string eq "\\.";
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl", $string);
$i ++;
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
######################### delete and copy from stdin, PQputline
# 28-33
$result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("DELETE FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("DELETE", $result->cmdStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person FROM STDIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_IN, $result->resultStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
# watch the tabs and do not forget the newlines
$conn->putline("$i Edmund Mergl\n");
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
$result = $conn->exec("END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
######################### select from person, PQgetvalue
# 34-47
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT * FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->nfields; $k++) {
$fname = $result->fname($k);
$ftype = $result->ftype($k);
$fsize = $result->fsize($k);
if (0 == $k) {
cmp_eq("id", $fname);
cmp_eq(23, $ftype);
cmp_eq(4, $fsize);
} else {
cmp_eq("name", $fname);
cmp_eq(20, $ftype);
cmp_eq(16, $fsize);
$fnumber = $result->fnumber($fname);
cmp_eq($k, $fnumber);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->ntuples; $k++) {
$string = "";
for ($l = 0; $l < $result->nfields; $l++) {
$string .= $result->getvalue($k, $l) . " ";
$i = $k + 1;
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl ", $string);
######################### PQnotifies
# 48-50
if (! defined($pid = fork)) {
die "can not fork: $!";
} elsif (! $pid) {
# i'm the child
sleep 2;
bless $conn;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbname");
$result = $conn->exec("NOTIFY person");
$result = $conn->exec("LISTEN person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("LISTEN", $result->cmdStatus);
while (1) {
$result = $conn->exec(" ");
($table, $pid) = $conn->notifies;
last if $pid;
cmp_eq("person", $table);
######################### PQprint
# 51-52
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 2");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus);
open(PRINT, "| read IN; read IN; if [ \"\$IN\" = \"myName Edmund Mergl\" ]; then echo \"ok $cnt\"; else echo \"not ok $cnt\"; fi ") || die "can not fork: $|";
$cnt ++;
$result->print(PRINT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " ", "", "", "myName");
close(PRINT) || die "bad PRINT: $!";
######################### PQlo_import, PQlo_export, PQlo_unlink
# 53-58
$filename = 'typemap';
$cwd = `pwd`;
chop $cwd;
$result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$lobjOid = $conn->lo_import("$cwd/$filename");
cmp_ne(0, $lobjOid);
cmp_ne(-1, $conn->lo_export($lobjOid, "/tmp/$filename"));
cmp_eq(-s "$cwd/$filename", -s "/tmp/$filename");
$result = $conn->exec("END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_ne(-1, $conn->lo_unlink($lobjOid));
unlink "/tmp/$filename";
######################### debug, PQuntrace
if ($DEBUG) {
close(TRACE) || die "bad TRACE: $!";
######################### disconnect and drop test database
# 59-60
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbmain");
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status);
$result = $conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
######################### hopefully
print "all tests passed.\n" if 61 == $cnt;
######################### utility functions
sub cmp_eq {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" eq "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = $conn->errorMessage;
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
sub cmp_ne {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" ne "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = $conn->errorMessage;
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
######################### EOF
# $Id:,v 1997/04/29 19:37:10 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..60\n"; }
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use Pg;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";
######################### End of black magic.
$dbmain = 'template1';
$dbname = 'pgperltest';
$trace = '/tmp/pgtrace.out';
$cnt = 2;
$DEBUG = 0; # set this to 1 for traces
$| = 1;
######################### the following functions will be tested
# PQsetdb()
# PQdb()
# PQhost()
# PQport()
# PQfinish()
# PQstatus()
# PQerrorMessage()
# PQtrace()
# PQuntrace()
# PQexec()
# PQgetline()
# PQendcopy()
# PQputline()
# PQresultStatus()
# PQntuples()
# PQnfields()
# PQfname()
# PQfnumber()
# PQftype()
# PQfsize()
# PQcmdStatus()
# PQoidStatus()
# PQgetvalue()
# PQclear()
# PQprint()
# PQnotifies()
# PQlo_import()
# PQlo_export()
# PQlo_unlink()
######################### the following functions will not be tested
# PQconnectdb()
# PQconndefaults()
# PQreset()
# PQoptions()
# PQtty()
# PQgetlength()
# PQgetisnull()
# PQprintTuples()
# PQlo_open()
# PQlo_close()
# PQlo_read()
# PQlo_write()
# PQlo_creat()
# PQlo_lseek()
# PQlo_tell()
######################### handles error condition
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "broken pipe\n" };
######################### create and connect to test database
# 2-4
$conn = PQsetdb('', '', '', '', $dbmain);
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, PQstatus($conn));
# might fail if $dbname doesn't exist => don't check resultStatus
$result = PQexec($conn, "DROP DATABASE $dbname");
$result = PQexec($conn, "CREATE DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
$conn = PQsetdb('', '', '', '', $dbname);
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, PQstatus($conn));
######################### debug, PQtrace
if ($DEBUG) {
open(TRACE, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!";
PQtrace($conn, TRACE);
######################### check PGconn
# 5-8
$db = PQdb($conn);
cmp_eq($dbname, $db);
$user = PQuser($conn);
cmp_ne("", $user);
$host = PQhost($conn);
cmp_ne("", $host);
$port = PQport($conn);
cmp_ne("", $port);
######################### create and insert into table
# 9-20
$result = PQexec($conn, "CREATE TABLE person (id int4, name char16)");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
cmp_eq("CREATE", PQcmdStatus($result));
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$result = PQexec($conn, "INSERT INTO person VALUES ($i, 'Edmund Mergl')");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
cmp_ne(0, PQoidStatus($result));
######################### copy to stdout, PQgetline
# 21-27
$result = PQexec($conn, "COPY person TO STDOUT");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_OUT, PQresultStatus($result));
$i = 1;
while (-1 != $ret) {
$ret = PQgetline($conn, $string, 256);
last if $string eq "\\.";
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl", $string);
cmp_eq(0, PQendcopy($conn));
######################### delete and copy from stdin, PQputline
# 28-33
$result = PQexec($conn, "BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
$result = PQexec($conn, "DELETE FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
cmp_eq("DELETE", PQcmdStatus($result));
$result = PQexec($conn, "COPY person FROM STDIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_IN, PQresultStatus($result));
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
# watch the tabs and do not forget the newlines
PQputline($conn, "$i Edmund Mergl\n");
PQputline($conn, "\\.\n");
cmp_eq(0, PQendcopy($conn));
$result = PQexec($conn, "END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
######################### select from person, PQgetvalue
# 34-47
$result = PQexec($conn, "SELECT * FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
for ($k = 0; $k < PQnfields($result); $k++) {
$fname = PQfname($result, $k);
$ftype = PQftype($result, $k);
$fsize = PQfsize($result, $k);
if (0 == $k) {
cmp_eq("id", $fname);
cmp_eq(23, $ftype);
cmp_eq(4, $fsize);
} else {
cmp_eq("name", $fname);
cmp_eq(20, $ftype);
cmp_eq(16, $fsize);
$fnumber = PQfnumber($result, $fname);
cmp_eq($k, $fnumber);
for ($k = 0; $k < PQntuples($result); $k++) {
$string = "";
for ($l = 0; $l < PQnfields($result); $l++) {
$string .= PQgetvalue($result, $k, $l) . " ";
$i = $k + 1;
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl ", $string);
######################### PQnotifies
# 48-50
if (! defined($pid = fork)) {
die "can not fork: $!";
} elsif (! $pid) {
# i'm the child
sleep 2;
$conn = PQsetdb('', '', '', '', $dbname);
$result = PQexec($conn, "NOTIFY person");
$result = PQexec($conn, "LISTEN person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
cmp_eq("LISTEN", PQcmdStatus($result));
while (1) {
$result = PQexec($conn, " ");
($table, $pid) = PQnotifies($conn);
last if $pid;
cmp_eq("person", $table);
######################### PQprint
# 51-52
$result = PQexec($conn, "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 2");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
open(PRINT, "| read IN; read IN; if [ \"\$IN\" = \"myName Edmund Mergl\" ]; then echo \"ok $cnt\"; else echo \"not ok $cnt\"; fi ") || die "can not fork: $|";
$cnt ++;
PQprint(PRINT, $result, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, " ", "", "", "myName");
close(PRINT) || die "bad PRINT: $!";
######################### PQlo_import, PQlo_export, PQlo_unlink
# 53-59
$filename = 'typemap';
$cwd = `pwd`;
chop $cwd;
$result = PQexec($conn, "BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
$lobjOid = PQlo_import($conn, "$cwd/$filename");
cmp_ne( 0, $lobjOid);
cmp_ne(-1, PQlo_export($conn, $lobjOid, "/tmp/$filename"));
cmp_eq(-s "$cwd/$filename", -s "/tmp/$filename");
$result = PQexec($conn, "END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
cmp_ne(-1, PQlo_unlink($conn, $lobjOid));
unlink "/tmp/$filename";
######################### debug, PQuntrace
if ($DEBUG) {
close(TRACE) || die "bad TRACE: $!";
######################### disconnect and drop test database
# 59-60
$conn = PQsetdb('', '', '', '', $dbmain);
cmp_eq(PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, PQstatus($conn));
$result = PQexec($conn, "DROP DATABASE $dbname");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
######################### hopefully
print "all tests passed.\n" if 61 == $cnt;
######################### utility functions
sub cmp_eq {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" eq "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = PQerrorMessage($conn);
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
sub cmp_ne {
my $cmp = shift;
my $ret = shift;
my $msg;
if ("$cmp" ne "$ret") {
print "ok $cnt\n";
} else {
$msg = PQerrorMessage($conn);
print "not ok $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n";
######################### EOF
# $Id: typemap,v 1997/04/29 19:37:10 mergl Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997 Edmund Mergl
PGresult * T_PTRREF
PG_result T_PTROBJ
ConnStatusType T_IV
ExecStatusType T_IV
Oid T_IV
int2 T_IV
bool T_IV
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