• Tom Lane's avatar
    Several changes here, not very related but touching some of the same files. · e812458b
    Tom Lane authored
    * Buffer refcount cleanup (per my "progress report" to pghackers, 9/22).
    * Add links to backend PROC structs to sinval's array of per-backend info,
    and use these links for routines that need to check the state of all
    backends (rather than the slow, complicated search of the ShmemIndex
    hashtable that was used before).  Add databaseOID to PROC structs.
    * Use this to implement an interlock that prevents DESTROY DATABASE of
    a database containing running backends.  (It's a little tricky to prevent
    a concurrently-starting backend from getting in there, since the new
    backend is not able to lock anything at the time it tries to look up
    its database in pg_database.  My solution is to recheck that the DB is
    OK at the end of InitPostgres.  It may not be a 100% solution, but it's
    a lot better than no interlock at all...)
    * In ALTER TABLE RENAME, flush buffers for the relation before doing the
    rename of the physical files, to ensure we don't get failures later from
    * Update TRUNCATE patch so that it actually compiles against current
    sources :-(.
    You should do "make clean all" after pulling these changes.
buf_internals.h 4.83 KB
 * buf_internals.h
 *	  Internal definitions.
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: buf_internals.h,v 1.33 1999/09/24 00:25:27 tgl Exp $
 *		If BUFFERPAGE0 is defined, then 0 will be used as a
 *		valid buffer page number.

#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"

/* Buf Mgr constants */
/* in bufmgr.c */
extern int	NBuffers;
extern int	Data_Descriptors;
extern int	Free_List_Descriptor;
extern int	Lookup_List_Descriptor;
extern int	Num_Descriptors;

 * Flags for buffer descriptors
#define BM_DIRTY				(1 << 0)
#define BM_PRIVATE				(1 << 1)
#define BM_VALID				(1 << 2)
#define BM_DELETED				(1 << 3)
#define BM_FREE					(1 << 4)
#define BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS		(1 << 5)
#define BM_IO_ERROR				(1 << 6)
#define BM_JUST_DIRTIED			(1 << 7)

typedef bits16 BufFlags;

typedef struct sbufdesc BufferDesc;
typedef struct sbufdesc BufferHdr;
typedef struct buftag BufferTag;

/* long * so alignment will be correct */
typedef long **BufferBlock;

struct buftag
	LockRelId	relId;
	BlockNumber blockNum;		/* blknum relative to begin of reln */

#define CLEAR_BUFFERTAG(a) \
( \
	(a)->relId.dbId = InvalidOid, \
	(a)->relId.relId = InvalidOid, \
	(a)->blockNum = InvalidBlockNumber \

#define INIT_BUFFERTAG(a,xx_reln,xx_blockNum) \
( \
	(a)->blockNum = (xx_blockNum), \
	(a)->relId = (xx_reln)->rd_lockInfo.lockRelId \

#define BAD_BUFFER_ID(bid) ((bid) < 1 || (bid) > NBuffers)

 *	struct sbufdesc -- shared buffer cache metadata for a single
 *					   shared buffer descriptor.
 *		We keep the name of the database and relation in which this
 *		buffer appears in order to avoid a catalog lookup on cache
 *		flush if we don't have the reldesc in the cache.  It is also
 *		possible that the relation to which this buffer belongs is
 *		not visible to all backends at the time that it gets flushed.
 *		Dbname, relname, dbid, and relid are enough to determine where
 *		to put the buffer, for all storage managers.
struct sbufdesc
	Buffer		freeNext;		/* link for freelist chain */
	Buffer		freePrev;
	SHMEM_OFFSET data;			/* pointer to data in buf pool */

	/* tag and id must be together for table lookup to work */
	BufferTag	tag;			/* file/block identifier */
	int			buf_id;			/* maps global desc to local desc */

	BufFlags	flags;			/* described below */
	unsigned	refcount;		/* # of times buffer is pinned */

	/* can afford a dedicated lock if test-and-set locks are available */
	slock_t		io_in_progress_lock;
	slock_t		cntx_lock;		/* to lock access to page context */
#endif	 /* HAS_TEST_AND_SET */
	unsigned	r_locks;		/* # of shared locks */
	bool		ri_lock;		/* read-intent lock */
	bool		w_lock;			/* context exclusively locked */

	char		sb_dbname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* name of db in which buf belongs */
	char		sb_relname[NAMEDATALEN];		/* name of reln */

 * Buffer lock infos in BufferLocks below.
 * We have to free these locks in elog(ERROR)...
#define BL_IO_IN_PROGRESS	(1 << 0)	/* unimplemented */
#define BL_R_LOCK			(1 << 1)
#define BL_RI_LOCK			(1 << 2)
#define BL_W_LOCK			(1 << 3)

 *	mao tracing buffer allocation

/*#define BMTRACE*/
#ifdef BMTRACE

typedef struct _bmtrace
	int			bmt_pid;
	long		bmt_buf;
	long		bmt_dbid;
	long		bmt_relid;
	int			bmt_blkno;
	int			bmt_op;

#define BMT_NOTUSED		0
#define BMT_ALLOCFND	1
#define BMT_DEALLOC		3

}			bmtrace;

#endif	 /* BMTRACE */

 * Bufmgr Interface:

/* Internal routines: only called by buf.c */

extern void AddBufferToFreelist(BufferDesc *bf);
extern void PinBuffer(BufferDesc *buf);
extern void PinBuffer_Debug(char *file, int line, BufferDesc *buf);
extern void UnpinBuffer(BufferDesc *buf);
extern BufferDesc *GetFreeBuffer(void);
extern void InitFreeList(bool init);

/* buf_table.c */
extern void InitBufTable(void);
extern BufferDesc *BufTableLookup(BufferTag *tagPtr);
extern bool BufTableDelete(BufferDesc *buf);
extern bool BufTableInsert(BufferDesc *buf);

/* bufmgr.c */
extern BufferDesc *BufferDescriptors;
extern BufferBlock BufferBlocks;
extern long *PrivateRefCount;
extern bits8 *BufferLocks;
extern long *CommitInfoNeedsSave;
extern SPINLOCK BufMgrLock;

/* localbuf.c */
extern long *LocalRefCount;
extern BufferDesc *LocalBufferDescriptors;
extern int	NLocBuffer;

extern BufferDesc *LocalBufferAlloc(Relation reln, BlockNumber blockNum,
				 bool *foundPtr);
extern int	WriteLocalBuffer(Buffer buffer, bool release);
extern int	FlushLocalBuffer(Buffer buffer, bool release);
extern void InitLocalBuffer(void);
extern void LocalBufferSync(void);
extern void ResetLocalBufferPool(void);

#endif	 /* BUFMGR_INTERNALS_H */