• Peter Eisentraut's avatar
    SQL procedures · e4128ee7
    Peter Eisentraut authored
    This adds a new object type "procedure" that is similar to a function
    but does not have a return type and is invoked by the new CALL statement
    instead of SELECT or similar.  This implementation is aligned with the
    SQL standard and compatible with or similar to other SQL implementations.
    This commit adds new commands CALL, CREATE/ALTER/DROP PROCEDURE, as well
    as ALTER/DROP ROUTINE that can refer to either a function or a
    procedure (or an aggregate function, as an extension to SQL).  There is
    also support for procedures in various utility commands such as COMMENT
    and GRANT, as well as support in pg_dump and psql.  Support for defining
    procedures is available in all the languages supplied by the core
    While this commit is mainly syntax sugar around existing functionality,
    future features will rely on having procedures as a separate object
    Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew Dunstan <andrew.dunstan@2ndquadrant.com>
parallel_schedule 4.2 KB