• Tom Lane's avatar
    Redesign DISTINCT ON as discussed in pgsql-sql 1/25/00: syntax is now · dd979f66
    Tom Lane authored
    SELECT DISTINCT ON (expr [, expr ...]) targetlist ...
    and there is a check to make sure that the user didn't specify an ORDER BY
    that's incompatible with the DISTINCT operation.
    Reimplement nodeUnique and nodeGroup to use the proper datatype-specific
    equality function for each column being compared --- they used to do
    bitwise comparisons or convert the data to text strings and strcmp().
    (To add insult to injury, they'd look up the conversion functions once
    for each tuple...)  Parse/plan representation of DISTINCT is now a list
    of SortClause nodes.
    initdb forced by querytree change...
rewriteDefine.c 9.94 KB
 * rewriteDefine.c
 *	  routines for defining a rewrite rule
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteDefine.c,v 1.42 2000/01/27 18:11:36 tgl Exp $

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "catalog/pg_rewrite.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteDefine.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteSupport.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"

Oid			LastOidProcessed = InvalidOid;

 * Convert given string to a suitably quoted string constant,
 * and append it to the StringInfo buffer.
 * XXX Any MULTIBYTE considerations here?
static void
quoteString(StringInfo buf, char *source)
	char	   *current;

	appendStringInfoChar(buf, '\'');
	for (current = source; *current; current++)
		char	ch = *current;
		if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\\')
			appendStringInfoChar(buf, '\\');
			appendStringInfoChar(buf, ch);
		else if (ch >= 0 && ch < ' ')
			appendStringInfo(buf, "\\%03o", (int) ch);
			appendStringInfoChar(buf, ch);
	appendStringInfoChar(buf, '\'');

 * InsertRule -
 *	  takes the arguments and inserts them as attributes into the system
 *	  relation "pg_rewrite"
 *		MODS :	changes the value of LastOidProcessed as a side
 *				effect of inserting the rule tuple
 *		ARGS :	rulname			-		name of the rule
 *				evtype			-		one of RETRIEVE,REPLACE,DELETE,APPEND
 *				evobj			-		name of relation
 *				evslot			-		comma delimited list of slots
 *										if null => multi-attr rule
 *				evinstead		-		is an instead rule
 *				actiontree		-		parsetree(s) of rule action
static Oid
InsertRule(char *rulname,
		   int evtype,
		   char *evobj,
		   char *evslot,
		   char *evqual,
		   bool evinstead,
		   char *actiontree)
	StringInfoData rulebuf;
	Relation	eventrel;
	Oid			eventrel_oid;
	AttrNumber	evslot_index;
	char	   *is_instead = "f";

	eventrel = heap_openr(evobj, AccessShareLock);
	eventrel_oid = RelationGetRelid(eventrel);

	 * if the slotname is null, we know that this is a multi-attr rule
	if (evslot == NULL)
		evslot_index = -1;
		evslot_index = attnameAttNum(eventrel, evslot);
	heap_close(eventrel, AccessShareLock);

	if (evinstead)
		is_instead = "t";

	if (evqual == NULL)
		evqual = "<>";

	if (IsDefinedRewriteRule(rulname))
		elog(ERROR, "Attempt to insert rule '%s' failed: already exists",

					 "INSERT INTO pg_rewrite (rulename, ev_type, ev_class, ev_attr, ev_action, ev_qual, is_instead) VALUES (");
	quoteString(&rulebuf, rulname);
	appendStringInfo(&rulebuf, ", %d::char, %u::oid, %d::int2, ",
					 evtype, eventrel_oid, evslot_index);
	quoteString(&rulebuf, actiontree);
	appendStringInfo(&rulebuf, "::text, ");
	quoteString(&rulebuf, evqual);
	appendStringInfo(&rulebuf, "::text, '%s'::bool);",

	pg_exec_query_dest(NameStr(rulebuf), None, true);


	return LastOidProcessed;

 *		for now, event_object must be a single attribute
static void
ValidateRule(int event_type,
			 char *eobj_string,
			 char *eslot_string,
			 Node *event_qual,
			 List **action,
			 int is_instead,
			 Oid event_attype)
	if (((event_type == CMD_INSERT) || (event_type == CMD_DELETE)) &&
		"rules not allowed for insert or delete events to an attribute");

#ifdef NOT_USED

	 * on retrieve to class.attribute do instead nothing is converted to
	 * 'on retrieve to class.attribute do instead retrieve (attribute =
	 * NULL)' --- this is also a terrible hack that works well -- glass
	if (is_instead && !*action && eslot_string && event_type == CMD_SELECT)
		char	   *temp_buffer = (char *) palloc(strlen(template) + 80);

		sprintf(temp_buffer, template, event_attype,
				get_typlen(event_attype), eslot_string,

		*action = (List *) stringToNode(temp_buffer);


DefineQueryRewrite(RuleStmt *stmt)
	CmdType		event_type = stmt->event;
	Attr	   *event_obj = stmt->object;
	Node	   *event_qual = stmt->whereClause;
	bool		is_instead = stmt->instead;
	List	   *action = stmt->actions;
	Relation	event_relation = NULL;
	Oid			ruleId;
	Oid			ev_relid = 0;
	char	   *eslot_string = NULL;
	int			event_attno = 0;
	Oid			event_attype = 0;
	char	   *actionP,
	List	   *l;
	Query	   *query;

	/* ----------
	 * The current rewrite handler is known to work on relation level
	 * rules only. And for SELECT events, it expects one non-nothing
	 * action that is instead and returns exactly a tuple of the
	 * rewritten relation. This restricts SELECT rules to views.
	 *	   Jan
	 * ----------
	if (event_obj->attrs)
		elog(ERROR, "attribute level rules currently not supported");

	 * eslot_string = strVal(lfirst(event_obj->attrs));
		eslot_string = NULL;

	 * No rule actions that modify OLD or NEW
	if (action != NIL)
		foreach(l, action)
		query = (Query *) lfirst(l);
		if (query->resultRelation == 1)
			elog(NOTICE, "rule actions on OLD currently not supported");
			elog(ERROR, " use views or triggers instead");
		if (query->resultRelation == 2)
			elog(NOTICE, "rule actions on NEW currently not supported");
			elog(ERROR, " use triggers instead");

	 * Rules ON SELECT are restricted to view definitions
	if (event_type == CMD_SELECT)
		TargetEntry *tle;
		Resdom	   *resdom;
		Form_pg_attribute attr;
		char	   *attname;
		int			i;
		char		expected_name[NAMEDATALEN + 5];

		 * So there cannot be INSTEAD NOTHING, ...
		if (length(action) == 0)
			elog(NOTICE, "instead nothing rules on select currently not supported");
			elog(ERROR, " use views instead");

		 * ... there cannot be multiple actions, ...
		if (length(action) > 1)
			elog(ERROR, "multiple action rules on select currently not supported");

		 * ... the one action must be a SELECT, ...
		query = (Query *) lfirst(action);
		if (!is_instead || query->commandType != CMD_SELECT)
			elog(ERROR, "only instead-select rules currently supported on select");
		if (event_qual != NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "event qualifications not supported for rules on select");

		 * ... the targetlist of the SELECT action must exactly match the
		 * event relation, ...
		event_relation = heap_openr(event_obj->relname, AccessShareLock);

		if (event_relation->rd_att->natts != length(query->targetList))
			elog(ERROR, "select rules target list must match event relations structure");

		for (i = 1; i <= event_relation->rd_att->natts; i++)
			tle = (TargetEntry *) nth(i - 1, query->targetList);
			resdom = tle->resdom;
			attr = event_relation->rd_att->attrs[i - 1];
			attname = pstrdup(NameStr(attr->attname));

			if (strcmp(resdom->resname, attname) != 0)
				elog(ERROR, "select rules target entry %d has different column name from %s", i, attname);

			if (attr->atttypid != resdom->restype)
				elog(ERROR, "select rules target entry %d has different type from attribute %s", i, attname);

			if (attr->atttypmod != resdom->restypmod)
				elog(ERROR, "select rules target entry %d has different size from attribute %s", i, attname);

		 * ... there must not be another ON SELECT rule already ...
		if (event_relation->rd_rules != NULL)
			for (i = 0; i < event_relation->rd_rules->numLocks; i++)
				RewriteRule *rule;

				rule = event_relation->rd_rules->rules[i];
				if (rule->event == CMD_SELECT)
					elog(ERROR, "%s is already a view",

		heap_close(event_relation, AccessShareLock);

		 * LIMIT in view is not supported
		if (query->limitOffset != NULL || query->limitCount != NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "LIMIT clause not supported in views");

		 * DISTINCT on view is not supported
		if (query->distinctClause != NIL)
			elog(ERROR, "DISTINCT not supported in views");

		 * ORDER BY in view is not supported
		if (query->sortClause != NIL)
			elog(ERROR, "ORDER BY not supported in views");

		 * ... and finally the rule must be named _RETviewname.
		sprintf(expected_name, "_RET%s", event_obj->relname);
		if (strcmp(expected_name, stmt->rulename) != 0)
			elog(ERROR, "view rule for %s must be named %s",
				 event_obj->relname, expected_name);

	 * This rule is allowed - install it.

	event_relation = heap_openr(event_obj->relname, AccessShareLock);
	ev_relid = RelationGetRelid(event_relation);

	if (eslot_string == NULL)
		event_attno = -1;
		event_attype = -1;		/* XXX - don't care */
		event_attno = attnameAttNum(event_relation, eslot_string);
		event_attype = attnumTypeId(event_relation, event_attno);
	heap_close(event_relation, AccessShareLock);

	/* fix bug about instead nothing */
	ValidateRule(event_type, event_obj->relname,
				 eslot_string, event_qual, &action,
				 is_instead, event_attype);

	if (action == NULL)
		if (!is_instead)
			return;				/* doesn't do anything */

		event_qualP = nodeToString(event_qual);

		ruleId = InsertRule(stmt->rulename,
		prs2_addToRelation(ev_relid, ruleId, event_type, event_attno, TRUE,
						   event_qual, NIL);

		event_qualP = nodeToString(event_qual);
		actionP = nodeToString(action);

		ruleId = InsertRule(stmt->rulename,

		/* what is the max size of type text? XXX -- glass */
		if (length(action) > 15)
			elog(ERROR, "max # of actions exceeded");
		prs2_addToRelation(ev_relid, ruleId, event_type, event_attno,
						   is_instead, event_qual, action);