• Andrew Dunstan's avatar
    Additional functions and operators for jsonb · c6947010
    Andrew Dunstan authored
    jsonb_pretty(jsonb) produces nicely indented json output.
    jsonb || jsonb concatenates two jsonb values.
    jsonb - text removes a key and its associated value from the json
    jsonb - int removes the designated array element
    jsonb - text[] removes a key and associated value or array element at
    the designated path
    jsonb_replace(jsonb,text[],jsonb) replaces the array element designated
    by the path or the value associated with the key designated by the path
    with the given value.
    Original work by Dmitry Dolgov, adapted and reworked for PostgreSQL core
    by Andrew Dunstan, reviewed and tidied up by Petr Jelinek.
jsonb.h 16 KB