• Kevin Grittner's avatar
    Revert no-op changes to BufferGetPage() · a343e223
    Kevin Grittner authored
    The reverted changes were intended to force a choice of whether any
    newly-added BufferGetPage() calls needed to be accompanied by a
    test of the snapshot age, to support the "snapshot too old"
    feature.  Such an accompanying test is needed in about 7% of the
    cases, where the page is being used as part of a scan rather than
    positioning for other purposes (such as DML or vacuuming).  The
    additional effort required for back-patching, and the doubt whether
    the intended benefit would really be there, have indicated it is
    best just to rely on developers to do the right thing based on
    comments and existing usage, as we do with many other conventions.
    This change should have little or no effect on generated executable
    Motivated by the back-patching pain of Tom Lane and Robert Haas
spgscan.c 17.1 KB