• Tom Lane's avatar
    Extend the parser location infrastructure to include a location field in · a2794623
    Tom Lane authored
    most node types used in expression trees (both before and after parse
    analysis).  This allows us to place an error cursor in many situations
    where we formerly could not, because the information wasn't available
    beyond the very first level of parse analysis.  There's a fair amount
    of work still to be done to persuade individual ereport() calls to actually
    include an error location, but this gets the initdb-forcing part of the
    work out of the way; and the situation is already markedly better than
    before for complaints about unimplementable implicit casts, such as
    CASE and UNION constructs with incompatible alternative data types.
    Per my proposal of a few days ago.
parse_node.c 12.2 KB
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 * parse_node.c
 *	  various routines that make nodes for querytrees
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_node.c,v 1.102 2008/08/28 23:09:47 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/int8.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/varbit.h"

 * make_parsestate
 *		Allocate and initialize a new ParseState.
 * Caller should eventually release the ParseState via free_parsestate().
ParseState *
make_parsestate(ParseState *parentParseState)
	ParseState *pstate;

	pstate = palloc0(sizeof(ParseState));

	pstate->parentParseState = parentParseState;

	/* Fill in fields that don't start at null/false/zero */
	pstate->p_next_resno = 1;

	if (parentParseState)
		pstate->p_sourcetext = parentParseState->p_sourcetext;
		pstate->p_variableparams = parentParseState->p_variableparams;

	return pstate;

 * free_parsestate
 *		Release a ParseState and any subsidiary resources.
free_parsestate(ParseState *pstate)
	 * Check that we did not produce too many resnos; at the very least we
	 * cannot allow more than 2^16, since that would exceed the range of a
	 * AttrNumber. It seems safest to use MaxTupleAttributeNumber.
	if (pstate->p_next_resno - 1 > MaxTupleAttributeNumber)
				 errmsg("target lists can have at most %d entries",

	if (pstate->p_target_relation != NULL)
		heap_close(pstate->p_target_relation, NoLock);


 * parser_errposition
 *		Report a parse-analysis-time cursor position, if possible.
 * This is expected to be used within an ereport() call.  The return value
 * is a dummy (always 0, in fact).
 * The locations stored in raw parsetrees are byte offsets into the source
 * string.	We have to convert them to 1-based character indexes for reporting
 * to clients.	(We do things this way to avoid unnecessary overhead in the
 * normal non-error case: computing character indexes would be much more
 * expensive than storing token offsets.)
parser_errposition(ParseState *pstate, int location)
	int			pos;

	/* No-op if location was not provided */
	if (location < 0)
		return 0;
	/* Can't do anything if source text is not available */
	if (pstate == NULL || pstate->p_sourcetext == NULL)
		return 0;
	/* Convert offset to character number */
	pos = pg_mbstrlen_with_len(pstate->p_sourcetext, location) + 1;
	/* And pass it to the ereport mechanism */
	return errposition(pos);

 * make_var
 *		Build a Var node for an attribute identified by RTE and attrno
Var *
make_var(ParseState *pstate, RangeTblEntry *rte, int attrno, int location)
	Var		   *result;
	int			vnum,
	Oid			vartypeid;
	int32		type_mod;

	vnum = RTERangeTablePosn(pstate, rte, &sublevels_up);
	get_rte_attribute_type(rte, attrno, &vartypeid, &type_mod);
	result = makeVar(vnum, attrno, vartypeid, type_mod, sublevels_up);
	result->location = location;
	return result;

 * transformArrayType()
 *		Get the element type of an array type in preparation for subscripting
transformArrayType(Oid arrayType)
	Oid			elementType;
	HeapTuple	type_tuple_array;
	Form_pg_type type_struct_array;

	/* Get the type tuple for the array */
	type_tuple_array = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID,
									  0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(type_tuple_array))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", arrayType);
	type_struct_array = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(type_tuple_array);

	/* needn't check typisdefined since this will fail anyway */

	elementType = type_struct_array->typelem;
	if (elementType == InvalidOid)
				 errmsg("cannot subscript type %s because it is not an array",


	return elementType;

 * transformArraySubscripts()
 *		Transform array subscripting.  This is used for both
 *		array fetch and array assignment.
 * In an array fetch, we are given a source array value and we produce an
 * expression that represents the result of extracting a single array element
 * or an array slice.
 * In an array assignment, we are given a destination array value plus a
 * source value that is to be assigned to a single element or a slice of
 * that array.	We produce an expression that represents the new array value
 * with the source data inserted into the right part of the array.
 * pstate		Parse state
 * arrayBase	Already-transformed expression for the array as a whole
 * arrayType	OID of array's datatype (should match type of arrayBase)
 * elementType	OID of array's element type (fetch with transformArrayType,
 *				or pass InvalidOid to do it here)
 * elementTypMod typmod to be applied to array elements (if storing) or of
 *				the source array (if fetching)
 * indirection	Untransformed list of subscripts (must not be NIL)
 * assignFrom	NULL for array fetch, else transformed expression for source.
ArrayRef *
transformArraySubscripts(ParseState *pstate,
						 Node *arrayBase,
						 Oid arrayType,
						 Oid elementType,
						 int32 elementTypMod,
						 List *indirection,
						 Node *assignFrom)
	bool		isSlice = false;
	List	   *upperIndexpr = NIL;
	List	   *lowerIndexpr = NIL;
	ListCell   *idx;
	ArrayRef   *aref;

	/* Caller may or may not have bothered to determine elementType */
	if (!OidIsValid(elementType))
		elementType = transformArrayType(arrayType);

	 * A list containing only single subscripts refers to a single array
	 * element.  If any of the items are double subscripts (lower:upper), then
	 * the subscript expression means an array slice operation. In this case,
	 * we supply a default lower bound of 1 for any items that contain only a
	 * single subscript.  We have to prescan the indirection list to see if
	 * there are any double subscripts.
	foreach(idx, indirection)
		A_Indices  *ai = (A_Indices *) lfirst(idx);

		if (ai->lidx != NULL)
			isSlice = true;

	 * Transform the subscript expressions.
	foreach(idx, indirection)
		A_Indices  *ai = (A_Indices *) lfirst(idx);
		Node	   *subexpr;

		Assert(IsA(ai, A_Indices));
		if (isSlice)
			if (ai->lidx)
				subexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->lidx);
				/* If it's not int4 already, try to coerce */
				subexpr = coerce_to_target_type(pstate,
												subexpr, exprType(subexpr),
												INT4OID, -1,
				if (subexpr == NULL)
							 errmsg("array subscript must have type integer"),
							 parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(ai->lidx))));
				/* Make a constant 1 */
				subexpr = (Node *) makeConst(INT4OID,
											 true);		/* pass by value */
			lowerIndexpr = lappend(lowerIndexpr, subexpr);
		subexpr = transformExpr(pstate, ai->uidx);
		/* If it's not int4 already, try to coerce */
		subexpr = coerce_to_target_type(pstate,
										subexpr, exprType(subexpr),
										INT4OID, -1,
		if (subexpr == NULL)
					 errmsg("array subscript must have type integer"),
					 parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(ai->uidx))));
		upperIndexpr = lappend(upperIndexpr, subexpr);

	 * If doing an array store, coerce the source value to the right type.
	 * (This should agree with the coercion done by transformAssignedExpr.)
	if (assignFrom != NULL)
		Oid			typesource = exprType(assignFrom);
		Oid			typeneeded = isSlice ? arrayType : elementType;
		Node	   *newFrom;

		newFrom = coerce_to_target_type(pstate,
										assignFrom, typesource,
										typeneeded, elementTypMod,
		if (newFrom == NULL)
					 errmsg("array assignment requires type %s"
							" but expression is of type %s",
			   errhint("You will need to rewrite or cast the expression."),
					 parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(assignFrom))));
		assignFrom = newFrom;

	 * Ready to build the ArrayRef node.
	aref = makeNode(ArrayRef);
	aref->refarraytype = arrayType;
	aref->refelemtype = elementType;
	aref->reftypmod = elementTypMod;
	aref->refupperindexpr = upperIndexpr;
	aref->reflowerindexpr = lowerIndexpr;
	aref->refexpr = (Expr *) arrayBase;
	aref->refassgnexpr = (Expr *) assignFrom;

	return aref;

 * make_const
 *	Convert a Value node (as returned by the grammar) to a Const node
 *	of the "natural" type for the constant.  Note that this routine is
 *	only used when there is no explicit cast for the constant, so we
 *	have to guess what type is wanted.
 *	For string literals we produce a constant of type UNKNOWN ---- whose
 *	representation is the same as cstring, but it indicates to later type
 *	resolution that we're not sure yet what type it should be considered.
 *	Explicit "NULL" constants are also typed as UNKNOWN.
 *	For integers and floats we produce int4, int8, or numeric depending
 *	on the value of the number.  XXX We should produce int2 as well,
 *	but additional cleanup is needed before we can do that; there are
 *	too many examples that fail if we try.
Const *
make_const(Value *value, int location)
	Datum		val;
	int64		val64;
	Oid			typeid;
	int			typelen;
	bool		typebyval;
	Const	   *con;

	switch (nodeTag(value))
		case T_Integer:
			val = Int32GetDatum(intVal(value));

			typeid = INT4OID;
			typelen = sizeof(int32);
			typebyval = true;

		case T_Float:
			/* could be an oversize integer as well as a float ... */
			if (scanint8(strVal(value), true, &val64))
				 * It might actually fit in int32. Probably only INT_MIN can
				 * occur, but we'll code the test generally just to be sure.
				int32		val32 = (int32) val64;

				if (val64 == (int64) val32)
					val = Int32GetDatum(val32);

					typeid = INT4OID;
					typelen = sizeof(int32);
					typebyval = true;
					val = Int64GetDatum(val64);

					typeid = INT8OID;
					typelen = sizeof(int64);
					typebyval = FLOAT8PASSBYVAL;	/* int8 and float8 alike */
				val = DirectFunctionCall3(numeric_in,

				typeid = NUMERICOID;
				typelen = -1;	/* variable len */
				typebyval = false;

		case T_String:

			 * We assume here that UNKNOWN's internal representation is the
			 * same as CSTRING
			val = CStringGetDatum(strVal(value));

			typeid = UNKNOWNOID;	/* will be coerced later */
			typelen = -2;		/* cstring-style varwidth type */
			typebyval = false;

		case T_BitString:
			val = DirectFunctionCall3(bit_in,
			typeid = BITOID;
			typelen = -1;
			typebyval = false;

		case T_Null:
			/* return a null const */
			con = makeConst(UNKNOWNOID,
							(Datum) 0,
			con->location = location;
			return con;

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(value));
			return NULL;		/* keep compiler quiet */

	con = makeConst(typeid,
					-1,			/* typmod -1 is OK for all cases */
	con->location = location;

	return con;