plannodes.h 7.37 KB
 * plannodes.h--
 *    definitions for query plan nodes
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: plannodes.h,v 1.2 1996/10/31 09:49:16 scrappy Exp $

#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Executor State types are used in the plannode structures
 *  so we have to include their definitions too.
 *	Node Type		node information used by executor
 * control nodes
 *	Existential		ExistentialState	exstate;
 *	Result			ResultState		resstate;
 *	Append			AppendState		unionstate;
 * scan nodes
 *    	Scan ***		CommonScanState		scanstate;
 *    	IndexScan		IndexScanState		indxstate;
 *	  (*** nodes which inherit Scan also inherit scanstate)
 * join nodes
 *	NestLoop		NestLoopState		nlstate;
 *	MergeJoin		MergeJoinState		mergestate;
 *	HashJoin		HashJoinState		hashjoinstate;
 * materialize nodes
 *	Material		MaterialState		matstate;
 *      Sort			SortState		sortstate;
 *      Unique			UniqueState		uniquestate;
 *      Hash			HashState		hashstate;
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"		/* XXX move executor types elsewhere */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *			node definitions
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *	Plan node
 * ----------------

typedef struct Plan {
    NodeTag		type;
    Cost		cost;
    int			plan_size;
    int			plan_width;
    int			plan_tupperpage;
    EState		*state;  /* at execution time, state's of individual
				    nodes point to one EState for the 
				    whole top-level plan */
    List		*targetlist;
    List		*qual;	/* Node* or List* ?? */
    struct Plan		*lefttree;
    struct Plan		*righttree;
} Plan;

/* ----------------
 *  these are are defined to avoid confusion problems with "left"
 *  and "right" and "inner" and "outer".  The convention is that
 *  the "left" plan is the "outer" plan and the "right" plan is
 *  the inner plan, but these make the code more readable. 
 * ----------------
#define innerPlan(node)		(((Plan *)(node))->righttree)
#define outerPlan(node)		(((Plan *)(node))->lefttree)

 * ===============
 * Top-level nodes
 * ===============

/* all plan nodes "derive" from the Plan structure by having the
   Plan structure as the first field.  This ensures that everything works
   when nodes are cast to Plan's.  (node pointers are frequently cast to Plan*
   when passed around generically in the executor */

/* ----------------
 *	existential node
 * ----------------
typedef Plan	Existential;

/* ----------------
 *   result node -
 *      returns tuples from outer plan that satisfy the qualifications
 * ----------------
typedef struct Result {
    Plan		plan;
    Node		*resconstantqual;
    ResultState		*resstate;
} Result;

/* ----------------
 *	append node
 * ----------------
typedef struct Append {
    Plan		plan;
    List		*unionplans;
    Index		unionrelid;
    List		*unionrtentries;
    AppendState		*unionstate;
} Append;

 * ==========
 * Scan nodes
 * ==========
typedef struct Scan {
    Plan		plan;
    Index		scanrelid; /* relid is index into the range table */
    CommonScanState	*scanstate;
} Scan;

/* ----------------
 *	sequential scan node
 * ----------------
typedef Scan	SeqScan;

/* ----------------
 *	index scan node
 * ----------------
typedef struct IndexScan {
    Scan		scan;
    List		*indxid;
    List		*indxqual;
    IndexScanState	*indxstate;
} IndexScan;

 * ==========
 * Join nodes
 * ==========

/* ----------------
 *	Join node
 * ----------------
typedef	Plan	Join;

/* ----------------
 *	nest loop join node
 * ----------------
typedef struct NestLoop {
    Join		join;
    NestLoopState	*nlstate;
} NestLoop;

/* ----------------
 *	merge join node
 * ----------------
typedef struct MergeJoin {
    Join		join;
    List		*mergeclauses;
    Oid			mergesortop;
    Oid			*mergerightorder;	/* inner sort operator */
    Oid			*mergeleftorder;	/* outer sort operator */
    MergeJoinState	*mergestate;
} MergeJoin;

/* ----------------
 *	hash join (probe) node
 * ----------------
typedef struct HashJoin {
    Join		join;
    List		*hashclauses;
    Oid			hashjoinop;
    HashJoinState	*hashjoinstate;
    HashJoinTable	hashjointable;
    IpcMemoryKey	hashjointablekey;
    int			hashjointablesize;
    bool		hashdone;
} HashJoin;

/* ---------------
 *      aggregate node
 * ---------------
typedef struct Agg {
    Plan		plan;
    int			numAgg;
    Aggreg		**aggs;
    AggState            *aggstate;
} Agg;

/* ---------------
 *   group node -
 *      use for queries with GROUP BY specified.
 *      If tuplePerGroup is true, one tuple (with group columns only) is
 *      returned for each group and NULL is returned when there are no more
 *      groups. Otherwise, all the tuples of a group are returned with a
 *	NULL returned at the end of each group. (see nodeGroup.c for details)
 * ---------------
typedef struct Group {
    Plan		plan;
    bool		tuplePerGroup;	/* what tuples to return (see above) */
    int			numCols;	/* number of group columns */
    AttrNumber		*grpColIdx;	/* index into the target list */
    GroupState		*grpstate;
} Group;

 * ==========
 * Temp nodes
 * ==========
typedef struct Temp {
    Plan		plan;
    Oid			tempid;
    int			keycount;
} Temp;

/* ----------------
 *	materialization node
 * ----------------
typedef struct Material {
    Plan		plan;		/* temp node flattened out */
    Oid			tempid;
    int			keycount;
    MaterialState	*matstate;
} Material;

/* ----------------
 *	sort node
 * ----------------
typedef struct Sort {
    Plan		plan;		/* temp node flattened out */
    Oid			tempid;
    int			keycount;
    SortState		*sortstate;
} Sort;

/* ----------------
 *	unique node
 * ----------------
typedef struct Unique {
    Plan		plan;		/* temp node flattened out */
    Oid			tempid;
    int			keycount;
    char               *uniqueAttr; /* NULL if all attrs,
				       or unique attribute name */
    AttrNumber     	uniqueAttrNum; /* attribute number of attribute
					   to select distinct on */
    UniqueState		*uniquestate;
} Unique;

/* ----------------
 *	hash build node
 * ----------------
typedef struct Hash {
    Plan		plan;
    Var			*hashkey;
    HashState		*hashstate;
    HashJoinTable	hashtable;
    IpcMemoryKey	hashtablekey;
    int			hashtablesize;
} Hash;

/* ---------------------
 *	choose node
 * ---------------------
typedef struct Choose {
    Plan	plan;
    List	*chooseplanlist;
} Choose;

/* -------------------
 *      Tee node information
 *    leftParent :              the left parent of this node
 *    rightParent:              the right parent of this node  
 * -------------------
typedef struct Tee {
  Plan           plan;
  Plan*          leftParent;
  Plan*          rightParent;
  TeeState       *teestate;
  char           *teeTableName; /* the name of the table to materialize
				  the tee into */
  List           *rtentries; /* the range table for the plan below the Tee
				may be different than the parent plans */
} Tee;

#endif /* PLANNODES_H */