portal.h 3.09 KB
 * portal.h--
 *    POSTGRES portal definitions.
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: portal.h,v 1.2 1996/08/13 01:36:50 scrappy Exp $
 * Note:
 *	A portal is an abstraction which represents the execution state of
 * a running query (or a fixed sequence of queries).  The "blank portal" is
 * a portal with an InvalidName.  This blank portal is in existance except
 * between calls to BlankPortalAssignName and GetPortalByName(NULL).
 * Note:
 *	now that PQ calls can be made from within a backend, a portal
 *	may also be used to keep track of the tuples resulting
 *	from the execution of a query.  In this case, entryIndex 
#ifndef	PORTAL_H
#define PORTAL_H

#include "c.h"

#include "nodes/execnodes.h"		/* for EState */
#include "nodes/memnodes.h"
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"		/* for Plan */
#include "executor/execdesc.h"

typedef struct PortalBlockData {
    AllocSetData	setData;
    FixedItemData	itemData;
} PortalBlockData;

typedef PortalBlockData	*PortalBlock;

typedef struct PortalD	PortalD;
typedef PortalD		*Portal;

struct PortalD {
    char				*name; 	/* XXX PortalName */
    struct PortalVariableMemory		variable;
    struct PortalHeapMemory		heap;
    QueryDesc				*queryDesc;
    TupleDesc                           attinfo;
    EState				*state;
    void				(*cleanup)(Portal);

 * PortalIsValid --
 *	True iff portal is valid.
#define	PortalIsValid(p) PointerIsValid(p)

 * Special portals (well, their names anyway)
#define	VACPNAME	"<vacuum>"

extern bool PortalNameIsSpecial(char *pname);
extern void CollectNamedPortals(Portal *portalP, int destroy);
extern void AtEOXact_portals(void);
extern void EnablePortalManager(bool on);
extern Portal GetPortalByName(char *name);
extern Portal BlankPortalAssignName(char *name);
extern void PortalSetQuery(Portal portal, QueryDesc *queryDesc, 
			   TupleDesc attinfo, EState *state,
			   void (*cleanup)(Portal portal));
extern QueryDesc *PortalGetQueryDesc(Portal portal);
extern EState *PortalGetState(Portal portal);
extern Portal CreatePortal(char *name);
extern void PortalDestroy(Portal *portalP);
extern void PortalResetHeapMemory(Portal portal);
extern void StartPortalAllocMode(AllocMode mode, Size limit);
extern void EndPortalAllocMode(void);
extern PortalVariableMemory PortalGetVariableMemory(Portal portal);
extern PortalHeapMemory PortalGetHeapMemory(Portal portal);
extern Portal PortalVariableMemoryGetPortal(PortalVariableMemory context);
extern Portal PortalHeapMemoryGetPortal(PortalHeapMemory context);
extern PortalHeapMemory PortalVariableMemoryGetHeapMemory(PortalVariableMemory context);
extern PortalVariableMemory PortalHeapMemoryGetVariableMemory(PortalHeapMemory context);

/* estimate of the maximum number of open portals a user would have,
 * used in initially sizing the PortalHashTable in  EnablePortalManager() 
#define PORTALS_PER_USER       10

#endif	/* PORTAL_H */