• Michael Paquier's avatar
    Rename files and headers related to index AM · 8ce3aa9b
    Michael Paquier authored
    The following renaming is done so as source files related to index
    access methods are more consistent with table access methods (the
    original names used for index AMs ware too generic, and could be
    confused as including features related to table AMs):
    - amapi.h -> indexam.h.
    - amapi.c -> indexamapi.c.  Here we have an equivalent with
    - amvalidate.c -> indexamvalidate.c.
    - amvalidate.h -> indexamvalidate.h.
    - genam.c -> indexgenam.c.
    - genam.h -> indexgenam.h.
    This has been discussed during the development of v12 when table AM was
    worked on, but the renaming never happened.
    Author: Michael Paquier
    Reviewed-by: Fabien Coelho, Julien Rouhaud
    Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/20191223053434.GF34339@paquier.xyz
origin.c 41.4 KB