• Bruce Momjian's avatar
    Got two patches that were found by folks on the Castor list, that we'd like to · 8af0ea9d
    Bruce Momjian authored
    submit.  These were done for the jdbc2 driver.  The first one is for support
    of the Types.BIT in the PreparedStatement class.  The following lines need to be
    inserted in the switch statment, at around line 530:
    	(Prepared statment, line 554, before the default: switch
    	case Types.BIT:
    	     if (x instanceof Boolean) {
    	          set(parameterIndex, ((Boolean)x).booleanValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
    	     } else {
    	          throw new PSQLException("postgresql.prep.type");
    	The second one is dealing with blobs,
    	inserted in PreparedStatemant.java (After previous patch line, 558):
    	         case Types.BINARY:
    	         case Types.VARBINARY:
    	and in ResultSet.java (Around line 857):
    	        case Types.BINARY:
    	        case Types.VARBINARY:
    	                        return getBytes(columnIndex);
    Ned Wolpert <ned.wolpert@knowledgenet.com>
PreparedStatement.java 19.6 KB