• Peter Eisentraut's avatar
    Add more tests for hashing and hash-based plans · 6dd8b008
    Peter Eisentraut authored
    - Test hashing of an array of a non-hashable element type.
    - Test UNION [DISTINCT] with hash- and sort-based plans.  (Previously,
      only INTERSECT and EXCEPT where tested there.)
    - Test UNION [DISTINCT] with a non-hashable column type.  This
      currently reverts to a sort-based plan even if enable_hashagg is on.
    - Test UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT hash- and sort-based plans with arrays
      as column types.  Also test an array with a non-hashable element
    - Test UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT similarly with row types as column
      types.  Currently, this uses only sort-based plans because there is
      no hashing support for row types.
    - Add a test case that shows that recursive queries using UNION
      [DISTINCT] require hashable column types.
    - Add a currently failing test that uses UNION DISTINCT in a
      cycle-detection use case using row types as column types.
    Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/38eccd35-4e2d-6767-1b3c-dada1eac3124%402ndquadrant.com
hash_func.out 14.1 KB