• Bruce Momjian's avatar
    The "random" regression test uses a function called oidrand(), which · 6cb1f4fe
    Bruce Momjian authored
    takes two parameters, an OID x and an integer y, and returns "true" with
    probability 1/y (the OID argument is ignored). This can be useful -- for
    example, it can be used to select a random sampling of the rows in a
    table (which is what the "random" regression test uses it for).
    This patch removes that function, because it was old and messy. The old
    function had the following problems:
    - it was undocumented
    - it was poorly named
    - it was designed to workaround an optimizer bug that no longer exists
    (the OID argument is to ensure that the optimizer won't optimize away
    calls to the function; AFAIK marking the function as 'volatile' suffices
    - it used a different random-number generation technique than the other
    PSRNG-related functions in the backend do (it called random() like they
    do, but it had its own logic for setting a set and deciding when to
    reseed the RNG).
    Ok, this patch removes oidrand(), oidsrand(), and userfntest(), and
    improves the SGML docs a little bit (un-commenting the setseed()
    Neil Conway
misc.c 1.04 KB