allfiles.sgml 5.99 KB
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/allfiles.sgml,v 1.12 1999/10/01 15:24:09 thomas Exp $
Postgres documentation
Complete list of usable sgml source files in this directory.

<!entity intro-ref          system "intro-ref.sgml">
<!entity commands           system "commands.sgml">

<!-- these will go into the "operators" reference chapter -->
<!entity all                system "all.sgml">
<!entity any                system "any.sgml">
<!entity between            system "between.sgml">
<!entity in                 system "in.sgml">
<!entity like               system "like.sgml">

<!-- these will go into the "functions" reference chapter -->
<!entity avg                system "avg.sgml">
<!entity cast               system "cast.sgml">
<!entity charLength         system "char_length.sgml">
<!entity count              system "count.sgml">
<!entity currentDate        system "current_date.sgml">
<!entity currentTime        system "current_time.sgml">
<!entity currentTimestamp   system "current_timestamp.sgml">
<!entity currentUser        system "current_user.sgml">
<!entity exists             system "exists.sgml">
<!entity extract            system "extract.sgml">
<!entity initcap            system "initcap.sgml">
<!entity lower              system "lower.sgml">
<!entity lpad               system "lpad.sgml">
<!entity max                system "max.sgml">
<!entity min                system "min.sgml">
<!entity position           system "position.sgml">
<!entity rpad               system "rpad.sgml">
<!entity substring          system "substring.sgml">
<!entity sum                system "sum.sgml">
<!entity translate          system "translate.sgml">
<!entity trim               system "trim.sgml">
<!entity upper              system "upper.sgml">

<!-- these are in the "commands" reference chapter -->
<!entity abort              system "abort.sgml">
<!entity alterTable         system "alter_table.sgml">
<!entity alterUser          system "alter_user.sgml">
<!entity begin              system "begin.sgml">
<!entity close              system "close.sgml">
<!entity cluster            system "cluster.sgml">
<!entity commit             system "commit.sgml">
<!entity copyTable          system "copy.sgml">
<!entity createAggregate    system "create_aggregate.sgml">
<!entity createDatabase     system "create_database.sgml">
<!entity createFunction     system "create_function.sgml">
<!entity createIndex        system "create_index.sgml">
<!entity createLanguage     system "create_language.sgml">
<!entity createOperator     system "create_operator.sgml">
<!entity createRule         system "create_rule.sgml">
<!entity createSequence     system "create_sequence.sgml">
<!entity createTable        system "create_table.sgml">
<!entity createTableAs      system "create_table_as.sgml">
<!entity createTrigger      system "create_trigger.sgml">
<!entity createType         system "create_type.sgml">
<!entity createUser         system "create_user.sgml">
<!entity createView         system "create_view.sgml">
<!entity declare            system "declare.sgml">
<!entity delete             system "delete.sgml">
<!entity dropAggregate      system "drop_aggregate.sgml">
<!entity dropDatabase       system "drop_database.sgml">
<!entity dropFunction       system "drop_function.sgml">
<!entity dropIndex          system "drop_index.sgml">
<!entity dropLanguage       system "drop_language.sgml">
<!entity dropOperator       system "drop_operator.sgml">
<!entity dropRule           system "drop_rule.sgml">
<!entity dropSequence       system "drop_sequence.sgml">
<!entity dropTable          system "drop_table.sgml">
<!entity dropTrigger        system "drop_trigger.sgml">
<!entity dropType           system "drop_type.sgml">
<!entity dropUser           system "drop_user.sgml">
<!entity dropView           system "drop_view.sgml">
<!entity end                system "end.sgml">
<!entity explain            system "explain.sgml">
<!entity fetch              system "fetch.sgml">
<!entity grant              system "grant.sgml">
<!entity insert             system "insert.sgml">
<!entity listen             system "listen.sgml">
<!entity load               system "load.sgml">
<!entity lock               system "lock.sgml">
<!entity move               system "move.sgml">
<!entity notify             system "notify.sgml">
<!entity reset              system "reset.sgml">
<!entity revoke             system "revoke.sgml">
<!entity rollback           system "rollback.sgml">
<!entity select             system "select.sgml">
<!entity selectInto         system "select_into.sgml">
<!entity set                system "set.sgml">
<!entity show               system "show.sgml">
<!entity truncate           system "truncate.sgml">
<!entity unlisten           system "unlisten.sgml">
<!entity update             system "update.sgml">
<!entity vacuum             system "vacuum.sgml">

<!-- these are in the "utilities" reference chapter -->
<!entity createdb           system "createdb.sgml">
<!entity createlang         system "createlang.sgml">
<!entity createuser         system "createuser.sgml">
<!entity destroydb          system "destroydb.sgml">
<!entity destroylang        system "destroylang.sgml">
<!entity destroyuser        system "destroyuser.sgml">
<!entity ecpgRef            system "ecpg-ref.sgml">
<!entity initdb             system "initdb.sgml">
<!entity initlocation       system "initlocation.sgml">
<!entity ipcclean           system "ipcclean.sgml">
<!entity pgAccess           system "pgaccess-ref.sgml">
<!entity pgAdmin            system "pgadmin-ref.sgml">
<!entity pgDump             system "pg_dump.sgml">
<!entity pgDumpall          system "pg_dumpall.sgml">
<!entity pgPasswd           system "pg_passwd.sgml">
<!entity pgTclSh            system "pgtclsh.sgml">
<!entity pgTkSh             system "pgtksh.sgml">
<!entity pgUpgrade          system "pg_upgrade.sgml">
<!entity postgres           system "postgres-ref.sgml">
<!entity postmaster         system "postmaster.sgml">
<!entity psqlRef            system "psql-ref.sgml">
<!entity vacuumdb           system "vacuumdb.sgml">