• Marc G. Fournier's avatar
    · 53d7d473
    Marc G. Fournier authored
    From: Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
    > sinval.patch
    >       fixes a problem in SI cache which causes table overflow if some
    >       backend is idle for a long time while other backends keep adding
    >       entries.
    >       It uses the new signal handling implemented in tprintf.patch.
    >       I have also increacasesed the max number of backends from 32 to 64
    >       and the table size from 1000 to 5000.
    >       I don't know if anybody is working on SI, but until another
    >       solution is found this patch fixes the problem. I have received
    >       messages from other people reporting the same problem which I
    >       fixed many months ago.
sinvaladt.h 3.76 KB