parse_agg.c 8.25 KB
 * parse_agg.c--
 *	  handle aggregates in parser
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_agg.c,v 1.1 1997/11/25 22:05:34 momjian Exp $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "parser/parse_agg.h"
#include "parser/parse_node.h"
#include "parser/parse_target.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"

#ifdef 0
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/params.h"
#include "parse.h"				/* for AND, OR, etc. */
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"	/* for INT4OID, etc. */
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"		/* namecmp(), textout() */
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/palloc.h"
#include "utils/mcxt.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"	/* for makeResdom(), etc. */
#include "commands/sequence.h"


 * AddAggToParseState -
 *	  add the aggregate to the list of unique aggregates in pstate.
 * SIDE EFFECT: aggno in target list entry will be modified
AddAggToParseState(ParseState *pstate, Aggreg *aggreg)
	List	   *ag;
	int			i;

	 * see if we have the aggregate already (we only need to record the
	 * aggregate once)
	i = 0;
	foreach(ag, pstate->p_aggs)
		Aggreg	   *a = lfirst(ag);

		if (!strcmp(a->aggname, aggreg->aggname) &&
			equal(a->target, aggreg->target))

			/* fill in the aggno and we're done */
			aggreg->aggno = i;

	/* not found, new aggregate */
	aggreg->aggno = i;
	pstate->p_aggs = lappend(pstate->p_aggs, aggreg);

 * finalizeAggregates -
 *	  fill in qry_aggs from pstate. Also checks to make sure that aggregates
 *	  are used in the proper place.
finalizeAggregates(ParseState *pstate, Query *qry)
	List	   *l;
	int			i;

	parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

	qry->qry_numAgg = pstate->p_numAgg;
	qry->qry_aggs =
		(Aggreg **) palloc(sizeof(Aggreg *) * qry->qry_numAgg);
	i = 0;
	foreach(l, pstate->p_aggs)
		qry->qry_aggs[i++] = (Aggreg *) lfirst(l);

 * contain_agg_clause--
 *	  Recursively find aggreg nodes from a clause.
 *	  Returns true if any aggregate found.
contain_agg_clause(Node *clause)
	if (clause == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	else if (IsA(clause, Aggreg))
		return TRUE;
	else if (IsA(clause, Iter))
		return contain_agg_clause(((Iter *) clause)->iterexpr);
	else if (single_node(clause))
		return FALSE;
	else if (or_clause(clause))
		List	   *temp;

		foreach(temp, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
			if (contain_agg_clause(lfirst(temp)))
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	else if (is_funcclause(clause))
		List	   *temp;

		foreach(temp, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
			if (contain_agg_clause(lfirst(temp)))
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
		List	   *temp;

		foreach(temp, ((ArrayRef *) clause)->refupperindexpr)
			if (contain_agg_clause(lfirst(temp)))
			return TRUE;
		foreach(temp, ((ArrayRef *) clause)->reflowerindexpr)
			if (contain_agg_clause(lfirst(temp)))
			return TRUE;
		if (contain_agg_clause(((ArrayRef *) clause)->refexpr))
			return TRUE;
		if (contain_agg_clause(((ArrayRef *) clause)->refassgnexpr))
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	else if (not_clause(clause))
		return contain_agg_clause((Node *) get_notclausearg((Expr *) clause));
	else if (is_opclause(clause))
		return (contain_agg_clause((Node *) get_leftop((Expr *) clause)) ||
			  contain_agg_clause((Node *) get_rightop((Expr *) clause)));

	return FALSE;

 * exprIsAggOrGroupCol -
 *	  returns true if the expression does not contain non-group columns.
exprIsAggOrGroupCol(Node *expr, List *groupClause)
	List	   *gl;

	if (expr == NULL || IsA(expr, Const) ||
		IsA(expr, Param) ||IsA(expr, Aggreg))
		return TRUE;

	foreach(gl, groupClause)
		GroupClause *grpcl = lfirst(gl);

		if (equal(expr, grpcl->entry->expr))
			return TRUE;

	if (IsA(expr, Expr))
		List	   *temp;

		foreach(temp, ((Expr *) expr)->args)
			if (!exprIsAggOrGroupCol(lfirst(temp), groupClause))
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

 * tleIsAggOrGroupCol -
 *	  returns true if the TargetEntry is Agg or GroupCol.
tleIsAggOrGroupCol(TargetEntry *tle, List *groupClause)
	Node	   *expr = tle->expr;
	List	   *gl;

	if (expr == NULL || IsA(expr, Const) ||IsA(expr, Param))
		return TRUE;

	foreach(gl, groupClause)
		GroupClause *grpcl = lfirst(gl);

		if (tle->resdom->resno == grpcl->entry->resdom->resno)
			if (contain_agg_clause((Node *) expr))
				elog(WARN, "parser: aggregates not allowed in GROUP BY clause");
			return TRUE;

	if (IsA(expr, Aggreg))
		return TRUE;

	if (IsA(expr, Expr))
		List	   *temp;

		foreach(temp, ((Expr *) expr)->args)
			if (!exprIsAggOrGroupCol(lfirst(temp), groupClause))
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

 * parseCheckAggregates -
 *	  this should really be done earlier but the current grammar
 *	  cannot differentiate functions from aggregates. So we have do check
 *	  here when the target list and the qualifications are finalized.
parseCheckAggregates(ParseState *pstate, Query *qry)
	List	   *tl;

	Assert(pstate->p_numAgg > 0);

	 * aggregates never appear in WHERE clauses. (we have to check where
	 * clause first because if there is an aggregate, the check for
	 * non-group column in target list may fail.)
	if (contain_agg_clause(qry->qual))
		elog(WARN, "parser: aggregates not allowed in WHERE clause");

	 * the target list can only contain aggregates, group columns and
	 * functions thereof.
	foreach(tl, qry->targetList)
		TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(tl);

		if (!tleIsAggOrGroupCol(tle, qry->groupClause))
				 "parser: illegal use of aggregates or non-group column in target list");

	 * the expression specified in the HAVING clause has the same
	 * restriction as those in the target list.
 * Need to change here when we get HAVING works. Currently
 * qry->havingQual is NULL.		- vadim 04/05/97
	if (!exprIsAggOrGroupCol(qry->havingQual, qry->groupClause))
			 "parser: illegal use of aggregates or non-group column in HAVING clause");

Aggreg	   *
ParseAgg(char *aggname, Oid basetype, Node *target)
	Oid			fintype;
	Oid			vartype;
	Oid			xfn1;
	Form_pg_aggregate aggform;
	Aggreg	   *aggreg;
	HeapTuple	theAggTuple;

	theAggTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(AGGNAME, PointerGetDatum(aggname),
									  0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(theAggTuple))
		elog(WARN, "aggregate %s does not exist", aggname);

	aggform = (Form_pg_aggregate) GETSTRUCT(theAggTuple);
	fintype = aggform->aggfinaltype;
	xfn1 = aggform->aggtransfn1;

	if (nodeTag(target) != T_Var && nodeTag(target) != T_Expr)
		elog(WARN, "parser: aggregate can only be applied on an attribute or expression");

	/* only aggregates with transfn1 need a base type */
	if (OidIsValid(xfn1))
		basetype = aggform->aggbasetype;
		if (nodeTag(target) == T_Var)
			vartype = ((Var *) target)->vartype;
			vartype = ((Expr *) target)->typeOid;

		if (basetype != vartype)
			Type		tp1,

			tp1 = typeidType(basetype);
			tp2 = typeidType(vartype);
			elog(NOTICE, "Aggregate type mismatch:");
			elog(WARN, "%s works on %s, not %s", aggname,
				 typeTypeName(tp1), typeTypeName(tp2));

	aggreg = makeNode(Aggreg);
	aggreg->aggname = pstrdup(aggname);
	aggreg->basetype = aggform->aggbasetype;
	aggreg->aggtype = fintype;

	aggreg->target = target;

	return aggreg;

 * Error message when aggregate lookup fails that gives details of the
 * basetype
agg_error(char *caller, char *aggname, Oid basetypeID)

	 * basetypeID that is Invalid (zero) means aggregate over all types.
	 * (count)

	if (basetypeID == InvalidOid)
		elog(WARN, "%s: aggregate '%s' for all types does not exist", caller, aggname);
		elog(WARN, "%s: aggregate '%s' for '%s' does not exist", caller, aggname,