• Marc G. Fournier's avatar
    From: adrian@waltham.harvard.net · 49153540
    Marc G. Fournier authored
    Subject: [HACKERS] Another patch to configure.in
    I heard very little in objections/approvals to defaulting some of the
    parameters to configure.  Enclosed is a patch to configure.in which
    removes the questions for
    By default (i.e. assuming you don't put anything extra in the configure
    command line), it assumes PGPORT=5432, USE_LOCAL=no and NOHBA=no (i.e.
    HBA is turned on)
            --with-pgport=PGPORT_NO         Over-rides the PGPORT value
            --enable-locale                 enables USE_LOCALE
            --disable-hba                   disables HBA
    Just for completeness:
            --prefix=BASEDIR                Defaults to /usr/local/pgsql
            --with-template=TEMPLATE        Defaults to asking you
configure 114 KB