• Peter Eisentraut's avatar
    psql: Update \d sequence display · 2a14b960
    Peter Eisentraut authored
    For \d sequencename, the psql code just did SELECT * FROM sequencename
    to get the information to display, but this does not contain much
    interesting information anymore in PostgreSQL 10, because the metadata
    has been moved to a separate system catalog.
    This patch creates a newly designed sequence display that is not merely
    an extension of the general relation/table display as it was previously.
    PostgreSQL 9.6:
    => \d foobar
               Sequence "public.foobar"
        Column     |  Type   |        Value
     sequence_name | name    | foobar
     last_value    | bigint  | 1
     start_value   | bigint  | 1
     increment_by  | bigint  | 1
     max_value     | bigint  | 9223372036854775807
     min_value     | bigint  | 1
     cache_value   | bigint  | 1
     log_cnt       | bigint  | 0
     is_cycled     | boolean | f
     is_called     | boolean | f
    PostgreSQL 10 before this change:
    => \d foobar
       Sequence "public.foobar"
       Column   |  Type   | Value
     last_value | bigint  | 1
     log_cnt    | bigint  | 0
     is_called  | boolean | f
    => \d foobar
                               Sequence "public.foobar"
      Type  | Start | Minimum |       Maximum       | Increment | Cycles? | Cache
     bigint |     1 |       1 | 9223372036854775807 |         1 | no      |     1
    Reviewed-by: default avatarFabien COELHO <coelho@cri.ensmp.fr>
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