• Magnus Hagander's avatar
    Allow on-line enabling and disabling of data checksums · 1fde38be
    Magnus Hagander authored
    This makes it possible to turn checksums on in a live cluster, without
    the previous need for dump/reload or logical replication (and to turn it
    Enabling checkusm starts a background process in the form of a
    launcher/worker combination that goes through the entire database and
    recalculates checksums on each and every page. Only when all pages have
    been checksummed are they fully enabled in the cluster. Any failure of
    the process will revert to checksums off and the process has to be
    This adds a new WAL record that indicates the state of checksums, so
    the process works across replicated clusters.
    Authors: Magnus Hagander and Daniel Gustafsson
    Review: Tomas Vondra, Michael Banck, Heikki Linnakangas, Andrey Borodin
bgworker.c 36.6 KB