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Gendict - generate dictionary templates for contrib/tsearch2 module.

This utility aims to help people creating dictionary for contrib/tsearch v2
module. Particularly, it has built-in support for snowball stemmers.

Programming API to tsearch2 dictionaries is described in tsearch v2 


* PostgreSQL 7.3 and above.

* You need tsearch2 module sources already compiled

* Rights to install contrib modules


    run without parameters to see options and arguments

./ -n DICTNAME ( [ -s [ -p PREFIX ] ] | [ -c CFILES ] [ -h HFILES ] [ -i ] ) [ -v ] [ -d DIR ] [ -C COMMENT ]
    -v - be verbose
    -d DIR - name of directory in PGSQL_SRC/contrib (default dict_DICTNAME)
    -C COMMENT - dictionary comment
Generate Snowball stemmer:
./ -n DICTNAME -s [ -p PREFIX ] [ -v ] [ -d DIR ] [ -C COMMENT ]
    -s - generate Snowball wrapper
    -p - prefix of Snowball's function, (default DICTNAME)
Generate template dictionary:
./ -n DICTNAME [ -c CFILES ] [ -h HFILES ] [ -i ] [ -v ] [ -d DIR ] [ -C COMMENT ]
    -c CFILES - source files, must be placed in contrib/tsearch2/gendict directory.
                These files will be used in Makefile.
    -h HFILES - header files, must be placed in contrib/tsearch2/gendict directory.
                These files will be used in Makefile and subinclude.h
    -i - dictionary has init method

Example 1:

   Create Portuguese stemmer
   0. cd PGSQL_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/gendict

   1. Obtain stem.{c,h} files for Portuguese

   2. Create template files for Portuguese

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      ./ -n pt -s -p portuguese_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball stemmer for Portuguese'
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      Note, that argument for -p option should be *the same* as name of stemming
      function in stem.c (without _stem)

      A bunch of files will be generated and placed in PGSQL_SRC/contrib/dict_pt

   3. Compile and install dictionary

	cd PGSQL_SRC/contrib/dict_pt
	make install

   4. Test it 

	Sample portuguese words with the stemmed forms are available

 	createdb testdict
	psql testdict < /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/tsearch2.sql
	psql testdict < /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/dict_pt.sql
	psql -d testdict -c "select lexize('pt','bobagem');"
	(1 row)

	Here is what I have in pg_ts_dict table

	psql -d testdict -c "select * from pg_ts_dict where dict_name='pt';"
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	 dict_name |     dict_init      | dict_initoption |              dict_lexize              |          dict_comment           
	 pt        | dinit_pt(internal) |                 | snb_lexize(internal,internal,integer) | Snowball stemmer for Portuguese

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	(1 row)

        Note, that you have already installed dictionary and corresponding
	entry in tsearch configuration and you may modify it using
	plain SQL commands, for example, specify stop words.

Example 2:

      a) Simple template dictionary with init method 

       ./ -n wow -v -i -C WOW

      b) Create simple template dict (without init method):
	./ -n wow -v  -C WOW

        The same as above, but dictionary will have not init method

       Dictionaries obtained in a) and b) are fully working and ready
       for use: 
	  a) lowercase input word and remove it if it is a stop word
	  b) recognizes any word

      c) Simple template dictionary with source files (with init method):

       ./ -n wow -v -i -c a.c -h a.h -C WOW

        Source files ( a.c ) must be placed in contrib/tsearch2/gendict directory.
        These files will be used in Makefile.

        Header files ( a.h ), must be placed in contrib/tsearch2/gendict directory.
        These files will be used in Makefile and subinclude.h

      d) Simple template dictionary with source files (without init method):

	./ -n wow -v  -c a.c -h a.h -C WOW

	The same as above, but dictionary will have not init method

       After that you have sources in PGSQL_SRC/contrib/dict_wow and
       you may edit them to create actual dictionary.

  Please, check Tsearch2 home page (
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  for additional information about "Gendict tutorial" and dictionaries.