pgstattuple.sgml 3.82 KB
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<sect1 id="pgstattuple">
 <indexterm zone="pgstattuple">

  <literal>pgstattuple</literal> modules provides various functions to obtain 
  tuple statistics.


     <literal>pgstattuple()</literal> returns the relation length, percentage 
     of the "dead" tuples of a relation and other info. This may help users to 
     determine whether vacuum is necessary or not. Here is an example session:
test=> \x
Expanded display is on.
test=> SELECT * FROM pgstattuple('pg_catalog.pg_proc');
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------
table_len          | 458752
tuple_count        | 1470
tuple_len          | 438896
tuple_percent      | 95.67
dead_tuple_count   | 11
dead_tuple_len     | 3157
dead_tuple_percent | 0.69
free_space         | 8932
free_percent       | 1.95
     Here are explanations for each column:
     <title><literal>pgstattuple()</literal> column descriptions</title>
     <tgroup cols="2">
	<entry>physical relation length in bytes</entry>
	<entry>number of live tuples</entry>
	<entry>total tuples length in bytes</entry>
	<entry>live tuples in %</entry>
	<entry>total dead tuples length in bytes</entry>
	<entry>dead tuples in %</entry>
	<entry>free space in bytes</entry>
	<entry>free space in %</entry>
       <literal>pgstattuple</literal> acquires only a read lock on the relation. So 
       concurrent update may affect the result.
       <literal>pgstattuple</literal> judges a tuple is "dead" if HeapTupleSatisfiesNow()
       returns false.

     <literal>pg_relpages()</literal> returns the number of pages in the relation.

     <literal>pgstatindex()</literal> returns an array showing the information about an index:
test=> \x
Expanded display is on.
test=> SELECT * FROM pgstatindex('pg_cast_oid_index');
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+------
version            | 2
tree_level         | 0
index_size         | 8192
root_block_no      | 1
internal_pages     | 0
leaf_pages         | 1
empty_pages        | 0
deleted_pages      | 0
avg_leaf_density   | 50.27
leaf_fragmentation | 0

   <literal>pgstattuple</literal> may be called as a relation function and is
   defined as follows:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgstattuple(text) RETURNS pgstattuple_type
     AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuple'

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgstattuple(oid) RETURNS pgstattuple_type
     AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuplebyid'
   The argument is the relation name (optionally it may be qualified)
   or the OID of the relation.  Note that pgstattuple only returns
   one row.
