pg_proc.c 7.19 KB
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 * pg_proc.c--
 *    routines to support manipulation of the pg_proc relation
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *    $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/pg_proc.c,v 1.4 1996/11/06 07:31:25 scrappy Exp $
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#include <postgres.h>

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#include <utils/syscache.h>
#include <catalog/pg_proc.h>
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#include <access/heapam.h>
#include <access/relscan.h>
#include <fmgr.h>
#include <utils/builtins.h>
#include <utils/sets.h>
#include <catalog/catname.h>
#include <catalog/indexing.h>
#include <parser/parse_query.h>
#include <tcop/tcopprot.h>
#include <parser/catalog_utils.h>
#include <optimizer/internal.h>
#include <optimizer/planner.h>
#include <utils/lsyscache.h>
#include <miscadmin.h>
# include <regex/utils.h>
# include <string.h>

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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *	ProcedureDefine
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ProcedureCreate(char *procedureName,
		bool returnsSet,
		char *returnTypeName,	
		char *languageName,
		char *prosrc,
		char *probin,
		bool canCache,
		bool trusted,
		int32 byte_pct,
		int32 perbyte_cpu,
		int32 percall_cpu,
		int32 outin_ratio,
		List *argList,
		CommandDest dest)
    register	i;
    Relation 	rdesc;
    HeapTuple 	tup;
    bool        defined;
    uint16 	parameterCount;
    char	nulls[ Natts_pg_proc ];
    Datum 	values[ Natts_pg_proc ];
    Oid 	languageObjectId;
    Oid		typeObjectId;
    List 	*x;
    QueryTreeList *querytree_list;
    List	*plan_list;
    Oid		typev[8];
    Oid 	relid;
    Oid 	toid;
    text 	*prosrctext;
    TupleDesc   tupDesc;
    /* ----------------
     *	sanity checks
     * ----------------
    parameterCount = 0;
    memset(typev, 0, 8 * sizeof(Oid));
    foreach (x, argList) {
	Value *t = lfirst(x);
	if (parameterCount == 8)
	    elog(WARN, "Procedures cannot take more than 8 arguments");
	if (strcmp(strVal(t), "opaque") == 0) {
	    if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") == 0) {
		elog(WARN, "ProcedureDefine: sql functions cannot take type \"opaque\"");
		toid = 0;
	} else {
	    toid = TypeGet(strVal(t), &defined);
	    if (!OidIsValid(toid)) {
		elog(WARN, "ProcedureCreate: arg type '%s' is not defined",
	    if (!defined) {
		elog(NOTICE, "ProcedureCreate: arg type '%s' is only a shell",
	typev[parameterCount++] = toid;
    tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME,
    if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
	elog(WARN, "ProcedureCreate: procedure %s already exists with same arguments",
    if (!strcmp(languageName, "sql"))  {
	/* If this call is defining a set, check if the set is already
	 * defined by looking to see whether this call's function text
	 * matches a function already in pg_proc.  If so just return the 
	 * OID of the existing set.
	if (!strcmp(procedureName, GENERICSETNAME)) {
	    prosrctext = textin(prosrc);
	    tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PROSRC,
	    if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
		return tup->t_oid;
    tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(LANNAME,
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
	elog(WARN, "ProcedureCreate: no such language %s",
    languageObjectId = tup->t_oid;
    if (strcmp(returnTypeName, "opaque") == 0) {
	if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") == 0) {
	    elog(WARN, "ProcedureCreate: sql functions cannot return type \"opaque\"");
	    typeObjectId = 0;
    else {
	typeObjectId = TypeGet(returnTypeName, &defined);
	if (!OidIsValid(typeObjectId)) {
	    elog(NOTICE, "ProcedureCreate: type '%s' is not yet defined",
#if 0
	    elog(NOTICE, "ProcedureCreate: creating a shell for type '%s'",
	    typeObjectId = TypeShellMake(returnTypeName);
	    if (!OidIsValid(typeObjectId)) {
		elog(WARN, "ProcedureCreate: could not create type '%s'",
	else if (!defined) {
	    elog(NOTICE, "ProcedureCreate: return type '%s' is only a shell",
    /* don't allow functions of complex types that have the same name as
       existing attributes of the type */
    if (parameterCount == 1 && 
	(toid = TypeGet(strVal(lfirst(argList)), &defined)) &&
	defined &&
	(relid = typeid_get_relid(toid)) != 0 &&
	get_attnum(relid, procedureName) != InvalidAttrNumber)
	elog(WARN, "method %s already an attribute of type %s",
	     procedureName, strVal(lfirst(argList)));
     *  If this is a postquel procedure, we parse it here in order to
     *  be sure that it contains no syntax errors.  We should store
     *  the plan in an Inversion file for use later, but for now, we
     *  just store the procedure's text in the prosrc attribute.
    if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") == 0) {
	plan_list = pg_plan(prosrc, typev, parameterCount,
			    &querytree_list, dest);
	/* typecheck return value */
	pg_checkretval(typeObjectId, querytree_list);
    for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_proc; ++i) {
	nulls[i] = ' ';
	values[i] = (Datum)NULL;
    i = 0;
    values[i++] = PointerGetDatum(procedureName);
    values[i++] =  Int32GetDatum(GetUserId());
    values[i++] =  ObjectIdGetDatum(languageObjectId);
    /* XXX isinherited is always false for now */
    values[i++] = Int8GetDatum((bool) 0);
    /* XXX istrusted is always false for now */
    values[i++] =  Int8GetDatum(trusted);
    values[i++] =  Int8GetDatum(canCache);
    values[i++] =  UInt16GetDatum(parameterCount);
    values[i++] =  Int8GetDatum(returnsSet);
    values[i++] =  ObjectIdGetDatum(typeObjectId);
    values[i++] = (Datum) typev;
     * The following assignments of constants are made.  The real values
     * will have to be extracted from the arglist someday soon.
    values[i++] =  Int32GetDatum(byte_pct); /* probyte_pct */
    values[i++] =  Int32GetDatum(perbyte_cpu); /* properbyte_cpu */
    values[i++] =  Int32GetDatum(percall_cpu); /* propercall_cpu */
    values[i++] =  Int32GetDatum(outin_ratio); /* prooutin_ratio */
    values[i++] = (Datum)fmgr(TextInRegProcedure, prosrc);	/* prosrc */
    values[i++] = (Datum)fmgr(TextInRegProcedure, probin);   /* probin */
    rdesc = heap_openr(ProcedureRelationName);
    tupDesc = rdesc->rd_att;
    tup = heap_formtuple(tupDesc,
    heap_insert(rdesc, tup);
    if (RelationGetRelationTupleForm(rdesc)->relhasindex)
	    Relation idescs[Num_pg_proc_indices];
	    CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_proc_indices, Name_pg_proc_indices, idescs);
	    CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_proc_indices, rdesc, tup);
	    CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_proc_indices, idescs);
    return tup->t_oid;