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Anton de Wet wrote:
> >
> > Often quick mailing list support?
> :-)
> While on the subject I finally found the solution to a problem I (and one
> or two other people) posted about without answer. (So sometimes it's slow
> mailing list support).
> In importing about 5 million records (which I copy in blocks of 10000) the
> copy became linearly slower. After a friend RTFM and refered me, I used
> the -F switch (passed by the postmaster to the backend processes) and the
> time became linear and a LOT shorter. Import time for the 5000000 records
> now the same (or maybe even slightly faster, I didn't accurately time
> them) as importing the data into oracle on the same machine.

"While on the subject..." -:)

This is the problem of buffer manager, known for very long time:
when copy eats all buffers, manager begins write/fsync each
durty buffer to free buffer for new data. All updated relations
should be fsynced _once_ @ transaction commit. You would get
the same results without -F...
I still have no time to implement this -:(
