Commit 0a4a3412 authored by NARRA SURAJ's avatar NARRA SURAJ

added comments

parent 22db66fb
......@@ -433,7 +433,6 @@ def view_all_question(request):
return render(request,'ARFA_app/view_all_question.html',args)
# def create_Test(request):
# if(request.session.get('session',None)!=True):
# return render(request,'ARFA_app/login.html')
......@@ -524,6 +523,10 @@ def create_Test(request):
if not data: #only csrf token was sent, display create test page
return render(request,'ARFA_app/create_Test.html',args)
print data
form = forms.TestForm(request.POST)
#A failed attempt to make html datetimeinput work.
#refer to this when you want to try again.
# """dirty workaround"""
# #the data in request.POST must be modified to be valid in the form
......@@ -536,15 +539,16 @@ def create_Test(request):
# #see form cleanup for a potentially better solution
# qdict = QueryDict("", mutable=True)
# qdict.update(data)
form = forms.TestForm(request.POST)
# form2 = forms.TestForm(request.POST)
# print "form2:"
# print vars(form2)
# print "\n\n\n"
print "start time"
print form
print vars(form)
# #debug
# print "start time"
# print form
# print vars(form)
# #debug
if form.is_valid():
test =
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