Added files of Inlab and Outlab 1

Group No 36
Harsha 150050073 - 100%
Akshith 150050074 - 100%
Yashasvi 150050080 - 100%
Citations ::
using fzero function {
reading and writing files{
accessing elements of matrix{
We have used few references as mentioned above for syntax purposes and usage
We have not used any other groups help
We didnot take code from others in lab
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inputFile = fopen('input_inlab_task_A1.txt','r');
format = '%f';
% inputFile is opened
etaValues = fscanf(inputFile,format);
% etaValues are taken and inputFile is closed
% calculating incident angle in the below range
rootNearTo = [0.0001 , pi/2];
f = @(x) (etaValues(1)*cos(x) + etaValues(2)*sin(x))*sin(x/3) - sin(x);
incidentAngle = fzero(f,rootNearTo);
% finding root using fzero
root = [incidentAngle];
% writing it into output file
outputFile = fopen('output_inlab_task_01.txt','w');
%closing the output file
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function finalState = final_state_3( initial , action )
% initial and action are 3 x 3 matrices
% finalState is also a 3 x 3 matrix
finalState = initial;
% preparing a 3 x 3 cell to accomodate all the response matrices
actionResponse = cell(3 ,3);
actionResponse(1 , 1) = [ 1 1 0 ; 1 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(1 , 2) = [ 1 1 1 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(1 , 3) = [ 0 1 1 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 1) = [ 1 0 0 ; 1 1 0 ; 1 0 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 2) = [ 0 1 0 ; 1 1 1 ; 0 1 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 3) = [ 0 0 1 ; 0 1 1 ; 0 0 1 ];
actionResponse(3 , 1) = [ 0 0 0 ; 1 0 0 ; 1 1 0 ];
actionResponse(3 , 2) = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 1 1 1 ];
actionResponse(3 , 3) = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 1 1 ];
for _row = 1:1:3
for _column = 1:1:3
finalState = finalState + actionResponse{_row , _column} .* action( _row , _column ) ;
finalState = rem(finalState , 2);
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function solution = lookup_solve_3( initial )
underSolving = initial;
% preparing a 3 x 3 cell to accomodate all the response matrices
actionResponse = cell(3 ,3);
actionResponse(1 , 1) = [ 1 1 0 ; 1 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(1 , 2) = [ 1 1 1 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(1 , 3) = [ 0 1 1 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 0 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 1) = [ 1 0 0 ; 1 1 0 ; 1 0 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 2) = [ 0 1 0 ; 1 1 1 ; 0 1 0 ];
actionResponse(2 , 3) = [ 0 0 1 ; 0 1 1 ; 0 0 1 ];
actionResponse(3 , 1) = [ 0 0 0 ; 1 0 0 ; 1 1 0 ];
actionResponse(3 , 2) = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 1 1 1 ];
actionResponse(3 , 3) = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 0 1 1 ];
% table given for applying move on the top row
bottomRowKey = cell(8 , 1);
keyValuePair = [ [ 0 0 0 ] ; [ 0 0 0 ] ];
bottomRowKey(1 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 0 0 1 ] ; [ 0 1 1 ] ];
bottomRowKey(2 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 0 1 0 ] ; [ 1 1 1 ] ];
bottomRowKey(3 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 0 1 1 ] ; [ 1 0 0 ] ];
bottomRowKey(4 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 1 0 0 ] ; [ 1 1 0 ] ];
bottomRowKey(5 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 1 0 1 ] ; [ 1 0 1 ] ];
bottomRowKey(6 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 1 1 0 ] ; [ 0 0 1] ];
bottomRowKey(7 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
keyValuePair = [ [ 1 1 1 ] ; [ 0 1 0 ] ];
bottomRowKey(8 , 1) = keyValuePair ;
solution = [ 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ];
% first step
for _row = 1:1:2
for _column = 1:1:3
% updating solution and 'pressing the appropriate buttons'
solution(_row + 1 , _column) = solution(_row + 1 , _column) + 1 * underSolving(_row , _column) ;
underSolving = underSolving + actionResponse{_row + 1 , _column} .* underSolving(_row , _column) ;
% mod 2
underSolving = rem(underSolving , 2);
solution = rem(solution , 2);
% mod 2
% first step
temp = bottomRowKey{1 , 1};
if(underSolving(3 , :) == temp(1 , :))
% solved
% leave
% second step
for _reference = 2:1:8
temp = bottomRowKey{_reference , 1};
temp1 = temp(1 , :);
temp2 = temp(2 , :);
if(underSolving(3 , :) == temp1)
% press accordingly in top row
% updating solution and 'pressing the appropriate buttons'
solution(1 , :) = temp2;
underSolving = underSolving + actionResponse{1 , 1} .* temp2(1) ...
+ actionResponse{1 , 2} .* temp2(2) ...
+ actionResponse{1 , 3} .* temp2(3);
% leave
% second step
% third step
for _row = 1:1:2
for _column = 1:1:3
% updating solution and 'pressing the appropriate buttons'
solution(_row + 1 , _column) = solution(_row + 1 , _column) + 1 * underSolving(_row , _column) ;
underSolving = underSolving + actionResponse{_row + 1 , _column} .* underSolving(_row , _column) ;
% mod 2
underSolving = rem(underSolving , 2);
solution = rem(solution , 2);
% mod 2
% third step
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GROUP No. 36
Harshavardhan , 150050073 == 100%
Akshith Reddy , 150050074 == 100%
Yashasvi Sriram,150050080 == 100%
Coding this we learnt about basics of octave . We got a sense of this interpreted language.
The central functions in our code are ...
fzero , cell , fopen , fprintf , fclose
We came to know sevaral basic arithmetic operators like + - * / .* ./ etc.. for matrices .
There were places where we were stuck for some time ... We learnt a few things from those .
1. As this language is interpreted and not compiled we must write every statement in a single line without
hitting enter (like this line) , To do so we need to put ... at the end
2. To make an empty matrix which contains matrices as its elements , we can use cell function and insert matrices into it later.
Though we were frustrated by the quality of the editor the Octave provides it was fun to code it
Octave Tutorial by Paul Nissenson youtube
about rem -
about cell -
about cell -
We have honestly done the assignment and have not used any unauthorized sources
Everything written is True ®.
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function solution = backward_solve(initial)
noRow = dimOfInitial(1); % found the number of rows of Initial Matrix
noCol = dimOfInitial(2); % found number of coloums of Initial Matrix
dimCoeffM = noRow * noCol; % found the dimension of coeff Matrix
coeffM = zeros(dimCoeffM); % coeff Matrix is declared sort of..
rowNoInCoeffM = 1; % for keeping track of row no of coeff M in the below nested for loops
for _row = 1:noRow
for _col = 1:noCol
coeffM(rowNoInCoeffM , rowNoInCoeffM) = 1;
% check place in given matrix
initial(_row , _col + 1);
% putting 1 in that place
coeffM(rowNoInCoeffM , rowNoInCoeffM + 1) = 1;
% out of bound so skip
% check place in given matrix
initial(_row , _col - 1);
% putting 1 in that place
coeffM(rowNoInCoeffM , rowNoInCoeffM - 1) = 1;
% out of bound so skip
% check place in given matrix
initial(_row + 1 , _col );
% putting 1 in that place
coeffM(rowNoInCoeffM , rowNoInCoeffM + noCol) = 1;
% out of bound so skip
% check place in given matrix
initial(_row - 1, _col);
% putting 1 in that place
coeffM(rowNoInCoeffM , rowNoInCoeffM - noCol) = 1;
% out of bound so skip
rowNoInCoeffM = rowNoInCoeffM + 1;
%created the matrix A in Ax=B;
iniState = zeros(dimCoeffM,1);
for pos=1:1:dimCoeffM
%created the matrix B in Ax=B
randSolution = coeffM\(iniState.*q);
sol = rem(abs(round(randSolution)),2);
% finding the solution x in Ax=B by matrix inversion multiplied by det to amke ensure sol has integer entries
% the operations rem, abs , round assure final entries in matrix are either 0 or 1;
for iter=1:1:noRow
solution(iter,:) = sol((iter-1)*noCol+1:iter*noCol).';
%writing the solution in matrix form m x n
function solution = backward_solve_3(initial)
actionMatrix = [ 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,0;
1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,0;
0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ,0;
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ,0;
0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 ,0;
0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ,1;
0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ,0;
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ,1;
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 ,1;
%create a 9 x 9 actionMatrix (matrix A in Ax=b)
inState = [ initial(1,1);initial(1,2);initial(1,3);initial(2,1);initial(2,2);initial(2,3);initial(3,1);initial(3,2);initial(3,3); ];
%create a 9 x 1 initial state matrix (matrix B in Ax=b)
ranSolution = actionMatrix\(inState.*p);
solut = rem(abs(round(ranSolution)),2);
% used matrix inversion to find solut
% the operations rem, abs , round assure final entries in matrix are either 0 or 1
solution=[solut(1:3).'; solut(4:6).'; solut(7:9).';];
% final solution in 3 x 3 matrix
\ No newline at end of file
inputFile = fopen('input_outlab_task_A1.txt','r');
format = '%f';
% inputFile is opened
params = fscanf(inputFile,format);
% input is taken into params and inputFile is closed
x1 = params(1);
y1 = params(2);
d = params(3);
w = params(4);
eta = params(5);
x1,y1 : Position of X-wing co-ordinates
d : Distance
w : Width of smoke screen
eta : RefractiveIndex
% calculating target angle in the below range
rootNearTo = [0, 89.99];
f = @(x) (y1-w)*tand(x) + w*sind(x)/(sqrt(eta^2-(sind(x)^2))) - x1;
targetAngle = fzero(f,rootNearTo);
% finding root using fzero
root = [targetAngle];
% writing it into output file
outputFile = fopen('output_outlab_task_A1.txt','w');
%closing the output file
%the equation in fsolve is obtained by equating x co-ordinate with the trignometic projections of lazer ray using y and targetAngle
inputFile = fopen('input_outlab_task_A2.txt','r');
format = '%f';
% inputFile is opened
givenData = fscanf(inputFile,format);
% input is taken into givenData and inputFile is closed
xT = givenData(1);
yT = givenData(2);
xI = givenData(3);
yI = givenData(4);
v2 = givenData(5);
vl = givenData(6);
d = givenData(7);
w = givenData(8);
eta = givenData(9);
t1 = givenData(10);
xT,yT : Initial Position of TIE co-ordinates
xI,yI : Initial Position of X-wing co-ordinates
v2 : relative velocity of X-wing w.r.t TIE
vl : veocity of laser
d : Distance
w : Width of smoke screen
eta : RefractiveIndex
t1 : minimum time interval between two hits
xF,yF : Final Position of X-wing co-ordinates
% calculating target angle in the below range
rootNearTo = [0.001,60];
f = @(x) (yI-w+ v2*( t1 + ( (( v2*t1 + yI - w )*secd(x) + ((eta^2)*w)/(sqrt(eta^2-(sind(x)^2))))/(vl - v2*secd(x)) )) )*tand(x) + w*sind(x)/(sqrt(eta^2-(sind(x)^2))) - xI;
targetAngle = fzero(f,rootNearTo);
xF = xI;
yF = yI + v2*( t1 + ( (( v2*t1 + yI - w )*secd(targetAngle) + ((eta^2)*w)/(sqrt(eta^2-(sind(targetAngle)^2))))/(vl - v2*secd(targetAngle)) ));
stringWrite = [num2str(targetAngle) " " num2str(xF) " " num2str(yF)];
% finding root using fzero
%writing answer into output file
outputFile = fopen('output_outlab_task_A2.txt','w');
Oformat = '%s';
fprintf(outputFile,Oformat, stringWrite);
%closing the output file
special comment
t_taken=(( v2*t1 + yI - w )*secd(x) + ((eta^2)*w)/(sqrt(eta^2-(sind(x)^2))))/(vrel - v2*secd(x))
this is the time taken by the second bullet to hit since it's release
this is the value used in targetAngle and yF expressions
essentially yF = yI + v2*(t1 + t_taken)
and target angle and yF calculated using this yF expression
GROUP No. 36
Harshavardhan , 150050073 == 100%
Akshith Reddy , 150050074 == 100%
Yashasvi Sriram,150050080 == 100%
This assignment was the first outlab for us . This has a problem about starwars and a famous puzzle called lights out .
Technical Points:
Usage of : operator
Usage of try catch blocks
Formats of input and output
Usage of fzero
Usage of Inverse of Matrix and system of linear equation solutions
Stuck At :
Writing space to a file :: Should take care of format used in fprintf (here used %s - string)
and accordingly convert numbers to strings
Understanding the question and Writing function for fzero in A2 part
I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Everything written is True ®.
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<h1>The Triangle</h1>
<h3><a style="margin-left: 100px;" href="">The
Strongest structure ... </a></h3>
<h3 style="margin-left: 100px;">is made by three singularities</h3>
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<span class="names" style="margin-left: 50px">Yashasvi Sriram</span>
<h2 id="groupNo" style="margin-left: 90px">36</h2>
<span class="names" style="margin-left: -10px">Harshavardhan</span>
<span class="names" style="margin-left: 50px">Akshith</span>
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<td>Yashasvi Sriram</td>
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<blockquote>Honour Code</blockquote>
<h4 class="text-info" style="padding: 20px;">I pledge on my honour that I have not given or received
any unauthorized assistance
on this assignment or any previous task.</h4>
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