Commit 92197fd3 authored by Naman Dixit's avatar Naman Dixit

Commiting v1 into the new repo

parent 124cdfe7
[submodule "resource_manager/src/common/cJSON"]
path = resource_manager/src/common/cJSON
url =
Dependency: Clang compiler
1. Clone using "git clone --recursive"
2. Run "build.linux" script to compile the project.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -z ${BuildPlatform+x} ]; then
if [ -z ${BuildArchitecture+x} ]; then
ProjectRoot="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)" # Directory in which the script is located
cd ${ProjectRoot}
echo "Entering directory \`$(pwd)'"
mkdir -p ${BuildDirectory}
VersionNumberOld=$(< ./version.linux)
VersionNumber=$((${VersionNumberOld} + 1))
echo ${VersionNumber} > ./version.linux
# .....................................................................
# `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
# Compile Arbiter =====================================================
if [ -f "${ArbiterTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${ArbiterTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
ArbiterCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
ArbiterLanguageFlags="--std=c11 -DBUILD_INTERNAL -DBUILD_SLOW -DBUILD_DEBUG \
ArbiterWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
ArbiterLinkerFlags="-o ${ArbiterTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${ArbiterCompilerFlags} ${ArbiterLanguageFlags} ${ArbiterWarningFlags} \
${ArbiterSource} \
# Compile Grunt =====================================================
if [ -f "${GruntTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${GruntTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
GruntCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
GruntWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
GruntLinkerFlags="-o ${GruntTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${GruntCompilerFlags} ${GruntLanguageFlags} ${GruntWarningFlags} \
${GruntSource} \
# Compile Test =====================================================
if [ -f "${TestTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${TestTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
TestCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
TestWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
TestLinkerFlags="-o ${TestTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${TestCompilerFlags} ${TestLanguageFlags} ${TestWarningFlags} \
${TestSource} \
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 1024
typedef struct Input_Resume {
Char *buffer;
Size buffer_len;
Size buffer_cap;
U32 buffer_expected_len;
Byte size_bytes[4];
Size size_bytes_count;
int fd;
B32 initialized;
} Input_Resume;
typedef struct Output_Resume {
Char *buffer;
Size buffer_pos;
Size buffer_len;
U64 msg_id_hash;
Sint fd;
Byte _pad[4];
} Output_Resume;
typedef struct Input_Output {
Input_Resume *ir;
Output_Resume *ors;
} Input_Output;
typedef struct Grunt {
Char *ip;
Sint memory;
} Grunt;
typedef struct Grunt_Survey {
Char **ips;
U64 milli_passed;
U64 milli_last;
Sint id;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} Grunt_Survey;
typedef struct Command {
enum Command_Kind {
} kind;
Sint id;
union {
struct {
Sint memory;
} reqex;
struct {
Sint memory;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} reqin;
struct {
Char **ips;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} resin;
struct {
Char **ips;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} resex;
struct {
Sint memory;
} heartbeat;
} Command;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
#include "socket.c"
#include "time.c"
Sint main (Sint argc, Char *argv[])
Sint sock_fd_external = socketCreateListener("9526");
Sint sock_fd_internal = socketCreateListener("9527");
// NOTE(naman): Create an epoll instance, with no flags set.
int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epoll_fd < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Add the socket's file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event accept_event_internal = {.data.fd = sock_fd_internal,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd_internal, &accept_event_internal) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
struct epoll_event accept_event_external = {.data.fd = sock_fd_external,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd_external, &accept_event_external) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
// NOTE(naman): Allocate memory for epoll array
struct epoll_event* events = calloc(MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
if (events == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for epoll_events");
Command *commands = NULL;
Hash_Table commands_pending = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table socket_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table io_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table grunt_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table grunt_survey_map = htCreate(0);
while (true) {
// NOTE(naman): Get the fd's that are ready
int nready = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < nready; i++) {
if (events[i].events & EPOLLERR) {
perror("epoll_wait returned EPOLLERR");
if ((events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_internal) ||
(events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_external)) {
Sint sock_fd = events[i].data.fd;
// NOTE(naman): A new grunt is connecting.
struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {0};
socklen_t peer_addr_len = sizeof(peer_addr);
int accept_fd = accept(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&peer_addr,
if (accept_fd < 0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// This can happen due to the nonblocking socket mode; in this
// case don't do anything, but print a notice (since these events
// are extremely rare and interesting to observe...)
fprintf(stderr, "accept() returned %s\n",
} else {
} else {
printf("Log: Connection made: client_fd=%d\n", accept_fd);
// NOTE(naman): Set the socket as non-blocking
int sock_flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (sock_flags == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_GETFL");
if (fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, sock_flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK");
// NOTE(naman): Add the new file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = accept_fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, accept_fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
if (events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_internal) {
htInsert(&socket_map, (U64)accept_fd, Socket_Kind_INTERNAL);
struct in_addr ip_addr = peer_addr.sin_addr;
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
Grunt *grunt = calloc(1, sizeof(*grunt));
grunt->ip = strdup(str);
htInsert(&grunt_map, (U64)accept_fd, (U64)grunt);
} else if (events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_external) {
htInsert(&socket_map, (U64)accept_fd, Socket_Kind_EXTERNAL);
Input_Output *io = calloc(1, sizeof(*io));
htInsert(&io_map, (U64)accept_fd, (Uptr)io);
} else {
// A peer socket is ready.
if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
// Ready for reading.
int fd = events[i].data.fd;
Socket_Kind socket_kind = (Socket_Kind)htLookup(&socket_map, (U64)fd);
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
if (io->ir == NULL) {
io->ir = calloc(1, sizeof(*io->ir));
io->ir->buffer_cap = MiB(1);
io->ir->buffer = calloc(io->ir->buffer_cap,
io->ir->fd = fd;
Input_Resume *ir = io->ir;
if (ir->initialized == false) {
long len = read(fd,
(Char *)ir->size_bytes + ir->size_bytes_count,
4 - ir->size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
htRemove(&io_map, (U64)fd);
htRemove(&socket_map, (U64)fd);
if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) {
htRemove(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
ir->size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (ir->size_bytes_count == 4) {
ir->initialized = true;
ir->buffer_expected_len = (U32)((ir->size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(ir->size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(ir->size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(ir->size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(fd,
ir->buffer + ir->buffer_len,
ir->buffer_expected_len - ir->buffer_len);
ir->buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (ir->buffer_expected_len == ir->buffer_len) {
// char *json_printed = cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(ir->buffer));
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(ir->buffer, &json_error, true);
B32 prepare_for_output = true;
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_EXTERNAL) {
printf("Recieved: REQUEST EXTERNAL:\n%s\n",
Command c = {.kind = Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL}; = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
Sint memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
Char **ips = NULL;
for (Size j = 0; j < grunt_map.slot_count; j++) {
if (grunt_map.keys[j] != 0) {
Grunt *g = (Grunt *)grunt_map.values;
if (g->memory >= memory) {
c.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL;
sbufAdd(ips, g->ip);
if (c.kind == Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL) {
c.reqin.dispatcher_socket = fd;
c.reqin.memory = memory;
} else if (c.kind == Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL) {
c.resex.ips = ips;
c.reqin.dispatcher_socket = fd;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
htInsert(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64), true);
} else if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) {
Char *type = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "type")->valuestring;
if (strcmp(type, "response") == 0) {
printf("Recieved: RESPONSE INTERNAL:\n%s\n",
B32 success = (B32)(cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,
if (success) {
Command c = {.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL}; = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
c.resex.dispatcher_socket = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,
Grunt_Survey *gs =
(Grunt_Survey *)htLookup(&grunt_survey_map,
if (gs != NULL) {
Grunt *g = (Grunt *)htLookup(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(gs->ips, g->ip);
U64 milli_new = timeMilli();
gs->milli_passed += milli_new - gs->milli_last;
gs->milli_last = milli_new;
if (gs->milli_passed >= 1000) {
c.resex.ips = gs->ips;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
} else if (strcmp(type, "heartbeat") == 0) {
printf("Recieved: HEARTBEAT:\n%s\n",
Grunt *grunt = (Grunt *)htLookup(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
grunt->memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
prepare_for_output = false;
io->ir = NULL;
if (prepare_for_output) {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else if (events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) {
// Writing into fd in which we previously were not able to finish writing to
int fd = events[i].data.fd;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
if (sbufElemin(io->ors) == 0) {
// fprintf(stderr, "hmLookup returned NULL\n");
// NOTE(naman): We haven't popped the Result yet, first go do that.
} else {
Output_Resume *or = &io->ors[0];
Char *output = or->buffer;
Size output_len = or->buffer_len;
Size output_pos = or->buffer_pos;
ssize_t nsent = write(or->fd, output + output_pos, output_len - output_pos);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// Try next time
} else {
perror("write() failed\n");
} else if ((Size)nsent < (output_len - output_pos)) {
or->buffer_pos += (Size)nsent;
} else {
sbufUnsortedRemove(io->ors, 0);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
or->fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
for (Size i = 0; i < grunt_survey_map.slot_count; i++) {
if (grunt_survey_map.keys[i] != 0) {
Grunt_Survey *gs = (Grunt_Survey *)grunt_survey_map.values[i];
U64 milli_new = timeMilli();
gs->milli_passed += milli_new - gs->milli_last;
gs->milli_last = milli_new;
if (gs->milli_passed >= 1000) {
Command c = {.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL}; = gs->id;
c.resex.dispatcher_socket = gs->dispatcher_socket;
c.resex.ips = gs->ips;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
for (Size j = 0; j < sbufElemin(commands); j++) {
Command c = commands[j];
if (c.kind == Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL) {
for (Size i = 0; i < socket_map.slot_count; i++) {
if ((socket_map.values[i] == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) &&
(socket_map.keys[i] != 0)) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d",;
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"dispatcher_socket\": %d", c.reqin.dispatcher_socket);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d\n", c.reqin.memory);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
printf("Sending: REQUEST INTERNAL:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
Grunt_Survey *gs =(Grunt_Survey *) htLookup(&grunt_survey_map,
if (gs == NULL) {
gs = calloc(1, sizeof(*gs));
htInsert(&grunt_survey_map, hashInteger((U64), (U64)gs);
gs->milli_last = timeMilli();
gs->id =;
gs->dispatcher_socket = c.reqin.dispatcher_socket;
Sint fd = (Sint)socket_map.keys[i];
ssize_t nsent = write(fd, output, output_len);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = 0;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
perror("write() failed");
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = (Size)nsent;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else if (c.kind == Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL) {
if (htLookup(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64) {
htRemove(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64);
Sint fd = c.resex.dispatcher_socket;
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d",;
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"ip\": [");
for (Size k = 0; k < sbufElemin(c.resex.ips); k++) {
sbufPrint(output, "\"%s\"", c.resex.ips[k]);
if (k < sbufElemin(c.resex.ips) - 1) {
sbufPrint(output, ",");
sbufPrint(output, "]");
sbufPrint(output, "\n}");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
printf("Sending: RESPONSE EXTERNAL:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
ssize_t nsent = write(fd, output, output_len);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = 0;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
perror("write() failed");
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = (Size)nsent;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
typedef enum Socket_Kind {
} Socket_Kind;
Sint socketCreateListener (Char *port)
printf("Openiing socket on port %s\n", port);
// NOTE(naman): Create a socket for IPv4 and TCP.
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock_fd < 0) {
perror("ERROR opening socket");
// NOTE(naman): This helps avoid spurious EADDRINUSE when the previous instance of this
// server died.
int opt = 1;
if (setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Get actual internet address to bind to using IPv4 and TCP,
// and listening passively
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE};
struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &addrinfo);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
// NOTE(naman): Assign an address to the socket
if (bind(sock_fd, addrinfo->ai_addr, addrinfo->ai_addrlen) != 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Start listening for incoming connections
if (listen(sock_fd, MAX_SOCKET_CONNECTIONS_REQUEST) != 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Set the socket as non-blocking
int flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_GETFL");
if (fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK");
printf("Log: Waiting for connection on port %s...\n", port);
return sock_fd;
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
U64 timeMilli (void)
struct timespec now = {0};
U64 nanosec = 0;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now) == 0) {
nanosec = ((U64)now.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)now.tv_nsec;
} else {
struct timeval now_low = {0};
gettimeofday(&now_low, NULL);
nanosec = ((U64)now_low.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)(now_low.tv_usec * 100);
U64 millisec = nanosec / 1000000ULL;
return millisec;
Subproject commit f790e17b6cecef030c4eda811149d238c2085fcf
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2018 Naman Dixit
#if !defined(NLIB_H_INCLUDE_GUARD)
/* ****************************************************************************
* COMMON *********************************************************************
/* ===============
* Platform Identification
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
# if defined(__clang__)
# else
# endif
# elif defined (__GNUC__)
# if defined(__clang__)
# else
# endif
# elif defined(__clang__)
# else
# error Compiler not supported
# endif
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define OS_WINDOWS
# elif defined(__linux__)
# define OS_LINUX
# else
# error Operating system not supported
# endif
# if defined(_M_IX86)
# define ARCH_X86
# elif defined(_M_X64)
# define ARCH_X64
# endif
# elif defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# if defined(__i386__)
# define ARCH_X86
# elif defined(__x86_64__)
# define ARCH_X64
# endif
# endif
# if !defined(ARCH_X64) // && !defined(ARCH_X86)
# error Architecture not supported
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# if !defined(__cplusplus) // TODO(naman): See if this is actually works and is the best way.
# define LANGUAGE_C99 // TODO(naman): Update when Microsoft gets off its ass.
# else
# error Language not supported
# endif
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# if (__STDC_VERSION__ == 199409)
# define LANGUAGE_C89
# elif (__STDC_VERSION__ == 199901)
# define LANGUAGE_C99
# elif (__STDC_VERSION__ == 201112) || (__STDC_VERSION__ == 201710)
# define LANGUAGE_C11
# else
# error Language not supported
# endif
# endif
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
# define ENDIAN_BIG
# else
# include <endian.h>
# define ENDIAN_BIG
# else
# error Can not determine endianness
# endif
# endif
/* ===========================
* Standard C Headers Includes
/* NOTE(naman): Manually define NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT if you want to not include CRT.
(done to maintain backwards compatibility). If you do prevent CRT from inclusion, do
the following from the code:
1. Run memUserCreate()
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# endif
# include <stddef.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# include <limits.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <stdnoreturn.h>
# include <float.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <errno.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
# include <stdlib.h>
# endif
/* ===========================
* Misc C Headers Includes
/* ===========================
* Platform Headers Includes
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4255)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# endif
# include <Windows.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4820)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# pragma warning(disable:4255)
# endif
# include <intrin.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
// ...
# endif
/* ===============
* Primitive Types
typedef int8_t S8;
typedef int16_t S16;
typedef int32_t S32;
typedef int64_t S64;
typedef int Sint;
typedef uint8_t U8;
typedef uint16_t U16;
typedef uint32_t U32;
typedef uint64_t U64;
typedef unsigned Uint;
typedef size_t Size;
typedef uintptr_t Uptr;
typedef intptr_t Sptr;
typedef ptrdiff_t Dptr;
typedef float F32;
typedef double F64;
typedef U8 B8;
typedef U16 B16;
typedef U32 B32;
typedef U64 B64;
# define true 1U
# define false 0U
typedef unsigned char Byte;
typedef char Char;
/* ========================
* Preprocessor Definitions
# define elemin(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
#define containerof(ptr, type, member) \
((type *)( ((Byte *)(true ? (ptr) : (type *)NULL)) - offsetof(type, member) ))
# define KiB(x) ( (x) * 1024ULL)
# define MiB(x) (KiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define GiB(x) (MiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define TiB(x) (GiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define THOUSAND 1000L
# define MILLION 1000000L
# define BILLION 1000000000L
# define unused_variable(var) (void)var
# define global_variable static
# define persistent_value static
# define internal_function static
# define header_function static inline
/* =======================
* Compiler Specific Hacks
/* Microsoft Visual C */
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// # if _MSC_VER != 1916 // Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7
// # error MSVC version not supported
// # endif // MSVC Versions
# define _Alignof __alignof
# define alignof _Alignof
# define __alignof_is_defined 1
/* In alignas(a), 'a' should be a power of two that is at least the type's
alignment and at most the implementation's alignment limit. This limit is
2**13 on MSVC. To be portable to MSVC through at least version 10.0,
'a' should be an integer constant, as MSVC does not support expressions
such as 1 << 3.
The following C11 requirements are not supported here:
- If 'a' is zero, alignas has no effect.
- alignas can be used multiple times; the strictest one wins.
- alignas (TYPE) is equivalent to alignas (alignof (TYPE)).
# define _Alignas(a) __declspec(align(a))
# define alignas _Alignas
# define __alignas_is_defined 1
/* Malloc Alignment:
# if defined(ARCH_x86)
// Alignment is 8 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(8) Byte alignment[8];
F64 a;
} max_align_t;
# elif defined(ARCH_X64)
// Alignment is 16 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(16) Byte alignment[16];
alignas(16) struct { F64 a, b; } f;
} max_align_t;
# endif
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <threads.h>
# else
# define thread_local __declspec( thread )
# endif
# define swap_endian(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
# elif defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# define max(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; })
# define min(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <stdalign.h>
# else
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
# define _Alignof __alignof__
# define alignof _Alignof
# define __alignof_is_defined 1
# define _Alignas(a) __attribute__ ((aligned (a)))
# define alignas _Alignas
# define __alignas_is_defined 1
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
/* Malloc Alignment:
# if defined(ARCH_x86)
// Alignment is 8 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(8) Byte alignment[8];
F64 a;
} max_align_t;
# elif defined(ARCH_X64)
// Alignment is 16 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(16) Byte alignment[16];
alignas(16) struct { F64 a, b; } f;
} max_align_t;
# endif
# endif
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <threads.h>
# else
# define thread_local __thread
# endif
# define swap_endian(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
# endif
/* =======================
* Other nlib libraries
# include "unicode.h"
/* =======================
* OS Specific Hacks
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
void reportDebugV(Char *format, va_list ap)
Char buffer[2048] = {0};
stbsp_vsnprintf(buffer, 2048, format, ap);
buffer[2047] = '\0';
LPWSTR wcstr = unicodeWin32UTF16FromUTF8(buffer);
void reportDebug(Char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
reportDebugV(format, ap);
# if defined(BUILD_INTERNAL)
# define report(...) reportDebug(__VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(...) reportDebugV(__VA_ARGS__)
# define breakpoint() __debugbreak()
# define quit() breakpoint()
# else
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define quit() abort()
# define breakpoint() do{report("Fired breakpoint in release code, quitting...\n");quit();}while(0)
# endif
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
# if defined(BUILD_INTERNAL)
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define breakpoint() __asm__ volatile("int $0x03")
# define quit() breakpoint()
# else
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define quit() abort()
# define breakpoint() do{report("Fired breakpoint in release code, quitting...\n");quit();}while(0)
# endif
# endif
/* ===============================
* Integer Mathematics Functions
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
/* _BitScanReverse64(&r, x) scans for the first 1-bit from left in x. Once it finds it,
* it returns the number of bits after the found 1-bit.
* If b is the bit-width of the number,
* p is the closest lower power of two and
* r is the number of bits to the right of the first 1-bit when seen from left; then
* then a number between 2^p and 2^(p+1) has the form: (b-p-1 0-bits) 1 (p bits)
* => r = p
* Thus, the rounded-down log2 of the number is r.
U64 u64Log2(U64 x)
unsigned long result = 0;
_BitScanReverse64(&result, x);
return result;
/* Linear Congruential Generator
* If x is the last random number,
* m is a number greater than zero that is a power of two,
* a is a number between 0 and m,
* then the next random number is ((x * a) % m).
* Unfortunately, the lower bits don't have enought randomness in them. The LSB doesn't
* change at all, the second LSB alternates, the one after that toggles every 2 turns and so
* on. Therefore, we try to get rid of the LSBs by pulling in some MSBs.
* NOTE(naman): Seed should be an odd number or the randomness might drop drastically.
* NOTE(naman): "a" should be equal to 5(mod 8) or 3(mod 8).
U64 u64Rand (U64 seed)
U64 previous = seed;
if (previous == 0) {
// This seed has been tested and should be preferred in normal circumstances.
previous = 2531011ULL;
U64 a = 214013ULL;
U64 upper = 0, lower = 0;
lower = _umul128(previous, a, &upper);
U64 log_upper = u64Log2(upper);
U64 shift_amount = 64 - (log_upper + 1);
upper = (upper << shift_amount) | (lower >> log_upper);
U64 result = upper * a;
return result;
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
/* __builtin_clzll(x) returns the leading number of 0-bits in x, starting from
* most significant position.
* If b is the bit-width of the number,
* p is the closest lower power of two and
* lz is the number of leading 0-bits; then
* then a number between 2^p and 2^(p+1) has the form: (b-p-1 0-bits) 1 (p bits)
* => lz = b-p-1
* => p = b-(lz+1)
* Thus, the rounded-down log2 of the number is b-(lz+1).
U64 u64Log2(U64 x)
U64 result = 64ULL - ((U64)__builtin_clzll(x) + 1ULL);
return result;
/* Linear Congruential Generator
* If x is the last random number,
* m is a number greater than zero that is a power of two,
* a is a number between 0 and m,
* then the next random number is ((x * a) % m).
* Unfortunately, the lower bits don't have enought randomness in them. The LSB doesn't
* change at all, the second LSB alternates, the one after that toggles every 2 turns and so
* on. Therefore, we try to get rid of the LSBs by pulling in some MSBs.
* We do the multiplcation twice because Chi-Square Test indicated that this method
* gives better randomness. Don't ask.
* NOTE(naman): Seed should be an odd number or the randomness might drop drastically.
* NOTE(naman): "a" should be equal to 5(mod 8) or 3(mod 8).
U64 u64Rand (U64 seed)
U64 previous = seed;
if (previous == 0) {
// This seed has been tested and should be preferred in normal circumstances.
previous = 2531011ULL;
U64 a = 214013ULL;
__uint128_t product = (__uint128_t)previous * (__uint128_t)a;
U64 upper = product >> 64, lower = (U64)product;
U64 log_upper = u64Log2(upper);
U64 shift_amount = 64 - (log_upper + 1);
upper = (upper << shift_amount) | (lower >> log_upper);
U64 result = upper * a;
return result;
# endif
U64 u64NextPowerOf2 (U64 x)
U64 result = 0;
if ((x != 0) && ((x & (x - 1)) == 0)) { // If x is a power of true
result = x;
} else {
result = 1 << (u64Log2(x) + 1);
return result;
/* ****************************************************************************
* LIBRARIES ******************************************************************
/* ==============
* Claim (assert)
# define claim(cond) claim_(cond, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void claim_ (B32 cond,
Char *cond_str,
Char *filename, U32 line_num)
if (!cond) {
report("Claim \"%s\" Failed in %s:%u\n\n",
cond_str, filename, line_num);
/* ===================
* String Functions
B32 strequal (Char *str1, Char *str2)
B32 result = (strcmp(str1, str2) == 0);
return result;
Size strprefix(Char *str, Char *pre)
Size lenpre = strlen(pre);
Size lenstr = strlen(str);
if (lenstr < lenpre) {
return 0;
} else {
if (memcmp(pre, str, lenpre) == 0) {
return lenpre;
} else {
return 0;
B32 strsuffix (Char *str, Char *suf)
Char *string = strrchr(str, suf[0]);
B32 result = false;
if(string != NULL) {
if (strcmp(string, suf) == 0) {
result = true;
return result;
/* ===================
* Unit Test Framework
# define utTest(cond) ut_Test(cond, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void ut_Test (B32 cond,
Char *cond_str,
Char *filename, U32 line_num) {
if (!(cond)) {
report("Test Failed: (%s:%u) %s\n", filename, line_num, cond_str);
/* ****************************************************************************
* MEMORY ALLOCATORS **********************************************************
/* ===============================
* User Memory Allocator Helpers
#define MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE (alignof(max_align_t) - 1u)
#define memAlignUp(p) (((p) + MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE) & (~ MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE))
#define memAlignDown(p) (memAlignUp((p) - MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE))
#define memBytesFromBits(b) (((b)+(CHAR_BIT-1))/(CHAR_BIT))
#define memSetBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] |= (1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memResetBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] &= ~(1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memToggleBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] ^= ~(1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memTestBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] & (1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
# endif
typedef enum Memory_Allocator_Mode {
} Memory_Allocator_Mode;
# define MEMORY_ALLOCATOR(allocator) \
void* allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode mode, \
Size size, void* old_ptr, \
void *data)
typedef MEMORY_ALLOCATOR(Memory_Allocator_Function);
/* =============================
* General Purpose User Memory Allocator
typedef struct Memory_User_Buddy Memory_User_Buddy;
typedef struct Memory_User {
Memory_User_Buddy *b;
Byte *base;
Size total;
Size filled;
} Memory_User;
struct Memory_User_Buddy {
Byte *free_bits;
Byte *split_bits;
struct Memory_User_Buddy *prev;
struct Memory_User_Buddy *next;
Byte *arena;
Size arena_size;
Size leaf_size;
Size leaf_count;
Size block_count;
U8 level_max;
U8 level_count;
Byte _pad1[6];
L:0 | 0 |
L:1 | 1 | 2 |
L:2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
L:3 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
#define memcb_CountOfBlocksAtLevel(level) (1u << (level))
#define memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level) \
#define memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) /* Zero based */ \
((Uptr)((ptr) - (b)->arena) / memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level))
#define memcb_IndexOfLeaf(b, ptr) /* Zero based */ \
((Uptr)((ptr) - ((b)->arena)) / ((b)->leaf_size))
#define memcb_PointerToBlockInLevel(b, index, level) \
(((index) * memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)) + (b)->arena)
#define memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) \
((void*)(((Byte*)ptr) - memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)))
#define memcb_NextBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) \
((void*)(((Byte*)ptr) + memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)))
#define memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level) \
((1 << (level)) - 1) /* Using sum of GP, blocks before level n are (2ⁿ - 1) */
#define memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(b, ptr, level) \
(memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level) + \
memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level))
#define memcb_IndexOfFirstChild(index) \
((2 * (index)) + 1)
#define memcb_IndexOfSecondChild(index) \
((2 * (index)) + 2)
#define memcb_IndexOfParent(index) \
(((index) - 1) / 2)
Memory_User_Buddy memcb_Init (Byte* arena, Size arena_size, Size leaf_size)
Size leaf_count = arena_size / leaf_size;
U8 level_max = (U8)u64Log2(leaf_count);
U8 level_count = level_max + 1;
Size block_count = (1 << level_count) - 1; // 2ⁿ⁺¹ - 1 where n is level_max (sum of GP)
Memory_User_Buddy buddy = {0};
buddy.arena = arena;
buddy.arena_size = arena_size;
buddy.leaf_size = leaf_size;
buddy.leaf_count = leaf_count;
buddy.level_max = level_max;
buddy.level_count = level_count;
buddy.block_count = block_count;
return buddy;
void* memcb_GetFreeBlockAtLevel (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Size level)
Byte *found_block = NULL;
Size level_current = level;
do {
if (level_current == 0) {
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, 0)) {
found_block = buddy->arena;
Size free_bits_begin = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy,
Size free_bits_end = free_bits_begin + memcb_CountOfBlocksAtLevel(level_current);
for (Size bi = free_bits_begin; bi < free_bits_end; bi = bi + 1) {
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, bi)) {
found_block = (buddy->arena +
level_current) *
(bi - memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level_current))));
if (level_current == 0) {
} else if (found_block == NULL) {
} while (found_block == NULL);
if (found_block != NULL) {
for (Size lvl = level_current + 1; lvl <= level; lvl++) {
Byte *found_block_sibiling = (found_block +
memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(buddy, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block_sibiling, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block, level));
return found_block;
void* memcb_Alloc (Memory_User_Buddy *bbuddy, Size size)
Size size_real = size;
if (size_real == 0 || bbuddy == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (size_real < bbuddy->leaf_size) {
size_real = bbuddy->leaf_size;
if (size_real > bbuddy->arena_size) {
return NULL;
Size total_size = u64NextPowerOf2(size_real);
// "inverse" because it is taking smallest block as level 0
U8 inverse_level = (U8)u64Log2(total_size/(bbuddy->leaf_size));
U8 level = bbuddy->level_max - inverse_level; // Actually, largest block is level 0
Byte *m = memcb_GetFreeBlockAtLevel(bbuddy, level);
return m;
Byte* memcb_MergeBuddies (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Byte *block, Size level)
if (level == 0) return NULL;
Byte *result = NULL;
Size local_index = memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
Byte *parent_block = NULL; // the pointer to the merged blocks (if they get merged)
Byte *buddy_block = NULL; // pointer to buddy block
if (local_index % 2 == 1) { // odd = merge with previous block
buddy_block = memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
parent_block = buddy_block;
} else { // even = merge with next block
buddy_block = memcb_NextBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
parent_block = block;
Size block_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, block, level);
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_block, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_block, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) { // Buddy is also free
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, block_global_index);
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, parent_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
result = parent_block;
return result;
void memcb_ReleaseBlockAtLevel (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Byte *ptr, Size level)
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, ptr, level));
Size merge_level = level;
Byte *merge_ptr = ptr;
while (merge_level > 0) {
merge_ptr = memcb_MergeBuddies(buddy, merge_ptr, merge_level);
if (merge_ptr == NULL) break;
void memcb_Dealloc (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, void *ptr)
if (ptr == NULL || buddy == NULL) return;
U8 level_min = buddy->level_max; //The real level will never be zero since we already
// made a bunch of allocations at that level manually during init.
while ((level_min < buddy->level_count) && (level_min > 0)) {
if (memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)ptr, level_min) % 2 == 1) break;
U8 level = buddy->level_max;
while ((level >= level_min) && (level <= buddy->level_max)) {
if (level == 0) {
} else if (memTestBit(buddy->split_bits,
level)))) {
memcb_ReleaseBlockAtLevel(buddy, ptr, level);
void* memcb_GetMemory (Memory_User *m, Size size)
if ((m->filled + size) > m->total) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory full: Total = %lu, Filled = %lu\n", m->total, m->filled);
return NULL;
void *result = m->base + m->filled;
m->filled += size;
return result;
# define memUserCreate(m, base, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE, size, base, m)
# define memUserAlloc(m, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m)
# define memUserRealloc(m, ptr, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC, size, ptr, m)
# define memUserDealloc(m, ptr) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ptr, m)
Memory_User *m = data;
switch (mode) {
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE: {
m->total = size;
m->base = old_ptr;
m->filled = 0;
m->b = NULL;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC: {
if (size == 0) return NULL;
size = u64NextPowerOf2(size);
void *mem = NULL;
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if ((size >= b->leaf_size) && (size <= b->arena_size)) {
mem = memcb_Alloc(b, size);
if (mem != NULL) break;
} else {
if (mem == NULL) {
Size leaf_size = size;
Size arena_size = 1 << (u64Log2(size) + 5);
Memory_User_Buddy *buddy = memcb_GetMemory(m, sizeof(*buddy));
*buddy = (Memory_User_Buddy){0};
Byte *arena = memcb_GetMemory(m, arena_size);
*buddy = memcb_Init(arena, arena_size, leaf_size);
Size size_of_free_bits = memBytesFromBits(buddy->block_count);
Size size_of_split_bits = memBytesFromBits(buddy->block_count - buddy->leaf_count);
Size total_size = memAlignUp(size_of_free_bits + size_of_split_bits);
Byte *overhead = memcb_GetMemory(m, total_size);
memset(overhead, 0, total_size);
buddy->free_bits = overhead;
buddy->split_bits = overhead + size_of_free_bits;
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, 0);
if (m->b != NULL) {
m->b->prev = buddy;
buddy->next = m->b;
m->b = buddy;
mem = memcb_Alloc(buddy, size);
if (mem == NULL) breakpoint();
return mem;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC: {
if (old_ptr == NULL) {
void *result = memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m);
return result;
if (size == 0) {
memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, old_ptr, m);
return NULL;
Memory_User_Buddy *buddy = NULL;
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if (((Byte*)old_ptr > (Byte*)&(b->arena)) && ((Byte*)old_ptr < (((Byte*)&(b->arena)) + b->arena_size))) {
buddy = b;
if (buddy == NULL) return NULL;
U8 level_min = buddy->level_max; // The real level will never be zero since we already
// made a bunch of allocations at that level manually during init.
while ((level_min < buddy->level_count) && (level_min > 0)) {
if (memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level_min) % 2 == 1) break;
U8 level = buddy->level_max;
while ((level >= level_min) && (level <= buddy->level_max)) {
if (level == 0) {
} else if (memTestBit(buddy->split_bits,
memcb_IndexOfParent(memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level)))) {
Size old_size = memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(buddy, level);
if (old_size > size) {
return old_ptr;
if (size < (2 * old_size)) {
size = 2 * old_size;
B32 reallocated = false;
Byte *new_ptr = NULL;
if (level != 0) {
Size local_index = memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level);
Byte *parent_ptr = NULL; // the pointer to the merged blocks (if they get merged)
Byte *buddy_ptr = NULL; // pointer to buddy block
if (local_index % 2 == 0) {
buddy_ptr = memcb_NextBlockInLevel(buddy, old_ptr, level);
parent_ptr = old_ptr;
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_ptr, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_ptr, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) {
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
reallocated = true;
new_ptr = old_ptr;
} else {
buddy_ptr = memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(buddy, old_ptr, level);
parent_ptr = buddy_ptr;
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_ptr, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_ptr, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) {
memcpy(buddy_ptr, old_ptr, old_size);
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
reallocated = true;
new_ptr = old_ptr;
if (!reallocated) {
new_ptr = memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m);
if (new_ptr == NULL) return NULL;
memcpy(new_ptr, old_ptr, old_size);
memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, old_ptr, m);
return new_ptr;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC: {
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if (((Byte*)old_ptr > (Byte*)&(b->arena)) && ((Byte*)old_ptr < (((Byte*)&(b->arena)) + b->arena_size))) {
memcb_Dealloc(b, old_ptr);
return NULL;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC_ALL: {
// TODO(naman): Maybe we should use a off-the-shelf malloc that allows this?
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_NONE: {
} break;
return NULL;
/* =============================
* stdlib Memory Allocator
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
struct MemCRT_Header {
Size size;
# define memCRTAlloc(size) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, NULL)
# define memCRTRealloc(ptr, size) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC, size, ptr, NULL)
# define memCRTDealloc(ptr) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ptr, NULL)
switch (mode) {
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE: {
// NOTE(naman): Not needed for now
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC: {
Size memory_size = memAlignUp(size);
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Size total_size = memory_size + header_size;
Byte *mem = malloc(total_size);
memset(mem, 0, total_size);
struct MemCRT_Header *header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)mem;
header->size = memory_size;
Byte *result = mem + header_size;
return result;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC: {
Size memory_size = memAlignUp(size);
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Size total_size = memory_size + header_size;
Byte *mem = malloc(total_size);
struct MemCRT_Header *header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)mem;
header->size = memory_size;
Byte *result = mem + header_size;
if (old_ptr != NULL) {
Byte *previous_mem = (Byte*)old_ptr - header_size;
struct MemCRT_Header *previous_header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)previous_mem;
Size previous_size = previous_header->size;
memcpy(result, old_ptr, previous_size);
memset(result + previous_size, 0, memory_size - previous_size);
} else {
memset(result, 0, memory_size);
return result;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC: {
if (old_ptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Byte *mem = (Byte*)old_ptr - header_size;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC_ALL: {
// TODO(naman): Maybe we should use a off-the-shelf malloc that allows this?
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_NONE: {
} break;
return NULL;
# endif
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
global_variable thread_local Memory_Allocator_Function *memDefaultAllocator = &memCRT;
global_variable thread_local void *memDefaultAllocatorData = NULL;
# define memAlloc(size) memCRTAlloc(size)
# define memRealloc(ptr, size) memCRTRealloc(ptr, size)
# define memDealloc(ptr) memCRTDealloc(ptr)
# else
global_variable thread_local Memory_Allocator_Function *memDefaultAllocator = &memUser;
global_variable thread_local Memory_User *memDefaultAllocatorData = NULL;
# define memAlloc(size) memUserAlloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, size)
# define memRealloc(ptr, size) memUserRealloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, ptr, size)
# define memDealloc(ptr) memUserDealloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, ptr)
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
/* ****************************************************************************
* DATA STRUCTURES ******************************************************************
/* ==============
* Strechy Buffer
/* API ----------------------------------------
* Size sbufAdd (T *ptr, T elem)
* void sbufDelete (T *ptr)
* T* sbufEnd (T *ptr)
* Size sbufSizeof (T *ptr)
* Size sbufElemin (T *ptr)
* Size sbufMaxSizeof (T *ptr)
* Size sbufMaxElemin (T *ptr)
typedef struct Sbuf_Header {
Size cap; // NOTE(naman): Maximum number of elements that can be stored
Size len; // NOTE(naman): Count of elements actually stored
Byte buf[];
} Sbuf_Header;
# define sbuf_GetHeader(sb) ((Sbuf_Header*)(void*)((Byte*)(sb) - offsetof(Sbuf_Header, buf)))
# define sbuf_Len(sb) ((sb) ? sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->len : 0U)
# define sbuf_Cap(sb) ((sb) ? sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->cap : 0U)
# define sbufAdd(sb, ...) ((sb) = sbuf_Grow((sb), sizeof(*(sb))), \
(sb)[sbuf_Len(sb)] = (__VA_ARGS__), \
# define sbufDelete(sb) ((sb) ? \
(memDealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(sb)), (sb) = NULL) : \
# define sbufClear(sb) ((sb) ? \
(memset((sb), 0, sbufSizeof(sb)), \
sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->len = 0) : \
# define sbufResize(sb, n) (((n) > sbufMaxElemin(sb)) ? \
((sb) = sbuf_Resize(sb, n, sizeof(*(sb)))) : \
# define sbufSizeof(sb) (sbuf_Len(sb) * sizeof(*(sb)))
# define sbufElemin(sb) (sbuf_Len(sb))
# define sbufMaxSizeof(sb) (sbuf_Cap(sb) * sizeof(*(sb)))
# define sbufMaxElemin(sb) (sbuf_Cap(sb))
# define sbufEnd(sb) ((sb) + sbuf_Len(sb))
#define sbufPrint(sb, ...) ((sb) = sbuf_Print((sb), __VA_ARGS__))
#define sbufUnsortedRemove(sb, i) (((sb)[(i)] = (sb)[sbuf_Len(sb) - 1]), \
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
# endif
void* sbuf_Grow (void *buf, Size elem_size)
if ((sbuf_Len(buf) + 1) <= sbuf_Cap(buf)) {
return buf;
} else {
Size new_cap = max(2 * sbuf_Cap(buf), 4U);
Size new_size = (new_cap * elem_size) + sizeof(Sbuf_Header);
Sbuf_Header *new_header = NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
new_header = memRealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(buf), new_size);
} else {
new_header = memAlloc(new_size);
new_header->cap = new_cap;
return new_header->buf;
void* sbuf_Resize (void *buf, Size elem_count, Size elem_size)
Size new_cap = elem_count;
Size new_size = (new_cap * elem_size) + sizeof(Sbuf_Header);
Sbuf_Header *new_header = NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
new_header = memRealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(buf), new_size);
} else {
new_header = memAlloc(new_size);
new_header->cap = new_cap;
return new_header->buf;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
# endif
Char* sbuf_Print(Char *buf, const Char *fmt, ...)
// TODO(naman): Replace with stbsp_vsnprintf once the following bug is taken care of:
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t cap = sbufMaxElemin(buf) - sbufElemin(buf);
int n = 1 + vsnprintf(sbufEnd(buf), cap, fmt, args);
if ((Size)n > cap) {
sbufResize(buf, (Size)n + sbufElemin(buf));
size_t new_cap = sbufMaxElemin(buf) - sbufElemin(buf);
va_start(args, fmt);
n = 1 + vsnprintf(sbufEnd(buf), new_cap, fmt, args);
sbuf_GetHeader(buf)->len += ((Size)n - 1);
return buf;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
void sbufUnitTest (void)
S32 *buf = NULL;
sbufAdd(buf, 42);
utTest(buf != NULL);
sbufAdd(buf, 1234);
utTest(sbufElemin(buf) == 2);
utTest(sbufMaxElemin(buf) >= sbufElemin(buf));
utTest(buf[0] == 42);
utTest(buf[1] == 1234);
utTest(buf == NULL);
Char *stream = NULL;
sbufPrint(stream, "Hello, %s\n", "World!");
sbufPrint(stream, "Still here? %d\n", 420);
sbufPrint(stream, "GO AWAY!!!\n");
utTest(strcmp(stream, "Hello, World!\nStill here? 420\nGO AWAY!!!\n") == 0);
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
/* ==========================
* Interning
* Char* internString (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
#define INTERN_EQUALITY(func_name) B32 func_name (void *a, void *b, Size b_index)
typedef INTERN_EQUALITY(Intern_Equality_Function);
typedef struct Intern {
struct Intern_List {
Size *indices;
U8 *secondary_hashes;
} lists[256];
} Intern;
B32 internCheck (Intern *it, U8 hash1, U8 hash2,
void *datum, void *data, Intern_Equality_Function *eqf,
Size *result)
if (it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes != NULL) {
// Our data has probably been inserted already.
// (or atleast some data with same hash has been inserted :)
for (Size i = 0; i < sbufElemin(it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes); i++) {
Size index = it->lists[hash1].indices[i];
if ((it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes[i] == hash2) && eqf(datum, data, index)) {
// This is our data, return it
if (result != NULL) {
*result = index;
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
void internData (Intern *it, U8 hash1, U8 hash2, Size index)
sbufAdd(it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes, hash2);
sbufAdd(it->lists[hash1].indices, index);
U8 internStringPearsonHash (void *buffer, Size len, B32 which)
// NOTE(naman): Pearson's hash for 8-bit hashing
persistent_value U8 hash_lookup_table1[256] =
// 0-255 shuffled in any (random) order suffices
98, 6, 85, 150, 36, 23, 112, 164, 135, 207, 169, 5, 26, 64, 165, 219, // 01
61, 20, 68, 89, 130, 63, 52, 102, 24, 229, 132, 245, 80, 216, 195, 115, // 02
90, 168, 156, 203, 177, 120, 2, 190, 188, 7, 100, 185, 174, 243, 162, 10, // 03
237, 18, 253, 225, 8, 208, 172, 244, 255, 126, 101, 79, 145, 235, 228, 121, // 04
123, 251, 67, 250, 161, 0, 107, 97, 241, 111, 181, 82, 249, 33, 69, 55, // 05
59, 153, 29, 9, 213, 167, 84, 93, 30, 46, 94, 75, 151, 114, 73, 222, // 06
197, 96, 210, 45, 16, 227, 248, 202, 51, 152, 252, 125, 81, 206, 215, 186, // 07
39, 158, 178, 187, 131, 136, 1, 49, 50, 17, 141, 91, 47, 129, 60, 99, // 08
154, 35, 86, 171, 105, 34, 38, 200, 147, 58, 77, 118, 173, 246, 76, 254, // 09
133, 232, 196, 144, 198, 124, 53, 4, 108, 74, 223, 234, 134, 230, 157, 139, // 10
189, 205, 199, 128, 176, 19, 211, 236, 127, 192, 231, 70, 233, 88, 146, 44, // 11
183, 201, 22, 83, 13, 214, 116, 109, 159, 32, 95, 226, 140, 220, 57, 12, // 12
221, 31, 209, 182, 143, 92, 149, 184, 148, 62, 113, 65, 37, 27, 106, 166, // 13
3, 14, 204, 72, 21, 41, 56, 66, 28, 193, 40, 217, 25, 54, 179, 117, // 14
238, 87, 240, 155, 180, 170, 242, 212, 191, 163, 78, 218, 137, 194, 175, 110, // 15
43, 119, 224, 71, 122, 142, 42, 160, 104, 48, 247, 103, 15, 11, 138, 239, // 16
persistent_value U8 hash_lookup_table2[256] =
251, 175, 119, 215, 81, 14, 79, 191, 103, 49, 181, 143, 186, 157, 0, 232, // 01
31, 32, 55, 60, 152, 58, 17, 237, 174, 70, 160, 144, 220, 90, 57, 223, // 02
59, 3, 18, 140, 111, 166, 203, 196, 134, 243, 124, 95, 222, 179, 197, 65, // 03
180, 48, 36, 15, 107, 46, 233, 130, 165, 30, 123, 161, 209, 23, 97, 16, // 04
40, 91, 219, 61, 100, 10, 210, 109, 250, 127, 22, 138, 29, 108, 244, 67, // 05
207, 9, 178, 204, 74, 98, 126, 249, 167, 116, 34, 77, 193, 200, 121, 5, // 06
20, 113, 71, 35, 128, 13, 182, 94, 25, 226, 227, 199, 75, 27, 41, 245, // 07
230, 224, 43, 225, 177, 26, 155, 150, 212, 142, 218, 115, 241, 73, 88, 105, // 08
39, 114, 62, 255, 192, 201, 145, 214, 168, 158, 221, 148, 154, 122, 12, 84, // 09
82, 163, 44, 139, 228, 236, 205, 242, 217, 11, 187, 146, 159, 64, 86, 239, // 10
195, 42, 106, 198, 118, 112, 184, 172, 87, 2, 173, 117, 176, 229, 247, 253, // 11
137, 185, 99, 164, 102, 147, 45, 66, 231, 52, 141, 211, 194, 206, 246, 238, // 12
56, 110, 78, 248, 63, 240, 189, 93, 92, 51, 53, 183, 19, 171, 72, 50, // 13
33, 104, 101, 69, 8, 252, 83, 120, 76, 135, 85, 54, 202, 125, 188, 213, // 14
96, 235, 136, 208, 162, 129, 190, 132, 156, 38, 47, 1, 7, 254, 24, 4, // 15
216, 131, 89, 21, 28, 133, 37, 153, 149, 80, 170, 68, 6, 169, 234, 151, // 16
Char *string = buffer;
U8 hash = (U8)len;
for (Size i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (which == true) {
hash = hash_lookup_table1[hash ^ string[i]];
} else {
hash = hash_lookup_table2[hash ^ string[i]];
return hash;
typedef struct Intern_String {
Intern intern;
Char *strings;
} Intern_String;
INTERN_EQUALITY(internStringEquality) {
Char *sa = a;
Char *sb = (Char *)b + b_index;
B32 result = (strcmp(sa, sb) == 0);
return result;
Char *internString (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
U8 hash1 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), true);
U8 hash2 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), false);
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, str, is->strings, &internStringEquality, &index)) {
Char *result = is->strings + index;
return result;
} else {
Size index_new = sbufElemin(is->strings);
for (Char *s = str; s[0] != '\0'; s++) {
sbufAdd(is->strings, s[0]);
sbufAdd(is->strings, '\0');
internData(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, index_new);
Char *result = is->strings + index_new;
return result;
Char *internStringCheck (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
U8 hash1 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), true);
U8 hash2 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), false);
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, str, is->strings, &internStringEquality, &index)) {
Char *result = is->strings + index;
return result;
} else {
return NULL;
typedef struct Intern_Integer {
Intern intern;
U64 *integers;
} Intern_Integer;
INTERN_EQUALITY(internIntegerEquality) {
U64 ia = ((U64*)a)[0];
U64 ib = ((U64*)b)[b_index];
B32 result = (ia == ib);
return result;
// SEE(naman):
U8 internIntegerHash8Bit (U64 key, B32 which)
U8 result = 0;
U64 q = 0;
// NOTE(naman): Both q are prime.
if (which == true) {
q = 33149;
} else {
q = 146519;
Byte *b = (Byte*)(&key);
for (Size i = 0; i < sizeof(key); i++) {
result += (U8)((U64)(b[i]) * q);
return result;
U64 internInteger (Intern_Integer *ii, U64 num)
U8 hash1 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, true);
U8 hash2 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, false);
U64 num_copy = num; // Just in case
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2,
&num_copy, ii->integers, &internIntegerEquality, &index)) {
return num;
} else {
sbufAdd(ii->integers, num);
internData(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2, sbufElemin(ii->integers));
return num;
U64 internIntegerCheck (Intern_Integer *ii, U64 num)
U8 hash1 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, true);
U8 hash2 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, false);
U64 num_copy = num; // Just in case
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2,
&num_copy, ii->integers, &internIntegerEquality, &index)) {
return num;
} else {
return false;
void internUnitTest (void)
Char x[] = "Hello";
Char y[] = "Hello";
Intern_String is = {0};
utTest(x != y);
Char *y_interned = internString(&is, y);
Char *x_interned = internString(&is, x);
utTest(x_interned == y_interned);
Char z[] = "World";
Char *z_interned = internString(&is, z);
utTest(x_interned != z_interned);
Char p[] = "Hello!!";
Char *p_interned = internString(&is, p);
utTest(x_interned != p_interned);
// TODO(naman): Write tests to see what happens if two strings with same hash are interned.
/* ==========================
* Hashing Infrastructure
// TODO(naman): Add hash collision detection
// FNV-1a
U64 hashString (Char *str)
U64 hash = 0xCBF29CE484222325ULL; // FNV_offset_basis
for (Size i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
hash = hash ^ (U64)str[i];
hash = hash * 0x100000001B3ULL; // FNV_prime
return hash;
// splitmix64 (
U64 hashInteger(U64 x)
x ^= x >> 30;
x *= 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9ULL;
x ^= x >> 27;
x *= 0x94D049BB133111EBULL;
x ^= x >> 31;
return x;
/* Universal Hashing:
* NOTE(naman): Implementation notes
* w is number of bits in machine word (64 in our case)
* s is the number of buckets/bins (slots in the hash table) to which the
* universe of hashable objects is to be mapped
* m is log2(s) (=> m = 2^s) and is equal to the number of bits in the final hash
* a is a random odd positive integer < 2^w (fitting in w bits)
* b is a random non-negative integer < 2^(w-m) (fitting in (w-m) bits)
* SEE(naman):
* r is the last random number generated and is just an implementation detail.
typedef struct Hash_Universal {
U64 a, b, m; /* Hashing constants */
U64 r; /* Last random number for Universal Hashing */
} Hash_Universal;
void hashUniversalConstantsUpdate (Hash_Universal *h)
do {
h->r = u64Rand(h->r);
h->a = h->r;
} while ((h->a > 0) && ((h->a & 0x01) != 0x01)); // Make sure that 'a' is odd
h->r = u64Rand(h->r);
// b should be (64 - m) bits long
h->b = h->r & (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL >> h->m);
U64 hashUniversal (Hash_Universal h, U64 key)
// NOTE(naman): Remember that we don't want 64-bit hashes, we want hashes < 2^m (s)
U64 result = ((h.a * key) + h.b) >> (64 - h.m);
return result;
/* ==============
* Hash Table
/* API ---------------------------------------------------
* NOTE(naman): Zero key and value are considered invalid.
* Hash_Table htCreate (Size min_slots);
* void htDelete (Hash_Table ht);
* U64 htInsert (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, U64 value);
* U64 htLookup (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key);
* U64 htRemove (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key);
* Hash_Table htCreateWithAlloc (Size min_slots,
* Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator, void *allocator_data);
typedef struct Hash_Table {
Hash_Universal univ;
Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator;
void *allocator_data;
U64 *keys;
U64 *values;
Size slot_count;
Size slot_filled;
} Hash_Table;
Hash_Table htCreateWithAlloc (Size slots_atleast,
Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator, void *allocator_data)
Hash_Table ht = {0};
ht.univ.m = u64Log2(max(slots_atleast, 1U)); // Log of closest lower power of two
// This will make m log of closest upper power of two
ht.univ.m = ht.univ.m + 1;
ht.slot_count = 1ULL << (ht.univ.m);
if (allocator != NULL) {
ht.allocator = allocator;
ht.allocator_data = allocator_data;
} else {
ht.allocator = memDefaultAllocator;
ht.allocator_data = memDefaultAllocatorData;
ht.keys = ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
(ht.slot_count) * sizeof(*(ht.keys)), NULL,
ht.values = ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
(ht.slot_count) * sizeof(*(ht.values)), NULL,
return ht;
Hash_Table htCreate (Size slots_atleast)
Hash_Table ht = htCreateWithAlloc(slots_atleast, NULL, NULL);
return ht;
void htDelete (Hash_Table ht)
ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ht.keys, NULL);
ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ht.values, NULL);
B32 ht_LinearProbeSearch (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, Size *value)
Size index = 0;
B32 found = false;
for (Size i = 0; !found && (i < ht->slot_count); ++i) {
index = (key + i) % (ht->slot_count);
if (ht->keys[index] == key) {
found = true;
*value = index;
return found;
U64 ht_LinearProbeInsertion (Hash_Table *ht,
U64 hash, U64 key, U64 value)
U64 result_value = value;
for (Size i = 0; i < ht->slot_count; ++i) {
Size index = (hash + i) % (ht->slot_count);
if ((ht->keys[index] == key) || (ht->values[index] == 0)) {
result_value = ht->values[index];
ht->keys[index] = key;
ht->values[index] = value;
return result_value;
U64 htInsert (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, U64 value)
if ((key == 0) || (value == 0)) return 0;
// FIXME(naman): Use number of collisions as the parameter for resizing
if ((2U * (ht->slot_filled)) > (ht->slot_count)) {
Size slot_count_prev = ht->slot_count;
U64 *keys = ht->keys;
U64 *values = ht->values;
ht->univ.m = ht->univ.m + 1;
ht->slot_count = 1ULL << (ht->univ.m);
ht->keys = ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
sizeof(*(ht->keys)) * ht->slot_count,
NULL, ht->allocator_data);
ht->values = ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
sizeof(*(ht->values)) * ht->slot_count,
NULL, ht->allocator_data);
for (Size i = 0; i < slot_count_prev; ++i) {
U64 key_i = keys[i];
U64 value_i = values[i];
if (value_i != 0) {
U64 hash_new = hashUniversal(ht->univ, key_i);
ht_LinearProbeInsertion(ht, hash_new, key_i, value_i);
ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, keys, ht->allocator_data);
ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, values, ht->allocator_data);
U64 hash = hashUniversal(ht->univ, key);
U64 result_value = ht_LinearProbeInsertion(ht, hash, key, value);
if (result_value == 0) {
return result_value;
U64 htLookup (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key)
if (key == 0) return 0;
Size location = 0;
U64 result_value = 0;
if (ht_LinearProbeSearch(ht, key, &location)) {
result_value = ht->values[location];
return result_value;
U64 htRemove (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key)
if (key == 0) return 0;
Size location = 0;
U64 result_value = 0;
if (ht_LinearProbeSearch(ht, key, &location)) {
result_value = ht->values[location];
if (result_value != 0) {
ht->keys[location] = 0;
ht->values[location] = 0;
ht->slot_filled -= 1;
return result_value;
void htUnitTest (void)
Hash_Table ht = htCreate(0);
/* No Entries */
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
/* Insertion Test */
Size f0 = ht.slot_filled;
htInsert(&ht, 1, 1);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == (f0 + 1));
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
htInsert(&ht, 2, 42);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == (f0 + 2));
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 42);
/* Duplicate Key */
U64 v1 = htInsert(&ht, 2, 24);
utTest(v1 == 42);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 24);
/* Removal Test */
U64 v2 = htRemove(&ht, 2);
utTest(v2 == 24);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
U64 v3 = htRemove(&ht, 1);
utTest(v3 == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 0);
/* NULL Check */
Size f1 = ht.slot_filled;
htInsert(&ht, 0, 1);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == f1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
Size f2 = ht.slot_filled;
htRemove(&ht, 0);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == f2);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
/* Expansion Test */
htInsert(&ht, 3, 33);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 3) == 33);
htInsert(&ht, 4, 44);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 4) == 44);
htInsert(&ht, 5, 55);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 5) == 55);
htInsert(&ht, 6, 66);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 6) == 66);
htInsert(&ht, 7, 77);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 7) == 77);
htInsert(&ht, 8, 88);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 8) == 88);
htInsert(&ht, 9, 99);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 9) == 99);
/* Removal after Expansion */
htRemove(&ht, 3);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 3) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 4);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 4) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 5);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 5) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 6);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 6) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 7);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 7) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 8);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 8) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 9);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 9) == 0);
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2019 Naman Dixit
B64 unicodeCodepointFromUTF16Surrogate (U16 surrogate, U16 *last_surrogate, U32 *codepoint)
U16 utf16_hi_surrogate_start = 0xD800;
U16 utf16_lo_surrogate_start = 0xDC00;
U16 utf16_surrogate_end = 0xDFFF;
if ((surrogate >= utf16_hi_surrogate_start) &&
(surrogate < utf16_lo_surrogate_start)) {
*last_surrogate = surrogate;
return false;
} else {
if ((surrogate >= utf16_lo_surrogate_start) &&
(surrogate <= utf16_surrogate_end)) {
U16 low_surrogate = surrogate;
// NOTE(naman): In this line, the numbers get promoted from U16 to S32,
// so storing them in a U32 results in a inmpicit sign conversion.
// That is why we are casting manually.
*codepoint = (U32)((*last_surrogate - utf16_hi_surrogate_start) << 10U);
*codepoint |= (low_surrogate - utf16_lo_surrogate_start);
*codepoint += 0x10000;
*last_surrogate = 0;
} else {
*codepoint = surrogate;
return true;
Size unicodeUTF8FromUTF32 (U32 *codepoints, Size codepoint_count, Char *buffer)
if (buffer == NULL) {
Size length = 1; // NOTE(naman): We need one byte for the NUL byte.
for (Size i = 0; i < codepoint_count; i++) {
if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7F) {
length += 1;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7FF) {
length += 2;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0xFFFF) {
length += 3;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x10FFFF) {
length += 4;
return length;
} else {
Size length = 1; // NOTE(naman): We need one byte for the NUL byte.
for (Size i = 0; i < codepoint_count; i++) {
if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7F) {
buffer[0] = (Char)codepoints[i];
buffer += 1;
length += 1;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7FF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xC0 | (codepoints[i] >> 6)); /* 110xxxxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 2;
length += 2;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0xFFFF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xE0 | (codepoints[i] >> 12)); /* 1110xxxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 6) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[2] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 3;
length += 3;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x10FFFF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xF0 | (codepoints[i] >> 18)); /* 11110xxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 12) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[2] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 6) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[3] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 4;
length += 4;
buffer[0] = '\0';
return length;
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
LPWSTR unicodeWin32UTF16FromUTF8 (Char *utf8)
int wcstr_length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0);
LPWSTR wcstr = VirtualAlloc(NULL, (DWORD)wcstr_length * sizeof(wchar_t),
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, wcstr, wcstr_length);
int normalized_length = NormalizeString(NormalizationC,
wcstr, -1,
NULL, 0);
LPWSTR norm = VirtualAlloc(NULL, (DWORD)normalized_length * sizeof(wchar_t),
NormalizeString(NormalizationC, wcstr, -1, norm, normalized_length);
VirtualFree(wcstr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return norm;
void unicodeWin32UTF16Dealloc (LPWSTR utf16)
VirtualFree(utf16, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
# endif
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 1024
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
typedef struct Command {
Sint id;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
Sint memory;
} Command;
#include "time.c"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Char *port = "9527";
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM};
struct addrinfo *result = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &result);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
// NOTE(naman): Create an epoll instance, with no flags set.
int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epoll_fd < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Add the socket's file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event accept_event = {.data.fd = sock_fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd, &accept_event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
// NOTE(naman): Allocate memory for epoll array
struct epoll_event* events = calloc(MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
if (events == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for epoll_events");
while (connect(sock_fd, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't connect on port %s, trying again in one second...\n", port);
printf("Log: Starting communication with server on port %s...\n", port);
U64 time_begin = timeMilli();
U64 time_accum = 0;
while (true) {
// NOTE(naman): Get the fd's that are ready
int nready = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < nready; i++) {
if (events[i].events & EPOLLERR) {
perror("epoll_wait returned EPOLLERR");
if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
B32 initialized = false;
Size buffer_len = 0;
Size buffer_cap = MiB(1);
U32 buffer_expected_len = 0;
Char *buffer = calloc(buffer_cap, sizeof(*buffer));
Char size_bytes[4] = {0};
Size size_bytes_count = 0;
Command *c = NULL;
while (true) {
if (initialized == false) {
long len = read(sock_fd,
(Char*)size_bytes + size_bytes_count,
4 - size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
perror("read() returned zero");
size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (size_bytes_count == 4) {
initialized = true;
buffer_expected_len = (U32)((size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(sock_fd,
buffer + buffer_len,
buffer_expected_len - buffer_len);
buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (buffer_expected_len == buffer_len) {
printf("%.*s", (int)buffer_len, buffer);
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(buffer, &json_error, true);
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c));
c->id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
c->dispatcher_socket = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "dispatcher_socket")->valueint;
c->memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
int memory = 0;
FILE *meminfo = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
Char line[256] = {0};
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), meminfo)) {
if (sscanf(line, "MemTotal: %d kB", &memory) == 1) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d", c->id);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"dispatcher_socket\": %d", c->dispatcher_socket);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"type\": \"response\"");
if (memory >= c->memory) {
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"success\": %d\n", 1);
} else {
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"success\": %d\n", 0);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
socketWrite(output, output_len, sock_fd);
{ // Send a heartbeat message if it is time to do so
U64 time_new = timeMilli();
U64 time_passed = time_new - time_begin;
time_begin = time_new;
time_accum += time_passed;
if (time_accum >= 1000) {
time_accum = 0;
int memory = 0;
FILE *meminfo = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
Char line[256] = {0};
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), meminfo)) {
if (sscanf(line, "MemTotal: %d kB", &memory) == 1) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{");
sbufPrint(output, " \n\"type\": \"heartbeat\"");
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d", memory);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
socketWrite(output, output_len, sock_fd);
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
void socketWrite (Char *output, Size output_len,
int sock_fd)
ssize_t nsent = 0;
Size output_cursor = 0;
while (true) {
nsent = write(sock_fd, output + output_cursor, output_len - output_cursor);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
} else {
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
output_cursor += (Size)nsent;
} else {
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
U64 timeMilli (void)
struct timespec now = {0};
U64 nanosec = 0;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now) == 0) {
nanosec = ((U64)now.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)now.tv_nsec;
} else {
struct timeval now_low = {0};
gettimeofday(&now_low, NULL);
nanosec = ((U64)now_low.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)(now_low.tv_usec * 100);
U64 millisec = nanosec / 1000000ULL;
return millisec;
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2019 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Error: Pass the amount of memory\n");
Sint memory_required = (Sint)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
Char *port = "9526";
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM};
struct addrinfo *result = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &result);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
while (connect(sock_fd, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't connect on port %s, trying again in one second...\n", port);
printf("Log: Starting communication with server on port %s...\n", port);
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d", (Sint)time(NULL));
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d", memory_required);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
printf("Sending to Arbiter:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
write(sock_fd, output, output_len);
cJSON *array = NULL;
B32 initialized = false;
Size buffer_len = 0;
Size buffer_cap = MiB(1);
U32 buffer_expected_len = 0;
Char *buffer = calloc(buffer_cap, sizeof(*buffer));
Char size_bytes[4] = {0};
Size size_bytes_count = 0;
while (true) {
if (initialized == false) {
long len = read(sock_fd,
(Char*)size_bytes + size_bytes_count,
4 - size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
perror("read() returned zero");
size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (size_bytes_count == 4) {
initialized = true;
buffer_expected_len = (U32)((size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(sock_fd,
buffer + buffer_len,
buffer_expected_len - buffer_len);
buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (buffer_expected_len == buffer_len) {
printf("Recieved: Final Response:\n%s\n",
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(buffer, &json_error, true);
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "ip");
return 0;
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