Commit 6e868ca3 authored by nilanjandaw's avatar nilanjandaw

merged gitignore conflict

parents ebffa4a2 c96211dd
...@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ node_modules ...@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ node_modules
package-lock.json package-lock.json
firecracker* firecracker*
secrets.json secrets.json
[submodule "resource_manager/src/common/cJSON"]
path = resource_manager/src/common/cJSON
url =
...@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ ...@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
Execution environments are typically container oriented for FaaS platforms but this creates problems since containers are on one hand not totally secure and on the other hand not capable of high-performance. This project looks into creating a hybrid execution environment to cater to different workload needs. Execution environments are typically container oriented for FaaS platforms but this creates problems since containers are on one hand not totally secure and on the other hand not capable of high-performance. This project looks into creating a hybrid execution environment to cater to different workload needs.
## Buy one for yourself!
Clone using "git clone --recursive"
## Architecture ## Architecture
Xanadu is divided into two extremely loosely coupled modules, the **Dispatch Module (DM)** and the **Resource Manager (RM)** module. The RM looks after resource provisioning and consolidation at the host level while the DM looks after handling user requests and executing those requests at the requisite isolation level using resources provided by the RM. \ Xanadu is divided into two extremely loosely coupled modules, the **Dispatch Module (DM)** and the **Resource Manager (RM)** module. The RM looks after resource provisioning and consolidation at the host level while the DM looks after handling user requests and executing those requests at the requisite isolation level using resources provided by the RM. \
Dependency: Clang compiler
Run "build.linux" script to compile the project.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -z ${BuildPlatform+x} ]; then
if [ -z ${BuildArchitecture+x} ]; then
ProjectRoot="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)" # Directory in which the script is located
cd ${ProjectRoot}
echo "Entering directory \`$(pwd)'"
mkdir -p ${BuildDirectory}
VersionNumberOld=$(< ./version.linux)
VersionNumber=$((${VersionNumberOld} + 1))
echo ${VersionNumber} > ./version.linux
# .....................................................................
# `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
# Compile Arbiter =====================================================
if [ -f "${ArbiterTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${ArbiterTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
ArbiterCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
ArbiterLanguageFlags="--std=c11 -DBUILD_INTERNAL -DBUILD_SLOW -DBUILD_DEBUG \
ArbiterWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
ArbiterLinkerFlags="-o ${ArbiterTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${ArbiterCompilerFlags} ${ArbiterLanguageFlags} ${ArbiterWarningFlags} \
${ArbiterSource} \
# Compile Grunt =====================================================
if [ -f "${GruntTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${GruntTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
GruntCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
GruntWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
GruntLinkerFlags="-o ${GruntTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${GruntCompilerFlags} ${GruntLanguageFlags} ${GruntWarningFlags} \
${GruntSource} \
# Compile Test =====================================================
if [ -f "${TestTargetPath}" ]; then
rm "${TestTargetPath}"
# For Address Sanitizer: -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# Memory Sanitizer : -fsanitize=memory -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
TestCompilerFlags="-iquote /code/include -iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src \
-iquote ${ProjectRoot}/src/common \
-g3 -O0 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -msse2 \
TestWarningFlags="-Weverything -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror \
-Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-gnu-statement-expression \
-Wno-bad-function-cast -Wno-unused-function \
-Wno-padded "
TestLinkerFlags="-o ${TestTargetPath} \
-static-libgcc -lm -pthread \
-Wl,-rpath=\${ORIGIN} -Wl,-z,origin -Wl,--enable-new-dtags"
${Compiler} ${TestCompilerFlags} ${TestLanguageFlags} ${TestWarningFlags} \
${TestSource} \
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 1024
typedef struct Input_Resume {
Char *buffer;
Size buffer_len;
Size buffer_cap;
U32 buffer_expected_len;
Byte size_bytes[4];
Size size_bytes_count;
int fd;
B32 initialized;
} Input_Resume;
typedef struct Output_Resume {
Char *buffer;
Size buffer_pos;
Size buffer_len;
U64 msg_id_hash;
Sint fd;
Byte _pad[4];
} Output_Resume;
typedef struct Input_Output {
Input_Resume *ir;
Output_Resume *ors;
} Input_Output;
typedef struct Grunt {
Char *ip;
Sint memory;
} Grunt;
typedef struct Grunt_Survey {
Char **ips;
U64 milli_passed;
U64 milli_last;
Sint id;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} Grunt_Survey;
typedef struct Command {
enum Command_Kind {
} kind;
Sint id;
union {
struct {
Sint memory;
} reqex;
struct {
Sint memory;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} reqin;
struct {
Char **ips;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} resin;
struct {
Char **ips;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
} resex;
struct {
Sint memory;
} heartbeat;
} Command;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
#include "socket.c"
#include "time.c"
Sint main (Sint argc, Char *argv[])
Sint sock_fd_external = socketCreateListener("9526");
Sint sock_fd_internal = socketCreateListener("9527");
// NOTE(naman): Create an epoll instance, with no flags set.
int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epoll_fd < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Add the socket's file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event accept_event_internal = {.data.fd = sock_fd_internal,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd_internal, &accept_event_internal) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
struct epoll_event accept_event_external = {.data.fd = sock_fd_external,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd_external, &accept_event_external) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
// NOTE(naman): Allocate memory for epoll array
struct epoll_event* events = calloc(MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
if (events == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for epoll_events");
Command *commands = NULL;
Hash_Table commands_pending = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table socket_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table io_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table grunt_map = htCreate(0);
Hash_Table grunt_survey_map = htCreate(0);
while (true) {
// NOTE(naman): Get the fd's that are ready
int nready = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < nready; i++) {
if (events[i].events & EPOLLERR) {
perror("epoll_wait returned EPOLLERR");
if ((events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_internal) ||
(events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_external)) {
Sint sock_fd = events[i].data.fd;
// NOTE(naman): A new grunt is connecting.
struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {0};
socklen_t peer_addr_len = sizeof(peer_addr);
int accept_fd = accept(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&peer_addr,
if (accept_fd < 0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// This can happen due to the nonblocking socket mode; in this
// case don't do anything, but print a notice (since these events
// are extremely rare and interesting to observe...)
fprintf(stderr, "accept() returned %s\n",
} else {
} else {
printf("Log: Connection made: client_fd=%d\n", accept_fd);
// NOTE(naman): Set the socket as non-blocking
int sock_flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (sock_flags == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_GETFL");
if (fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, sock_flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK");
// NOTE(naman): Add the new file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = accept_fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, accept_fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
if (events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_internal) {
htInsert(&socket_map, (U64)accept_fd, Socket_Kind_INTERNAL);
struct in_addr ip_addr = peer_addr.sin_addr;
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
Grunt *grunt = calloc(1, sizeof(*grunt));
grunt->ip = strdup(str);
htInsert(&grunt_map, (U64)accept_fd, (U64)grunt);
} else if (events[i].data.fd == sock_fd_external) {
htInsert(&socket_map, (U64)accept_fd, Socket_Kind_EXTERNAL);
Input_Output *io = calloc(1, sizeof(*io));
htInsert(&io_map, (U64)accept_fd, (Uptr)io);
} else {
// A peer socket is ready.
if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
// Ready for reading.
int fd = events[i].data.fd;
Socket_Kind socket_kind = (Socket_Kind)htLookup(&socket_map, (U64)fd);
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
if (io->ir == NULL) {
io->ir = calloc(1, sizeof(*io->ir));
io->ir->buffer_cap = MiB(1);
io->ir->buffer = calloc(io->ir->buffer_cap,
io->ir->fd = fd;
Input_Resume *ir = io->ir;
if (ir->initialized == false) {
long len = read(fd,
(Char *)ir->size_bytes + ir->size_bytes_count,
4 - ir->size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
htRemove(&io_map, (U64)fd);
htRemove(&socket_map, (U64)fd);
if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) {
htRemove(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
ir->size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (ir->size_bytes_count == 4) {
ir->initialized = true;
ir->buffer_expected_len = (U32)((ir->size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(ir->size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(ir->size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(ir->size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(fd,
ir->buffer + ir->buffer_len,
ir->buffer_expected_len - ir->buffer_len);
ir->buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (ir->buffer_expected_len == ir->buffer_len) {
// char *json_printed = cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(ir->buffer));
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(ir->buffer, &json_error, true);
B32 prepare_for_output = true;
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_EXTERNAL) {
printf("Recieved: REQUEST EXTERNAL:\n%s\n",
Command c = {.kind = Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL}; = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
Sint memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
Char **ips = NULL;
for (Size j = 0; j < grunt_map.slot_count; j++) {
if (grunt_map.keys[j] != 0) {
Grunt *g = (Grunt *)grunt_map.values;
if (g->memory >= memory) {
c.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL;
sbufAdd(ips, g->ip);
if (c.kind == Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL) {
c.reqin.dispatcher_socket = fd;
c.reqin.memory = memory;
} else if (c.kind == Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL) {
c.resex.ips = ips;
c.reqin.dispatcher_socket = fd;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
htInsert(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64), true);
} else if (socket_kind == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) {
Char *type = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "type")->valuestring;
if (strcmp(type, "response") == 0) {
printf("Recieved: RESPONSE INTERNAL:\n%s\n",
B32 success = (B32)(cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,
if (success) {
Command c = {.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL}; = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
c.resex.dispatcher_socket = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,
Grunt_Survey *gs =
(Grunt_Survey *)htLookup(&grunt_survey_map,
if (gs != NULL) {
Grunt *g = (Grunt *)htLookup(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(gs->ips, g->ip);
U64 milli_new = timeMilli();
gs->milli_passed += milli_new - gs->milli_last;
gs->milli_last = milli_new;
if (gs->milli_passed >= 1000) {
c.resex.ips = gs->ips;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
} else if (strcmp(type, "heartbeat") == 0) {
printf("Recieved: HEARTBEAT:\n%s\n",
Grunt *grunt = (Grunt *)htLookup(&grunt_map, (U64)fd);
grunt->memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
prepare_for_output = false;
io->ir = NULL;
if (prepare_for_output) {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else if (events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) {
// Writing into fd in which we previously were not able to finish writing to
int fd = events[i].data.fd;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
if (sbufElemin(io->ors) == 0) {
// fprintf(stderr, "hmLookup returned NULL\n");
// NOTE(naman): We haven't popped the Result yet, first go do that.
} else {
Output_Resume *or = &io->ors[0];
Char *output = or->buffer;
Size output_len = or->buffer_len;
Size output_pos = or->buffer_pos;
ssize_t nsent = write(or->fd, output + output_pos, output_len - output_pos);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// Try next time
} else {
perror("write() failed\n");
} else if ((Size)nsent < (output_len - output_pos)) {
or->buffer_pos += (Size)nsent;
} else {
sbufUnsortedRemove(io->ors, 0);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
or->fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
for (Size i = 0; i < grunt_survey_map.slot_count; i++) {
if (grunt_survey_map.keys[i] != 0) {
Grunt_Survey *gs = (Grunt_Survey *)grunt_survey_map.values[i];
U64 milli_new = timeMilli();
gs->milli_passed += milli_new - gs->milli_last;
gs->milli_last = milli_new;
if (gs->milli_passed >= 1000) {
Command c = {.kind = Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL}; = gs->id;
c.resex.dispatcher_socket = gs->dispatcher_socket;
c.resex.ips = gs->ips;
sbufAdd(commands, c);
for (Size j = 0; j < sbufElemin(commands); j++) {
Command c = commands[j];
if (c.kind == Command_REQUEST_INTERNAL) {
for (Size i = 0; i < socket_map.slot_count; i++) {
if ((socket_map.values[i] == Socket_Kind_INTERNAL) &&
(socket_map.keys[i] != 0)) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d",;
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"dispatcher_socket\": %d", c.reqin.dispatcher_socket);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d\n", c.reqin.memory);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
printf("Sending: REQUEST INTERNAL:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
Grunt_Survey *gs =(Grunt_Survey *) htLookup(&grunt_survey_map,
if (gs == NULL) {
gs = calloc(1, sizeof(*gs));
htInsert(&grunt_survey_map, hashInteger((U64), (U64)gs);
gs->milli_last = timeMilli();
gs->id =;
gs->dispatcher_socket = c.reqin.dispatcher_socket;
Sint fd = (Sint)socket_map.keys[i];
ssize_t nsent = write(fd, output, output_len);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = 0;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
perror("write() failed");
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = (Size)nsent;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else if (c.kind == Command_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL) {
if (htLookup(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64) {
htRemove(&commands_pending, hashInteger((U64);
Sint fd = c.resex.dispatcher_socket;
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d",;
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"ip\": [");
for (Size k = 0; k < sbufElemin(c.resex.ips); k++) {
sbufPrint(output, "\"%s\"", c.resex.ips[k]);
if (k < sbufElemin(c.resex.ips) - 1) {
sbufPrint(output, ",");
sbufPrint(output, "]");
sbufPrint(output, "\n}");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
printf("Sending: RESPONSE EXTERNAL:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
ssize_t nsent = write(fd, output, output_len);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = 0;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
perror("write() failed");
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
Output_Resume or = {0};
or.fd = fd;
or.buffer = output;
or.buffer_pos = (Size)nsent;
or.buffer_len = output_len;
Input_Output *io = (Input_Output *)htLookup(&io_map, (U64)fd);
sbufAdd(io->ors, or);
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
} else {
struct epoll_event event = {.data.fd = fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD,
fd, &event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_MOD");
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
typedef enum Socket_Kind {
} Socket_Kind;
Sint socketCreateListener (Char *port)
printf("Openiing socket on port %s\n", port);
// NOTE(naman): Create a socket for IPv4 and TCP.
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock_fd < 0) {
perror("ERROR opening socket");
// NOTE(naman): This helps avoid spurious EADDRINUSE when the previous instance of this
// server died.
int opt = 1;
if (setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Get actual internet address to bind to using IPv4 and TCP,
// and listening passively
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE};
struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &addrinfo);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
// NOTE(naman): Assign an address to the socket
if (bind(sock_fd, addrinfo->ai_addr, addrinfo->ai_addrlen) != 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Start listening for incoming connections
if (listen(sock_fd, MAX_SOCKET_CONNECTIONS_REQUEST) != 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Set the socket as non-blocking
int flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_GETFL");
if (fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
perror("fcntl F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK");
printf("Log: Waiting for connection on port %s...\n", port);
return sock_fd;
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
U64 timeMilli (void)
struct timespec now = {0};
U64 nanosec = 0;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now) == 0) {
nanosec = ((U64)now.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)now.tv_nsec;
} else {
struct timeval now_low = {0};
gettimeofday(&now_low, NULL);
nanosec = ((U64)now_low.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)(now_low.tv_usec * 100);
U64 millisec = nanosec / 1000000ULL;
return millisec;
Subproject commit f790e17b6cecef030c4eda811149d238c2085fcf
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2018 Naman Dixit
#if !defined(NLIB_H_INCLUDE_GUARD)
/* ****************************************************************************
* COMMON *********************************************************************
/* ===============
* Platform Identification
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
# if defined(__clang__)
# else
# endif
# elif defined (__GNUC__)
# if defined(__clang__)
# else
# endif
# elif defined(__clang__)
# else
# error Compiler not supported
# endif
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define OS_WINDOWS
# elif defined(__linux__)
# define OS_LINUX
# else
# error Operating system not supported
# endif
# if defined(_M_IX86)
# define ARCH_X86
# elif defined(_M_X64)
# define ARCH_X64
# endif
# elif defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# if defined(__i386__)
# define ARCH_X86
# elif defined(__x86_64__)
# define ARCH_X64
# endif
# endif
# if !defined(ARCH_X64) // && !defined(ARCH_X86)
# error Architecture not supported
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# if !defined(__cplusplus) // TODO(naman): See if this is actually works and is the best way.
# define LANGUAGE_C99 // TODO(naman): Update when Microsoft gets off its ass.
# else
# error Language not supported
# endif
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# if (__STDC_VERSION__ == 199409)
# define LANGUAGE_C89
# elif (__STDC_VERSION__ == 199901)
# define LANGUAGE_C99
# elif (__STDC_VERSION__ == 201112) || (__STDC_VERSION__ == 201710)
# define LANGUAGE_C11
# else
# error Language not supported
# endif
# endif
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
# define ENDIAN_BIG
# else
# include <endian.h>
# define ENDIAN_BIG
# else
# error Can not determine endianness
# endif
# endif
/* ===========================
* Standard C Headers Includes
/* NOTE(naman): Manually define NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT if you want to not include CRT.
(done to maintain backwards compatibility). If you do prevent CRT from inclusion, do
the following from the code:
1. Run memUserCreate()
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# endif
# include <stddef.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# include <limits.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <stdnoreturn.h>
# include <float.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <errno.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
# include <stdlib.h>
# endif
/* ===========================
* Misc C Headers Includes
/* ===========================
* Platform Headers Includes
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4255)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# endif
# include <Windows.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable:4820)
# pragma warning(disable:4668)
# pragma warning(disable:4255)
# endif
# include <intrin.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
# pragma warning(pop)
# endif
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
// ...
# endif
/* ===============
* Primitive Types
typedef int8_t S8;
typedef int16_t S16;
typedef int32_t S32;
typedef int64_t S64;
typedef int Sint;
typedef uint8_t U8;
typedef uint16_t U16;
typedef uint32_t U32;
typedef uint64_t U64;
typedef unsigned Uint;
typedef size_t Size;
typedef uintptr_t Uptr;
typedef intptr_t Sptr;
typedef ptrdiff_t Dptr;
typedef float F32;
typedef double F64;
typedef U8 B8;
typedef U16 B16;
typedef U32 B32;
typedef U64 B64;
# define true 1U
# define false 0U
typedef unsigned char Byte;
typedef char Char;
/* ========================
* Preprocessor Definitions
# define elemin(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
#define containerof(ptr, type, member) \
((type *)( ((Byte *)(true ? (ptr) : (type *)NULL)) - offsetof(type, member) ))
# define KiB(x) ( (x) * 1024ULL)
# define MiB(x) (KiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define GiB(x) (MiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define TiB(x) (GiB(x) * 1024ULL)
# define THOUSAND 1000L
# define MILLION 1000000L
# define BILLION 1000000000L
# define unused_variable(var) (void)var
# define global_variable static
# define persistent_value static
# define internal_function static
# define header_function static inline
/* =======================
* Compiler Specific Hacks
/* Microsoft Visual C */
# if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// # if _MSC_VER != 1916 // Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7
// # error MSVC version not supported
// # endif // MSVC Versions
# define _Alignof __alignof
# define alignof _Alignof
# define __alignof_is_defined 1
/* In alignas(a), 'a' should be a power of two that is at least the type's
alignment and at most the implementation's alignment limit. This limit is
2**13 on MSVC. To be portable to MSVC through at least version 10.0,
'a' should be an integer constant, as MSVC does not support expressions
such as 1 << 3.
The following C11 requirements are not supported here:
- If 'a' is zero, alignas has no effect.
- alignas can be used multiple times; the strictest one wins.
- alignas (TYPE) is equivalent to alignas (alignof (TYPE)).
# define _Alignas(a) __declspec(align(a))
# define alignas _Alignas
# define __alignas_is_defined 1
/* Malloc Alignment:
# if defined(ARCH_x86)
// Alignment is 8 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(8) Byte alignment[8];
F64 a;
} max_align_t;
# elif defined(ARCH_X64)
// Alignment is 16 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(16) Byte alignment[16];
alignas(16) struct { F64 a, b; } f;
} max_align_t;
# endif
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <threads.h>
# else
# define thread_local __declspec( thread )
# endif
# define swap_endian(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
# elif defined(COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
# define max(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; })
# define min(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <stdalign.h>
# else
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
# define _Alignof __alignof__
# define alignof _Alignof
# define __alignof_is_defined 1
# define _Alignas(a) __attribute__ ((aligned (a)))
# define alignas _Alignas
# define __alignas_is_defined 1
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
/* Malloc Alignment:
# if defined(ARCH_x86)
// Alignment is 8 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(8) Byte alignment[8];
F64 a;
} max_align_t;
# elif defined(ARCH_X64)
// Alignment is 16 bytes
typedef union {
alignas(16) Byte alignment[16];
alignas(16) struct { F64 a, b; } f;
} max_align_t;
# endif
# endif
# if defined(LANGUAGE_C11)
# include <threads.h>
# else
# define thread_local __thread
# endif
# define swap_endian(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
# endif
/* =======================
* Other nlib libraries
# include "unicode.h"
/* =======================
* OS Specific Hacks
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
void reportDebugV(Char *format, va_list ap)
Char buffer[2048] = {0};
stbsp_vsnprintf(buffer, 2048, format, ap);
buffer[2047] = '\0';
LPWSTR wcstr = unicodeWin32UTF16FromUTF8(buffer);
void reportDebug(Char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
reportDebugV(format, ap);
# if defined(BUILD_INTERNAL)
# define report(...) reportDebug(__VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(...) reportDebugV(__VA_ARGS__)
# define breakpoint() __debugbreak()
# define quit() breakpoint()
# else
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define quit() abort()
# define breakpoint() do{report("Fired breakpoint in release code, quitting...\n");quit();}while(0)
# endif
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
# if defined(BUILD_INTERNAL)
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define breakpoint() __asm__ volatile("int $0x03")
# define quit() breakpoint()
# else
# define report(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
# define reportv(format, va_list) vfprintf(stderr, format, va_list)
# define quit() abort()
# define breakpoint() do{report("Fired breakpoint in release code, quitting...\n");quit();}while(0)
# endif
# endif
/* ===============================
* Integer Mathematics Functions
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
/* _BitScanReverse64(&r, x) scans for the first 1-bit from left in x. Once it finds it,
* it returns the number of bits after the found 1-bit.
* If b is the bit-width of the number,
* p is the closest lower power of two and
* r is the number of bits to the right of the first 1-bit when seen from left; then
* then a number between 2^p and 2^(p+1) has the form: (b-p-1 0-bits) 1 (p bits)
* => r = p
* Thus, the rounded-down log2 of the number is r.
U64 u64Log2(U64 x)
unsigned long result = 0;
_BitScanReverse64(&result, x);
return result;
/* Linear Congruential Generator
* If x is the last random number,
* m is a number greater than zero that is a power of two,
* a is a number between 0 and m,
* then the next random number is ((x * a) % m).
* Unfortunately, the lower bits don't have enought randomness in them. The LSB doesn't
* change at all, the second LSB alternates, the one after that toggles every 2 turns and so
* on. Therefore, we try to get rid of the LSBs by pulling in some MSBs.
* NOTE(naman): Seed should be an odd number or the randomness might drop drastically.
* NOTE(naman): "a" should be equal to 5(mod 8) or 3(mod 8).
U64 u64Rand (U64 seed)
U64 previous = seed;
if (previous == 0) {
// This seed has been tested and should be preferred in normal circumstances.
previous = 2531011ULL;
U64 a = 214013ULL;
U64 upper = 0, lower = 0;
lower = _umul128(previous, a, &upper);
U64 log_upper = u64Log2(upper);
U64 shift_amount = 64 - (log_upper + 1);
upper = (upper << shift_amount) | (lower >> log_upper);
U64 result = upper * a;
return result;
# elif defined(OS_LINUX)
/* __builtin_clzll(x) returns the leading number of 0-bits in x, starting from
* most significant position.
* If b is the bit-width of the number,
* p is the closest lower power of two and
* lz is the number of leading 0-bits; then
* then a number between 2^p and 2^(p+1) has the form: (b-p-1 0-bits) 1 (p bits)
* => lz = b-p-1
* => p = b-(lz+1)
* Thus, the rounded-down log2 of the number is b-(lz+1).
U64 u64Log2(U64 x)
U64 result = 64ULL - ((U64)__builtin_clzll(x) + 1ULL);
return result;
/* Linear Congruential Generator
* If x is the last random number,
* m is a number greater than zero that is a power of two,
* a is a number between 0 and m,
* then the next random number is ((x * a) % m).
* Unfortunately, the lower bits don't have enought randomness in them. The LSB doesn't
* change at all, the second LSB alternates, the one after that toggles every 2 turns and so
* on. Therefore, we try to get rid of the LSBs by pulling in some MSBs.
* We do the multiplcation twice because Chi-Square Test indicated that this method
* gives better randomness. Don't ask.
* NOTE(naman): Seed should be an odd number or the randomness might drop drastically.
* NOTE(naman): "a" should be equal to 5(mod 8) or 3(mod 8).
U64 u64Rand (U64 seed)
U64 previous = seed;
if (previous == 0) {
// This seed has been tested and should be preferred in normal circumstances.
previous = 2531011ULL;
U64 a = 214013ULL;
__uint128_t product = (__uint128_t)previous * (__uint128_t)a;
U64 upper = product >> 64, lower = (U64)product;
U64 log_upper = u64Log2(upper);
U64 shift_amount = 64 - (log_upper + 1);
upper = (upper << shift_amount) | (lower >> log_upper);
U64 result = upper * a;
return result;
# endif
U64 u64NextPowerOf2 (U64 x)
U64 result = 0;
if ((x != 0) && ((x & (x - 1)) == 0)) { // If x is a power of true
result = x;
} else {
result = 1 << (u64Log2(x) + 1);
return result;
/* ****************************************************************************
* LIBRARIES ******************************************************************
/* ==============
* Claim (assert)
# define claim(cond) claim_(cond, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void claim_ (B32 cond,
Char *cond_str,
Char *filename, U32 line_num)
if (!cond) {
report("Claim \"%s\" Failed in %s:%u\n\n",
cond_str, filename, line_num);
/* ===================
* String Functions
B32 strequal (Char *str1, Char *str2)
B32 result = (strcmp(str1, str2) == 0);
return result;
Size strprefix(Char *str, Char *pre)
Size lenpre = strlen(pre);
Size lenstr = strlen(str);
if (lenstr < lenpre) {
return 0;
} else {
if (memcmp(pre, str, lenpre) == 0) {
return lenpre;
} else {
return 0;
B32 strsuffix (Char *str, Char *suf)
Char *string = strrchr(str, suf[0]);
B32 result = false;
if(string != NULL) {
if (strcmp(string, suf) == 0) {
result = true;
return result;
/* ===================
* Unit Test Framework
# define utTest(cond) ut_Test(cond, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void ut_Test (B32 cond,
Char *cond_str,
Char *filename, U32 line_num) {
if (!(cond)) {
report("Test Failed: (%s:%u) %s\n", filename, line_num, cond_str);
/* ****************************************************************************
* MEMORY ALLOCATORS **********************************************************
/* ===============================
* User Memory Allocator Helpers
#define MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE (alignof(max_align_t) - 1u)
#define memAlignUp(p) (((p) + MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE) & (~ MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE))
#define memAlignDown(p) (memAlignUp((p) - MEM_MAX_ALIGN_MINUS_ONE))
#define memBytesFromBits(b) (((b)+(CHAR_BIT-1))/(CHAR_BIT))
#define memSetBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] |= (1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memResetBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] &= ~(1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memToggleBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] ^= ~(1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
#define memTestBit(array, index) \
((array)[(index)/CHAR_BIT] & (1U << ((index)%CHAR_BIT)))
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
# endif
typedef enum Memory_Allocator_Mode {
} Memory_Allocator_Mode;
# define MEMORY_ALLOCATOR(allocator) \
void* allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode mode, \
Size size, void* old_ptr, \
void *data)
typedef MEMORY_ALLOCATOR(Memory_Allocator_Function);
/* =============================
* General Purpose User Memory Allocator
typedef struct Memory_User_Buddy Memory_User_Buddy;
typedef struct Memory_User {
Memory_User_Buddy *b;
Byte *base;
Size total;
Size filled;
} Memory_User;
struct Memory_User_Buddy {
Byte *free_bits;
Byte *split_bits;
struct Memory_User_Buddy *prev;
struct Memory_User_Buddy *next;
Byte *arena;
Size arena_size;
Size leaf_size;
Size leaf_count;
Size block_count;
U8 level_max;
U8 level_count;
Byte _pad1[6];
L:0 | 0 |
L:1 | 1 | 2 |
L:2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
L:3 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
#define memcb_CountOfBlocksAtLevel(level) (1u << (level))
#define memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level) \
#define memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) /* Zero based */ \
((Uptr)((ptr) - (b)->arena) / memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level))
#define memcb_IndexOfLeaf(b, ptr) /* Zero based */ \
((Uptr)((ptr) - ((b)->arena)) / ((b)->leaf_size))
#define memcb_PointerToBlockInLevel(b, index, level) \
(((index) * memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)) + (b)->arena)
#define memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) \
((void*)(((Byte*)ptr) - memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)))
#define memcb_NextBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level) \
((void*)(((Byte*)ptr) + memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(b, level)))
#define memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level) \
((1 << (level)) - 1) /* Using sum of GP, blocks before level n are (2ⁿ - 1) */
#define memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(b, ptr, level) \
(memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level) + \
memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(b, ptr, level))
#define memcb_IndexOfFirstChild(index) \
((2 * (index)) + 1)
#define memcb_IndexOfSecondChild(index) \
((2 * (index)) + 2)
#define memcb_IndexOfParent(index) \
(((index) - 1) / 2)
Memory_User_Buddy memcb_Init (Byte* arena, Size arena_size, Size leaf_size)
Size leaf_count = arena_size / leaf_size;
U8 level_max = (U8)u64Log2(leaf_count);
U8 level_count = level_max + 1;
Size block_count = (1 << level_count) - 1; // 2ⁿ⁺¹ - 1 where n is level_max (sum of GP)
Memory_User_Buddy buddy = {0};
buddy.arena = arena;
buddy.arena_size = arena_size;
buddy.leaf_size = leaf_size;
buddy.leaf_count = leaf_count;
buddy.level_max = level_max;
buddy.level_count = level_count;
buddy.block_count = block_count;
return buddy;
void* memcb_GetFreeBlockAtLevel (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Size level)
Byte *found_block = NULL;
Size level_current = level;
do {
if (level_current == 0) {
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, 0)) {
found_block = buddy->arena;
Size free_bits_begin = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy,
Size free_bits_end = free_bits_begin + memcb_CountOfBlocksAtLevel(level_current);
for (Size bi = free_bits_begin; bi < free_bits_end; bi = bi + 1) {
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, bi)) {
found_block = (buddy->arena +
level_current) *
(bi - memcb_BlocksBeforeThisLevel(level_current))));
if (level_current == 0) {
} else if (found_block == NULL) {
} while (found_block == NULL);
if (found_block != NULL) {
for (Size lvl = level_current + 1; lvl <= level; lvl++) {
Byte *found_block_sibiling = (found_block +
memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(buddy, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block_sibiling, lvl));
memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, found_block, level));
return found_block;
void* memcb_Alloc (Memory_User_Buddy *bbuddy, Size size)
Size size_real = size;
if (size_real == 0 || bbuddy == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (size_real < bbuddy->leaf_size) {
size_real = bbuddy->leaf_size;
if (size_real > bbuddy->arena_size) {
return NULL;
Size total_size = u64NextPowerOf2(size_real);
// "inverse" because it is taking smallest block as level 0
U8 inverse_level = (U8)u64Log2(total_size/(bbuddy->leaf_size));
U8 level = bbuddy->level_max - inverse_level; // Actually, largest block is level 0
Byte *m = memcb_GetFreeBlockAtLevel(bbuddy, level);
return m;
Byte* memcb_MergeBuddies (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Byte *block, Size level)
if (level == 0) return NULL;
Byte *result = NULL;
Size local_index = memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
Byte *parent_block = NULL; // the pointer to the merged blocks (if they get merged)
Byte *buddy_block = NULL; // pointer to buddy block
if (local_index % 2 == 1) { // odd = merge with previous block
buddy_block = memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
parent_block = buddy_block;
} else { // even = merge with next block
buddy_block = memcb_NextBlockInLevel(buddy, block, level);
parent_block = block;
Size block_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, block, level);
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_block, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_block, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) { // Buddy is also free
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, block_global_index);
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, parent_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
result = parent_block;
return result;
void memcb_ReleaseBlockAtLevel (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, Byte *ptr, Size level)
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, ptr, level));
Size merge_level = level;
Byte *merge_ptr = ptr;
while (merge_level > 0) {
merge_ptr = memcb_MergeBuddies(buddy, merge_ptr, merge_level);
if (merge_ptr == NULL) break;
void memcb_Dealloc (Memory_User_Buddy *buddy, void *ptr)
if (ptr == NULL || buddy == NULL) return;
U8 level_min = buddy->level_max; //The real level will never be zero since we already
// made a bunch of allocations at that level manually during init.
while ((level_min < buddy->level_count) && (level_min > 0)) {
if (memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)ptr, level_min) % 2 == 1) break;
U8 level = buddy->level_max;
while ((level >= level_min) && (level <= buddy->level_max)) {
if (level == 0) {
} else if (memTestBit(buddy->split_bits,
level)))) {
memcb_ReleaseBlockAtLevel(buddy, ptr, level);
void* memcb_GetMemory (Memory_User *m, Size size)
if ((m->filled + size) > m->total) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory full: Total = %lu, Filled = %lu\n", m->total, m->filled);
return NULL;
void *result = m->base + m->filled;
m->filled += size;
return result;
# define memUserCreate(m, base, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE, size, base, m)
# define memUserAlloc(m, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m)
# define memUserRealloc(m, ptr, size) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC, size, ptr, m)
# define memUserDealloc(m, ptr) memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ptr, m)
Memory_User *m = data;
switch (mode) {
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE: {
m->total = size;
m->base = old_ptr;
m->filled = 0;
m->b = NULL;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC: {
if (size == 0) return NULL;
size = u64NextPowerOf2(size);
void *mem = NULL;
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if ((size >= b->leaf_size) && (size <= b->arena_size)) {
mem = memcb_Alloc(b, size);
if (mem != NULL) break;
} else {
if (mem == NULL) {
Size leaf_size = size;
Size arena_size = 1 << (u64Log2(size) + 5);
Memory_User_Buddy *buddy = memcb_GetMemory(m, sizeof(*buddy));
*buddy = (Memory_User_Buddy){0};
Byte *arena = memcb_GetMemory(m, arena_size);
*buddy = memcb_Init(arena, arena_size, leaf_size);
Size size_of_free_bits = memBytesFromBits(buddy->block_count);
Size size_of_split_bits = memBytesFromBits(buddy->block_count - buddy->leaf_count);
Size total_size = memAlignUp(size_of_free_bits + size_of_split_bits);
Byte *overhead = memcb_GetMemory(m, total_size);
memset(overhead, 0, total_size);
buddy->free_bits = overhead;
buddy->split_bits = overhead + size_of_free_bits;
memSetBit(buddy->free_bits, 0);
if (m->b != NULL) {
m->b->prev = buddy;
buddy->next = m->b;
m->b = buddy;
mem = memcb_Alloc(buddy, size);
if (mem == NULL) breakpoint();
return mem;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC: {
if (old_ptr == NULL) {
void *result = memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m);
return result;
if (size == 0) {
memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, old_ptr, m);
return NULL;
Memory_User_Buddy *buddy = NULL;
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if (((Byte*)old_ptr > (Byte*)&(b->arena)) && ((Byte*)old_ptr < (((Byte*)&(b->arena)) + b->arena_size))) {
buddy = b;
if (buddy == NULL) return NULL;
U8 level_min = buddy->level_max; // The real level will never be zero since we already
// made a bunch of allocations at that level manually during init.
while ((level_min < buddy->level_count) && (level_min > 0)) {
if (memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level_min) % 2 == 1) break;
U8 level = buddy->level_max;
while ((level >= level_min) && (level <= buddy->level_max)) {
if (level == 0) {
} else if (memTestBit(buddy->split_bits,
memcb_IndexOfParent(memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level)))) {
Size old_size = memcb_SizeOfBlocksAtLevel(buddy, level);
if (old_size > size) {
return old_ptr;
if (size < (2 * old_size)) {
size = 2 * old_size;
B32 reallocated = false;
Byte *new_ptr = NULL;
if (level != 0) {
Size local_index = memcb_IndexOfBlockInLevel(buddy, (Byte*)old_ptr, level);
Byte *parent_ptr = NULL; // the pointer to the merged blocks (if they get merged)
Byte *buddy_ptr = NULL; // pointer to buddy block
if (local_index % 2 == 0) {
buddy_ptr = memcb_NextBlockInLevel(buddy, old_ptr, level);
parent_ptr = old_ptr;
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_ptr, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_ptr, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) {
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
reallocated = true;
new_ptr = old_ptr;
} else {
buddy_ptr = memcb_PreviousBlockInLevel(buddy, old_ptr, level);
parent_ptr = buddy_ptr;
Size buddy_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, buddy_ptr, level);
Size parent_global_index = memcb_GlobalIndexOfBlock(buddy, parent_ptr, level - 1);
if (memTestBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index)) {
memcpy(buddy_ptr, old_ptr, old_size);
memResetBit(buddy->free_bits, buddy_global_index);
memResetBit(buddy->split_bits, parent_global_index);
reallocated = true;
new_ptr = old_ptr;
if (!reallocated) {
new_ptr = memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, m);
if (new_ptr == NULL) return NULL;
memcpy(new_ptr, old_ptr, old_size);
memUser(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, old_ptr, m);
return new_ptr;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC: {
for (Memory_User_Buddy *b = m->b; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
if (((Byte*)old_ptr > (Byte*)&(b->arena)) && ((Byte*)old_ptr < (((Byte*)&(b->arena)) + b->arena_size))) {
memcb_Dealloc(b, old_ptr);
return NULL;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC_ALL: {
// TODO(naman): Maybe we should use a off-the-shelf malloc that allows this?
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_NONE: {
} break;
return NULL;
/* =============================
* stdlib Memory Allocator
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
struct MemCRT_Header {
Size size;
# define memCRTAlloc(size) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC, size, NULL, NULL)
# define memCRTRealloc(ptr, size) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC, size, ptr, NULL)
# define memCRTDealloc(ptr) memCRT(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ptr, NULL)
switch (mode) {
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_CREATE: {
// NOTE(naman): Not needed for now
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC: {
Size memory_size = memAlignUp(size);
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Size total_size = memory_size + header_size;
Byte *mem = malloc(total_size);
memset(mem, 0, total_size);
struct MemCRT_Header *header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)mem;
header->size = memory_size;
Byte *result = mem + header_size;
return result;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_REALLOC: {
Size memory_size = memAlignUp(size);
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Size total_size = memory_size + header_size;
Byte *mem = malloc(total_size);
struct MemCRT_Header *header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)mem;
header->size = memory_size;
Byte *result = mem + header_size;
if (old_ptr != NULL) {
Byte *previous_mem = (Byte*)old_ptr - header_size;
struct MemCRT_Header *previous_header = (struct MemCRT_Header *)previous_mem;
Size previous_size = previous_header->size;
memcpy(result, old_ptr, previous_size);
memset(result + previous_size, 0, memory_size - previous_size);
} else {
memset(result, 0, memory_size);
return result;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC: {
if (old_ptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
Size header_size = memAlignUp(sizeof(struct MemCRT_Header));
Byte *mem = (Byte*)old_ptr - header_size;
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC_ALL: {
// TODO(naman): Maybe we should use a off-the-shelf malloc that allows this?
} break;
case Memory_Allocator_Mode_NONE: {
} break;
return NULL;
# endif
# if !defined(NLIB_EXCLUDE_CRT)
global_variable thread_local Memory_Allocator_Function *memDefaultAllocator = &memCRT;
global_variable thread_local void *memDefaultAllocatorData = NULL;
# define memAlloc(size) memCRTAlloc(size)
# define memRealloc(ptr, size) memCRTRealloc(ptr, size)
# define memDealloc(ptr) memCRTDealloc(ptr)
# else
global_variable thread_local Memory_Allocator_Function *memDefaultAllocator = &memUser;
global_variable thread_local Memory_User *memDefaultAllocatorData = NULL;
# define memAlloc(size) memUserAlloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, size)
# define memRealloc(ptr, size) memUserRealloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, ptr, size)
# define memDealloc(ptr) memUserDealloc(memDefaultAllocatorData, ptr)
# endif
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
/* ****************************************************************************
* DATA STRUCTURES ******************************************************************
/* ==============
* Strechy Buffer
/* API ----------------------------------------
* Size sbufAdd (T *ptr, T elem)
* void sbufDelete (T *ptr)
* T* sbufEnd (T *ptr)
* Size sbufSizeof (T *ptr)
* Size sbufElemin (T *ptr)
* Size sbufMaxSizeof (T *ptr)
* Size sbufMaxElemin (T *ptr)
typedef struct Sbuf_Header {
Size cap; // NOTE(naman): Maximum number of elements that can be stored
Size len; // NOTE(naman): Count of elements actually stored
Byte buf[];
} Sbuf_Header;
# define sbuf_GetHeader(sb) ((Sbuf_Header*)(void*)((Byte*)(sb) - offsetof(Sbuf_Header, buf)))
# define sbuf_Len(sb) ((sb) ? sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->len : 0U)
# define sbuf_Cap(sb) ((sb) ? sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->cap : 0U)
# define sbufAdd(sb, ...) ((sb) = sbuf_Grow((sb), sizeof(*(sb))), \
(sb)[sbuf_Len(sb)] = (__VA_ARGS__), \
# define sbufDelete(sb) ((sb) ? \
(memDealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(sb)), (sb) = NULL) : \
# define sbufClear(sb) ((sb) ? \
(memset((sb), 0, sbufSizeof(sb)), \
sbuf_GetHeader(sb)->len = 0) : \
# define sbufResize(sb, n) (((n) > sbufMaxElemin(sb)) ? \
((sb) = sbuf_Resize(sb, n, sizeof(*(sb)))) : \
# define sbufSizeof(sb) (sbuf_Len(sb) * sizeof(*(sb)))
# define sbufElemin(sb) (sbuf_Len(sb))
# define sbufMaxSizeof(sb) (sbuf_Cap(sb) * sizeof(*(sb)))
# define sbufMaxElemin(sb) (sbuf_Cap(sb))
# define sbufEnd(sb) ((sb) + sbuf_Len(sb))
#define sbufPrint(sb, ...) ((sb) = sbuf_Print((sb), __VA_ARGS__))
#define sbufUnsortedRemove(sb, i) (((sb)[(i)] = (sb)[sbuf_Len(sb) - 1]), \
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
# endif
void* sbuf_Grow (void *buf, Size elem_size)
if ((sbuf_Len(buf) + 1) <= sbuf_Cap(buf)) {
return buf;
} else {
Size new_cap = max(2 * sbuf_Cap(buf), 4U);
Size new_size = (new_cap * elem_size) + sizeof(Sbuf_Header);
Sbuf_Header *new_header = NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
new_header = memRealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(buf), new_size);
} else {
new_header = memAlloc(new_size);
new_header->cap = new_cap;
return new_header->buf;
void* sbuf_Resize (void *buf, Size elem_count, Size elem_size)
Size new_cap = elem_count;
Size new_size = (new_cap * elem_size) + sizeof(Sbuf_Header);
Sbuf_Header *new_header = NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
new_header = memRealloc(sbuf_GetHeader(buf), new_size);
} else {
new_header = memAlloc(new_size);
new_header->cap = new_cap;
return new_header->buf;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
# endif
Char* sbuf_Print(Char *buf, const Char *fmt, ...)
// TODO(naman): Replace with stbsp_vsnprintf once the following bug is taken care of:
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t cap = sbufMaxElemin(buf) - sbufElemin(buf);
int n = 1 + vsnprintf(sbufEnd(buf), cap, fmt, args);
if ((Size)n > cap) {
sbufResize(buf, (Size)n + sbufElemin(buf));
size_t new_cap = sbufMaxElemin(buf) - sbufElemin(buf);
va_start(args, fmt);
n = 1 + vsnprintf(sbufEnd(buf), new_cap, fmt, args);
sbuf_GetHeader(buf)->len += ((Size)n - 1);
return buf;
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
void sbufUnitTest (void)
S32 *buf = NULL;
sbufAdd(buf, 42);
utTest(buf != NULL);
sbufAdd(buf, 1234);
utTest(sbufElemin(buf) == 2);
utTest(sbufMaxElemin(buf) >= sbufElemin(buf));
utTest(buf[0] == 42);
utTest(buf[1] == 1234);
utTest(buf == NULL);
Char *stream = NULL;
sbufPrint(stream, "Hello, %s\n", "World!");
sbufPrint(stream, "Still here? %d\n", 420);
sbufPrint(stream, "GO AWAY!!!\n");
utTest(strcmp(stream, "Hello, World!\nStill here? 420\nGO AWAY!!!\n") == 0);
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
/* ==========================
* Interning
* Char* internString (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
#define INTERN_EQUALITY(func_name) B32 func_name (void *a, void *b, Size b_index)
typedef INTERN_EQUALITY(Intern_Equality_Function);
typedef struct Intern {
struct Intern_List {
Size *indices;
U8 *secondary_hashes;
} lists[256];
} Intern;
B32 internCheck (Intern *it, U8 hash1, U8 hash2,
void *datum, void *data, Intern_Equality_Function *eqf,
Size *result)
if (it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes != NULL) {
// Our data has probably been inserted already.
// (or atleast some data with same hash has been inserted :)
for (Size i = 0; i < sbufElemin(it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes); i++) {
Size index = it->lists[hash1].indices[i];
if ((it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes[i] == hash2) && eqf(datum, data, index)) {
// This is our data, return it
if (result != NULL) {
*result = index;
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
void internData (Intern *it, U8 hash1, U8 hash2, Size index)
sbufAdd(it->lists[hash1].secondary_hashes, hash2);
sbufAdd(it->lists[hash1].indices, index);
U8 internStringPearsonHash (void *buffer, Size len, B32 which)
// NOTE(naman): Pearson's hash for 8-bit hashing
persistent_value U8 hash_lookup_table1[256] =
// 0-255 shuffled in any (random) order suffices
98, 6, 85, 150, 36, 23, 112, 164, 135, 207, 169, 5, 26, 64, 165, 219, // 01
61, 20, 68, 89, 130, 63, 52, 102, 24, 229, 132, 245, 80, 216, 195, 115, // 02
90, 168, 156, 203, 177, 120, 2, 190, 188, 7, 100, 185, 174, 243, 162, 10, // 03
237, 18, 253, 225, 8, 208, 172, 244, 255, 126, 101, 79, 145, 235, 228, 121, // 04
123, 251, 67, 250, 161, 0, 107, 97, 241, 111, 181, 82, 249, 33, 69, 55, // 05
59, 153, 29, 9, 213, 167, 84, 93, 30, 46, 94, 75, 151, 114, 73, 222, // 06
197, 96, 210, 45, 16, 227, 248, 202, 51, 152, 252, 125, 81, 206, 215, 186, // 07
39, 158, 178, 187, 131, 136, 1, 49, 50, 17, 141, 91, 47, 129, 60, 99, // 08
154, 35, 86, 171, 105, 34, 38, 200, 147, 58, 77, 118, 173, 246, 76, 254, // 09
133, 232, 196, 144, 198, 124, 53, 4, 108, 74, 223, 234, 134, 230, 157, 139, // 10
189, 205, 199, 128, 176, 19, 211, 236, 127, 192, 231, 70, 233, 88, 146, 44, // 11
183, 201, 22, 83, 13, 214, 116, 109, 159, 32, 95, 226, 140, 220, 57, 12, // 12
221, 31, 209, 182, 143, 92, 149, 184, 148, 62, 113, 65, 37, 27, 106, 166, // 13
3, 14, 204, 72, 21, 41, 56, 66, 28, 193, 40, 217, 25, 54, 179, 117, // 14
238, 87, 240, 155, 180, 170, 242, 212, 191, 163, 78, 218, 137, 194, 175, 110, // 15
43, 119, 224, 71, 122, 142, 42, 160, 104, 48, 247, 103, 15, 11, 138, 239, // 16
persistent_value U8 hash_lookup_table2[256] =
251, 175, 119, 215, 81, 14, 79, 191, 103, 49, 181, 143, 186, 157, 0, 232, // 01
31, 32, 55, 60, 152, 58, 17, 237, 174, 70, 160, 144, 220, 90, 57, 223, // 02
59, 3, 18, 140, 111, 166, 203, 196, 134, 243, 124, 95, 222, 179, 197, 65, // 03
180, 48, 36, 15, 107, 46, 233, 130, 165, 30, 123, 161, 209, 23, 97, 16, // 04
40, 91, 219, 61, 100, 10, 210, 109, 250, 127, 22, 138, 29, 108, 244, 67, // 05
207, 9, 178, 204, 74, 98, 126, 249, 167, 116, 34, 77, 193, 200, 121, 5, // 06
20, 113, 71, 35, 128, 13, 182, 94, 25, 226, 227, 199, 75, 27, 41, 245, // 07
230, 224, 43, 225, 177, 26, 155, 150, 212, 142, 218, 115, 241, 73, 88, 105, // 08
39, 114, 62, 255, 192, 201, 145, 214, 168, 158, 221, 148, 154, 122, 12, 84, // 09
82, 163, 44, 139, 228, 236, 205, 242, 217, 11, 187, 146, 159, 64, 86, 239, // 10
195, 42, 106, 198, 118, 112, 184, 172, 87, 2, 173, 117, 176, 229, 247, 253, // 11
137, 185, 99, 164, 102, 147, 45, 66, 231, 52, 141, 211, 194, 206, 246, 238, // 12
56, 110, 78, 248, 63, 240, 189, 93, 92, 51, 53, 183, 19, 171, 72, 50, // 13
33, 104, 101, 69, 8, 252, 83, 120, 76, 135, 85, 54, 202, 125, 188, 213, // 14
96, 235, 136, 208, 162, 129, 190, 132, 156, 38, 47, 1, 7, 254, 24, 4, // 15
216, 131, 89, 21, 28, 133, 37, 153, 149, 80, 170, 68, 6, 169, 234, 151, // 16
Char *string = buffer;
U8 hash = (U8)len;
for (Size i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (which == true) {
hash = hash_lookup_table1[hash ^ string[i]];
} else {
hash = hash_lookup_table2[hash ^ string[i]];
return hash;
typedef struct Intern_String {
Intern intern;
Char *strings;
} Intern_String;
INTERN_EQUALITY(internStringEquality) {
Char *sa = a;
Char *sb = (Char *)b + b_index;
B32 result = (strcmp(sa, sb) == 0);
return result;
Char *internString (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
U8 hash1 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), true);
U8 hash2 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), false);
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, str, is->strings, &internStringEquality, &index)) {
Char *result = is->strings + index;
return result;
} else {
Size index_new = sbufElemin(is->strings);
for (Char *s = str; s[0] != '\0'; s++) {
sbufAdd(is->strings, s[0]);
sbufAdd(is->strings, '\0');
internData(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, index_new);
Char *result = is->strings + index_new;
return result;
Char *internStringCheck (Intern_String *is, Char *str)
U8 hash1 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), true);
U8 hash2 = internStringPearsonHash(str, strlen(str), false);
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&is->intern, hash1, hash2, str, is->strings, &internStringEquality, &index)) {
Char *result = is->strings + index;
return result;
} else {
return NULL;
typedef struct Intern_Integer {
Intern intern;
U64 *integers;
} Intern_Integer;
INTERN_EQUALITY(internIntegerEquality) {
U64 ia = ((U64*)a)[0];
U64 ib = ((U64*)b)[b_index];
B32 result = (ia == ib);
return result;
// SEE(naman):
U8 internIntegerHash8Bit (U64 key, B32 which)
U8 result = 0;
U64 q = 0;
// NOTE(naman): Both q are prime.
if (which == true) {
q = 33149;
} else {
q = 146519;
Byte *b = (Byte*)(&key);
for (Size i = 0; i < sizeof(key); i++) {
result += (U8)((U64)(b[i]) * q);
return result;
U64 internInteger (Intern_Integer *ii, U64 num)
U8 hash1 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, true);
U8 hash2 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, false);
U64 num_copy = num; // Just in case
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2,
&num_copy, ii->integers, &internIntegerEquality, &index)) {
return num;
} else {
sbufAdd(ii->integers, num);
internData(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2, sbufElemin(ii->integers));
return num;
U64 internIntegerCheck (Intern_Integer *ii, U64 num)
U8 hash1 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, true);
U8 hash2 = internIntegerHash8Bit(num, false);
U64 num_copy = num; // Just in case
Size index = 0;
if (internCheck(&ii->intern, hash1, hash2,
&num_copy, ii->integers, &internIntegerEquality, &index)) {
return num;
} else {
return false;
void internUnitTest (void)
Char x[] = "Hello";
Char y[] = "Hello";
Intern_String is = {0};
utTest(x != y);
Char *y_interned = internString(&is, y);
Char *x_interned = internString(&is, x);
utTest(x_interned == y_interned);
Char z[] = "World";
Char *z_interned = internString(&is, z);
utTest(x_interned != z_interned);
Char p[] = "Hello!!";
Char *p_interned = internString(&is, p);
utTest(x_interned != p_interned);
// TODO(naman): Write tests to see what happens if two strings with same hash are interned.
/* ==========================
* Hashing Infrastructure
// TODO(naman): Add hash collision detection
// FNV-1a
U64 hashString (Char *str)
U64 hash = 0xCBF29CE484222325ULL; // FNV_offset_basis
for (Size i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
hash = hash ^ (U64)str[i];
hash = hash * 0x100000001B3ULL; // FNV_prime
return hash;
// splitmix64 (
U64 hashInteger(U64 x)
x ^= x >> 30;
x *= 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9ULL;
x ^= x >> 27;
x *= 0x94D049BB133111EBULL;
x ^= x >> 31;
return x;
/* Universal Hashing:
* NOTE(naman): Implementation notes
* w is number of bits in machine word (64 in our case)
* s is the number of buckets/bins (slots in the hash table) to which the
* universe of hashable objects is to be mapped
* m is log2(s) (=> m = 2^s) and is equal to the number of bits in the final hash
* a is a random odd positive integer < 2^w (fitting in w bits)
* b is a random non-negative integer < 2^(w-m) (fitting in (w-m) bits)
* SEE(naman):
* r is the last random number generated and is just an implementation detail.
typedef struct Hash_Universal {
U64 a, b, m; /* Hashing constants */
U64 r; /* Last random number for Universal Hashing */
} Hash_Universal;
void hashUniversalConstantsUpdate (Hash_Universal *h)
do {
h->r = u64Rand(h->r);
h->a = h->r;
} while ((h->a > 0) && ((h->a & 0x01) != 0x01)); // Make sure that 'a' is odd
h->r = u64Rand(h->r);
// b should be (64 - m) bits long
h->b = h->r & (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL >> h->m);
U64 hashUniversal (Hash_Universal h, U64 key)
// NOTE(naman): Remember that we don't want 64-bit hashes, we want hashes < 2^m (s)
U64 result = ((h.a * key) + h.b) >> (64 - h.m);
return result;
/* ==============
* Hash Table
/* API ---------------------------------------------------
* NOTE(naman): Zero key and value are considered invalid.
* Hash_Table htCreate (Size min_slots);
* void htDelete (Hash_Table ht);
* U64 htInsert (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, U64 value);
* U64 htLookup (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key);
* U64 htRemove (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key);
* Hash_Table htCreateWithAlloc (Size min_slots,
* Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator, void *allocator_data);
typedef struct Hash_Table {
Hash_Universal univ;
Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator;
void *allocator_data;
U64 *keys;
U64 *values;
Size slot_count;
Size slot_filled;
} Hash_Table;
Hash_Table htCreateWithAlloc (Size slots_atleast,
Memory_Allocator_Function *allocator, void *allocator_data)
Hash_Table ht = {0};
ht.univ.m = u64Log2(max(slots_atleast, 1U)); // Log of closest lower power of two
// This will make m log of closest upper power of two
ht.univ.m = ht.univ.m + 1;
ht.slot_count = 1ULL << (ht.univ.m);
if (allocator != NULL) {
ht.allocator = allocator;
ht.allocator_data = allocator_data;
} else {
ht.allocator = memDefaultAllocator;
ht.allocator_data = memDefaultAllocatorData;
ht.keys = ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
(ht.slot_count) * sizeof(*(ht.keys)), NULL,
ht.values = ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
(ht.slot_count) * sizeof(*(ht.values)), NULL,
return ht;
Hash_Table htCreate (Size slots_atleast)
Hash_Table ht = htCreateWithAlloc(slots_atleast, NULL, NULL);
return ht;
void htDelete (Hash_Table ht)
ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ht.keys, NULL);
ht.allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, ht.values, NULL);
B32 ht_LinearProbeSearch (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, Size *value)
Size index = 0;
B32 found = false;
for (Size i = 0; !found && (i < ht->slot_count); ++i) {
index = (key + i) % (ht->slot_count);
if (ht->keys[index] == key) {
found = true;
*value = index;
return found;
U64 ht_LinearProbeInsertion (Hash_Table *ht,
U64 hash, U64 key, U64 value)
U64 result_value = value;
for (Size i = 0; i < ht->slot_count; ++i) {
Size index = (hash + i) % (ht->slot_count);
if ((ht->keys[index] == key) || (ht->values[index] == 0)) {
result_value = ht->values[index];
ht->keys[index] = key;
ht->values[index] = value;
return result_value;
U64 htInsert (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key, U64 value)
if ((key == 0) || (value == 0)) return 0;
// FIXME(naman): Use number of collisions as the parameter for resizing
if ((2U * (ht->slot_filled)) > (ht->slot_count)) {
Size slot_count_prev = ht->slot_count;
U64 *keys = ht->keys;
U64 *values = ht->values;
ht->univ.m = ht->univ.m + 1;
ht->slot_count = 1ULL << (ht->univ.m);
ht->keys = ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
sizeof(*(ht->keys)) * ht->slot_count,
NULL, ht->allocator_data);
ht->values = ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_ALLOC,
sizeof(*(ht->values)) * ht->slot_count,
NULL, ht->allocator_data);
for (Size i = 0; i < slot_count_prev; ++i) {
U64 key_i = keys[i];
U64 value_i = values[i];
if (value_i != 0) {
U64 hash_new = hashUniversal(ht->univ, key_i);
ht_LinearProbeInsertion(ht, hash_new, key_i, value_i);
ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, keys, ht->allocator_data);
ht->allocator(Memory_Allocator_Mode_DEALLOC, 0, values, ht->allocator_data);
U64 hash = hashUniversal(ht->univ, key);
U64 result_value = ht_LinearProbeInsertion(ht, hash, key, value);
if (result_value == 0) {
return result_value;
U64 htLookup (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key)
if (key == 0) return 0;
Size location = 0;
U64 result_value = 0;
if (ht_LinearProbeSearch(ht, key, &location)) {
result_value = ht->values[location];
return result_value;
U64 htRemove (Hash_Table *ht, U64 key)
if (key == 0) return 0;
Size location = 0;
U64 result_value = 0;
if (ht_LinearProbeSearch(ht, key, &location)) {
result_value = ht->values[location];
if (result_value != 0) {
ht->keys[location] = 0;
ht->values[location] = 0;
ht->slot_filled -= 1;
return result_value;
void htUnitTest (void)
Hash_Table ht = htCreate(0);
/* No Entries */
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
/* Insertion Test */
Size f0 = ht.slot_filled;
htInsert(&ht, 1, 1);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == (f0 + 1));
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
htInsert(&ht, 2, 42);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == (f0 + 2));
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 42);
/* Duplicate Key */
U64 v1 = htInsert(&ht, 2, 24);
utTest(v1 == 42);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 24);
/* Removal Test */
U64 v2 = htRemove(&ht, 2);
utTest(v2 == 24);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 2) == 0);
U64 v3 = htRemove(&ht, 1);
utTest(v3 == 1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 1) == 0);
/* NULL Check */
Size f1 = ht.slot_filled;
htInsert(&ht, 0, 1);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == f1);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
Size f2 = ht.slot_filled;
htRemove(&ht, 0);
utTest(ht.slot_filled == f2);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 0) == 0);
/* Expansion Test */
htInsert(&ht, 3, 33);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 3) == 33);
htInsert(&ht, 4, 44);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 4) == 44);
htInsert(&ht, 5, 55);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 5) == 55);
htInsert(&ht, 6, 66);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 6) == 66);
htInsert(&ht, 7, 77);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 7) == 77);
htInsert(&ht, 8, 88);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 8) == 88);
htInsert(&ht, 9, 99);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 9) == 99);
/* Removal after Expansion */
htRemove(&ht, 3);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 3) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 4);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 4) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 5);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 5) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 6);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 6) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 7);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 7) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 8);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 8) == 0);
htRemove(&ht, 9);
utTest(htLookup(&ht, 9) == 0);
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2019 Naman Dixit
B64 unicodeCodepointFromUTF16Surrogate (U16 surrogate, U16 *last_surrogate, U32 *codepoint)
U16 utf16_hi_surrogate_start = 0xD800;
U16 utf16_lo_surrogate_start = 0xDC00;
U16 utf16_surrogate_end = 0xDFFF;
if ((surrogate >= utf16_hi_surrogate_start) &&
(surrogate < utf16_lo_surrogate_start)) {
*last_surrogate = surrogate;
return false;
} else {
if ((surrogate >= utf16_lo_surrogate_start) &&
(surrogate <= utf16_surrogate_end)) {
U16 low_surrogate = surrogate;
// NOTE(naman): In this line, the numbers get promoted from U16 to S32,
// so storing them in a U32 results in a inmpicit sign conversion.
// That is why we are casting manually.
*codepoint = (U32)((*last_surrogate - utf16_hi_surrogate_start) << 10U);
*codepoint |= (low_surrogate - utf16_lo_surrogate_start);
*codepoint += 0x10000;
*last_surrogate = 0;
} else {
*codepoint = surrogate;
return true;
Size unicodeUTF8FromUTF32 (U32 *codepoints, Size codepoint_count, Char *buffer)
if (buffer == NULL) {
Size length = 1; // NOTE(naman): We need one byte for the NUL byte.
for (Size i = 0; i < codepoint_count; i++) {
if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7F) {
length += 1;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7FF) {
length += 2;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0xFFFF) {
length += 3;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x10FFFF) {
length += 4;
return length;
} else {
Size length = 1; // NOTE(naman): We need one byte for the NUL byte.
for (Size i = 0; i < codepoint_count; i++) {
if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7F) {
buffer[0] = (Char)codepoints[i];
buffer += 1;
length += 1;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x7FF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xC0 | (codepoints[i] >> 6)); /* 110xxxxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 2;
length += 2;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0xFFFF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xE0 | (codepoints[i] >> 12)); /* 1110xxxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 6) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[2] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 3;
length += 3;
} else if (codepoints[i] <= 0x10FFFF) {
buffer[0] = (Char)(0xF0 | (codepoints[i] >> 18)); /* 11110xxx */
buffer[1] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 12) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[2] = (Char)(0x80 | ((codepoints[i] >> 6) & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer[3] = (Char)(0x80 | (codepoints[i] & 0x3F)); /* 10xxxxxx */
buffer += 4;
length += 4;
buffer[0] = '\0';
return length;
# if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
LPWSTR unicodeWin32UTF16FromUTF8 (Char *utf8)
int wcstr_length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0);
LPWSTR wcstr = VirtualAlloc(NULL, (DWORD)wcstr_length * sizeof(wchar_t),
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, wcstr, wcstr_length);
int normalized_length = NormalizeString(NormalizationC,
wcstr, -1,
NULL, 0);
LPWSTR norm = VirtualAlloc(NULL, (DWORD)normalized_length * sizeof(wchar_t),
NormalizeString(NormalizationC, wcstr, -1, norm, normalized_length);
VirtualFree(wcstr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return norm;
void unicodeWin32UTF16Dealloc (LPWSTR utf16)
VirtualFree(utf16, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
# endif
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 1024
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
typedef struct Command {
Sint id;
Sint dispatcher_socket;
Sint memory;
} Command;
#include "time.c"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Char *port = "9527";
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM};
struct addrinfo *result = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &result);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
// NOTE(naman): Create an epoll instance, with no flags set.
int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epoll_fd < 0) {
// NOTE(naman): Add the socket's file descriptor to the epoll set
struct epoll_event accept_event = {.data.fd = sock_fd,
.events = EPOLLIN};
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock_fd, &accept_event) < 0) {
perror("epoll_ctl EPOLL_CTL_ADD");
// NOTE(naman): Allocate memory for epoll array
struct epoll_event* events = calloc(MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
if (events == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for epoll_events");
while (connect(sock_fd, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't connect on port %s, trying again in one second...\n", port);
printf("Log: Starting communication with server on port %s...\n", port);
U64 time_begin = timeMilli();
U64 time_accum = 0;
while (true) {
// NOTE(naman): Get the fd's that are ready
int nready = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < nready; i++) {
if (events[i].events & EPOLLERR) {
perror("epoll_wait returned EPOLLERR");
if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
B32 initialized = false;
Size buffer_len = 0;
Size buffer_cap = MiB(1);
U32 buffer_expected_len = 0;
Char *buffer = calloc(buffer_cap, sizeof(*buffer));
Char size_bytes[4] = {0};
Size size_bytes_count = 0;
Command *c = NULL;
while (true) {
if (initialized == false) {
long len = read(sock_fd,
(Char*)size_bytes + size_bytes_count,
4 - size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
perror("read() returned zero");
size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (size_bytes_count == 4) {
initialized = true;
buffer_expected_len = (U32)((size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(sock_fd,
buffer + buffer_len,
buffer_expected_len - buffer_len);
buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (buffer_expected_len == buffer_len) {
printf("%.*s", (int)buffer_len, buffer);
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(buffer, &json_error, true);
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c));
c->id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id")->valueint;
c->dispatcher_socket = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "dispatcher_socket")->valueint;
c->memory = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "memory")->valueint;
int memory = 0;
FILE *meminfo = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
Char line[256] = {0};
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), meminfo)) {
if (sscanf(line, "MemTotal: %d kB", &memory) == 1) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d", c->id);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"dispatcher_socket\": %d", c->dispatcher_socket);
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"type\": \"response\"");
if (memory >= c->memory) {
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"success\": %d\n", 1);
} else {
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"success\": %d\n", 0);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
socketWrite(output, output_len, sock_fd);
{ // Send a heartbeat message if it is time to do so
U64 time_new = timeMilli();
U64 time_passed = time_new - time_begin;
time_begin = time_new;
time_accum += time_passed;
if (time_accum >= 1000) {
time_accum = 0;
int memory = 0;
FILE *meminfo = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
Char line[256] = {0};
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), meminfo)) {
if (sscanf(line, "MemTotal: %d kB", &memory) == 1) {
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{");
sbufPrint(output, " \n\"type\": \"heartbeat\"");
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d", memory);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
socketWrite(output, output_len, sock_fd);
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
void socketWrite (Char *output, Size output_len,
int sock_fd)
ssize_t nsent = 0;
Size output_cursor = 0;
while (true) {
nsent = write(sock_fd, output + output_cursor, output_len - output_cursor);
if (nsent == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
} else {
} else if ((Size)nsent < output_len) {
output_cursor += (Size)nsent;
} else {
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
U64 timeMilli (void)
struct timespec now = {0};
U64 nanosec = 0;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now) == 0) {
nanosec = ((U64)now.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)now.tv_nsec;
} else {
struct timeval now_low = {0};
gettimeofday(&now_low, NULL);
nanosec = ((U64)now_low.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL) + (U64)(now_low.tv_usec * 100);
U64 millisec = nanosec / 1000000ULL;
return millisec;
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2020 Naman Dixit
* Creator: Naman Dixit
* Notice: © Copyright 2019 Naman Dixit
#include "nlib/nlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# endif
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
# if defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
# endif
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Error: Pass the amount of memory\n");
Sint memory_required = (Sint)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
Char *port = "9526";
Sint sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM};
struct addrinfo *result = NULL;
Sint s = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &result);
if (s != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s));
while (connect(sock_fd, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't connect on port %s, trying again in one second...\n", port);
printf("Log: Starting communication with server on port %s...\n", port);
Char *output = NULL;
sbufPrint(output, " ");
sbufPrint(output, "{\n\"id\": %d", (Sint)time(NULL));
sbufPrint(output, ",\n\"memory\": %d", memory_required);
sbufPrint(output, "\n}\n");
Size output_len = strlen(output);
printf("Sending to Arbiter:\n%s\n",
cJSON_Print(cJSON_Parse(output + 4)));
#if defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)
U32 json_len = (U32)output_len - 4;
U32 json_len_be = swap_endian(json_len);
output[0] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[0];
output[1] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[1];
output[2] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[2];
output[3] = ((Char*)&json_len_be)[3];
write(sock_fd, output, output_len);
cJSON *array = NULL;
B32 initialized = false;
Size buffer_len = 0;
Size buffer_cap = MiB(1);
U32 buffer_expected_len = 0;
Char *buffer = calloc(buffer_cap, sizeof(*buffer));
Char size_bytes[4] = {0};
Size size_bytes_count = 0;
while (true) {
if (initialized == false) {
long len = read(sock_fd,
(Char*)size_bytes + size_bytes_count,
4 - size_bytes_count);
if (len == 0) {
perror("read() returned zero");
size_bytes_count += (Size)len;
if (size_bytes_count == 4) {
initialized = true;
buffer_expected_len = (U32)((size_bytes[3] << 0U) |
(size_bytes[2] << 8U) |
(size_bytes[1] << 16U) |
(size_bytes[0] << 24U));
} else {
long len = read(sock_fd,
buffer + buffer_len,
buffer_expected_len - buffer_len);
buffer_len += (Size)len;
if (buffer_expected_len == buffer_len) {
printf("Recieved: Final Response:\n%s\n",
const Char *json_error = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_ParseWithOpts(buffer, &json_error, true);
if (root == NULL) {
// TODO(naman): Error
} else {
array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "ip");
return 0;
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