Commit 5883a1c3 authored by Naman Dixit's avatar Naman Dixit

Added description of messages

parent d89c3f82
......@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ package-lock.json
......@@ -61,7 +61,32 @@ The DM is divided into two submodules the **Dispatcher** and the **Dispatch Daem
- For Worker nodes modify the config.json in dispatch_daemon to provide an unique ID to each node.
- Run the Master and Worker server as `npm start` or `node index.js`
### Inter-component Communication Interface
The Dispatcher sends a request to the Resource Management Server (Arbiter), detailing what resources it needs, on the Kafka topic `REQUEST_DISPATCHER_2_ARBITER`.
"id": "unique-transaction-id",
"memory": 1024, // in MiB
... // Any other resources
The Arbiter finds a list of machines that will satisfy those resource demands and return it to the Dispatcher on the Kafka topic `RESPONSE_ARBITER_2_DISPATCHER`.
"id": "unique-transaction-id",
// "port": 2343 --- NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
"grunts": ["a", "b", ...] // List of machine IDs
### Internal Communication Interfaces
#### Dispatcher
Internally DM uses Apache Kafka for interaction between the Dispatcher and the Dispatch Agents, while the messages are in JSON format.
Every Dispatch Agent listens on a topic which is its own UID (Currently the primary IP Address), the Dispatcher listens on the topics *"response"* and *"heartbeat"*.
- **Request Message:** When a request is received at the Dispatcher, it directs the Dispatch Agent to start a worker environment. A message is sent via the chose Worker's ID topic. \
......@@ -85,6 +110,56 @@ Format:
{ address: 'UID of the worker' }
#### Resource Manager
Upon being launched, each Grunt sends a JOIN message to the Arbiter on the Kafka topic `JOIN_GRUNT_2_ARBITER`.
"id": "unique-machine-id",
After this, Grunts send a heartbeat message to the Arbiter periodically on topic `HEARTBEAT_GRUNT_2_ARBITER`. These messages contain the current state of all the resources being tracked by Grunts on each machine. This data is cached by the Arbiter.
"id": "unique-machine-id",
"memory": 1024, // in MiB
... // Any other resources
The Arbiter, upon recieving the request from the Dispatcher, checks its local cache to find a suitable machine. If it finds some, it sends a message back to the Dispatcher on topic `RESPONSE_ARBITER_2_DISPATCHER`.
"id": "unique-transaction-id",
// "port": 2343 --- NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
"grunts": ["a", "b", ...] // List of machine IDs
If -- on the other hand -- the Arbiter can't find any such machine in its cache, it sends a message to all the Grunts requesting their current status. This message is posted on the topic `REQUEST_ARBITER_2_GRUNT`
"id": "unique-machine-id",
"memory": 1024, // in MiB
... // Any other resources
The Grunts, recieve this message and send back their state on topic `RESPONSE_GRUNT_2_ARBITER`.
"id": "unique-machine-id",
"memory": 1024, // in MiB
... // Any other resources
The Arbiter waits for a certain amount of time for the Grunts; then, it sends a list of however many Grunts have replied affirmatively to the Dispatcher on topic `RESPONSE_ARBITER_2_DISPATCHER`, as described above.
### Interaction API
The platform works via a HTTP API based interface, the interface is divided into two parts:
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