@@ -62,25 +62,32 @@ The DM is divided into two submodules the **Dispatcher** and the **Dispatch Daem
- Run the Master and Worker server as `npm start` or `node index.js`
### Internal Communication Interfaces
Internally DM uses Apache Kafka for interaction between the Dispatcher and the Dispatch Agents, while the messages are in JSON format.
Every Dispatch Agent listens on a topic which is its own UID (Currently the primary IP Address), the Dispatcher listens on the topics *"response"* and *"heartbeat"*.
-**Request Message:** When a request is received at the Dispatcher, it directs the Dispatch Agent to start a worker environment. A message is sent via the chose Worker's ID topic. \
function_id:"onetime unique ID",
runtime:"isolation runtime",
functionHash:"hash of the function to be run"}
-**Response Message:** In response, the worker executes the function, pulling resources from the central repository as required and sends a response. \
result:'result of the execution',
function_id:'onetime unique ID'}
-**Heartbeat Message:** The Dispatch Daemons also publish a periodic Heartbeat message back to the Dispatcher as a liveness test.\