Commit 60da49d4 authored by Roshan Rabinarayan's avatar Roshan Rabinarayan

updated readme

parent 4e4f1ed4
git link: git link:
Samarth Joshi <203059008> Frontend (ALL), Cheating Measures Samarth Joshi <203059008> Frontend(ALL), Cheating Measures
Sanchit Gupta <203050089> Frontend(STUDENT Dashobard, LOGIN, SIGNUP),Professor Graphs, User Documentation Sanchit Gupta <203050089> Frontend(STUDENT Dashobard, LOGIN, SIGNUP),Professor Graphs
Roshan Sahu <203050048> Backend, Developer Documentation Roshan Sahu <203050048> Backend(ALL)
Motivation: Motivation:
Due to global pandemic online education has seen an exponential increase, we need to leverage technology to test students. Due to global pandemic online education has seen an exponential increase, we need to leverage technology to test students.
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