Commit fce2eeb0 authored by SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY's avatar SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY


1.Re wrote the reduceshuffle function, though some doubts are there about the approach
2. last portion where we are copying the weights have some doubt here that I want to solve in the next time i deal with the code.
3. Running the code and checking the output with other output have to check.
Sparsa Roychowdhury...
parent e4eea6fc
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
......@@ -112,170 +112,240 @@ bool identity(stateZone *vs) {
return true;;
/*bool findVector(vector <int> vector1, int val)
int n = find(vector1.begin(),vector1.end(),val);
if( n == vector1.end())
return false;
return true;
// reduce the #points after shuffle by using forget operation if possible and return the new state
stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
char *del2 = s2->del, *w2 = s2->w;
char *del2 = s2->del;
short *w2 = s2->w;
char P2 = s2->P;
short f2 = s2->f;
short L = f&127;
short L2 = f2 & 127;
short curReset, reset, tempReset; // temp variables to keep reset for a range of points
char count=0; // used for storing #points in new state
char i, j; // loopers
// we have to take all the points from s2->L+1 to s2->P, point s2->L may not be there
// all the points from 1 to L of first state will be there in new state, last point P may not be there
char indexNew; // looping invariant
int lb,ub,openl,openu;
// take union of resets for points between s2->L+1(including) and s2->P(including)
curReset = 0;
for(i=L2; i < P2; i++)
curReset |= ( transitions[ del2[i] ].reset ); //this contain union of the resets in the second state
count = P + P2 - (L2+1); //total number of points before reducing the state, the point P1 and L2 are same so reduced by 1.
tempReset = curReset; // store this value for later use
stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new Shuffled state but not reduced.
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory for the transitions in the state
// there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
//reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~1) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
count++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
vs->w = new short[count*(count-1)]; //this will hold the matrix without the diagonal element the index will be given by the macro
// addition of 'L' below comes from the fact that all point from 1 to L of first state is there in new state
// (s2->P - s2-> L) comes from : all points s2->L+1 to s2->P are there in new state
count += L + (P2 - L2); // #points in new state
vs->f = f; //f contains the push complete command flag bit along with the value of L
stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new TA state
for(int i = 0; i < count*count ; i++) //initially fill the matrix WT1 with 0 and infinity as usual, later values will get replaced.
for(int j = 0; j < count*count ; j++)
if ( i == j) ////Initializing all edge values
WT1[i][j] = 0;
else if( i < j)
WT1[i][j] = 0;
vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new char[count*(count-1)]; //this will hold the matrix without the diagonal element
vs->f = f; //f contains the push complete command flag bit along with the value of L
//short nf = 0; // initially flag is zero
//short dis; // distance variable
/*copying the transitions for both the states to this new state*/
j = count - 1; // index of the rightmost point of new state
// Here we are copying points from s2->L+1 to s2->P of 2nd state to new state
for(i=P2 - 1; i >= L2; i--, j--) {
vs->del[j] = del2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th transition to (j+1) transition of new state
//vs->w[j] = w2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th tsm to (j+1) tsm of new state
//for zone the W contains the details of matrix which we need to copy and check for negetive cycle
// if distance (i+1)->(i+2) of 2nd state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
//if( f2 & a32[i+1] )
// nf |= a32[j+1];
// Here we are copying points from 1 to L-1 of 1st state to new state
for(j=0; j < (L-1); j++) {
vs->del[j] = del[j];
//vs->w[j] = w[j];
// same reasons as above
// if distance (j+1)->(j+2) of 1st state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
//nf |= ( f & a32[j+1] ); // here f means some thing different
indexNew = count - 1; // index of the last transition of the new state.
//copy the point L, doing it separately because of the flag variable which is not applicable for L-th point
vs->del[L-1] = del[L-1];
//vs->w[L-1] = w[L-1]; w doesnot contains time stamps any more it contains the matrix
/*copying transition details done*/
//Here goes the logic of creating the matrix altogether with given values.
/*copying matrix details to the new state*/
// copy weights of first state to WT1
for(i=0; i < P; i++) {
for(j=0; j < P; j++) {
if(i==j) { //same transition points
//first I want to copy the transitions of the state 1.
for(int i=0; i <P; i++) {
vs->del[i] = del[i]; // copy (i+1)-th transition to (j+1) transition of new state
for(int m =0; m <P; m++)
if(i==m) { //same transition points
WT1[i][i] = 0;
open1[i][i] = false;
else if(i < j) {
WT1[i][j] = w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
else if(i < m) {
WT1[i][m] = min(int(WT1[i][m]),int(w[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]))); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
open1[i][j] = true;
if( w[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
open1[i][m] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
open1[i][m] = false;
else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
WT1[i][j] = - ( w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
WT1[i][m] = - ( min(int(w[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & (~a32[15])),-int(WT1[i][m]) )); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] )
open1[i][j] = true;
if( w[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & a32[15] )
open1[i][m] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
open1[i][m] = false;
//copy weights of second state to WT1
// copy weights of current state to WT1
for(i=P; i < count; i++) {
for(j=P; j < count; j++) {
char indexNew1 = indexNew;
// Here we are copying points of state 2.
for(int j=P2-1; j >=0; j--,indexNew--) {
vs->del[indexNew] = del2[j];
for(int i =P2-1 ; i >=0 ; i--,indexNew1--)
if(i==j) { //same transition points
WT1[i][i] = 0;
open1[i][i] = false;
WT1[indexNew][indexNew1] = 0;
open1[indexNew][indexNew1] = false;
else if(i < j) {
WT1[i][j] = w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
else if(j < i) {
WT1[indexNew][indexNew1] = min(int(w2[index(j, i, P)] & (~a32[15])),int(WT1[indexNew][indexNew1])); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
open1[i][j] = true;
if( w2[index(j, i, P)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
open1[indexNew][indexNew1] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
open1[indexNew][indexNew1] = false;
else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
WT1[i][j] = - ( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
WT1[indexNew][indexNew1] = - (min(int( w2[index(j, i, P)] & (~a32[15])),int(WT1[indexNew][indexNew1])) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & a32[15] )
open1[i][j] = true;
if( w2[index(j, i, P)] & a32[15] )
open1[indexNew][indexNew1] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
open1[indexNew][indexNew1] = false;
//vs->w[j] = w[j];
// same reasons as above
// if distance (j+1)->(j+2) of 1st state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
//nf |= ( f & a32[j+1] ); // here f means some thing different
//Now before reducing the state we want to check if the state is at all feasible..
// so we run the APSP algo.
allPairSP(count+1); //this is the Floyd–Warshall algorithm implementation
short **WT;
bool **open;
if(count & 1) { // if P is odd, the shortest path stored in WT1 and open1
WT = WT1;
open = open1;
else{ // if P is even, the shortest path stored in WT2 and open2
WT = WT2;
open = open2;
//both the matrices is copied to the variable,
//here P = L2 Now we have to check the check points and their
//recent reset points
//now there are some hangng edges which are
// Now we watch out for points from L+1 to P of 1st state
char lastindex = P;// last index of the point we have taken so far, although P might not be included
cout << "After" << endl;
for(i=0; i <= P; i++){
for(j=0; j <= P; j++) {
cout << WT[i][j] << "." << open[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl << endl;
curReset = tempReset; //get the union of resets for points between s2->L+1 and s2->P
int lb,ub,openl,openu;
// current indices j of new state we have to take care
j = (count - 1) - (P2 - L2);//this is the start of hanging points of state 2
// checking if there is any negative cycle by applying floyd warshal algorithm
for(int i=0; i <= count; i++){
if(WT[i][i] < 0 || open[i][i])
return NULL;
short countNew = 1; // var for storing #points in new state after applying forget operation
int forgetFlag = 0; // i-th bit of forgetFlag is 1 iff i-th point is forgotten
curReset = 0, reset = 0;
int prevPoints = 0;
for(int i=L2; i < P2; i++)
curReset |= ( transitions[ del2[i] ].reset );
for(int i=P-1; i >= L; i--,prevPoints++) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
/* there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state */
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
countNew++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
forgetFlag |= a32[i+1]; // i+1-th point will be forgotten in new state
char newcount = count - prevPoints + countNew;
char *newToOldRef = new char[newcount];
for(int i =0, j = 0; i < count; i++) { // find the reference from old point to new point
if( (forgetFlag & a32[i+1] ) == 0 ) {
newToOldRef[j] = i;
stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new TA state
vs->del = new char[newcount]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new short[newcount*newcount - newcount];
vs->f = f; // **** must edit this for tpda
vs->P = newcount;
for(int i=0; i < newcount; i++) {
vs->del[i]= del[newToOldRef[i]];
//vs->del[count-1] = dn;
//I have doubt on this part... have to think about it.....
///date 14/7/2017
for(int i=0;i < newcount; i++){
for(int j=0; j < newcount; j++){
if(i < j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
else if(i > j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = - WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
//for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) { //iterating on the points of the first state
// current point reset set
/* j = (count - 1) - (P2 - L2);//this is the start of hanging points of state 2
for(int k = L2 -1; k < count ; k++) //iterating through the points of second state to find any clock constraint check
for(int k = 0; k < P2 ; k++) //iterating through the points of second state to find any clock constraint check
for(int x=1; x <= X; x++) { // iterate for every clocks
if( isChecked(x, k) ) { // if there is a constraint for clock x in the transition k of second state
if( isChecked(x, del2[k]) ) { // if there is a constraint for clock x in the transition k of second state
lb = transitions[k].lbs[x];
ub = transitions[k].ubs[x];
openl = (transitions[k].openl) & a32[x]; // lower bound for clock x is open or not
openu = (transitions[k].openu) & a32[x];
lb = transitions[del2[k]].lbs[x];//storing the value of the upper bound of the constraint
ub = transitions[del2[k]].ubs[x]; // storing the lower bound of the constraint
openl = (transitions[del2[k]].openl) & a32[x]; // lower bound for clock x is open or not
openu = (transitions[del2[k]].openu) & a32[x]; // upper bound of the clock x is open or not
for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) { // find reset point for clock x in the first state
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) && isReset(x, del[i]) ) { // if current point has more reset then seen earlier
//if the current
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset ); //storing the reset information for this transition
if( (reset & (~curReset) & (~1)) && (isReset(x, del[i])) ) { // if current point has more reset then seen earlier
//and if this point have the a reset point of the clock x
vs->del[j] = del[i]; //copy the transition number
//if( ) { // if clock x is reset at point i+1
......@@ -299,36 +369,353 @@ stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
i = -1;
curReset |= reset;
//curReset |= reset;
lastindex = i;
//lastindex = i;
/* //vs->w[j] = w[i];
// if( lastindex == P ) { // if (i+1) is the first point we are considering after starting the loop
// // In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// // In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
// if( !big(i+1, P) && ( i == (P-1) || (f2 & a32[L2]) ) ) {
// dis = dist(i+1, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
// if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
// nf |= a32[j+1];
// }
// }
// else {
// if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
// nf |= a32[j+1];
// } */
vs->P = count; // #points in new state
//vs->P = count; // #points in new state
return vs;
// reduce the #points after shuffle by using forget operation if possible and return the new state
//stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
// char *del2 = s2->del, *w2 = s2->w;
// char P2 = s2->P;
// short f2 = s2->f;
// short L = f&127;
// short L2 = f2 & 127;
// short curReset, reset, tempReset; // temp variables to keep reset for a range of points
// char count=0; // used for storing #points in new state
// char i, j; // loopers
// int lb,ub,openl,openu;
//// char mappingS1ToNew[P];
//// char mappingS2ToNew[P2];
//// vector <int> indexNotPresentIn1;
// // we have to take all the points from s2->L+1 to s2->P, point s2->L may not be there
// // all the points from 1 to L of first state will be there in new state, last point P may not be there
// // take union of resets for points between s2->L+1(including) and s2->P(including)
// curReset = 0;
// for(i=L2; i < P2; i++)
// curReset |= ( transitions[ del2[i] ].reset ); //this contain union of the resets in the second state
// tempReset = curReset; // store this value for later use
// for( i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
// reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
// // there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
// //reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state
// if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~1) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
// count++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
// //storethe index
// curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
// }
//// else
//// indexNotPresentIn1.push_back(i);
// }
// // addition of 'L' below comes from the fact that all point from 1 to L of first state is there in new state
// // (s2->P - s2-> L) comes from : all points s2->L+1 to s2->P are there in new state
// count += L + (P2 - L2); // #points in new state
//// int indexOfNewState = 0;
//// for(i = 0; i < P; i++)
//// {
//// if(! findVector(indexNotPresentIn1,i))
//// {
//// mappingS1ToNew[i]=indexOfNewState;
//// indexOfNewState++;
//// }
//// else
//// mappingS1ToNew[i]= -1;
//// }
//// for(i = 0 ; i < P2; i++)
//// {
//// }
// stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new TA state
// vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory
// vs->w = new char[count*(count-1)]; //this will hold the matrix without the diagonal element
// vs->f = f; //f contains the push complete command flag bit along with the value of L
// for(int i = 0; i < count*count ; i++)
// for(int j = 0; j < count*count ; j++)
// {
// if ( i == j) ////Initializing all edge values
// WT1[i][j] = 0;
// else if( i < j)
// WT1[i][j]=INF16;
// else
// WT1[i][j] = 0;
// }
// //short nf = 0; // initially flag is zero
// //short dis; // distance variable
// /*copying the transitions for both the states to this new state*/
// j = count - 1; // index of the rightmost point of new state
// // Here we are copying points from s2->L+1 to s2->P of 2nd state to new state
// for(i=P2 - 1; i >= L2; i--, j--) {
// vs->del[j] = del2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th transition to (j+1) transition of new state
// //vs->w[j] = w2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th tsm to (j+1) tsm of new state
// //for zone the W contains the details of matrix which we need to copy and check for negetive cycle
// // if distance (i+1)->(i+2) of 2nd state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
// //if( f2 & a32[i+1] )
// // nf |= a32[j+1];
// for(int m =P2 - 1; m >= L2; i--)
// {
// if(i==m) { //same transition points
// WT1[i][i] = 0;
// open1[i][i] = false;
// }
// else if(i < m) {
// WT1[i][m] = w2[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
// if( w2[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
// open1[i][m] = true;
// else
// open1[i][m] = false;
// }
// else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
// WT1[i][m] = - ( w2[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
// if( w2[index((i-P), (m-P), P2)] & a32[15] )
// open1[i][m] = true;
// else
// open1[i][m] = false;
// }
// }
// }
// // Here we are copying points from 1 to L-1 of 1st state to new state
// for(j=0; j < (L-1); j++) {
// vs->del[j] = del[j];
// for(int i = 0; i < (L-1); i++)
// {
// if(i==j) { //same transition points
// WT1[i][i] = 0;
// open1[i][i] = false;
// }
// else if(j < i) {
// WT1[j][i] = w[index(j, i, P)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
// if( w[index(j, i, P)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
// open1[j][i] = true;
// else
// open1[j][i] = false;
// }
// else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
// WT1[j][i] = - ( w[index(j, i, P)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
// if( w[index(j, i, P)] & a32[15] )
// open1[j][i] = true;
// else
// open1[j][i] = false;
// }
// }
// //vs->w[j] = w[j];
// // same reasons as above
// // if distance (j+1)->(j+2) of 1st state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
// //nf |= ( f & a32[j+1] ); // here f means some thing different
// }
// //copy the point L, doing it separately because of the flag variable which is not applicable for L-th point
// vs->del[L-1] = del[L-1];
// for(int x = 0; x < X ; x++) // checking if L have any checking or not?
// {
// if(isChecked(x,del[L-1]))
// {
// lb = transitions[del[L-1]].lbs[x];
// ub = transitions[del[L-1]].ubs[x];
// openl = (transitions[del[L-1]].openl) & a32[x]; // lower bound for clock x is open or not
// openu = (transitions[del[L-1]].openu) & a32[x];
// for(i=L-2; i >=0; i--) { // find reset point for clock x
// if( isReset(x, del[i]) ) { // if clock x is reset at point i+1
// // tighten the lower and upper bounds
// if( (-lb) < WT1[L-1][i] ) {
// WT1[L-1][i] = -lb;
// open1[L-1][i] = (openl & a32[x]);
// }
// else if( (-lb) == WT1[i][L-1] )
// open1[L-1][i] |= (openl & a32[x]);
// if(ub != INF) {
// if(ub < WT1[i][L-1]) {
// WT1[i][L-1] = ub;
// open1[i][L-1] = (openu & a32[x]);
// }
// else if( ub == WT1[i][L-1] )
// open1[i][L-1] |= (openu & a32[x]);
// }
// i = -1; //stopping the loop cause there is only one recent reset point
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /* //vs->w[L-1] = w[L-1]; w doesnot contains time stamps any more it contains the matrix
// /*copying transition details done*/
// //Here goes the logic of creating the matrix altogether with given values.
// /*copying matrix details to the new state*/
// // copy weights of first state to WT1
//// for(i=0; i < P; i++) {
//// for(j=0; j < P; j++) {
//// if(i==j) { //same transition points
//// WT1[i][i] = 0;
//// open1[i][i] = false;
//// }
//// else if(i < j) {
//// WT1[i][j] = w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
//// if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
//// open1[i][j] = true;
//// else
//// open1[i][j] = false;
//// }
//// else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
//// WT1[i][j] = - ( w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
//// if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] )
//// open1[i][j] = true;
//// else
//// open1[i][j] = false;
//// }
//// }
//// }
// //copy weights of second state to WT1
// // copy weights of current state to WT1
//// for(i=P; i < count; i++) {
//// for(j=P; j < count; j++) {
//// if(i==j) { //same transition points
//// WT1[i][i] = 0;
//// open1[i][i] = false;
//// }
//// else if(i < j) {
//// WT1[i][j] = w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
//// if( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
//// open1[i][j] = true;
//// else
//// open1[i][j] = false;
//// }
//// else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
//// WT1[i][j] = - ( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
//// if( w[index((i-P), (j-P), P2)] & a32[15] )
//// open1[i][j] = true;
//// else
//// open1[i][j] = false;
//// }
//// }
//// }
// //both the matrices is copied to the variable,
// //here P = L2 Now we have to check the check points and their
// //recent reset points
// //now there are some hangng edges which are
// // Now we watch out for points from L+1 to P of 1st state
// //char lastindex = P;// last index of the point we have taken so far, although P might not be included
// curReset = tempReset; //get the union of resets for points between s2->L+1 and s2->P
// // current indices j of new state we have to take care
// //for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) { //iterating on the points of the first state
// // current point reset set
// j = (count - 1) - (P2 - L2);//this is the start of hanging points of state 2
// for(int k = 0; k < P2 ; k++) //iterating through the points of second state to find any clock constraint check
// {
// for(int x=1; x <= X; x++) { // iterate for every clocks
// if( isChecked(x, del2[k]) ) { // if there is a constraint for clock x in the transition k of second state
// lb = transitions[del2[k]].lbs[x];//storing the value of the upper bound of the constraint
// ub = transitions[del2[k]].ubs[x]; // storing the lower bound of the constraint
// openl = (transitions[del2[k]].openl) & a32[x]; // lower bound for clock x is open or not
// openu = (transitions[del2[k]].openu) & a32[x]; // upper bound of the clock x is open or not
// for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) { // find reset point for clock x in the first state
// reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset ); //storing the reset information for this transition
// if( (reset & (~curReset) & (~1)) && (isReset(x, del[i])) ) { // if current point has more reset then seen earlier
// //and if this point have the a reset point of the clock x
// vs->del[j] = del[i]; //copy the transition number
// //if( ) { // if clock x is reset at point i+1
// // tighten the lower and upper bounds
// if( (-lb) < WT1[P][i] ) {
// WT1[P][i] = -lb;
// open1[P][i] = (openl & a32[x]);
// }
// else if( (-lb) == WT1[i][P] )
// open1[P][i] |= (openl & a32[x]);
// if(ub != INF) {
// if(ub < WT1[i][P]) {
// WT1[i][P] = ub;
// open1[i][P] = (openu & a32[x]);
// }
// else if( ub == WT1[i][P] )
// open1[i][P] |= (openu & a32[x]);
// }
// i = -1;
// }
// //curReset |= reset;
// j--;
// //lastindex = i;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /* //vs->w[j] = w[i];
// // if( lastindex == P ) { // if (i+1) is the first point we are considering after starting the loop
// // // In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// // // In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
// // if( !big(i+1, P) && ( i == (P-1) || (f2 & a32[L2]) ) ) {
// // dis = dist(i+1, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
// // if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
// // nf |= a32[j+1];
// // }
// // }
// // else {
// // if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
// // nf |= a32[j+1];
// // } */
// vs->P = count; // #points in new state
// return vs;
// one accuracy we yet have to compute which starts from L-th point of first state
// if( lastindex == P ) { // if we have not taken any point from L+1 to P of 1st state
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