Commit 94fcef90 authored by sparsa's avatar sparsa

first commit

1. Install c++ compiler g++ .
2. Install the graph drawing tool 'graphviz' using the following command in the terminal
sudo apt-get install graphviz
1.Come to the project folder 'mtp2' in the terminal
2. Execute the following command :
3. executable fileS named 'tree' and 'drawsystem' should be created
1. First write an input file corresponding the timed system. Sample example with explanation has been given in the file 'input/sample'. Let us consider you have created a file named 'automata.txt' in the folder './input'.
2. Run the following command in the terminal to see the automaton graphically :
./ input/automata.txt
3. Check for emptiness of the timed sytem by running the follwing command in the terminal:
./tree <input_file_path> <optional_param>
Example :
./tree input/automata.txt
Congrats, You have just done your job.
Example #stacks #clocks #states #tran Max Cons run time uppaal run time
p1 1 0 5 5 5 0.004 sec NA
p2 1 0 3 3 5 0.013 sec NA
p3 1 0 5 6 5 0.072 sec NA
p4 1 0 4 6 50 50 sec NA
p5 1 0 5 7 5 0.034 sec NA
t1 0 2 5 5 5 5.52 sec 0.002 sec
t2 0 2 2 3 9 84 sec 0.002 sec
t3 0 1 3 3 1 0.02 sec 0.002 sec
t4 0 2 3 4 5 3.13 sec 0.004 sec
t5 0 2 3 3 2 1.99 sec 0.004 sec
t6 0 1 3 4 2 0.05 sec 0.004 sec
t7 0 2 2 4 2 0.04 sec 0.004 sec
t8 0 2 4 6 2 2.64 sec 0.004 sec
t9 0 2 4 6 1 1.34 sec .004 sec
t10 0 3 6 8 6 279 sec 0.008 sec
t11 0 4 6 8 5 228 sec
tp1 1 2 3 4 2 538.892 sec NA
tp2 1 1 3 3 1 34.1568 sec NA
tp3 1 1 3 2 2 0.2379 sec NA
tp4 1 1 4 2 1 0.582661 sec NA
tp5 1 1 5 4 1 3.20973 NA
tp6 1 2 6 8 4 1.5 hours NA
Example |X| Transitions Maximum constants Run time
tp9 1 1 1 0.000437 seconds
tp10 1 1 2 0.00025 seconds
tp11 1 1 3 0.016949 seconds
tp12 1 1 4 0.015443 seconds
tp13 1 1 5 0.035402 seconds
tp14 1 1 10 0.105494 seconds
tp15 1 1 20 0.420387 seconds
tp16 1 1 50 2.0639 seconds
tp17 1 1 100 8.08796 seconds
tp17 1 1 120 11.4239 seconds
tp19 1 2 1 0.209932 seconds
tp20 1 2 2 0.692367 seconds
tp21 1 2 3 2.24773 seconds
tp22 1 2 4 8.06586 seconds
tp23 1 2 5 19.6632 seconds
tp24 1 2 6 36.236 seconds
tp25 1 2 7 141.894 seconds
tp26 1 2 8 290.82 seconds
tp27 1 2 9 428.632 seconds
tp28 1 3 1 0.264313 seconds
tp29 1 3 2 2.85213 seconds
tp30 1 3 3 8.32226 seconds
tp31 1 3 4 18.5062 seconds
tp33 1 3 5 35.0779 seconds
tp34 1 3 6 99.1919 seconds
tp35 1 3 7 234.359 seconds
tp36 1 3 8 370.326 seconds
tp37 1 3 9 966.927 seconds
tp38 1 4 1 (not completed in 20 min time with full color)
tp38 1 4 1 0.741028(4-colors)
tp39 1 4 2 6.90133(4-colors)
tp40 1 4 2 34.6366(4-colors)
tp41 1 4 3 42.9276(4-colors)
tp42 1 4 4 197.58(4-colors)
tp42 2 1 1 0.044485
tp43 2 1 2 0.048453
tp45 2 1 20 4.10182
tp46 2 1 50 21.0796
tp47 2 1 100 21.1479
tp48 2 2 1 0.950384
tp49 2 2 2 5.49052
tp49 2 2 3 13.1378
tp50 2 2 4 30.5954
tp51 2 2 5 47.9801
tp52 2 3 1 0.967496
tp53 2 3 2 4.23774
tp54 2 3 3 10.7196
tp55 2 3 4 22.2556
tp56 2 3 5
pushdown system :
#trans M time
6 0 0.000275
6 1 0.003488
6 2 0.010188
6 3 0.005319
6 4 0.022071
6 5 0.066717
6 6 0.023303
6 7 0.039065
6 8 0.067187
6 10 0.135559
15 0.572183
20 1.64088
25 3.78623
30 7.95845
35 15.8334
40 24.1085
45 37.6506
#trans run time
0 0.000243
1 0.001314
2 0.002179
3 0.002127
4 0.014129
5 0.024787
6 0.030262
7 0.034
14 2.98399
15 5.09424
25 16.6489
26 20.2956
29 23.9509
Ram in the machine : 8 gb
#cpus : 4
cpu model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz
New code : general one clock + one stack:
Eg. #trans M (sec)run time
tp17 1 120 0.000519
tp27 2 9 0.000172
tp61 2 10 0.000126
tp61 2 120 0.000368
tp37 3 9 0.001152
tp37 3 120 0.077424
tp42 4 4 0.00064
tp42 4 120 0.180572
New code : general one clock + one stack:
Experiments done on tpg2(#tran = 6)
M time
1 0.000887
2 0.005571
3 0.03677
4 0.18576
5 0.732166
6 2.41135
7 6.72983
8 17.3284
9 45.1559
10 104.982
11 196.923
New code : general one clock + one stack:
Experiments done on (M == 5)
e.g. #trans time
1 0.000262
2 0.000318
3 0.000468
4 0.000758
5 0.001677
8 0.004263
9 0.00814
one stack + one clock(consecutive reset and transitions) :
e.g tps4(#transitions = 6)
M Run time
1 0.000343
3 0.00043
5 0.000517
7 0.000591
9 0.000918
10 0.001131
11 0.001349
12 0.001527
13 0.001925
14 0.002434
20 0.006207
25 0.014641
30 0.022661
35 0.039456
40 0.063975
50 0.146298
55 0.209322
60 0.29141
70 0.524645
80 0.935695
90 1.41289
100 2.11851
110 3.09092
120 4.33606
one stack + one clock(consecutive reset and transitions) tricky example(tps5) (#transitions=8) :
M Runtime
6 0.00295
7 0.004041
8 0.005887
10 0.009491
12 0.022176
15 0.045263
20 0.130269
25 0.231522
30 0.289782
40 0.776147
50 1.7009
70 5.93762
100 23.0724
one stack + one clock(consecutive reset and transitions) :
M = 10
E.G #trans Runtime
tps6 1 0.000176
tps7 2 0.000366
tps8 3 0.000295
tps9 4 0.000329
tps10 5 0.000335
why the graph is not smooth : Run time depdend on the particular structure of the automation. We are considering only timed system recognizes empty language. If the
language is empty, then all possible tree automata states will be generated.
(i) Maximal Constant
(ii) Depends on the constraints. As the number and constraints increases, less number of tree automata states will be generated.
(iii) How many possibility are there for the next transition coming and what are the possible tsm values.
(iv) How many push or pops are there. As the number of push pop increases, less number of possible tree automata states generated.
(v) Depends on the os scheduling(how much time given to this process)
Constraints :
1. GLobal time bound : [3,3]
2. Time bound on staying on junction 9 : [1,1]
(i) After starting journey, bound on visiting time of place 1 : [2,3]
(ii) After starting journey, bound on visiting time of place 2 : [1,2]
(iii) After starting journey, bound on visiting time of place 3 : [1,1]
(iv) After visiting place 2, bound on visiting time of place 4 : [1,2]
(v) After visiting place 2, bound on visiting time of place 5 : [0,1]
(vi) After visiting place 2, bound on visiting time of place 6 : [0,1]
(vii) After visiting place 5, bound on visiting time of place 7 : [2,3]
(viii) After visiting place 5, bound on visiting time of place 8 : [0,1]
Automata Construction process :
1. Constraints (1) and (2) is similiar to earliar approach we discussed
2. For constraints (3), if the constraint is :
After visiting place i, bound on visiting time of place j : [a,b]
In this construction pop of symbol i denotes : visit of place i
Then, after popping symbol i, push the symbol j. When popping symbol j the bound is [a,b]
Experiments on nested maze : p26(#transitions 39) :
M run_time(sec)
0 0.106245
1 0.977339
2 4.40974
3 12.786
4 30.6616
5 65.925
6 130.821
7 232.286
8 382.595
9 574.995
(34, 0.0), (35, 0.0), (26, 0.0), (3, 0.0), (28, 0.0), (23, 0.0), (16, 0.0), (2, 0.0), (36, 0.0), (37, 0.0), (17, 0.0), (13, 0.0), (10, 0.0), (20, 0.0), (6, 0.0), (22, 0.0), (11, 0.0), (29, 0.0), (5, 0.0), (38, 0.0), (31, 0.0), (23, 0.0), (17, 0.0), (12, 0.0), (8, 0.0), (13, 0.0), (10, 0.0), (21, 0.0), (7, 0.0), (22, 0.0), (9, 0.0), (15, 0.0), (18, 0.0), (24, 0.0), (27, 0.0), (4, 0.0), (28, 0.0), (23, 0.0), (17, 0.0)
32 34 35 3 36 37 5 38 (22 13 30) 39
14 16 26 27 29 20 21 12 (9 10 11) 33
rm tree drawsystem main.o obj/*.o src/*.cpp~ include/*.h~
rm tree drawsystem main.o obj/*.o src/*.cpp~ include/*.h~
rm newinput/*.png newinput/*.out
rm input/*.png input/*.out
#echo $name
./drawsystem "$name" "$name.out"
dot -Tpng "$name.out" -o "$name.png"
for i in {1..67}
./ "input/tp$i"
File added
/*This file is for one clock and one stack general tpda*/
using namespace std;
// state info for one clock and one stack general tpda
class tpdastate{
char gc; /*0-th bit of gc is 1 iff push edge added to L, 7-th bit is 1 iff pop edge added to R, 1st bit is 1 iff gap between d1 and d2 is small, 2nd bit is 1 iff gap between d2 and d3 is small, 3rd bit is 1 iff gap between d3 and d4 is small */
char d1, d2, d3, d4; /* d1 : hanging reset trans for clock x1, d2 : trans at L, d3 : trans between L and R(reset trans for clock x1), d4 : trans at R
d1 == -1 if no hanging clock, d3 == -1 if only two points are there or there is a reset at R
char w1, w2, w3, w4; // tsm values corresponding to trans d1,d2,d3 and d4 resp.
bool big(char i, char j); // distance between point i to point j is big
short int dist(char i, char j); // distance between point i to point j
// check if pop condition satisfied by the new transitions
bool popTest(char d5, char w5, int lb, int ub);
// check if after adding trans d5 with tsm w5, the clock constraint [lbc, ubc ] is satisfied or not
bool clockTest(char d5, char w5, int lbc, int ubc);
char getGc(char d5, char w5); // get new accuracy flag after adding trans d5 with tsm w5
// add next transition to the state rs
vector<tpdastate*> addNextTPDA();
// shuffle of two states
tpdastate* shuffle(tpdastate *s2);
tpdastate* copyState(); // create a copy of this state and return
bool isFinal(); // return true if this state is final
void print(); // print a state of tree automation
// run of the timed system
class gtpda_run{
public :
char P; // #points
char *del; // transitions
//char *ac; // accuracy between two consecutive points
char *w; // tsm values
gtpda_run* add_next(char d5, char w5); // new run after adding trans d5 of tsm w5
gtpda_run* shuffle(gtpda_run *s2);
void print();
// info to keep track which states generates which states
class bp_gtpda{
public :
char type; // type of operation : atomic : 0, add_stack : 1, shuffle : 2
int left; // shuffle left state index of all the states generated bottom-up
int right; // shuffle right state index of all the states generated bottom-up
extern set<string> gtpdatrie;
// atomic state
tpdastate* atomictpda(char d1, char d2, char d3, char d4, char w1, char w2, char w3, char w4, char gc);
bool identity(tpdastate *vs); // return 1 iff vs is a new state
// check if a tpda of one clock is empty or not
bool isEmptyTPDA();
gtpda_run* getatomicrunpds(tpdastate*); // get run for an atomic states
typedef unsigned char weighttype;
typedef unsigned char deltatype; // type used depending on the #transitions in the automation
extern weighttype B;
class transition{
unsigned short int source; // source state
unsigned short int target; // target state
char a; // action in this transition
//char op; // stack operation in this transition
char as; // stack symbol in this transition
char ps; // push symbol in this transition
char pp; // pop symbol in this transition
int guard; // Let i-th bit of guard from right hand is g_i
int reset; // Let i-th bit of reset from right hand is r_i
0-th bit of gurad and reset is for stack operation
1 to 15-th bits are for clock(15 clock supported)
g_i=1(1<=i<=15) : i-th clock is checked in this transition
r_i=1(1<=i<=15) : i-th clock is reset in this transition
g_0=0 && r_0=0 : no stack operation
g_0=1 && r_0=0 : stack push operation
g_0=0 && r_0=1 : stack pop operation
g_0=1 && r_0=1 : invalid : push and pop at the same time not possible
int *lbs; // constraint lower bounds
int *ubs; // constraint upper bounds
size of lbs and ubs is equal to (|X|+1), where |X| is the number of clocks
lbs[0] : lower bound for pop operation
lbs[i](1<=i<=15) : lower bound for i-th clock
ubs[0] : upper bound for pop operation
ubs[i](1<=i<=15) : upper bound for i-th clock
bool isReset(char i);
extern char inputfilename[100]; // input file name for timed push-down system
extern int M; // maximum constant+1 in the timed system
extern unsigned short int S; // number of states in the timed system
extern unsigned short int T; // number of transitions in the timed system
extern unsigned short int SI; // initial state
extern unsigned short int SF; // final state
extern char X; // number of clocks in the timed system
extern char A; // number of events or actions in the timed system
extern char AS; // number of stack symbols in the timed system
extern transition *transitions; // transitions of the timed system
void inputSystem(); // get the input timed system given as a file(file name stored in the global variable 'inputfilename')
void print_system();
using namespace std;
extern set<string> pstrie;
// datatype for a state of final tree automation
class pds_state{
char del1; // transition at first active color
char del2; // transition at second active color
char w1;
char w2;
char gc;
pds_state* add_stack();
pds_state* shuffle(pds_state *s2); // shuffle with state s2
bool isFinal(); // check if this state is a final state
void print(); // print a state
bool identity(pds_state *vs);
pds_state* atomic(char del1, char del2, char w1, char w2, char gc);
bool pdsempty();
class pds_run{
public :
char P; // #points
char *del; // transitions
char *ac; // accuracy between two consecutive points
char *w; // tsm values
pds_run* add_stack();
pds_run* shuffle(pds_run *s2);
void print();
class bp_pds{
public :
char type; // type of operation : atomic : 0, add_stack : 1, shuffle : 2
int left; // shuffle left state index of all the states generated bottom-up
int right; // shuffle right state index of all the states generated bottom-up
pds_run* getatomicrunpds(pds_state*);
using namespace std;
class transition{
short source; // source state
short target; // target state
char a; // action in this transition
char as; // stack symbol in this transition, **** this variable is obsolete in new version of code
char ps; // push symbol in this transition
char pp; // pop symbol in this transition
int guard; // Let i-th bit of guard from right hand is g_i
int reset; // Let i-th bit of reset from right hand is r_i
int openl; // i-th bit openl is 1 iff lower bound of constraint for clock i is open
int openu; // i-th bit openr is 1 iff upper bound of constraint for clock i is open
0-th bit of gurad and reset is for stack operation
1 to 15-th bits are for clock(15 clock supported)
g_i=1(1<=i<=15) : i-th clock is checked in this transition
r_i=1(1<=i<=15) : i-th clock is reset in this transition
g_0=0 && r_0=0 : no stack operation
g_0=1 && r_0=0 : stack push operation
g_0=0 && r_0=1 : stack pop operation
g_0=1 && r_0=1 : invalid : push and pop at the same time not possible
int *lbs; // constraint lower bounds
int *ubs; // constraint upper bounds
size of lbs and ubs is equal to (|X|+1), where |X| is the number of clocks
lbs[0] : lower bound for pop operation
lbs[i](1<=i<=15) : lower bound for i-th clock
ubs[0] : upper bound for pop operation
ubs[i](1<=i<=15) : upper bound for i-th clock
extern char inputfilename[100]; // input file name for timed push-down system
extern int M; // maximum constant+1 in the timed system
extern short S; // number of states in the timed system
extern short T; // number of transitions in the timed system
extern short SI; // initial state
extern short SF; // final state
extern char X; // number of clocks in the timed system
extern char A; // number of events or actions in the timed system
extern char AS; // number of stack symbols in the timed system
extern transition *transitions; // transitions of the timed system
extern vector<vector<short> > prevtrans; // prevtrans[i] : list of previous transitions for state i
extern vector<vector<short> > nexttrans; // nexttrans[i] : list of next transitions for state i
extern vector<vector<short> > resettrans; // resettrans[i] : list of reset transitions for clock i
extern vector<vector<short> > checktrans; // checktrans[i] : list of check transitions for clock i
extern vector<vector<pair<short, short> > > resecktrans; // resecktrans[i] : list of reset-check transitions for clock i
// this applies for one clock TPDA
extern vector<vector<short> > possibleresets; // possibleresets[t] : list of reset transitions for clock x_1 possible for the check transition t of clock x_1
// pushDone[t][w] : 1 iff atomic state generated with starting trans t with tsm w
extern bool** pushDone;
// if d1 and d2 are valid pair of reset-check for only clock x1(used for one clock + one stack special tpda)
bool isPossibleReset(char d1, char d2);
void getresecktrans(); // get all the reset-check pair of transition for some clock
void inputSystem(); // get the input timed system given as a file(file name stored in the global variable 'inputfilename')
void print_system(); // print system details
// is clock x has been reset at transition delta
bool isReset(char x, short int delta);
// is clock x has been checked at transition delta
bool isChecked(char x, short int delta);
// is there a push at transition delta
bool isPush(short int delta);
// is there a pop at transition delta
bool isPop(short int delta);
// return a mod b(always return a +ve number unlike c % operator)
short int mod(short int a, short int b);
/*This file is for one clock and one stack special(contiguous reset and check of the clock) tpda*/
using namespace std;
// state info for one clock and one stack general tpda
class stpdastate{
char gc; /*0-th bit of gc is 1 iff push edge added to L, 7-th bit is 1 iff pop edge added to R, 1st bit is 1 iff gap between d1 and d2 is small, 2nd bit is 1 iff gap between d2 and d3 is small, 3rd bit is 1 iff gap between d3 and d4 is small */
char d1, d2; /* d1 : hanging reset trans for clock x1, d2 : trans at L, d3 : trans between L and R(reset trans for clock x1), d4 : trans at R
d1 == -1 if no hanging clock, d3 == -1 if only two points are there or there is a reset at R
char w1, w2; // tsm values corresponding to trans d1,d2,d3 and d4 resp.
// add next transition to the state rs
vector<stpdastate*> addNextTPDA();
// shuffle of two states
stpdastate* shuffle(stpdastate *s2);
bool isFinal(); // return true if this state is final
void print(); // print a state of tree automation
// run of the timed system
class stpda_run{
public :
char P; // #points
char *del; // transitions
char *w; // tsm values
stpda_run* add_next(char d5, char w5); // new run after adding trans d5 of tsm w5
stpda_run* shuffle(stpda_run *s2);
void print();
// info to keep track which states generates which states
class bp_stpda{
public :
char type; // type of operation : atomic : 0, add_stack : 1, shuffle : 2
int left; // shuffle left state index of all the states generated bottom-up
int right; // shuffle right state index of all the states generated bottom-up
extern set<string> gtpdatrie;
// atomic state
stpdastate* atomicstpda(char d1, char d2, char w1, char w2, char gc);
bool identity(stpdastate *vs); // return 1 iff vs is a new state
// check if a tpda of one clock is empty or not
bool isEmptySTPDA();
stpda_run* getatomicrunstpda(stpdastate*); // get run for an atomic states
// This file is for general TPDA emptiness checking with continuous implementation, pop and push also can happen at the same transition
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
#define a3215 32768 // 2^15 shortcut
// state for general TPDA with pop ande push happens at the same time
class stateGCPP{
char P; // number of points in this state
short f; // flag variable contain accuracy between consecutive points and push-pop edge information
char *del; // transitions in this state
char *w; // tsm values in this state
char L; // left point of the non-trivial block
bool big(char i, char j); // return true iff distance between point i to point j is big
short int dist(char i, char j); // return distance between point i to point j
// add next transition to this state if possible and return all generated states by doing this operation
vector<stateGCPP*> addNextTPDA();
// add transition 'dn' to this state and then forget some points if possible, return the new state, tsm value of last point not decided yet
stateGCPP* reduce(char dn);
// return true iff clock gurards on new transition 'dn' with tsm value 'wn' is satisfied
bool consSatisfied(char dn, char wn, short *clockDis, bool *clockAcc);
// check for stack constraint where 'dlr' and 'aclr' are distance and accuracy resp. from L to R
bool stackCheck(char dn, char wn, short dlr, bool aclr);
// reduce the #points after shuffle operation by using forget operation if possible
stateGCPP* reduceShuffle(stateGCPP* vs);
// check if shuffle of this state with s2 is possible
bool shuffleCheck(stateGCPP *s2);
// return shuffle of this state with s2
stateGCPP* shuffle(stateGCPP *s2);
// Return the first successor state whoose childrens will be right state for shuffle with current state
stateGCPP* sucState();
bool isFinal(); // return true iff this state is final
void print(); // print this state
// return unique string for last reset points of a state participating in a combine operation as a left state
string getKeyLeft();
// return unique string for hanging points of a state participating in a combine operation as a right state
string getKeyRight();
// partial run of the timed system as a sequence of pairs: (1) transition and (2) tsm value
class runCGPP{
public :
char P; // #points
char *del; // transitions
char *w; // tsm values
runCGPP* addNext(char dn, char wn); // new run after adding transition 'dn' of tsm value 'wn'
runCGPP* shuffle(runCGPP *s2); // concatenation of two partial runs
void print(); // print the run with concrete global time stamps
// info to keep track parents of current state or who are the states generated current state
class trackCGPP{
public :
char type; //***** type of operation : atomic : 0, addNextTPDA : 1, shuffle or combine : 2
int left; // *****shuffle left state index in the main vector
int right; // ****shuffle right state index in the main vector
// this is used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
//extern set<string> tpdaGCPPtrie;
// alternative : this is used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
extern unordered_map<string,bool> mapGCPP;
// this vector contains all the states generated for a TPDA with corresponding tracking information
extern vector<pair<stateGCPP*, trackCGPP*> > allStates;
// get the partial run corresponding the tree automata state vs, ignore the hanging points
runCGPP* getRun(stateGCPP* vs);
// return true iff language recognized by the TPDA is empty
bool isEmptyGCPP();
// This file is for general TPDA emptiness checking with continuous implementation, pop and push also can happen at the same transition
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
// index is a function from 2d array index to 1d array index considering all diagonal elements are 0
#define index(i, j, n) ( i*n + j - i - (j < i ? 0 : 1) )
extern short **WT1, **WT2; // used as temporary storage for weight matrix in floyd warshal algorithm
extern bool **open1, **open2; // temporary variables for storing some edge weight is strictly less than some integer or not
// state for timed automata
class stateZone{
char P; // number of points in this state
char f; // 7-th bit is 1 iff push at L is done, rightmost 7 bits used for L or L = f & 127
char *del; // transitions in this state
short *w; // forward and backward edges weight, this will act like a 2d array, index can calculated using function index(i, j, n) defined tpdaZone.h
// add next transition to this state if possible and return all generated states by doing this operation
stateZone* addNextTPDA(char dn);
// check if shuffle of this state with s2 is possible
bool shuffleCheck(stateZone *s2);
// return shuffle of this state with s2
stateZone* shuffle(stateZone *s2);
// Return the first successor state whoose childrens will be right state for shuffle with current state
stateZone* sucState();
bool isFinal(); // return true iff this state is final
void print(); // print this state
// return unique string for last reset points of a state participating in a combine operation as a left state
string getKeyLeft();
// return unique string for hanging points of a state participating in a combine operation as a right state
string getKeyRight();
// partial run of the timed system as a sequence of pairs: (1) transition and (2) tsm value
class runZone{
public :
short P; // #points
char *del; // transitions
short **w; // weight matrix
runZone* addNext(char dn, char wn); // new run after adding transition 'dn' of tsm value 'wn'
runZone* shuffle(runZone *s2); // concatenation of two partial runs
void print(); // print the run with concrete global time stamps
// info to keep track parents of current state or who are the states generated current state
class trackZone{
public :
char type; //***** type of operation : atomic : 0, addNextTPDA : 1, shuffle or combine : 2
int left; // *****shuffle left state index in the main vector
int right; // ****shuffle right state index in the main vector
//this is used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
extern unordered_map<string,bool> mapZone;
// this vector contains all the states generated for a TPDA with corresponding tracking information
extern vector<pair<stateZone*, trackZone*> > allStatesZone;
// get the partial run corresponding the tree automata state vs, ignore the hanging points
runZone* getRun(stateZone* vs);
// return true iff language recognized by the TPDA is empty
bool isEmptyZone();
// apply all pair shortest path algorithms for the graph with n number of nodes(edge weight given in w)
void allPairSP(int n);
\ No newline at end of file
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned short int usint;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long long int ullint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
//TINDEX : given two pair of integers, find the position in 1d array
#define BY2(i) (i >> 1) // divide by 2 ...
#define BY4(i) (i >> 2)
#define BY8(i) (i >> 3)
#define BY16(i) (i >> 4)
#define INF (INT_MAX >> 1) //now infinity value is maximum integer divided by 2
#define INF16 (a32[14])
extern unsigned int a32[]; /* a contains all the binary strings where only one bit is '1'
a[i] contains binary number where only (i-1)-th from right side is '1'(bit position starts from 0 from right hand side) */
extern unsigned int b32[];/*b[i] contains an integer where all bits are '1' from zeroth bit position upto (i-1)-th bit position
For example, b[4] contains binary number 00..01111 or integer 15
extern unsigned int c32[];/*c[i] contains an integer where all bits are '1' from i+1-th bit position upto last bit position
For example, c[4] contains binary number 11..10000 or integer -16
extern unsigned int d32[]; /* a contains all the binary strings where only one bit is '1'
a[i] contains binary number where only (i-1)-th from right side is '1'(bit position starts from 0 from right hand side) */
extern char K; // this denote number of maximum active colors
void setBits(); // set all the global bit variables
int noofones(unsigned int x, int B); // #ones upto B bits
string inttobinary(int x); // return binary string corresponding to number x
8 7 0 0 2
1 2 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 0
1 1
3 4 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 2
4 5 0 0 0
2 2 1 -1
5 6 0 0 0
6 7 0 0 0
1 1
7 8 0 0 0
2 1 1 -1
0 0 0
0 0 0
5 5 2 0 1
1 2 0 0 1
2 3 0 0 1
3 4 0 1 1
1 0 2
4 2 0 1 0
2 1 1
1 1
4 1 0 0 1
2 1 0 -1
4 11 2 9 1
1 2 1 0 0
2 3 2 1 1
1 1 2
3 4 3 1 0
2 0 1
1 1
4 2 4 1 0
1 1 2
2 4 5 1 2
2 1 2
1 2
4 3 6 0 1
3 2 7 0 0
2 1 2 2
2 1 8 0 0
1 4 9 2 0
1 0 2
2 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
3 3 0 0 1
//TPDA corresponding to this file used to demonstrate the example in the report
4 4 2 0 2
1 2 0 1 1
2 2 3
1 1
1 4 0 0 0
2 2 2 2
2 3 0 2 0
1 0 2
2 1 2
3 1 0 2 2
3 1 0 0 2
1 2
Transition description of the automaton :
Each transition contain four information :
(i) Transition number(Transition number 3 shown as : 'tn:3')
(ii) Clock constraint(x1>=2 && x2==3 is shown as : '2 <= x1 <= inf, 3<=x2<=3')(for tpda and timed automation)
(iii) Update or reset of clocks(x1:=0,x2:=0 is shown as : 'x1:=0,x2:=0')(for tpda and timed automation)
(iv) Stack Operations :(for tpda and pushdown system with age checking while popping)
(a) Nop(No operation) : shown as : 'np'.
(b) push symbol 2 : shown as 'ps_2'.
(c) Pop symbol 2 with age between 2 and 5 shown as : 'pp_2:2<=ag(2)<=5'
INPUT FORMAT(Ignore blank lines and spaces) :
1. First line of the input(5 space separated integers) : <#states> <#transitions> <#clocks> <#actions> <#stack_symbols>
In the above example, Input for the first line is : 3 3 2 0 2
Number of states is 3( they are numbered as 1, 2 and 3)
Number of transitions is 3( they are numbered as 1, 2 and 3)
Two clocks are there( they are numbered as x_1 and x_2 )
Actions are not important for us, So simply enter 0 in place of 'number of actions'
Number of stack symbols is 2( they are numbered as 1 and 2)
2. Second line : Initial state number(1 is the initial state for the above example)
3. Third line : Final state number(4 is the final state for the above example)
4. For each transitions, there can be variable number of lines.
First line of each transition(5 space separated integers) : <source_state> <target_state> <action> <#guards> <#resets>
For the above example, in the first transition :
source state : 1
target state : 2
action : 0(action is not important for us, just put 0 in place of action)
#guards : number of clock checks are there
#resets : number of clock reset at this transition
If number of clock check(#guards) is m, then each of the next m lines will have three space separated intergers : <clock_number> <lower_bound> <upper_bound>
clock_number : clock(x) for which there is a check in this transition
lower bound : x >= lower_bound is the lower bound constraint
upper bound : x <= upper_bound is the upper bound constraint
overall the constraint is lower_bound <= x <= upper_bound
If number of clock reset at this transition is n, then the next line has n space separated integers : Each integer is a clocks_number has been reset in this transition
Last line of the input can contain maximum 5 space separated integers : <stack_op>
The value of first integer determine the stack operation
First interger is 0 : no stack operation
First interger is 1 : Only stack push operation, This integer will be followed by another integer : <stack_symbol_2>
First interger is 2 : Only stack pop operation, This integer will be followed by another three space separated integers : <stack_symbol> <lower_bound> <upper_bound>
First interger is 3 : Both pop and push happens at this transition, This integer will be followed by another four space separated integers : <stack_symbol> <lower_bound> <upper_bound> <stack_symbol_2>
<stack_symbol> : stack symbol number popped in this transition
<lower_bound> : lower bound on the age of the stack symbol currently popped in this transition
<upper_bound> : lower bound on the age of the stack symbol currently popped in this transition
<stack_symbol_2> : stack symbol number pushed in this transition
6 5 2 3 0
1 2 1 1 1
2 5 -1
2 3 0 1 0
1 0 4
5 4 1 1 0
1 0 4
1 5 0 1 1
1 2 -1
4 3 0 1 0
2 5 -1
// edit the ages for checking emptiness
6 8 3 3 0
1 2 0 1 0
1 4 -1
1 3 1 1 1
3 1 1
2 6 0 2 0
1 1 6
2 0 1
3 4 1 0 2
3 1
3 5 0 1 0
1 0 0
4 5 2 2 0
1 1 1
2 0 0
6 3 3 1 0
1 1 1
6 5 0 2 0
1 0 1
2 1 -1
00 00
7 8 4 3 0
1 2 0 1 1
2 5 -1
1 3 1 1 2
3 3 -1
2 3
2 3 0 1 1
1 2 2
3 4 1 2 1
3 0 5
2 0 2
4 5 0 1 1
4 3 3
4 6 2 1 2
3 0 1
3 4
5 6 3 2 1
1 2 2
2 2 2
6 3 0 1 1
4 1 1
00 00
6 7 3 3 0
1 4 0 2 2
1 1 3
2 2 2
1 2
1 2 1 1 1
3 3 -1
2 3 2 1 1
1 1 2
2 5 3 1 1
2 1 3
4 3 2 1 1
3 0 0
5 6 1 2 0
1 1 1
3 2 2
6 1 0 1 1
3 1 3
00 00
4 6 2 4 0
4 1 1 1 1
1 0 -1
1 2 2 1 0
2 1 1
1 3 1 2 0
1 0 0
2 1 -1
2 3 3 1 0
1 0 0
3 3 4 1 0
1 2 -1
3 1 1 1 1
2 0 0
fig 2.5
10 9 2 0 1
1 2 0 0 1
2 3 0 0 2
1 2
3 4 0 0 1
4 5 0 0 0
1 1
5 6 0 0 0
6 7 0 0 2
1 2
7 8 0 1 0
1 10 18
8 9 0 0 1
9 10 0 0 0
2 1 0 9
M Run_time
1 0.000565
2 0.001978
3 0.008165
4 0.023927
5 0.083782
6 0.15712
7 0.375192
8 0.672718
9 1.28486
10 2.00171
12 4.94463
14 10.8798
16 21.9186
18 bad memory allocation(#states : 5716700 )
\ No newline at end of file
4 4 1 2 1
1 2 1 1 0
1 1 1
2 3 2 0 1
2 1 1 -1
3 4 0 1 0
1 0 0
4 1 0 0 1
1 1
00 00
|X| = 1
|T| = 4
|M| = 1
10 9 3 0 1
1 2 0 0 2
2 3
2 3 0 0 1
3 4 0 0 0
1 1
4 5 0 0 0
5 6 0 0 2
1 2
6 7 0 0 2
2 3
7 8 0 1 0
1 7 12
8 9 0 0 1
9 10 0 0 0
2 1 0 6
M Run_time
1 0.004453
2 0.010471
3 0.031199
4 0.152298
5 0.451474
6 1.0779
7 2.67533
8 5.42333
9 11.2027
10 20.8801
11 35.6042
12 bad mem allocation(#states : 3526500)
\ No newline at end of file
6 8 2 3 2
1 2 0 1 0
1 1 -1
1 1
1 3 1 1 1
1 1 1
2 6 0 2 0
1 1 1
2 0 3
3 4 1 0 2
2 1
3 5 0 1 0
1 0 0
4 5 2 2 0
1 1 1
2 0 0
6 3 3 1 0
1 1 1
6 5 0 2 0
1 0 1
2 1 -1
2 1 1 1
00 00
5 6 1 0 1
1 2 0 1 0
1 0 0
2 3 0 0 0
1 1
3 4 0 0 0
4 1 0 1 1
1 0 2
2 1 0 -1
3 5 0 0 1
5 4 0 1 0
1 0 0
2 1 0 0
00 00
|X| = 1
|T| = 3
|M| = 5
5 6 1 0 1
1 2 0 0 1
1 1
1 3 0 1 0
1 3 -1
2 3 0 1 0
1 1 -1
3 4 0 1 0
1 3 100
3 5 0 1 0
1 0 2
4 5 0 0 0
2 1 2 3
00 00
|X| = 1
|T| = 2
|M| = 9
5 8 1 2 2
1 2 0 0 0
1 2
1 5 0 1 0
1 1 2
2 2 6 8
2 1 0 0 0
2 2 0 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
2 3 0 1 0
1 0 1
3 4 0 0 0
4 2 0 1 0
1 0 2
4 4 0 0 0
2 1 1 2
5 4 1 1 1
1 2 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 0
1 1
3 4 0 0 0
2 1 1 2
4 5 0 0 0
3 1 0 -1 1
14 26 1 1 2
1 2 0 0 0
1 1
2 3 0 0 0
3 2 0 0 0
3 4 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 0
4 5 0 0 0
5 4 0 0 0
5 6 0 0 0
6 5 0 0 0
6 7 0 0 0
7 6 0 0 0
7 8 0 0 0
8 7 0 0 0
8 9 0 0 0
9 8 0 0 0
9 10 0 0 0
10 9 0 0 0
10 11 0 0 0
11 10 0 0 0
11 12 0 0 0
12 11 0 0 0
12 13 0 0 0
13 12 0 0 0
13 14 0 0 0
14 13 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0
1 6 10
2 1 11 15
T Time
2 0.000355
4 0.134996
6 0.223448
8 0.281873
10 0.381145
12 0.526717
14 0.650515
16 0.772484
18 0.836541
20 1.01429
22 1.04948
24 1.15572
26 1.26705
8 7 1 0 2
1 2 0 0 1
2 3 0 0 0
1 1
3 4 0 0 1
3 1 1 1 2
4 5 0 0 0
2 2 1 -1
5 6 0 0 1
6 7 0 0 0
1 1
7 8 0 0 0
2 1 1 -1
0 0 0
0 0 0
26 24 16 0 0
1 2 0 0 1
2 3 0 0 1
3 4 0 0 1
4 5 0 0 1
5 6 0 0 1
6 7 0 0 1
7 8 0 0 1
8 9 0 0 1
9 10 0 0 1
10 11 0 0 1
11 12 0 0 1
12 13 0 0 1
13 14 0 0 1
14 15 0 0 1
15 16 0 0 1
16 17 0 0 1
17 18 0 2 0
9 1 1
1 2 2
18 19 0 2 0
10 1 1
2 2 2
19 20 0 2 0
11 1 1
3 2 2
20 21 0 2 0
12 1 1
4 2 2
21 22 0 2 0
13 1 1
5 2 2
22 23 0 2 0
14 1 1
6 2 2
23 24 0 2 0
15 1 1
7 2 2
24 25 0 2 0
16 1 1
8 2 2
8 6 2 0 1
1 2 0 1 1
1 3 11
2 3 0 1 1
2 2 13
3 4 0 1 0
2 1 15
1 1
4 5 0 1 1
2 0 10
1 1
5 6 0 0 1
2 1 2 6
6 7 0 1 1
2 0 -1
2 1 3 9
12 11 2 0 2
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 0
2 3 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1
3 4 0 1 1
2 0 0
4 5 0 0 0
1 1
5 6 0 1 0
1 0 0
6 7 0 1 2
2 0 0
1 2
2 1 0 0
7 8 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 2
8 9 0 1 1
1 0 0
9 10 0 1 2
2 0 0
1 2
10 11 0 1 1
1 0 0
11 12 0 1 0
1 0 0
2 2 0 0
8 8 1 1 2
1 2 0 0 0
1 2
2 3 0 1 0
1 0 -1
1 1
3 4 0 0 1
2 1 1 2
4 5 0 0 0
1 1
5 6 0 1 0
1 1 1
2 1 0 -1
6 1 0 1 1
1 0 1
2 2 0 1
2 7 0 1 1
1 1 2
1 2
7 3 0 1 1
1 1 2
2 2 2 2
6 6 1 1 2
1 2 0 0 0
1 2
2 3 0 1 0
1 0 -1
1 1
3 4 0 0 1
2 1 1 5
4 5 0 0 0
1 1
5 6 0 1 0
1 1 1
2 1 0 -1
6 1 0 1 1
1 0 1
2 2 0 1
10 14 1 1 3
1 2 0 0 1
1 1
1 9 0 0 0
1 2
2 8 0 1 0
1 4 5
3 2 0 0 1
4 3 0 1 0
1 3 5
4 5 0 1 0
1 1 2
5 6 0 0 0
2 2 1 2
6 7 0 0 0
1 3
7 10 0 0 1
2 3 0 5
8 4 0 1 0
1 3 4
8 6 0 0 0
2 1 2 3
9 7 0 1 0
1 4 5
9 8 0 0 1
10 1 0 1 1
1 1 -1
4 5 1 1 2
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1
1 3 0 1 1
1 1 1
1 2
2 3 0 1 1
1 3 4
1 2
3 4 0 1 1
1 2 6
2 2 3 7
4 1 0 1 1
1 6 8
2 1 5 10
5 6 1 1 2
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1
1 5 0 1 1
1 2 4
1 1
2 3 0 1 1
1 3 4
1 2
3 4 0 1 1
1 2 6
2 2 3 7
4 1 0 1 1
1 6 8
2 1 5 10
5 3 0 1 1
1 1 4
1 2
4 6 1 0 2
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 2
2 2 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1
2 3 0 1 1
1 0 0
3 2 0 1 1
1 0 0
3 3 0 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 0 -1
3 4 0 1 1
1 0 0
2 2 2 2
6 6 1 0 2
1 2 0 0 1
1 1
2 3 0 1 1
1 1 1
1 2
3 4 0 0 0
2 2 0 1
4 1 0 0 0
2 1 1 1
1 5 0 0 1
5 3 0 1 0
1 0 1
5 8 1 1 2
1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 2
2 1 0 1 1
1 1 2
2 3 0 1 1
1 3 3
3 1 0 1 1
1 0 0
3 4 0 1 1
1 0 0
2 2 0 -1
4 3 0 1 1
1 1 1
1 5 0 1 1
1 0 0
2 1 6 6
5 4 1 1 2
1 2 0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1
2 3 0 1 1
1 1 2
1 2
3 4 0 1 1
1 2 2
2 2 1 2
4 1 0 1 1
1 2 2
2 1 0 2
#include<math.h> // c headers
#include <time.h>
#include <string> // c++ headers
#include"timePushDown.h" // TPDA file processing, representation(all info about the TPDA is in this file)
#include"treeBitOperations.h" // bit wise operations
#include"pds.h" // system with no extra clocks
#include"tpda2.h" // one clock special kind of TPDA
#include<continuoustpda.h> // one clock TPDA
#include<tpdaCGPP.h> // general TPDA
#include<tpdaZone.h> // general TPDA with zone
using namespace std;
// process the input TPDA file and set all the global variables according to the TPDA
void setGlobal(char *filename) {
setBits(); // set variables for bitwise operations(defined in "treeBitOperations.h")
M = 0; // set maximum constant to 0, we update it when reading the system
strcpy(inputfilename, filename); // copy the input timed system input file name to the variable 'inputfilename'
inputSystem(); // process the input TPDA(defined in "timePushDown.h")
if(X != 0)
getresecktrans(); // which are the compatible reset transition with some check transition
M = M + 1; // maximum constant for the system(computed M in the function inputSystem() + 1 )
if(X == 0) // no clock, push-down system, tree-width 2, so #colors = 3
K = 3;
else if(AS == 0) // #stack symbols = 0, timed automata, tree-width X+1, #colors = X+2
K = X+2;
else // TIMED push-down system, tree width 3K+2
K = 3*X + 3;
// calculate 2^x
inline unsigned int p2(unsigned int x) {
return (1 << x);
// string to integer conversion
int str_to_int(string s) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i < s.size(); i++) {
sum = sum*10 + s[i]-'0';
return sum;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Command line arguments :
// first argument(argv[1]) : input TPDA text file with specific format
/* Second argument(argv[2]) :
1 : TPDA with no extra clock, but there can be constraints on ages of stack symbols
2 : special kind of TPDA with one clock x(x must be reset in all transitions just before some check transitoin on clock x )
3 : general TPDA with one clock
No arg : general TPDA with one or more clocks
if(argc < 2) {
cout << "Input TPDA file must be given !" << endl;
return 0;
clock_t start = clock(); // Start measuring time
setGlobal(argv[1]); // set all the global variables
bool b;
if(argc >= 3) { // If there is any arguments for special kind of TPDA
int x = str_to_int(argv[2]);
if(x == 1) //TPDA with no extra clock, but there can be constraints on ages of stack symbols
b = pdsempty();
else if(x == 2) // special kind of TPDA with one clock x(x must be reset in all transitions just before some check transitoin on clock x )
b = isEmptySTPDA();
else if(x == 3) // general TPDA with one clock
b = isEmptyTPDA();
else if(x == 4)
b = isEmptyZone();
else // general TPDA with one or more clocks
b = isEmptyGCPP();
// the returned value b will be true iff the language is empty
cout << "The language recognized by the TPDA is EMPTY!" << endl;
cout << "The language recognized by the TPDA is NOT EMPTY!" << endl;
cout << endl;
if(AS == 0) // no stacks
cout << "#stacks : " << 0 << endl;
else // one stack
cout << "#stacks : " << 1 << endl;
cout << "#clocks : " << int(X) << endl;
cout << "#states : " << int(S) << endl;
cout << "#transitions : " << int(T) << endl;
cout << "Maximum constant(M) : " << int(M) << endl;
cout << "Tree-Width(K) : " << int(K-1) << endl;
cout << endl << "---END OF EXECUTION---" << endl << endl;
clock_t stop = clock(); // end of time calculation
double elapsed = (double)(stop - start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Time elapsed calculation
cout << "Execution time : " << (elapsed/1000) << " seconds." << endl << endl;
short **w;
bool **open;
int n;
cout << "n : ";
cin >> n;
w = new short*[n];
open = new bool*[n];
for(char i=0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = new short[n];
open[i] = new bool[n];
for(char j=0; j < n; j++) {
cin >> w[i][j];
for(char i=0; i < n; i++) {
for(char j=0; j < n; j++) {
cout << w[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
allPairSP(w, open, n);
for(char i=0; i < n; i++) {
for(char j=0; j < n; j++) {
cout << w[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
return 0;
CC := g++
CFLAG := -lm -std=c++11
SRC := ./src
OBJ := ./obj
INC := ./include
EXE := tree
GDB := -g
tree : main.o $(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o $(OBJ)/timePushDown.o $(OBJ)/continuoustpda.o $(OBJ)/pds.o $(OBJ)/tpdaCGPP.o $(OBJ)/tpdaZone.o $(OBJ)/tpda2.o drawsystem
g++ $(GDB) main.o $(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o $(OBJ)/timePushDown.o $(OBJ)/continuoustpda.o $(OBJ)/pds.o $(OBJ)/tpdaCGPP.o $(OBJ)/tpdaZone.o $(OBJ)/tpda2.o -o $(EXE) $(CFLAG)
main.o : main.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c main.cpp -o main.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/tpdaZone.o : $(SRC)/tpdaZone.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/tpdaZone.cpp -o $(OBJ)/tpdaZone.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/tpdaCGPP.o : $(SRC)/tpdaCGPP.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/tpdaCGPP.cpp -o $(OBJ)/tpdaCGPP.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/continuoustpda.o : $(SRC)/continuoustpda.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/continuoustpda.cpp -o $(OBJ)/continuoustpda.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/tpda2.o : $(SRC)/tpda2.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/tpda2.cpp -o $(OBJ)/tpda2.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/pds.o : $(SRC)/pds.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/pds.cpp -o $(OBJ)/pds.o $(CFLAG)
drawsystem : $(OBJ)/drawsystem.o $(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o
g++ $(GDB) $(OBJ)/drawsystem.o $(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o -o drawsystem $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/drawsystem.o : $(SRC)/drawsystem.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/drawsystem.cpp -o $(OBJ)/drawsystem.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/timePushDown.o : $(SRC)/timePushDown.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/timePushDown.cpp -o $(OBJ)/timePushDown.o $(CFLAG)
$(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o : $(SRC)/treeBitOperations.cpp
g++ $(GDB) -I $(INC) -c $(SRC)/treeBitOperations.cpp -o $(OBJ)/treeBitOperations.o $(CFLAG)
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g++ -g -I ./include -c main.cpp -o main.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/treeBitOperations.cpp -o ./obj/treeBitOperations.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/timePushDown.cpp -o ./obj/timePushDown.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/continuoustpda.cpp -o ./obj/continuoustpda.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/pds.cpp -o ./obj/pds.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/tpdaCGPP.cpp -o ./obj/tpdaCGPP.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/tpdaZone.cpp -o ./obj/tpdaZone.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/tpda2.cpp -o ./obj/tpda2.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g -I ./include -c ./src/drawsystem.cpp -o ./obj/drawsystem.o -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g ./obj/drawsystem.o ./obj/treeBitOperations.o -o drawsystem -lm -std=c++11
g++ -g main.o ./obj/treeBitOperations.o ./obj/timePushDown.o ./obj/continuoustpda.o ./obj/pds.o ./obj/tpdaCGPP.o ./obj/tpdaZone.o ./obj/tpda2.o -o tree -lm -std=c++11
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: g++
called: /usr/bin/ld
called: g++
called: /usr/bin/ld
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/tpdaCGPP.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/tpdaCGPP.cpp -o ./obj/tpdaCGPP.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/timePushDown.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/timePushDown.cpp -o ./obj/timePushDown.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/tpda2.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/tpda2.cpp -o ./obj/tpda2.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/drawsystem.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/drawsystem.cpp -o ./obj/drawsystem.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/continuoustpda.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/continuoustpda.cpp -o ./obj/continuoustpda.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/tpdaZone.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/tpdaZone.cpp -o ./obj/tpdaZone.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/treeBitOperations.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/treeBitOperations.cpp -o ./obj/treeBitOperations.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/src/pds.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c ./src/pds.cpp -o ./obj/pds.o -lm -std=c++11
/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/main.cpp=/home/sparsa/Programming/mtp#-g -I ./include -c main.cpp -o main.o -lm -std=c++11
* Copyright (c) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
* Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
* License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
* Notice in each file and include the License file at
* nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
* License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
* or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
* "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
* under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
* single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
* your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
* to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
* However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
* Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
* made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
* Contributor(s):
// List of standard headers was taken in
#include <assert.h> // Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero
#include <ctype.h> // Functions to determine the type contained in character data
#include <errno.h> // Macros reporting error conditions
#include <float.h> // Limits of float types
#include <limits.h> // Sizes of basic types
#include <locale.h> // Localization utilities
#include <math.h> // Common mathematics functions
#include <setjmp.h> // Nonlocal jumps
#include <signal.h> // Signal handling
#include <stdarg.h> // Variable arguments
#include <stddef.h> // Common macro definitions
#include <stdio.h> // Input/output
#include <string.h> // String handling
#include <stdlib.h> // General utilities: memory management, program utilities, string conversions, random numbers
#include <time.h> // Time/date utilities
#include <iso646.h> // (since C95) Alternative operator spellings
#include <wchar.h> // (since C95) Extended multibyte and wide character utilities
#include <wctype.h> // (since C95) Wide character classification and mapping utilities
#ifdef _STDC_C99
#include <complex.h> // (since C99) Complex number arithmetic
#include <fenv.h> // (since C99) Floating-point environment
#include <inttypes.h> // (since C99) Format conversion of integer types
#include <stdbool.h> // (since C99) Boolean type
#include <stdint.h> // (since C99) Fixed-width integer types
#include <tgmath.h> // (since C99) Type-generic math (macros wrapping math.h and complex.h)
#ifdef _STDC_C11
#include <stdalign.h> // (since C11) alignas and alignof convenience macros
#include <stdatomic.h> // (since C11) Atomic types
#include <stdnoreturn.h> // (since C11) noreturn convenience macros
#include <threads.h> // (since C11) Thread library
#include <uchar.h> // (since C11) UTF-16 and UTF-32 character utilities
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configurationDescriptor version="100">
<logicalFolder name="root" displayName="root" projectFiles="true" kind="ROOT">
<df root="." name="0">
<df name="include">
<df name="input">
<df name="obj">
<df name="src">
<conf name="Default" type="0">
<compilecommandpicklistitem>${MAKE} ${ITEM_NAME}.o</compilecommandpicklistitem>
<dbx_gdbdebugger version="1">
<gdbinterceptoptions gdb_all="false" gdb_unhandled="true" gdb_unexpected="true"/>
<gdb_buildfirst gdb_buildfirst_overriden="false" gdb_buildfirst_old="false"/>
<nativedebugger version="1">
<runprofile version="9">
* Copyright (c) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
* Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
* License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
* Notice in each file and include the License file at
* nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
* License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
* or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
* "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
* under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
* single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
* your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
* to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
* However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
* Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
* made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
* Contributor(s):
// List of standard headers was taken in
#include <cstdlib> // General purpose utilities: program control, dynamic memory allocation, random numbers, sort and search
#include <csignal> // Functions and macro constants for signal management
#include <csetjmp> // Macro (and function) that saves (and jumps) to an execution context
#include <cstdarg> // Handling of variable length argument lists
#include <typeinfo> // Runtime type information utilities
#include <bitset> // std::bitset class template
#include <functional> // Function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms
#include <utility> // Various utility components
#include <ctime> // C-style time/date utilites
#include <cstddef> // typedefs for types such as size_t, NULL and others
#include <new> // Low-level memory management utilities
#include <memory> // Higher level memory management utilities
#include <climits> // limits of integral types
#include <cfloat> // limits of float types
#include <limits> // standardized way to query properties of arithmetic types
#include <exception> // Exception handling utilities
#include <stdexcept> // Standard exception objects
#include <cassert> // Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero
#include <cerrno> // Macro containing the last error number
#include <cctype> // functions to determine the type contained in character data
#include <cwctype> // functions for determining the type of wide character data
#include <cstring> // various narrow character string handling functions
#include <cwchar> // various wide and multibyte string handling functions
#include <string> // std::basic_string class template
#include <vector> // std::vector container
#include <deque> // std::deque container
#include <list> // std::list container
#include <set> // std::set and std::multiset associative containers
#include <map> // std::map and std::multimap associative containers
#include <stack> // std::stack container adaptor
#include <queue> // std::queue and std::priority_queue container adaptors
#include <algorithm> // Algorithms that operate on containers
#include <iterator> // Container iterators
#include <cmath> // Common mathematics functions
#include <complex> // Complex number type
#include <valarray> // Class for representing and manipulating arrays of values
#include <numeric> // Numeric operations on values in containers
#include <iosfwd> // forward declarations of all classes in the input/output library
#include <ios> // std::ios_base class, std::basic_ios class template and several typedefs
#include <istream> // std::basic_istream class template and several typedefs
#include <ostream> // std::basic_ostream, std::basic_iostream class templates and several typedefs
#include <iostream> // several standard stream objects
#include <fstream> // std::basic_fstream, std::basic_ifstream, std::basic_ofstream class templates and several typedefs
#include <sstream> // std::basic_stringstream, std::basic_istringstream, std::basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs
#include <strstream> // std::strstream, std::istrstream, std::ostrstream(deprecated)
#include <iomanip> // Helper functions to control the format or input and output
#include <streambuf> // std::basic_streambuf class template
#include <cstdio> // C-style input-output functions
#include <locale> // Localization utilities
#include <clocale> // C localization utilities
#include <ciso646> // empty header. The macros that appear in iso646.h in C are keywords in C++
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#include <typeindex> // (since C++11) std::type_index
#include <type_traits> // (since C++11) Compile-time type information
#include <chrono> // (since C++11) C++ time utilites
#include <initializer_list> // (since C++11) std::initializer_list class template
#include <tuple> // (since C++11) std::tuple class template
#include <scoped_allocator> // (since C++11) Nested allocator class
#include <cstdint> // (since C++11) fixed-size types and limits of other types
#include <cinttypes> // (since C++11) formatting macros , intmax_t and uintmax_t math and conversions
#include <system_error> // (since C++11) defines std::error_code, a platform-dependent error code
#include <cuchar> // (since C++11) C-style Unicode character conversion functions
#include <array> // (since C++11) std::array container
#include <forward_list> // (since C++11) std::forward_list container
#include <unordered_set> // (since C++11) std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset unordered associative containers
#include <unordered_map> // (since C++11) std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap unordered associative containers
#include <random> // (since C++11) Random number generators and distributions
#include <ratio> // (since C++11) Compile-time rational arithmetic
#include <cfenv> // (since C++11) Floating-point environment access functions
#include <codecvt> // (since C++11) Unicode conversion facilities
#include <regex> // (since C++11) Classes, algorithms and iterators to support regular expression processing
#include <atomic> // (since C++11) Atomic operations library
#include <ccomplex> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the header <complex>
#include <ctgmath> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the headers <ccomplex> (until C++17)<complex> (since C++17) and <cmath>: the overloads equivalent to the contents of the C header tgmath.h are already provided by those headers
#include <cstdalign> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant
#include <cstdbool> // (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant
#include <thread> // (since C++11) std::thread class and supporting functions
#include <mutex> // (since C++11) mutual exclusion primitives
#include <future> // (since C++11) primitives for asynchronous computations
#include <condition_variable> // (since C++11) thread waiting conditions
#if __cplusplus >= 201300L
#include <shared_mutex> // (since C++14) shared mutual exclusion primitives
#if __cplusplus >= 201500L
#include <any> // (since C++17) std::any class template
#include <optional> // (since C++17) std::optional class template
#include <variant> // (since C++17) std::variant class template
#include <memory_resource> // (since C++17) Polymorphic allocators and memory resources
#include <string_view> // (since C++17) std::basic_string_view class template
#include <execution> // (since C++17) Predefined execution policies for parallel versions of the algorithms
#include <filesystem> // (since C++17) std::path class and supporting functions
# Launchers File syntax:
# [Must-have property line]
# launcher1.runCommand=<Run Command>
# [Optional extra properties]
# launcher1.displayName=<Display Name, runCommand by default>
# launcher1.hide=<true if lancher is not visible in menu, false by default>
# launcher1.buildCommand=<Build Command, Build Command specified in project properties by default>
# launcher1.runDir=<Run Directory, ${PROJECT_DIR} by default>
# launcher1.runInOwnTab=<false if launcher reuse common "Run" output tab, true by default>
# launcher1.symbolFiles=<Symbol Files loaded by debugger, ${OUTPUT_PATH} by default>
# launcher1.env.<Environment variable KEY>=<Environment variable VALUE>
# (If this value is quoted with ` it is handled as a native command which execution result will become the value)
# [Common launcher properties]
# common.runDir=<Run Directory>
# (This value is overwritten by a launcher specific runDir value if the latter exists)
# common.env.<Environment variable KEY>=<Environment variable VALUE>
# (Environment variables from common launcher are merged with launcher specific variables)
# common.symbolFiles=<Symbol Files loaded by debugger>
# (This value is overwritten by a launcher specific symbolFiles value if the latter exists)
# In runDir, symbolFiles and env fields you can use these macroses:
# ${PROJECT_DIR} - project directory absolute path
# ${OUTPUT_PATH} - linker output path (relative to project directory path)
# ${OUTPUT_BASENAME}- linker output filename
# ${TESTDIR} - test files directory (relative to project directory path)
# ${OBJECTDIR} - object files directory (relative to project directory path)
# ${CND_DISTDIR} - distribution directory (relative to project directory path)
# ${CND_BUILDDIR} - build directory (relative to project directory path)
# ${CND_PLATFORM} - platform name
# ${CND_CONF} - configuration name
# ${CND_DLIB_EXT} - dynamic library extension
# All the project launchers must be listed in the file!
# launcher1.runCommand=...
# launcher2.runCommand=...
# ...
# common.runDir=...
# common.env.KEY=VALUE
# launcher1.runCommand=<type your run command here>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-private xmlns="">
<code-assistance-data xmlns="">
<data xmlns="">
<editor-bookmarks xmlns="" lastBookmarkId="0"/>
<open-files xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="">
<data xmlns="">
File added

38.1 KB

using namespace std;
// construction of state with given trans and tsm values
tpdastate* atomictpda(char d1, char d2, char d3, char d4, char w1, char w2, char w3, char w4, char gc){
tpdastate *vs = new tpdastate();
vs->d1 = d1;
vs->d2 = d2;
vs->d3 = d3;
vs->d4 = d4;
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = w2;
vs->w3 = w3;
vs->w4 = w4;
vs->gc = gc;
return vs;
// distance between point i to point j
short int tpdastate::dist(char i, char j) {
if(i == 2 && j == 3) {
return ( mod(w3-w2, M) );
if( i == 2 && j == 4 ) {
if( d3 == (-1) ) {
return ( mod(w4-w2, M) );
return ( mod(w3-w2, M) + mod(w4-w3, M) );
if(i == 1 && j == 2) {
return ( mod(w2-w1, M) );
if(i == 1 && j == 3) {
return ( mod(w2-w1, M) + mod(w3-w2, M) );
if(i == 1 && j == 4) {
if( d3 == (-1) ) {
return ( mod(w2-w1, M) + mod(w4-w2, M) );
return ( mod(w2-w1, M) + mod(w3-w2, M) + mod(w4-w3, M) );
if(i == 3 && j == 4) {
return ( mod(w4-w3, M) );
// if distance between point i to point j is big, return 1, always assume that i and j exits(di != (-1) and dj != (-1))
bool tpdastate::big(char i, char j){
// two consecutive points
if( (i+1) == j ) {
if( gc & a32[i] )
return false;
return true;
// d2->d4
if( i == 2 && j == 4 ) {
if( d3 == (-1) ) {
if( gc & 4 ) // 2nd bit of gc
return false;
return true;
if( (gc & 4) && (gc & 8) && dist(2,4) < M ) // 2nd and 3rd bits of gc are 1 and distance d2->d4 is small
return false;
return true;
// d1->d3
if(i == 1 && j == 3) {
if( (gc & 2) && (gc & 4) && dist(1,3) < M )
return false;
return true;
// d1->d4
if(i == 1 && j == 4) {
if( d3 == (-1) ) {
if( (gc & 2) && (gc & 4) && dist(1,4) < M )
return false;
return true;
if( (gc & 2) && (gc & 4) && (gc & 8) && dist(1,4) < M )
return false;
return true;
// shuffle of two states
tpdastate* tpdastate::shuffle(tpdastate *s2) {
// trans at L of s2 should be same as trans at R of this state
if( d4 != (s2->d2) || w4 != (s2->w2) )
return NULL;
// there should be a push at L and pop at R of state s2
if( !isPush(s2->d2) || !isPop(s2->d4) )
return NULL;
// push and pop symbol must be same
if( (transitions[s2->d2].as) != (transitions[s2->d4].as) )
return NULL;
// push-pop edge between L and R of s2 should be added
if( ( (s2->gc) & 1 ) == 0 || ( (s2->gc) & 128 ) == 0 ) // push-pop edge not added yet
return NULL;
char gcn; // flag for the new state
char d0, w0; // d1 and w1 for the new state
gcn = (gc & 1) | ( (s2->gc) & 128); // push info of first state and pop info of 2nd state
short int d23, d23_2, d34, dis; // dij : distance between di and dj(or distance between points i and j)
short int d24 = dist(2, 4);
short int d24_2 = s2->dist(2, 4);
bool ac14, ac23, ac34, ac23_2; // acij : accuracy of distance between di and dj
bool ac24 = !big(2, 4);
bool ac24_2 = !( s2->big(2, 4) );
// if there is a hanging point of state s2
if( (s2->d1) != (-1) ) {
// if d3 of this state has a reset of clock x1
if( d3 != (-1) ) {
if( d3 != (s2->d1) || w3 != (s2->w1) ) // hanging trans and tsm should be same as d3 and w3 resp.
return NULL;
// accuracy between d3->d4 and s2->d1 -> s2->d2 should be same
if( (gc & 8) == 0 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) != 0 )
return NULL;
if( (gc & 8) != 0 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) == 0 )
return NULL;
d0 = d1; // new hanging points comes from first state
w0 = w1;
if(gc & 2) // accuracy of new hanging point comes from first state
gcn |= 16;
gcn |= 32;
// if d2 of this state has a reset of clock x1
else if(isReset(1, d2) ) {
if( d2 != (s2->d1) || w2 != (s2->w1) )
return NULL;
if( ac24 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) == 0 )
return NULL;
if( !ac24 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) != 0 )
return NULL;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
if(gc & 2)
gcn |= 16;
gcn |= 32;
// if d1 of this state has a reset of clock x1
else if(d1 != (-1) ) {
if( d1 != (s2->d1) || w1 != (s2->w1) )
return NULL;
ac14 = !big(1, 4); // accuracy between points d1 and d4 of first state
if( ac14 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) == 0 )
return NULL;
if( !ac14 && ( (s2->gc) & 2) != 0 )
return NULL;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
if(gc & 2)
gcn |= 16;
gcn |= 32;
// there is no reset points in first state(inc hanging point)
// we don't know new hanging point accuracy, bit 16 and 32 is used for this(both are possible)
d0 = s2->d1; // first trans and tsm of new state comes from 2nd state
w0 = s2->w1;
if( (s2->gc) & 2) { // hanging distance of 2nd state is small
if(!ac24) // if distance between d2 and d4 is big for first state
return NULL;
dis = mod(w1-w0, M) + d24;
if(dis >= M) // if distance between d2 and d4 is big for first state,
return NULL;
gcn |= 16; // accuracy between d0 to d1 can be small
else{ // hanging distance is big
gcn |= 32; // we can always assume new hanging distance to to be big
if(ac24) { // d24 is small, but new sum distance can be big
dis = mod(w1, w0) + d24;
if(dis >= M)
gcn |= 16;
gcn |= 16;
// if there is no a hanging point of state s2
else {
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
if(gc & 2)
gcn |= 16;
gcn |= 32;
// now we are constructing the shuffled state
// till now we have computed
// (i) hanging clock accuracy
// (ii) d1, d2 and d4 of the new state
// now we compute d3 and 2nd and 3rd bit of accuracy
if( isReset(1, s2->d4) ) { // if d4 of s2 has a reset
if(ac24 && ac24_2) { // if accuracy d2->d4 and (s2->d2)->(s2->d4) are true
dis = d24 + d24_2;
if(dis < M)
gcn = gcn | 4;
return atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, s2->d4, w0, w2, -1, s2->w4, gcn);
else if( (s2->d3) != (-1) ) { // if d3 of s2 has a reset
d23_2 = s2->dist(2, 3);
ac23_2 = !( s2->big(2, 3) );
if(ac24 && ac23_2) {
dis = d24 + d23_2;
if(dis < M)
gcn = gcn | 4;
gcn |= ( (s2->gc) & 8);
return atomictpda(d0, d2, s2->d3, s2->d4, w0, w2, s2->w3, s2->w4, gcn);
else if(isReset(1, d4) ) { // reset at d2 of state 2(d4 of state 1)
gcn = gcn | 4;
if( (s2->gc) & 4) // note that there was no d3 of state 2
gcn |= 8;
return atomictpda(d0, d2, d4, s2->d4, w0, w2, w4, s2->w4, gcn);
else if(d3 != (-1) ) { // reset at d3 of state 1
gcn = gcn | (gc & 4); // 2nd bit comes from first state 2nd bit
d34 = dist(3, 4);
ac34 = !big(3, 4);
if(ac34 && ac24_2) {
dis = d34 + d24_2;
if(dis < M)
gcn |= 8;
return atomictpda(d0, d2, d3, s2->d4, w0, w2, w3, s2->w4, gcn);
if(ac24 && ac24_2) { // if accuracy d2->d4 and (s2->d2)->(s2->d4) are true
dis = d24 + d24_2;
if(dis < M)
gcn = gcn | 4;
return atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, s2->d4, w0, w2, -1, s2->w4, gcn);
// check if pop condition satisfied by the new transitions
bool tpdastate::popTest(char d5, char w5, int lb, int ub) {
if( !isPop(d5) ) // no pop => condition already satisfied
return true;
if( !big(2, 4) ) { // distance between 2 and 4 is accurate
short int d25 = dist(2, 4) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 >= lb && d25 <= ub)
return true;
return false;
else if(ub == INF)
return true;
return false;
// calculate new gc flag after adding trans d5 of tsm w5
char tpdastate::getGc(char d5, char w5) {
char gcn = (gc & 2); // hanging clock accuracy
if( isReset(1, d5) ) {
if( !big(2, 4) ) {
short int d25 = dist(2, 4) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 < M)
gcn |= 4;
return gcn;
return gcn;
else if( isReset(1, d4) ) { // note : d3 == -1 in this case
gcn |= (gc & 4) | 8;
return gcn;
else if( d3 != (-1) ) {
gcn |= (gc & 4);
if(gc & 8) {
short int d35 = mod(w4-w3, M) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d35 < M)
gcn |= 8;
return gcn;
return gcn;
if(gc & 4) {
short int d25 = dist(2, 4) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 < M)
gcn |= 4;
return gcn;
return gcn;
// if We add new trans d5, if clock constraints are satisfied
bool tpdastate::clockTest(char d5, char w5, int lbc, int ubc) {
if( isReset(1, d4) ) {
char d45 = mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d45 >= lbc && d45 <= ubc)
return true;
return false;
else if( d3 != (-1) ) {
if(gc & 8) {
short int d35 = mod(w4-w3, M) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d35 >= lbc && d35 <= ubc)
return true;
return false;
else if(ubc == INF)
return true;
return false;
else if( isReset(1, d2) ){
if( !big(2, 4) ) {
short int d25 = dist(2, 4) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 >= lbc && d25 <= ubc)
return true;
return false;
else if(ubc == INF)
return true;
return false;
else{ // d1 has a reset point, ignore the case when d1 also not a reset point
if( !big(1, 4) ) {
short int d15 = dist(1, 4) + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d15 >= lbc && d15 <= ubc)
return true;
return false;
else if(ubc == INF)
return true;
return false;
// given trans 0 or a push trans d1(with tsm w1), find the next possible trans d2(with tsm w2)
vector<tpdastate*> getAtomics(char d1, char w1) {
vector<tpdastate*> v; // vector contains all the generated states
char q = transitions[d1].target; // target state of trans d4
char d2, w2; // next trans and tsm value
char d0, w0; // previous reset trans and tsm value(if d2 has a check, but d1 has no reset);
char gcn; // new flag variable for state
int lb, ub; // pop bounds
int lbc, ubc; // clock bounds
bool checkflag; // true : there is a check at d2
bool popflag; // true : there is a pop at d2
short int d12, d02; // distance d1 to d2 and distance d0 to d2
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
for(char i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
d2 = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
lb = transitions[d2].lbs[0]; // lower bound for stack
ub = transitions[d2].ubs[0]; // upper bound for stack
lbc = transitions[d2].lbs[1]; // lower bound for clock
ubc = transitions[d2].ubs[1]; // upper bound for clock
checkflag = isChecked(1, d2); // true : there is a check at d2
popflag = isPop(d2); // true : there is a pop at d2
// note : distance between d1 and d2 is always accurate
gcn = 1 | 128 | 4;
gcn = 4;
// if there is a pop at d2, there must a push at d1
if( popflag && !isPush(d1) ) { }
// push-pop symbol must be same
else if( popflag && ( transitions[d1].as != transitions[d2].as) ) { }
// there is a check at d2, but no reset at d1
else if( checkflag && !isReset(1, d1) ) {
// consider d0 to d1 distance to be big
if(ubc == INF) {
for(w2 = 0; w2 < M; w2++) {
d12 = mod(w2-w1, M);
if( !popflag || (d12 >= lb && d12 <= ub) ) { // pop test
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) { // all possible w0 can happen
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d2].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d2][i];
v.push_back( atomictpda(d0, d1, -1, d2, w0, w1, -1, w2, gcn) );
// consider d0 to d1 distance to be accurate
for(w2 = 0; w2 < M; w2++) {
d12 = mod(w2-w1, M);
gcn |= 2; // d0 to d1 is accurate
if( !popflag || (d12 >= lb && d12 <= ub) ) {
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) {
d02 = mod(w1-w0, M) + d12;
if( !checkflag || (d02 >= lbc && d02 <= ubc) ) {
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d2].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d2][i];
v.push_back(atomictpda(d0, d1, -1, d2, w0, w1, -1, w2, gcn));
for(w2 = 0; w2 < M; w2++) {
d12 = mod(w2-w1, M);
if( ( !checkflag || (d12 >= lbc && d12 <= ubc) ) && ( !popflag || (d12 >= lb && d12 <= ub) ) ){
v.push_back( atomictpda(-1, d1, -1, d2, -1, w1, -1, w2, gcn) );
return v;
/*Add the next transition to the current state*/
/*if there is a push at R, then don't call here*******/
vector<tpdastate*> tpdastate::addNextTPDA() {
vector<tpdastate*> v; // set of states generated by adding a new transition
if( isPush(d4) ) // there should not be any push at R
return v; // return empty vector
if( isPop(d4) && ( gc & 128 ) == 0 ) // there is a pop at d4, but pop edge not added yet
return v;
// if there is a push at L and there is a pop at R, then first shuffle, then add new transitions
if( isPush(d2) && isPop(d4) && (gc & 128) && (gc & 1) )
return v;
char d0, w0; // trans and tsm at hanging point
char d5, w5; // trans and tsm at newly added rightmost point
char dn3, wn3; // newly created trans and tsm for reset point
char gc2, gcn; // gc2 : temp flag, gcn : new state flag
short int d05, d12, d25;
short int d24 = dist(2,4);
bool ac24 = !big(2,4);
char cnd; // case variable
bool checkflag = false;
bool popflag = false;
int lbc, ubc; // clock constraint's bound
int lb, ub; // lower and upper bound for stack
char q = transitions[d4].target; // target state of trans d4
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
for(char i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
d5 = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
lb = transitions[d5].lbs[0]; // lower bound for stack
ub = transitions[d5].ubs[0]; // upper bound for stack
lbc = transitions[d5].lbs[1]; // lower bound for clock
ubc = transitions[d5].ubs[1]; // upper bound for clock
checkflag = isChecked(1, d5);
popflag = isPop(d5);
gc2 = 0; // temp flag variable for a FTA state
if( isReset(1, d5) ) { // if there is a reset at transition d5
cnd = 5;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
dn3 = -1;
else if( isReset(1, d4) ) { // if there is a reset at transition d4
cnd = 4;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
dn3 = d4;
wn3 = w4;
else if( d3 != (-1) ) { // if there is a reset at transition d3
cnd = 3;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
dn3 = d3;
wn3 = w3;
else if( isReset(1, d2) ) { // if there is a reset at transition d2
cnd = 2;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
dn3 = -1;
wn3 = -1;
else if( isReset(1, d1) ) { // if there is a reset at transition d2
cnd = 1;
d0 = d1;
w0 = w1;
dn3 = -1;
else {
cnd = 0;
dn3 = -1;
if( d1 != (-1) ) {
d12 = dist(1, 2);
// if there is a pop at d5, but no push at d2
if( popflag && !isPush(d2) ) { }
// if there is a pop at d5, but push is already done at d2
else if( popflag && (gc & 1) ) { }
// push-pop symbol is not same
else if( popflag && ( transitions[d2].as != transitions[d5].as) ) { }
// o.w add new transtitions to the right
// if there is a reset at transition d5
if( popflag ) { // push pop both are being done
gc2 = 1 | 128;
else // push info of previous state
gc2 = (gc & 1);
// if there is a check at
if( checkflag && cnd == 0) {
// consider new hanging distance to be big, we can do this only if upper bound is inf
if(ubc == INF) {
if(ac24) { // if distance between d2 and d4 is accurate
for(w5=0; w5 < M; w5++) {
d25 = d24 + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 < M) // d0->d2 distance is big and d2->d5 distance is small
gcn = gc2 | 4;
else // d0->d2 distance is big and d2->d5 distance is also big
gcn = gc2;
if( !popflag || d25 >= lb && d25 <= ub) {
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) {
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d5].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d5][i];
v.push_back(atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, d5, w0, w2, -1, w5, gcn));
else if(!popflag || ub == INF){ // if distance between d2 and d4 is big
gcn = gc2; // all distance are big, only push info is there
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) {
for(w5=0; w5 < M; w5++) {
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d5].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d5][i];
v.push_back(atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, d5, w0, w2, -1, w5, gcn));
// consider new hanging distance to be small
gc2 = gc2 | 2; // // consider new hanging distance to be small, now d0->d2 distance is small
if(ac24) {
for(w5=0; w5 < M; w5++) {
d25 = d24 + mod(w5-w4, M);
if(d25 < M) // d0->d2 distance is small and d2->d5 distance is also small
gcn = gc2 | 4;
else // d0->d2 distance is small and d2->d5 distance is big
gcn = gc2;
if( !popflag || ( d25 >= lb && d25 <= ub ) ) {
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) {
d05 = mod(w2-w0, M) + d25;
if( d05 >= lbc && d05 <= ubc ) {
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d5].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d5][i];
v.push_back(atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, d5, w0, w2, -1, w5, gcn));
else if(ubc == INF && ( !popflag || ub == INF ) ) {
gcn = gc2; // // d0->d2 distance is small and d2->d5 distance is big
for(w0 = 0; w0 < M; w0++) {
for(w5=0; w5 < M; w5++) {
for(i = 0; i < possibleresets[d5].size(); i++) {
d0 = possibleresets[d5][i];
v.push_back(atomictpda(d0, d2, -1, d5, w0, w2, -1, w5, gcn));
else {
for(w5 = 0; w5 < M; w5++) {
if( ( !checkflag || clockTest(d5, w5, lbc, ubc) ) && (!popflag || popTest(d5, w5, lb, ub))){
gcn = gc2 | getGc(d5, w5);
v.push_back( atomictpda(d0, d2, dn3, d5, w0, w2, wn3, w5, gcn) );
return v;
set<string> gtpdatrie;
bool identity(tpdastate *vs) {
ostringstream os; // output stream
os << (vs->d1) << (vs->d2) << (vs->d3) << (vs->d4);
os << (vs->w1) << (vs->w2) << (vs->w3) << (vs->w4);
os << (vs->gc);
// return true if os.str() inserted in the set 'strie' successfully
return (gtpdatrie.insert(os.str())).second;
// print a state of tree automation
void tpdastate::print() {
cout << "\nAbstarct tree automation state:\n";
cout << "\tTransitions : " << int(d1) << ", " << int(d2) << ", " << int(d3) << ", " << int(d4) << endl;
cout << "\tTSM : " << int(w1) << ", " << int(w2) << ", " << int(w3) << ", " << int(w4) << endl;
cout << "\tPush edge added to L : ";
if(gc & 1)
cout << 1 << endl;
cout << 0 << endl;
cout << "\tPop edge added to R : ";
if(gc & 128)
cout << 1 << endl;
cout << 0 << endl;
cout << "\tAccuracy : " << bool(gc & 2) << ", " << bool(gc & 4) << ", " << bool(gc & 8) << endl;
cout << "\tFlag : " << bool(gc & 128) <<bool(gc & 64) <<bool(gc & 32) <<bool(gc & 16) <<bool(gc & 8) <<bool(gc & 4) <<bool(gc & 2) <<bool(gc & 1) <<endl;
cout << endl;
// return true : if current state is final
bool tpdastate::isFinal() {
//if( d2 != 0 || d4 != SF ) // d2 : initial trans, d4 : final trans
//return false;
if( d1 != (-1) ) // no hanging clock
return false;
return false;
if( isPop(d4) && (gc & 128) == 0) // there is a pop at d4, but not added yet
return false;
// 0 is initial state for a tpda
if( transitions[d2].source != 0) // remember 0 is the new initial state
return false;
if(w2 != 0) // first time stamp must be 0
return false;
//if( transitions[del1].source != SI) // remember 0 is the new initial state
//return false;
// target state of the transiton at point R should be a final state
if( transitions[d4].target != SF)
return false;
return true;
// return xerox copy of this state
tpdastate* tpdastate::copyState() {
tpdastate *vs = new tpdastate();
vs->d1 = d1;
vs->d2 = d2;
vs->d3 = d3;
vs->d4 = d4;
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = w2;
vs->w3 = w3;
vs->w4 = w4;
vs->gc = gc;
return vs;
// given a atomic tree automation state give a run of the TPDA
gtpda_run* getatomicrunpds(tpdastate* vs) {
gtpda_run *rs = new gtpda_run();
if( (vs->d3) == (-1) ) {
rs->P = 2;
rs->del = new char[2];
rs->w = new char[2];
rs->del[0] = vs->d2;
rs->del[1] = vs->d4;
rs->w[0] = vs->w2;
rs->w[1] = vs->w4;
else {
rs->P = 3;
rs->del = new char[3];
rs->w = new char[3];
rs->del[0] = vs->d2;
rs->del[1] = vs->d3;
rs->del[2] = vs->d4;
rs->w[0] = vs->w2;
rs->w[1] = vs->w3;
rs->w[2] = vs->w4;
return rs;
// GIVEN the current run, append the trans d5 with tsm w5
gtpda_run* gtpda_run::add_next(char d5, char w5) {
gtpda_run *pr = new gtpda_run();
pr->P = P + 1;
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
pr->del[i] = del[i];
pr->w[i] = w[i];
//pr->ac[j] = ac[i];
pr->del[P] = d5;
pr->w[P] = w5;
return pr;
// shuffle two runs
gtpda_run* gtpda_run::shuffle(gtpda_run *s2) {
gtpda_run *pr = new gtpda_run();
pr->P = P + (s2->P) - 1;
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
//pr->ac = new char[pr->P];
char i, j;
for(i=0, j=0; i < (P-1); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = w[i];
pr->del[j] = del[i];
//pr->ac[j] = ac[i];
for(i=0; i < (s2->P); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = s2->w[i];
pr->del[j] = s2->del[i];
//pr->ac[j] = s2->ac[i];
return pr;
// print a run of the given TPDA
void gtpda_run::print() {
short int lt = 0, ct=0; // lt : last timestamps, ct : current time stamps
//bool lac = true; // last accuracy
cout << endl << "A run of the automation as a proof that the language is non-empty, the run given as a sequence of pairs (transition, time stamp) : " << endl;
//cout << "Left:" << int(L) << ",#points : " << int(P) << endl;
//cout << "L:" << int(act[L-1]) << ",R:" << int(act[P-1]) << endl;
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
// this two line changes for accuracy
if(w[i] < lt) // if current time stamps less than last time stamps
ct = M + ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct = ct + (w[i] - lt);
//ct += M;
//lac = ac[i];
lt = w[i];
cout << "(" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << "), ";
cout << endl << endl;
// get the run of the timed system starting from i-th index state of all states 'states'
gtpda_run* printRun(vector<tpdastate*> &states, vector<bp_gtpda> &v, int i) {
bp_gtpda bp = v[i]; // backpropagation information for i-th index state
gtpda_run *rs, *rs1, *rs2;
if( (bp.type) == 0) { // if the i-th state is an atomic state
cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return getatomicrunpds(states[i]);
if( (bp.type) == 1) { // if state states[i] is obtained by forgetting color 'bp.f' from state states[bp.left]
rs = printRun(states, v, bp.left);
rs = rs->add_next(char(bp.right), char( (bp.right) >> 8) );
cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << ", " << ( (bp.right) >> 8) << endl;
return rs;
rs1 = printRun(states, v, bp.left); // get run for the state states[bp.left]
rs2 = printRun(states, v, bp.right);// get run for the state states[bp.right]
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2); // shuffle two runs rs1 and rs2 with accuracy given by
cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return rs;
// check if a tpda of one clock is empty or not
bool isEmptyTPDA() {
int N=0,count=0;
vector<tpdastate*> states;
vector<tpdastate*> v;
tpdastate *rs, *vs, *rs1, *rs2;
vector<bp_gtpda> vrs; // vector for keeping track of connection between current states with previous states
bp_gtpda xrs; // bac
gtpda_run *prs, *prs1, *prs2;
int i, m, t, d5, w5;
char w;
xrs.type = 0; // atomic state type
v = getAtomics(0, 0);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
for(t=1; t <= T; t++) {
if(isPush(t) ) {
for(w=0; w < M; w++) {
v = getAtomics(t, w);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
for(i=0; i < N; i++) {
cout << "state " << i << ":" << endl;
// iterate through all the states
for(count=0; count < N; count++) {
if(count %5000 == 0)
cout << "#states" << endl;
if( (count % 100) == 0 || count <= 100) // print #iterations
cout << count << endl;
rs = states[count]; // get the state at index count
// *****
xrs.type = 0;
if( isPush(rs->d4) && !pushDone[rs->d4][rs->w4] ) {
v = getAtomics(rs->d4, rs->w4);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
pushDone[rs->d4][rs->w4] = true;
xrs.type = 1; // add_stack type
xrs.left = count;
// try to add new trans to the state rs
v = rs->addNextTPDA();
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) { // if the i-th state is new
d5 = (v[i]->d4); w5 = (v[i]->w4);
xrs.right = d5 + (w5 << 8);
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) { // if this state is final
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
xrs.type = 2; // add_stack type
// try to do shuffle with all the previous(as left as well as right state)
if( isPush(rs->d4) || ( isPush(rs->d2) && isPop(rs->d4) ) ) {
for(i=0; i <= count; i++) {
xrs.left = count;
xrs.right = i;
// shuffle, considering rs as left state
vs = rs->shuffle( states[i] );
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( (vs->gc) & 16) { // if hanging distance is accurate
rs1 = vs->copyState();
rs1->gc = ( (rs1->gc) & (~16) & (~32) ) | 2;
if( identity(rs1) ) {
if( rs1->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
else if((vs->gc) & 32) { // if hanging distance is big(big and small both can happen)
vs->gc = (vs->gc) & (~16) & (~32) & (~2);
if(identity(vs)) {
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
xrs.left = i;
xrs.right = count;
// shuffle, considering rs as right state
vs = states[i]->shuffle(rs);
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( (vs->gc) & 16) { // if hanging distance is accurate
rs1 = vs->copyState();
rs1->gc = ( (rs1->gc) & (~16) & (~32) ) | 2;
if( identity(rs1) ) {
if( rs1->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
else if((vs->gc) & 32) { // if hanging distance is big(big and small both can happen)
vs->gc = (vs->gc) & (~16) & (~32) & (~2);
if(identity(vs)) {
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
return true;
//using namespace std;
//char inputfilename[100]; // input file name for timed push-down system
weighttype B;
int M; // maximum constant+1 in the timed system
unsigned short int S; // number of states in the timed system
unsigned short int SI; // initial state
unsigned short int SF; // final state
unsigned short int T; // number of transitions in the timed system
char X; // number of clocks in the timed system
char A; // number of events or actions in the timed system
char AS; // number of stack symbols in the timed system
transition *transitions; // transitions of the timed system
inline bool transition::isReset(char i) {
return (a32[i] & reset);
void showsystem(char *outfile) {
int source,ns;
int i,j,k;
int guard,reset;
int action, ub, lb, ps, pp;
ofstream tiimeoutfile(outfile); // timed automata output file for showing the automata
tiimeoutfile << "digraph finite_state_machine {\n";
//tiimeoutfile << "ratio=\"fill\";\nsize=\"10,10!\";\n";
for(i=0; i <= S; i++) {
//tiimeoutfile << i << " [label=\""<<i<<"\"];\n";
tiimeoutfile << "\tnode [shape = point ]; qi" << 0 << ";\n";
tiimeoutfile << "\tnode [shape = doublecircle];" << SF << ";\n";
tiimeoutfile << "\tnode [shape=circle];\n"; // all the states other than final states are labelled in a circle
tiimeoutfile << "\tqi" << "0" << " -> " << SI << ";\n";
for(i=0; i <= T; i++) { // take input for all the transitions
source = transitions[i].source; // previous and next state of the i-th transition
ns = transitions[i].target;
tiimeoutfile << "\t" << source << " -> " << ns << " [ label = \"{tn:" << (i); // output transition between two states
guard = transitions[i].guard;
reset = transitions[i].reset;
action = transitions[i].a;
for(j=1; j <= X; j++) { // save all the conjunction of a constraint
if(guard & a32[j]) {
lb = transitions[i].lbs[j];
ub = transitions[i].ubs[j];
//if (ub == 0 && lb == 0) {} //***this line will not be active other than maze, only else part will remain****
if(ub == INF)
tiimeoutfile << "," << lb << "<=" << "x" << j << "<=" << "inf";
tiimeoutfile << "," << lb << "<=" << "x" << j << "<=" << ub;
//tiimeoutfile << ",a" << action; // output action number
for(j=1;j <= X; j++) { // reset clocks for i-th transition 'transitions[i]'
if(reset & a32[j]) {
tiimeoutfile << ",x" << j << ":=0"; //***this line will be active other than maze****
//stack_symbol = transitions[i].as ;
ps = transitions[i].ps ;
pp = transitions[i].pp ;
if( (reset & 1) == 0 && (guard & 1) == 0 ) { // nop stack operation
//tiimeoutfile << ",np"; //***this line will be active other than maze****
else if( (reset & 1) == 0 && (guard & 1) == 1 ) { // push operation
tiimeoutfile << ",ps_" << ps;
else if( (reset & 1) == 1 && (guard & 1) == 0 ) { // pop operation
tiimeoutfile << ",pp_" << pp;
lb = transitions[i].lbs[0];
ub = transitions[i].ubs[0];
if(ub == INF)
tiimeoutfile << ":" << lb << "<=ag(" << pp << ")<=" << "inf";
tiimeoutfile << ":" << lb << "<=ag(" << pp << ")<=" << ub;
else if( (reset & 1) && (guard & 1) ) { // pop operation
tiimeoutfile << ",pp_" << pp;
lb = transitions[i].lbs[0];
ub = transitions[i].ubs[0];
if(ub == INF)
tiimeoutfile << ":" << lb << "<=ag(" << pp << ")<=" << "inf";
tiimeoutfile << ":" << lb << "<=ag(" << pp << ")<=" << ub;
tiimeoutfile << ",ps_" << ps;
tiimeoutfile << "}\" ];\n";
tiimeoutfile << "}"; // output the last closing brace // graph complete for the automata tiimeoutfile.close();
// get the input timed system given as a file(file name stored in the global variable 'inputfilename')
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int x; // temporary variable
short int i, j; // loopers
int lb, ub; // used as lower and upper bound
short int noofguards, noofresets; // #gurads and #reset clocks in a transition
int guard, reset;
if(argc < 2) {
cout << "You must give the timed system input file!" << endl;
return 0;
//ifstream tiimeinfile (argv[1]); // timed system input file stream
ifstream tiimeinfile (argv[1]); // timed system input file stream
//cout << "ilias" << endl;
// if there is any error opening the file
if( !(tiimeinfile.is_open()) ) {
cout << "\n****INPUT TIMED PUSH-DOWN FILE NOT FOUND ! ****\n";
tiimeinfile >> S; // #states in origianl automata
tiimeinfile >> T; // #transitions
transitions = new transition[T+1]; // allocate memory for transitions
tiimeinfile >> x; // #clocks
X = x;
tiimeinfile >> x; // #actions
A = x;
tiimeinfile >> x; // #stack_symbols
AS = x;
tiimeinfile >> SI; // input initial state
tiimeinfile >> SF; // input final state
transitions[0].source = 0;
transitions[0].target = SI;
transitions[0].a = 0; // event or action in this transition is silent
transitions[0].lbs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for lower bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[0].ubs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for upper bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[0].guard = 0; // 0-th bits of gurad and reset are '0' / no stack operation
transitions[0].reset = (~0) ^ 1;
SI = 0;
// get all the transitions
for(i=1; i <= T; i++) {
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].source = x; // source state in this transition
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].target = x; // target state in this transition
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].a = x; // event or action in this transition
tiimeinfile >> noofguards; // #guards in this transition
tiimeinfile >> noofresets; // #resets in this transition
transitions[i].lbs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for lower bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[i].ubs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for upper bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
guard = 0;
for(j=0; j < noofguards; j++) {
tiimeinfile >> x; // clock number for guard
if(x <= 0 || x > X) {
cout << "Clock number is not in the limit!" << endl;
guard |= a32[x]; // set i-th bit of guard to '1'
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // bounds on the guard
if(lb < 0 || ub < (-1)) {
cout << "Bounds can't be negative!" << endl;
transitions[i].lbs[x] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) { // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[x] = INF;
else {
transitions[i].ubs[x] = ub;
reset = 0;
// set i-th bit of 'reset' to '1' if i-th clock has been reset in this transition
for(j=0; j < noofresets; j++) {
tiimeinfile >> x; // clock number for guard
if(x <= 0 || x > X) {
cout << "Clock number is not in the limit!" << endl;
reset |= a32[x]; // set x-th bit of 'reset' to '1'
// read stack operation number, 0 : nop, 1 : push, 2 : pop
tiimeinfile >> x;
if(x == 0) { // nop operation
// do nothing
else if(x == 1) { // push operation
guard |= 1; // set 0-th bit of gurad to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack push symbol
transitions[i].ps = x;
else if(x == 2) { // pop operation
reset |= 1; // set 0-th bit of reset to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack pop symbol
transitions[i].pp = x;
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // read stack pop bounds
transitions[i].lbs[0] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[0] = INF;
transitions[i].ubs[0] = ub;
else if(x == 3) { // pop operation
reset |= 1; // set 0-th bit of reset to '1'
guard |= 1; // set 0-th bit of reset to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack pop symbol
transitions[i].pp = x;
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // read stack pop bounds
transitions[i].lbs[0] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[0] = INF;
transitions[i].ubs[0] = ub;
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack pop symbol
transitions[i].ps = x;
else {
cout << "Invalid stack operation!" << endl;
transitions[i].guard = guard;
transitions[i].reset = reset;
return 0;
set<string> pstrie;
bool identity(pds_state *vs) {
ostringstream os; // output stream
os << (vs->del1) << (vs->del2);
os << (vs->w1) << (vs->w2);
os << (vs->gc);
// return true if os.str() inserted in the set 'strie' successfully
return (pstrie.insert(os.str())).second;
// make a atomic state with transitions del1 and del2, tsm's w1 and w2 and with 'gc' flag
pds_state* atomic(char del1, char del2, char w1, char w2, char gc){
pds_state *vs = new pds_state(); // allocate memory for new state
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = w2;
vs->del1 = del1;
vs->del2 = del2;
vs->gc = gc;
return vs;
pds_state* pds_state::add_stack() {
// if push edge already added to left point(bit 1) or pop edge already added to right point(bit 2)
if(gc & 6) // looking at 1st and 2nd bit from right side(bit position starts from 0)
return NULL;
if( !isPush(del1) || !isPop(del2) ) // there must be a push at first point and pop at 2nd point
return NULL;
if(transitions[del1].as != transitions[del2].as) // push and pop stack symbol must be same
return NULL;
int lb = transitions[del2].lbs[0]; // lower bound for symbol age
int ub = transitions[del2].ubs[0];// upper bound
// if distance between two points is big, but upper bound is not infinity
if( (gc & 1) == 0 && ub != INF)
return NULL;
//if distance between two points is accurate
if(gc & 1) {
int dis = mod(w2-w1, M);
if(dis < lb || dis > ub) // distance must be compatible with the bounds
return NULL;
// create the new state
pds_state *vs = new pds_state(); // allocate memory for new state
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = w2;
vs->del1 = del1;
vs->del2 = del2;
vs->gc = gc | 6; // distance remain same but push pop edge added
return vs;
// shuffle of two system states
pds_state* pds_state::shuffle(pds_state *s2){ // shuffle with state s2{
if( del2 != (s2->del1) || w2 != (s2->w1) )
return NULL;
if( isPush(s2->del1) && ( (s2->gc) & 2 ) == 0 ) // if there is a push of first point of 2nd state, but not yet done
return NULL;
if( isPop(del2) && (gc & 4) == 0 ) // if there is a pop of second point of 1st state, but not yet done
return NULL;
pds_state *vs = new pds_state(); // allocate memory for new state
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = s2->w2;
vs->del1 = del1;
vs->del2 = s2->del2;
// push info of first state and pop info of second state
vs->gc = (gc & 2) | ( (s2->gc) & 4 );
// if both distance is accurate
if( (gc & 1) && ( (s2->gc) & 1) ) {
short int dis = mod(w2-w1, M) + mod(s2->w2 - s2->w1, M);
//if(del1 == 1 && del2 == 3 && (s2->del1) == 3 && (s2->del2) == 4 && w1 )
if(dis < M)
vs->gc |= 1; // distance between two points of new state is accurate
return vs;
// if this state is a final state // DONE
bool pds_state::isFinal(){
if( isPush(del1) && (gc & 2) == 0 ) // if there is a push at left point, but not done yet
return false;
if( isPop(del2) && (gc & 4) == 0) // if there is a pop at left point, but not done yet
return false;
if( transitions[del1].source != SI) // remember 0 is the new initial state
return false;
// target state of the transiton at point R should be a final state
if( transitions[del2].target != SF)
return false;
return true;
// print a validity state
void pds_state::print() {
cout << "Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata:" << endl;
cout << "\tTransitions : " << int(del1) << ", " << int(del2) << endl;
cout << "\tTSM : " << int(w1) << ", " << int(w2) << endl;
cout << "\tPush done at first transition : " << bool(gc & 2) << endl;
cout << "\tPop done at second transition : " << bool(gc & 4) << endl;
cout << "\tAccuracy : " << bool(gc & 1) << endl;
pds_run* getatomicrunpds(pds_state* vs) {
pds_run *pr = new pds_run();
pr->P = 2;
pr->del = new char[2];
pr->w = new char[2];
pr->ac = new char[2];
pr->del[0] = vs->del1;
pr->del[1] = vs->del2;
pr->w[0] = vs->w1;
pr->w[1] = vs->w2;
if( (vs->gc) & 1)
pr->ac[0] = 1;
pr->ac[1] = 0;
return pr;
pds_run* pds_run::add_stack() {
return this;
void pds_run::print() {
short int lt = 0, ct=0; // lt : last timestamps, ct : current time stamps
bool lac = true; // last accuracy
cout << endl << "A run of the automation as a proof that the language is non-empty, the run given as a sequence of pairs (transition, time stamp) : " << endl;
//cout << "Left:" << int(L) << ",#points : " << int(P) << endl;
//cout << "L:" << int(act[L-1]) << ",R:" << int(act[P-1]) << endl;
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
// this two line changes for accuracy
if(w[i] < lt) // if current time stamps less than last time stamps
ct = M + ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct = ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct += M;
lac = ac[i];
lt = w[i];
cout << "(" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << "), ";
cout << endl << endl;
pds_run* pds_run::shuffle(pds_run *s2) {
pds_run *pr = new pds_run();
pr->P = P + (s2->P) - 1;
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
pr->ac = new char[pr->P];
char i, j;
for(i=0, j =0; i < (P-1); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = w[i];
pr->del[j] = del[i];
pr->ac[j] = ac[i];
for(i=0; i < (s2->P); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = s2->w[i];
pr->del[j] = s2->del[i];
pr->ac[j] = s2->ac[i];
return pr;
// get the run of the timed system starting from i-th index state of all states 'states'
pds_run* printRun(vector<pds_state*> &states, vector<bp_pds> &v, int i) {
bp_pds bp = v[i]; // backpropagation information for i-th index state
pds_run *rs, *rs1, *rs2;
if( (bp.type) == 0) { // if the i-th state is an atomic state
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return getatomicrunpds(states[i]);
if( (bp.type) == 1) { // if state states[i] is obtained by forgetting color 'bp.f' from state states[bp.left]
rs = printRun(states, v, bp.left);
rs = rs->add_stack();
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return rs;
rs1 = printRun(states, v, bp.left); // get run for the state states[bp.left]
rs2 = printRun(states, v, bp.right);// get run for the state states[bp.right]
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2); // shuffle two runs rs1 and rs2 with accuracy given by
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return rs;
bool pdsempty() {
// for all the transitions, take prev and next transitions
int i,j, d1, d2;
int w1, w2;
int N=0, count;
int dis;
vector<pds_state*> states;
pds_state* vs, rs;
vector<bp_pds> vrs; // vector for keeping track of connection between current states with previous states
bp_pds xrs; // bac
pds_run *prs, *prs1, *prs2;
xrs.type = 0; // atomic state type
for(short int q = 1; q <= S; q++) {
for(i = 0; i < prevtrans[q].size(); i++) {
d1 = prevtrans[q][i];
for(j=0; j < nexttrans[q].size(); j++) {
d2 = nexttrans[q][j];
for(w1=0; w1 < M; w1++) {
for(w2=0; w2 < M; w2++) {
vs = atomic(d1, d2, w1, w2, 1); // atomic state with distance accurate
if(vs != NULL && identity(vs) ) {
if(vs->isFinal()) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
vs = atomic(d1, d2, w1, w2, 0); // atomic state with distance big
if(vs != NULL && identity(vs) ) {
if(vs->isFinal()) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
//cout << "PASS" << N << endl;
// iterate through all the states and generate new state
for(count = 0; count < N; count++) {
if(count %5000 == 0)
cout << "#states" << endl;
if( (count % 100) == 0 || count <= 100) // print #iterations
cout << count << endl;
//if(count <= 648 && (states[count]->w1) == 0 && (states[count]->w2) == 0 )
vs = states[count]->add_stack();
if(vs != NULL && identity(vs) ) {
xrs.type = 1; // add_stack type
xrs.left = count;
if(vs->isFinal()) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
for(i=0; i <= count; i++) {
xrs.type = 2; // shuffle type
vs = states[count]->shuffle(states[i]);
if(vs != NULL && identity(vs) ) {
xrs.left = count;
xrs.right = i;
if(vs->isFinal()) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
// shuffle i-th state with 'count'-th state
vs = states[i]->shuffle(states[count]);
if(vs != NULL && identity(vs) ) {
xrs.left = i;
xrs.right = count;
if(vs->isFinal()) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
return true;
using namespace std;
char inputfilename[100]; // input file name for timed push-down system
int M; // maximum constant+1 in the timed system
int MN; // maximum constant by the user
bool allac; // all consecutive distance accurate or not
short S; // number of states in the timed system
short SI; // initial state
short SF; // final state
short T; // number of transitions in the timed system
char X; // number of clocks in the timed system
char A; // number of events or actions in the timed system
char AS; // number of stack symbols in the timed system
transition *transitions; // transitions of the timed system
vector<vector<short int> > prevtrans; // prevtrans[i] : list of previous transitions for state i
vector<vector<short int> > nexttrans; // nexttrans[i] : list of next transitions for state i
vector<vector<short int> > resettrans; // resettrans[i] : list of reset transitions for clock i
vector<vector<short int> > checktrans; // checktrans[i] : list of check transitions for clock i
vector<vector<pair<short int, short int> > > resecktrans; // resecktrans[i] : list of reset-check transitions for clock i
// this applies for one clock TPDA
vector<vector<short int> > possibleresets; // possibleresets[t] : list of reset transitions for clock x_1 possible for the check transition t of clock x_1
// pushDone[t][w] : 1 iff atomic state generated with starting trans t with tsm w
bool** pushDone;
// make a dfs from a reset transition to find some checked transition for clock x
void getChecker(short int acttran, bool *visit, short int i, char x, bool *flag) {
short int s = transitions[i].target;
for(int j=0; j < nexttrans[s].size(); j++) {
short int t = nexttrans[s][j];
if( isChecked(x, t) && !(*flag) && acttran == t) {
resecktrans[x].push_back(make_pair(acttran, t));
*flag = true;
if( !visit[t] ) { // if transition t is not visited yet
visit[t] = true;
if(isChecked(x, t)) { // if x is reset at transition t
resecktrans[x].push_back(make_pair(acttran, t));
if(!isReset(x, t)) { // if clock x is not reset at transition t
getChecker(acttran, visit, t, x, flag);
// get all the reset-check pair of transition for some clock
void getresecktrans() {
bool *visit = new bool[T+1];
int i,j;
bool flag = false;
for(char x=1; x <= X; x++) { // iterate through all clocks
for(i=0; i <= T; i++) { // for all transitions
if( (transitions[i].target) == (transitions[i].source) && isReset(x, i) && isChecked(x, i)) {
resecktrans[x].push_back(make_pair(i, i));
flag = true;
if(isReset(x, i)) { // if clock x is reset at transition i
for(j=0; j <= T; j++)
visit[j] = false;
visit[i] = true;
getChecker(i, visit, i, x, &flag);
// for each clock x and each check(x # c) transition t, find the reset transitions(x:=0)
for(i=0; i < resecktrans[1].size(); i++) {
// if d1 and d2 are valid pair of reset-check for only clock x1(used for one clock + one stack special tpda)
bool isPossibleReset(char d1, char d2){
for(char i=0; i < possibleresets[d2].size(); i++) {
if(d1 == (possibleresets[d2][i]) )
return true;
return false;
// get the input timed system given as a file(file name stored in the global variable 'inputfilename')
void inputSystem() {
int x; // temporary variable
int i, j; // loopers
int lb, ub; // used as lower and upper bound
int noofguards, noofresets; // #gurads and #reset clocks in a transition
int guard, reset;
//ifstream tiimeinfile ("in"); // timed system input file stream
ifstream tiimeinfile (inputfilename); // timed system input file stream
// if there is any error opening the file
if( !(tiimeinfile.is_open()) ) {
cout << "\n****INPUT TIMED PUSH-DOWN FILE NOT FOUND ! ****\n";
tiimeinfile >> S; // #states in origianl automata
tiimeinfile >> T; // #transitions
transitions = new transition[T+1]; // allocate memory for transitions
tiimeinfile >> x; // #clocks
X = x;
tiimeinfile >> x; // #actions
A = x;
tiimeinfile >> x; // #stack_symbols
AS = x;
tiimeinfile >> SI; // input initial state
tiimeinfile >> SF; // input final state
// 0-th transition
transitions[0].source = 0;
transitions[0].target = SI;
transitions[0].a = 0; // event or action in this transition is silent
transitions[0].lbs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for lower bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[0].ubs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for upper bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[0].guard = 0; // 0-th bits of gurad and reset are '0' / no stack operation
// Reset all clocks at 0-th transition
transitions[0].reset = ( b32[X] & (~1) );
resettrans.resize(X+1); // used for earlier code
checktrans.resize(X+1); // used for earlier
// all clock has been reset at 0-th transition
for(j=1; j <= X; j++) {
// get all the transitions
for(i=1; i <= T; i++) {
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].source = x; // source state in this transition
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].target = x; // target state in this transition
tiimeinfile >> x;
transitions[i].a = x; // event or action in this transition
tiimeinfile >> noofguards; // #guards in this transition
tiimeinfile >> noofresets; // #resets in this transition
transitions[i].lbs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for lower bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
transitions[i].ubs = new int[X+1]; // allocate memory for upper bounds for clock's check and stack pop operation
guard = 0;
for(j=0; j < noofguards; j++) {
tiimeinfile >> x; // clock number for guard
if(x <= 0 || x > X) {
cout << "Clock number is not in the limit!" << endl;
guard |= a32[x]; // set i-th bit of guard to '1'
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // bounds on the guard
if(lb < 0 || ub < (-1)) {
cout << "Bounds can't be negative!" << endl;
M = max(lb,M); // update M if M < lb
transitions[i].lbs[x] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) { // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[x] = INF;
else {
if(lb > ub) {
cout << " Lower bound can't be greater than upper bound!, lb :" << lb <<",ub :" << ub << endl;
M = max(ub, M); // update M if M < ub
transitions[i].ubs[x] = ub;
reset = 0;
// set i-th bit of 'reset' to '1' if i-th clock has been reset in this transition
for(j=0; j < noofresets; j++) {
tiimeinfile >> x; // clock number for guard
if(x <= 0 || x > X) {
cout << "Clock number is not in the limit!" << endl;
reset |= a32[x]; // set x-th bit of 'reset' to '1'
// read stack operation number, 0 : nop, 1 : push, 2 : pop, 3 : pop & push
tiimeinfile >> x;
if(x == 0) { // nop operation
// do nothing
else if(x == 1) { // push operation
guard |= 1; // set 0-th bit of gurad to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack push symbol
transitions[i].as = x;
transitions[i].ps = x;
else if(x == 2) { // pop operation
reset |= 1; // set 0-th bit of reset to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack pop symbol
transitions[i].as = x;
transitions[i].pp = x;
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // read stack pop bounds
M = max(lb,M); // update M if M < lb
transitions[i].lbs[0] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) { // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[0] = INF;
else {
if(lb > ub) {
cout << " Lower bound can't be greater than upper bound!, lb :" << lb <<",ub :" << ub << endl;
M = max(ub, M); // update M if M < ub
transitions[i].ubs[0] = ub;
else if(x == 3) { // pop & then a push operation
// both push and pop operations are involved
reset |= 1; // set 0-th bit of reset to '1'
guard |= 1; // set 0-th bit of gurad to '1'
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack pop symbol
transitions[i].pp = x;
tiimeinfile >> lb >> ub; // read stack pop bounds
M = max(lb,M); // update M if M < lb
transitions[i].lbs[0] = lb; // lower bound for clock x
if(ub == (-1)) { // upper bound -1 means infinity
transitions[i].ubs[0] = INF;
else {
if(lb > ub) {
cout << " Lower bound can't be greater than upper bound!, lb :" << lb <<",ub :" << ub << endl;
M = max(ub, M); // update M if M < ub
transitions[i].ubs[0] = ub;
tiimeinfile >> x; // stack push symbol
transitions[i].ps = x;
else {
cout << "Invalid stack operation!" << endl;
transitions[i].guard = guard;
transitions[i].reset = reset;
// resetting and checking in which transitions for each clock
for(j=1; j <= X; j++) { // forget this
if(guard & a32[j]) // if j-th clock has been checked at i-th transitions
if(reset & a32[j]) // if j-th clock has been reset at i-th transitions // forget this
prevtrans.resize(S+1); // #rows = S+1 in the 2D vector prevtrans and nexttrans // forget this
nexttrans.resize(S+1); // forget this
for(i=0; i <= T; i++) {
//******* forget this
pushDone = new bool*[T+1];
for(char t=0; t <= T; t++){
pushDone[t] = new bool[M];
for(char w=0; w < M; w++) {
pushDone[t][w] = false;
void print_system() {
cout << "#States :" << S << endl;
cout << "#Transitions :" << T << endl;
cout << "Initial state :" << SI << endl;
cout << "Final state :" << SF << endl;
cout << "#Clocks :" << int(X) << endl;
cout << "#actions :" << int(A) << endl;
cout << "#Stack symbols :" << int(AS) << endl << endl;
cout << "Showing the transitions:" << endl << endl;
int reset, guard;
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i < T; i++) {
reset = transitions[i].reset;
guard = transitions[i].guard;
cout << i << "-th transition :\n";
cout << "\tGurad bit vector : " << inttobinary(transitions[i].guard) << endl;
cout << "\tClock Constraints:\n";
for(j=1; j <= X; j++) {
if( (transitions[i].guard) & a32[j]) {
cout << "\t\t" << (transitions[i].lbs[j]) << " <= x" << j ;
if( (transitions[i].ubs[j]) == INF)
cout << " <= inf" << endl;
cout << " <= " << (transitions[i].ubs[j]) << endl;
//cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tReset bit vector : " << inttobinary(transitions[i].reset) << endl;
cout << "\tReset = {";
for(j=1; j <= X; j++) {
if( (transitions[i].reset) & a32[j])
cout << " x" << j ;
cout << "}" << endl;
cout << "\tStack operation : ";
if( !(guard & 1) && !(reset & 1) ) {
cout << "nop" << endl;
else if( (guard & 1) && !(reset & 1) ) {
cout << "push" << endl;
cout << "\t\tstack symbol : " << int(transitions[i].ps) << endl ;
else if( !(guard & 1) && (reset & 1) ) {
cout << "pop" << endl;
cout << "\t\tstack symbol : " << int(transitions[i].pp) << endl ;
cout << "\t\tpop condition : " << (transitions[i].lbs[0]) << " <= age(" << int(transitions[i].pp) << ") <= ";
if( (transitions[i].ubs[0]) == INF)
cout << "inf" << endl;
cout << (transitions[i].ubs[0]) << endl;
else if( (guard & 1) && (reset & 1) ) {
cout << "pop & push" << endl;
cout << "\t\tpop symbol : " << int(transitions[i].pp) << endl ;
cout << "\t\tpop condition : " << (transitions[i].lbs[0]) << " <= age(" << int(transitions[i].pp) << ") <= ";
if( (transitions[i].ubs[0]) == INF)
cout << "inf" << endl;
cout << (transitions[i].ubs[0]) << endl;
cout << "\t\tpush symbol : " << int(transitions[i].ps) << endl ;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "Printing source and target transitions:" << endl;
for(i=0; i <= S; i++) {
cout << "State " << i << ":" << endl;
cout << "\t Previous transitions: " ;
for(j = 0 ; j < prevtrans[i].size(); j++)
cout << prevtrans[i][j] << ",";
cout << "\n\t Next transitions: " ;
for(j = 0 ; j < nexttrans[i].size(); j++)
cout << nexttrans[i][j] << ",";
cout << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "Printing reset transitions for clocks:" << endl;
for(i=1; i <= X; i++) {
cout << "Clock " << int(i) << ": ";
for(j=0; j < resettrans[i].size(); j++)
cout << resettrans[i][j] << ",";
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "Printing check transitions for clocks:" << endl;
for(i=1; i <= X; i++) {
cout << "Clock " << int(i) << ": ";
for(j=0; j < checktrans[i].size(); j++)
cout << checktrans[i][j] << ",";
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
// is clock x has been reset at transition d
bool isReset(char x, short int d) {
if( (transitions[d].reset) & a32[x])
return true;
return false;
// is clock x has been checked at transition delta
bool isChecked(char x, short int d) {
if( (transitions[d].guard) & a32[x])
return true;
return false;
// is there a push at transition delta
bool isPush(short int d) {
if( (transitions[d].guard) & a32[0])
return true;
return false;
// is there a pop at transition delta
bool isPop(short int d) {
if( (transitions[d].reset) & a32[0])
return true;
return false;
// return a mod b(always return a +ve number unlike c % operator) // DONE
short int mod(short int a, short int b) {
short int r = a % b;
if(r < 0)
return (r+b);
return r;
using namespace std;
// construction of state with given trans and tsm values
stpdastate* atomicstpda(char d1, char d2, char w1, char w2, char gc){
stpdastate *vs = new stpdastate();
vs->d1 = d1;
vs->d2 = d2;
vs->w1 = w1;
vs->w2 = w2;
vs->gc = gc;
return vs;
// shuffle of two states
stpdastate* stpdastate::shuffle(stpdastate *s2) {
// transion at L of s2 should be same as transion at R of this state, tsm values as well better be equal
if( d2 != (s2->d1) || w2 != (s2->w1) )
return NULL;
// there should be a push at L and pop at R of state s2
if( !isPush(s2->d1) || !isPop(s2->d2) )
return NULL;
// push and pop symbol must be same
if( (transitions[s2->d1].ps) != (transitions[s2->d2].pp) )
return NULL;
//cout << "ilias" << endl;
// push-pop edge between L and R of s2 should be added
if( ( (s2->gc) & 1 ) == 0 ) // push-pop edge not added yet
return NULL;
char gcn; // flag for the new state
// if distance between two end points is accurate in both the states
if( (gc & 2) && ( (s2->gc) & 2 ) ) {
short d13 = mod(w2-w1, M) + mod(s2->w2 - s2->w1, M);
if(d13 < M)
gcn = (gc & 1) | ( (s2->gc) & 128) | 2;
gcn = (gc & 1) | ( (s2->gc) & 128);
gcn = (gc & 1) | ( (s2->gc) & 128);
return atomicstpda(d1, s2->d2, w1, s2->w2, gcn);
// given trans 0 or a push trans d1(with tsm w1), find the next possible trans d2(with tsm w2)
vector<stpdastate*> getAtomicsSTPDA(char d1, char w1) {
vector<stpdastate*> v;//vector contains states by adding a upcoming transition to right side
char q = transitions[d1].target; // target state of trans d4
char d2, w2; // next trans and tsm value
char gcn; // new flag variable for state
int lb, ub; // pop bounds
int lbc, ubc; // clock bounds
bool checkflag; // true : there is a check at d2
bool popflag; // true : there is a pop at d2
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
for(char i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
d2 = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
lb = transitions[d2].lbs[0]; // lower bound for stack
ub = transitions[d2].ubs[0]; // upper bound for stack
lbc = transitions[d2].lbs[1]; // lower bound for clock
ubc = transitions[d2].ubs[1]; // upper bound for clock
checkflag = isChecked(1, d2); // true : there is a check at d2
popflag = isPop(d2); // true : there is a pop at d2
// note : distance between d1 and d2 is always accurate
if(popflag) {
if( isPush(d2) )
gcn = 1 | 2; // push edge added, but pop edge not added(add before a push)
gcn = 1 | 128 | 2; // push and pop both edges added
gcn = 2;
// if there is a pop at d2, there must a push at d1
if( popflag && !isPush(d1) ) { }
// push symbol at d1 must be same as pop symbol at d2
else if( popflag && ( transitions[d1].ps != transitions[d2].pp) ) { }
short int d12;
for(w2 = 0; w2 < M; w2++) {
d12 = mod(w2-w1, M);
if( ( !checkflag || (d12 >= lbc && d12 <= ubc) ) && ( !popflag || (d12 >= lb && d12 <= ub) ) ){
v.push_back( atomicstpda(d1, d2, w1, w2, gcn) );
return v;
/*Add the next transition to the current state*/
/*if there is a push at R, then don't call here*******/
vector<stpdastate*> stpdastate::addNextTPDA() {
vector<stpdastate*> v; // set of states generated by adding a new transition to the right side
if( isPush(d2) ) // there should not be any push at R
return v; // return empty vector
/* // In new technique, pop and push can be at the same time, this check is not needed
if( isPop(d2) && ( gc & 128 ) == 0 ) // there is a pop at d2, but pop edge not added yet
return v;
// if there is a push at L and there is a pop at R, then first shuffle, then add new transitions
if( isPush(d1) && isPop(d2) && (gc & 1) )
return v;
char d3, w3; // transion and tsm at newly added rightmost point
char gc2, gcn; // gc2 : temp flag, gcn : new state flag
bool checkflag;
bool popflag;
int lbc, ubc; // clock constraint's bound
int lb, ub; // lower and upper bound for stack
short d13, d23;
char q = transitions[d2].target; // target state of trans d4
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
for(char i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
d3 = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
lb = transitions[d3].lbs[0]; // lower bound for stack
ub = transitions[d3].ubs[0]; // upper bound for stack
lbc = transitions[d3].lbs[1]; // lower bound for clock
ubc = transitions[d3].ubs[1]; // upper bound for clock
checkflag = isChecked(1, d3);
popflag = isPop(d3);
if( popflag ) { // push pop both are being done
if( isPush(d3) )
gc2 = 1;
gc2 = 1 | 128;
else // push info of previous state
gc2 = (gc & 1);
// if there is a pop at d5, but no push at d2
if( popflag && !isPush(d1) ) { }
// if there is a pop at d3, but push is already done at d1
else if( popflag && (gc & 1) ) { }
// push-pop symbol is not same
else if( popflag && ( transitions[d1].ps != transitions[d3].pp) ) { }
// o.w add new transtitions to the right
if(gc & 2) {
for(w3 = 0; w3 < M; w3++) {
d23 = mod(w3-w2, M);
d13 = mod(w2-w1, M) + d23;
if(d13 < M)
gcn = gc2 | 2;
gcn = gc2;
if( ( !checkflag || ( d23 >= lbc && d23 <= ubc ) ) && ( !popflag || ( d13 >= lb && d13 <= ub ) ) )
v.push_back( atomicstpda(d1, d3, w1, w3, gcn) );
else if(ub == INF) {
gcn = gc2;
for(w3 = 0; w3 < M; w3++) {
d23 = mod(w3-w2, M);
if( !checkflag || (d23 >= lbc && d23 <= ubc) )
v.push_back( atomicstpda(d1, d3, w1, w3, gcn) );
return v;
set<string> stpdatrie;
bool identity(stpdastate *vs) {
ostringstream os; // output stream
os << (vs->d1) << (vs->d2);
os << (vs->w1) << (vs->w2);
os << (vs->gc);
// return true if os.str() inserted in the set 'strie' successfully
return (stpdatrie.insert(os.str())).second;
// print a state of tree automation
void stpdastate::print() {
cout << "\nAbstarct tree automation state:\n";
cout << "\tTransitions : " << int(d1) << ", " << int(d2) << endl;
cout << "\tTSM : " << int(w1) << ", " << int(w2) << endl;
cout << "\tPush edge added to L : ";
if(gc & 1)
cout << 1 << endl;
cout << 0 << endl;
cout << "\tPop edge added to R : ";
if(gc & 128)
cout << 1 << endl;
cout << 0 << endl;
cout << "\tpush at L : ";
cout << int(transitions[d1].ps) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "\tpop at L : ";
cout << int(transitions[d1].pp) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "\tpush at R : ";
cout << int(transitions[d2].ps) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "\tpop at R : ";
cout << int(transitions[d2].pp) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "\tAccuracy : " << bool(gc & 2) << endl;
cout << "\tFlag : " << bool(gc & 128) <<bool(gc & 64) <<bool(gc & 32) <<bool(gc & 16) <<bool(gc & 8) <<bool(gc & 4) <<bool(gc & 2) <<bool(gc & 1) <<endl;
cout << endl;
// return true : if current state is final
bool stpdastate::isFinal() {
return false;
// this below test can make sure that in the last transition there is no push along with the pop
if( isPop(d2) && (gc & 128) == 0) // there is a pop at d4, but not added yet
return false;
// 0 is initial state for a tpda
if( transitions[d1].source != 0) // remember 0 is the new initial state
return false;
if(w1 != 0) // first time stamp must be 0
return false;
// target state of the transiton at point R should be a final state
if( transitions[d2].target != SF)
return false;
return true;
// given a atomic tree automation state give a run of the TPDA
stpda_run* getatomicrunstpda(stpdastate* vs) {
stpda_run *rs = new stpda_run();
rs->P = 2;
rs->del = new char[2];
rs->w = new char[2];
rs->del[0] = vs->d1;
rs->del[1] = vs->d2;
rs->w[0] = vs->w1;
rs->w[1] = vs->w2;
return rs;
// GIVEN the current run, append the trans d5 with tsm w5
stpda_run* stpda_run::add_next(char d3, char w3) {
stpda_run *pr = new stpda_run();
pr->P = P + 1;
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
pr->del[i] = del[i];
pr->w[i] = w[i];
pr->del[P] = d3;
pr->w[P] = w3;
return pr;
// shuffle two runs
stpda_run* stpda_run::shuffle(stpda_run *s2) {
stpda_run *pr = new stpda_run();
pr->P = P + (s2->P) - 1;
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
char i, j;
for(i=0, j=0; i < (P-1); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = w[i];
pr->del[j] = del[i];
for(i=0; i < (s2->P); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = s2->w[i];
pr->del[j] = s2->del[i];
return pr;
// print a run of the given TPDA
void stpda_run::print() {
short int lt = 0, ct=0; // lt : last timestamps, ct : current time stamps
cout << endl << "A run of the automation as a proof that the language is non-empty, the run given as a sequence of pairs (transition, time stamp) : " << endl;
//cout << "(0, 0.0) ";
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
// this two line changes for accuracy
if(w[i] < lt) // if current time stamps less than last time stamps
ct = M + ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct = ct + (w[i] - lt);
lt = w[i];
///cout << "-> (" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << ") -> " << "(" << int(transitions[del[i]].target) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << " ";
cout << "(" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << ") -> ";
// if( (transitions[del[i]].target) <= 7)
// cout << "-> (" << int(transitions[del[i]].target) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0)" << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
// get the run of the timed system starting from i-th index state of all states 'states'
stpda_run* printRun(vector<stpdastate*> &states, vector<bp_stpda> &v, int i) {
bp_stpda bp = v[i]; // backpropagation information for i-th index state
stpda_run *rs, *rs1, *rs2;
if( (bp.type) == 0) { // if the i-th state is an tpda_atomic state
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << endl;
return getatomicrunstpda(states[i]);
if( (bp.type) == 1) { // if state states[i] is obtained by forgetting color 'bp.f' from state states[bp.left]
rs1 = printRun(states, v, bp.left);
char d = bp.right;
int x = bp.right;
x = (x >> 8);
char w = x;
stpdastate *vs = atomicstpda( rs1->del[rs1->P - 1], d, rs1->w[rs1->P - 1], w, 1 );
rs2 = getatomicrunstpda(vs);
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2);
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << int(d) << "," << int(w) << endl;
return rs;
rs1 = printRun(states, v, bp.left); // get run for the state states[bp.left]
rs2 = printRun(states, v, bp.right);// get run for the state states[bp.right]
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2); // shuffle two runs rs1 and rs2 with accuracy given by
//cout << "i:" << i << "," << int(bp.type) << "," << bp.left << "," << bp.right << endl;
return rs;
// check if a tpda of one clock is empty or not
bool isEmptySTPDA() {
int N=0,count=0;
vector<stpdastate*> states;
vector<stpdastate*> v;
stpdastate *rs, *vs;
vector<bp_stpda> vrs; // vector for keeping track of connection between current states with previous states
bp_stpda xrs; // bac
stpda_run *prs, *prs1, *prs2;
int i, t, d3, w3;
char w;
xrs.type = 0; // atomic state type
v = getAtomicsSTPDA(0, 0);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
for(t=1; t <= T; t++) {
if( isPush(t) ) {
for(w=0; w < M; w++) {
v = getAtomicsSTPDA(t, w);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
for(i=0; i < N; i++) {
cout << "state " << i << ":" << endl;
// iterate through all the states
for(count=0; count < N; count++) {
if(count %5000 == 0)
cout << "#states" << endl;
if( (count % 100) == 0 || count <= 100) // print #iterations
cout << count << endl;
rs = states[count]; // get the state at index count
xrs.type = 0;
if( isPush(rs->d2) && !pushDone[rs->d2][rs->w2] ) {
v = getAtomicsSTPDA(rs->d2, rs->w2);
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) {
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
pushDone[rs->d2][rs->w2] = true;
xrs.type = 1; // add_stack type
xrs.left = count;
// try to add new trans to the state rs
v = rs->addNextTPDA();
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) { // if the i-th state is new
d3 = (v[i]->d2); w3 = (v[i]->w2);
xrs.right = d3 + (w3 << 8);
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) { // if this state is final
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
xrs.type = 2; // add_stack type
// try to do shuffle with all the previous(as left as well as right state)
if( isPush(rs->d2) || ( isPush(rs->d1) && isPop(rs->d2) ) ) {
for(i=0; i <= count; i++) {
xrs.left = count;
xrs.right = i;
// shuffle, considering rs as left state
vs = rs->shuffle( states[i] );
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( identity(vs) ) {
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
xrs.left = i;
xrs.right = count;
// shuffle, considering rs as right state
vs = states[i]->shuffle(rs);
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( identity(vs) ) {
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(states, vrs, N-1);
return false;
cout << "\n\n------------------------\n" << endl;
return true;
// This file is for general TPDA emptiness checking with continuous implementation, pop and push also can happen at the same transition
using namespace std;
// 'tpdaGCPPtrie' is used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
//set<string> tpdaGCPPtrie;
// 'mapGCPP' is also used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
unordered_map<string,bool> mapGCPP;
// this vector contains all the states generated for a TPDA paried with tracking states
vector<pair<stateGCPP*, trackCGPP*> > allStates;
// return 1 iff state vs was not found earlier or vs is new state
bool identity(stateGCPP *vs) {
string os=""; // output string
char i; // looper
for( i=0; i < (vs->P); i++ ) // add transitions to the string os
os += (vs->del[i]);
for(i=0; i < (vs->P); i++ ) // add tsm values to the string os
os += (vs->w[i]);
os += char(vs->f); // add the rightmost 8 bits of vs->f to os
os += char( (vs->f) >> 8 ) ; // add the leftmost 8 bits of vs->f to os
os += (vs->L); // add left point to os
// return true if os inserted in the set 'tpdaGCPPtrie' successfully
//return (tpdaGCPPtrie.insert(os) ).second;
// using hashmap : if os key was not there then mapGCPP[os]==false
if( mapGCPP[os] ) // 'os' is there in hashmap
return false;
else{ // 'os' is not there in hashmap
mapGCPP[os] = true;
return true;;
// return distance between point i to point j
short stateGCPP::dist(char i, char j) {
short dis=0; // distance between i to j, initially 0
for(char k=i; k < j; k++) // sum up the distances between consecutive points
dis += mod( w[k] - w[k-1], M);
return dis;
// return true iff distance between point i to point j is big
bool stateGCPP::big(char i, char j) {
for(char k=i; k < j; k++) {
if( ( f & a32[k] ) == 0 ) // k-th bit of 'f' is 0 => distance k->(k+1) is big
return true;
if( dist(i, j) >= M ) // if total distance is big
return true;
return false;
// reduce the #points after shuffle by using forget operation if possible and return the new state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::reduceShuffle(stateGCPP* s2) {
char *del2 = s2->del, *w2 = s2->w;
char P2 = s2->P, L2 = s2->L;
short f2 = s2->f;
short curReset, reset, tempReset; // temp variables to keep reset for a range of points
char count=0; // used for storing #points in new state
char i, j; // loopers
// we have to take all the points from s2->L+1 to s2->P, point s2->L may not be there
// all the points from 1 to L of first state will be there in new state, last point P may not be there
// take union of resets for points between s2->L+1(including) and s2->P(including)
curReset = 0;
for(i=L2; i < P2; i++)
curReset |= ( transitions[ del2[i] ].reset );
tempReset = curReset; // store this value for later use
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
/* there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state */
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
count++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
// addition of 'L' below comes from the fact that all point from 1 to L of first state is there in new state
// (s2->P - s2-> L) comes from : all points s2->L+1 to s2->P are there in new state
count += L + (P2 - L2); // #points in new state
stateGCPP *vs = new stateGCPP(); // new TA state
vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new char[count];
vs->L = L;
short nf = 0; // initially flag is zero
short dis; // distance variable
j = count - 1; // index of the rightmost point of new state
// Here we are copying points from s2->L+1 to s2->P of 2nd state to new state
for(i=P2 - 1; i >= L2; i--, j--) {
vs->del[j] = del2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th transition to (j+1) transition of new state
vs->w[j] = w2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th tsm to (j+1) tsm of new state
// if distance (i+1)->(i+2) of 2nd state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
if( f2 & a32[i+1] )
nf |= a32[j+1];
// Here we are copying points from 1 to L-1 of 1st state to new state
for(j=0; j < (L-1); j++) {
vs->del[j] = del[j];
vs->w[j] = w[j];
// if distance (j+1)->(j+2) of 1st state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
nf |= ( f & a32[j+1] );
//copy the point L, doing it separately because of the flag variable which is not applicable for L-th point
vs->del[L-1] = del[L-1];
vs->w[L-1] = w[L-1];
// Now we watch out for points from L+1 to P of 1st state
char lastindex = P;// last index of the point we have taken so far, although P might not be included
curReset = tempReset; //get the union of resets for points between s2->L+1 and s2->P
// current indices j of new state we have to take care
j = (count - 1) - (P2 - L2);
for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset ); // current point reset set
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if current point has more reset then seen earlier
vs->del[j] = del[i];
vs->w[j] = w[i];
if( lastindex == P ) { // if (i+1) is the first point we are considering after starting the loop
// In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
if( !big(i+1, P) && ( i == (P-1) || (f2 & a32[L2]) ) ) {
dis = dist(i+1, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
nf |= a32[j+1];
else {
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[j+1];
curReset |= reset;
lastindex = i;
// one accuracy we yet have to compute which starts from L-th point of first state
if( lastindex == P ) { // if we have not taken any point from L+1 to P of 1st state
// In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
if( !big(L, P) && (f2 & a32[L2] ) ) { // if distance between L and R of 1st state is accurate
dis = dist(L, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
nf |= a32[L];
// if distance from L-th point to lastindex+1-th of 1st state is accurate
if( !big(L, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[L];
if(f & 1) // push info from left state will be same
nf |= 1;
nf |= a3215; // pop at right(R) is done
vs->f = nf; // add the flag variable also
vs->P = count; // #points in new state
return vs;
// check if shuffle of this state with s2 is possible
bool stateGCPP::shuffleCheck(stateGCPP *s2) {
if( L == P || (s2->L) == (s2->P) ) // both state should have non-trival block
return false;
if( !isPush(del[P-1]) ) // there should be a push at last transition of left state
return false;
// there should be a push at L of s2 and pop at R of s2, note : del[P-1] = del2[P2-1]
if( !isPush( s2->del[s2->L-1] ) || !isPop( s2->del[s2->P-1] ) )
return false;
if( !( (s2->f) & 1 ) || !( (s2->f) & a3215 ) ) // push-pop edge should be connected in right state
return false;
if( getKeyLeft() != (s2->getKeyRight() ) )
return false;
return true;
// shuffle of this state with state s2 and return the new state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::shuffle(stateGCPP *s2){ // shuffle with state s2
if(! shuffleCheck(s2) )
return NULL;
return reduceShuffle(s2);
// add transition 'dn' to current state and then forget some points if possible, return the new state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::reduce(char dn){
short reset; // variable for reset bit vector
short nf = 0; // flag variable for new state
char count = 0; // #points in new state
char i; // looper
short curReset = transitions[dn].reset; // set of clocks reset at transition 'dn'
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i-- ) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset at transition at the (i+1)-th point
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if (i+1)-th point has more reset than found so far at right
curReset |= reset; // the 'curReset' will have more bit with value '1'
count++; // we have to take (i+1)-th point
// all the hanging points and point L and point for transition 'dn' also be there
count += (L+1); // number of points in new state
// pointer to the new state
stateGCPP* vs = new stateGCPP();
vs->P = count; // #points in new state
vs->L = L; // left point remain same
vs->del = new char[count]; // memory allocation for new state transition
vs->w = new char[count]; // memory allocation for new state tsm values
for(i=0; i < L; i++) { // hanging points and left point(L) remain same
vs->del[i] = del[i];
vs->w[i] = w[i];
for(i=1; i < L; i++) { // distances between points upto point L remain same
nf |= ( f & a32[i] );
vs->del[count-1] = dn; // trans at last point, till now we don't know the weight
char lastindex = P; // 'lastindex' used for accuracy between two points in new state
char firstindex;
char j = count-2; // assgin trans and tsm from index count-2 upto L
short dis; // variable for distance calculation
// **** edit last bit of accuracy when u know the tsm of dn
curReset = transitions[dn].reset; // set of clocks reset at transition 'dn'
for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset at i+1-th point
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) {
vs->del[j] = del[i]; // i-th index trans will be part of new state at j-th index
vs->w[j] = w[i]; // i-th index tsm will be part of new state at j-th index
if( lastindex != P ) {
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[j+1]; // set the accuracy for (j+1)-th bit of new state
// store the accuracy from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in i+1-th bit of nf
// store the distance from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in vs->w[count-1]
// we yet don't know the tsm for 'dn', so full calculation is not done in this function
firstindex = i;
if( !big(i+1, P) )
nf |= a32[j+1];
vs->w[count-1] = dist(i+1, P);
lastindex = i; // this is now the last index
j--; // go to previous point
// we have to set the accuracy for point L to L+1 in new state
if( lastindex != P ) {
if( !big(L, lastindex+1) ) {
// vs->w[count-1] = dist(L, lastindex+1) ;
nf |= a32[L]; // set the accuracy for (j+1)-th bit of new state
// store the accuracy from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in i+1-th bit of nf
// store the distance from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in vs->w[count-1]
// we yet don't know the tsm for 'dn', so full calculation is not done in this function
else{ // if you have not choosed any point in the middle starting from point P**
if( !big(L, P) )
nf |= a32[L];
vs->w[count-1] = dist(L, P);
if(isPop(dn) ) // if dn has a pop, then push-pop has been added to L and R repectively
nf |= (1 | a3215) ;
nf |= (f & 1) ; // previous push information remain same
// last distance accuracy
vs->f = nf; // add partial flag variable to new state
return vs; // return the partially new state, **** last tsm missing with partial nf as given
// return true if constraint on new transition dn with tsm wn is satisfied while adding current transiton 'dn' to the right
bool stateGCPP::consSatisfied(char dn, char wn, short *clockDis, bool *clockAcc) {
short dis;
for(char x=1; x <= X; x++) {
if( isChecked(x, dn) ) { // if there is a check for clock x
if( clockAcc[x] ) { // if distance from last reset of clock x to point P is accurate
dis = clockDis[x] + mod( wn - w[P-1], M ) ;
if( dis < (transitions[dn].lbs[x] ) || dis > (transitions[dn].ubs[x] ) )
return false;
else if( (transitions[dn].ubs[x]) != INF )
return false;
return true;
// situation : we are trying to add trans 'dn' with tsm 'wn' to the right of current state
// check for stack constraint where dlr and aclr are distance and accuracy from L to R resp.
bool stateGCPP::stackCheck(char dn, char wn, short dlr, bool aclr) {
int ub = transitions[dn].ubs[0];
if(aclr) { // if distance from L to R is small
short dis = dlr + mod( wn - w[P-1], M );
if( ( dis < transitions[dn].lbs[0] ) || dis > ub )
return false;
return true;
else if(ub == INF) // if distance from L to R is big
return true;
return false; // distance is big, but upper bound is not infinity
// Add all possible upcoming transition just after the last transition of this state if all clock and stack constraints are satisfied
vector<stateGCPP*> stateGCPP::addNextTPDA() {
vector<stateGCPP*> v; // will contain all the states generated by adding a new transition
if( L < P && isPush( del[P-1] ) ) // there should not be any push at R if there is a non-trivial block(L < R)
return v; // return empty vector
// we actually will not call for the below case
// if there is a push at L and there is a pop at R, then first shuffle, then for the shuffled state, add new transitions
if( isPush( del[L-1] ) && isPop( del[P-1] ) && (f & 1) && (f & a3215) )
return v;
short dlr = dist(L, P); // distance between point L to R
bool aclr = !big(L, P); // accuracy between point L to R
char dn; // variable for new upcoming transition
char wn; // variable contain TSM for the upcoming transition
bool popflag; // 1 iff there is pop at the new transition 'dn'
bool pushAtL = isPush( del[L-1] ); // if there is a push at L of this state
char i, j; // loooper
short dis; // distance calculation variable
char q = transitions[ del[P-1] ].target; // target state of last transition
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
for(i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
dn = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
popflag = isPop(dn); // popflag = 1 iff there is a pop at transition 'dn'
// if there is a pop at 'dn', but no push at L in this state, don't do anything
if( popflag && !pushAtL ) { }
// if there is a pop at 'dn', but push is already done at L, do nothing(push must come before pop)
else if( popflag && (f & 1) ) { }
// push-pop symbol is not same, do nothing
else if( popflag && ( (transitions[ del[L-1] ].ps) != (transitions[dn].pp) ) ) { }
// o.w try to add new transtitions to the right
stateGCPP* vs = reduce(dn); // get partial new state after adding transition 'dn'(TSM for 'dn' not known yet)
short *clockDis = new short[X + 1]; // distance from last reset of clock x to point P, stored in clockDis[x]
bool *clockAcc = new bool[X + 1]; // accuracy from last reset of clock x to point P, stored in clockAcc[x]
for(char x=1; x <= X; x++) { // calculate the distances and accuracy from last reset point to point P for each clock
for(j=P-1; j >= 0; j--) {
if( isReset( x, del[j] ) ) { // if there is a reset for clock x at (j+1)-th point
if( big(j+1, P) ) // if distance is big from last reset point for clock x to point P
clockAcc[x] = false;
else {
clockAcc[x] = true;
clockDis[x] = dist(j+1, P);
j = -1; //Stop the inner loop beacuse last reset point for clock x found
// iterate through all possible TSM value for tranistion 'dn' and check for constraints on clocks and stack
for(wn=0; wn < M; wn++) {
// if clock constraint not satisfied
if( !consSatisfied( dn, wn, clockDis, clockAcc) ) { }
// if stack constraint not satisfied
else if( ( popflag && ( !stackCheck(dn, wn, dlr, aclr) ) ) ) { }
else { // if clock and stack both constraints are satisfied
stateGCPP* rs = new stateGCPP();
rs->L = L; // left point remain same
rs-> P = vs->P; // #points in new state
rs->del = vs->del; // transitions are same as vs returned in reduce operation
rs->w = new char[vs->P]; // last tsm value different, so change the whole array of tsm's
for(j=0; j < (vs->P - 1); j++) { // tsm values before last point remain same as vs
rs->w[j] = vs->w[j];
rs->w[vs->P - 1] = wn; // new tsm value for last point
rs->f = (vs->f) & ( ~a32[vs->P - 1] ); // flag value comes from vs except for last point
// if distance from the active point just before 'dn'(in new state) to point P(in old state) is accurate, (vs->P) > 1 means that we have taken at least one point from old state
if( (vs->P) > 1 && ( (vs->f) & a32[vs->P - 1] ) ) {
// calculate distance from 2nd last point to last point in new state
dis = vs->w[vs->P - 1] + mod(wn - w[P-1], M);
if(dis < M) { // reset vs->P-1 bit to 0
rs->f |= (a32[vs->P - 1]);
v.push_back(rs); // rs will be a reachable state after add operation
return v;
// Return template successor state whose descendent states will be right states for shuffle operation with this state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::sucState(){
short curReset, reset; // temp vars for keeping reset bit vector
char count; // will contain #points in the new state
char i,j; // counters
// iterate through all points right to left except the last point
curReset = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset;
count = 1; //we have to take the last point, so initialize 'count' to 1
for(i=P-2; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset bit vector for point i+1
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if (i+1)-th point has additional reset for some clock
curReset |= reset;
stateGCPP* vs = new stateGCPP(); // new template state
vs->P = count; //#points
vs->L = count; // no non-trivial block is there
vs->del = new char[count];
vs->w = new char[count];
vs->del[count-1] = del[P-1];
vs->w[count-1] = w[P-1];
// copy the necessary points into the template state
char lastindex = P-1;
short nf = 0; // flag variable for new state
curReset = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset;
for(i=P-2, j = count-2; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset bit vector for point i+1
if(reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // found a new necessary point, copy this point to new state
vs->del[j] = del[i];
vs->w[j] = w[i];
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) ) //from current needy point to the last found needy point distance small
nf |= a32[j+1]; // distance (j+1->(j+2)) is small
curReset |= reset;
lastindex = i; // this point is the last point selected till now
vs->f = nf; // copy flag information, no stack info is there till now for the template state
return vs;
// print a validity state
void stateGCPP::print() {
char i;
cout << endl << "Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):" << endl;
cout << "\tPoints in the automaton:\n\t\t";
cout << 1 ;
for(i=2; i <= L; i++)
cout << " " << int(i) ;
for(i=L+1; i <= P; i++)
cout << "----" << int(i) ;
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\tL : " << int(L) << endl;
cout << "\tTransitions:";
cout << "\t";
for(i=0; i < P; i++)
cout << int(del[i]) << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "\tAccuracy: " << "\t ";
for(i=1; i < P; i++) {
cout << ( (a32[i] & f) ? 1 : 0) << "\t ";
cout << endl;
cout << "\tTSM : \t";
cout << "\t";
for(i=0; i < P; i++)
cout << int(w[i]) << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tPush done at L : " << ( (f & 1)? 1 : 0 ) << endl;
cout << "\tPop done at R : " << ( (f & a3215) ? 1 : 0) << endl;
// if this state is a final state
bool stateGCPP::isFinal(){
if(L != 1) // there should not be any hanging point
return false;
// transition at first point must be 0-th transition
if( del[0] != 0)
return false;
// there will not any push at the last transition
if( isPush( del[P-1] ) )
return false;
// target state of the transiton at point R should be the final state
if( transitions[del[P-1]].target != SF )
return false;
return true;
// return the partial run corresponding the tree automata state 'vs', ignore the hanging points
// copy only transitions between L(left) and R(right)
runCGPP* getRun(stateGCPP* vs) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
pr->P = vs->P - vs->L + 1 ; // transitions in new partial run will be from left(L) point to right(R) point
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
// loopers : i used to index transition of the tree automata state and j is used to index trans in the run
char i = vs->L - 1, j=0;
// copy transitions and tsm values from earlier partial run to new partial run
for(; i < (vs->P); i++, j++) {
pr->del[j] = vs->del[i];
pr->w[j] = vs->w[i];
return pr; // return the new run
// GIVEN the current partial run, append the transition 'dn' with tsm value 'wn'
runCGPP* runCGPP::addNext(char dn, char wn) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
pr->P = P + 1; // #transitions in new partial run will be one more than the earlier
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
// copy transitions and tsm values from earlier partial run to new partial run
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
pr->del[i] = del[i];
pr->w[i] = w[i];
pr->del[P] = dn; // add the new transition and tsm value to the last position of new partial run
pr->w[P] = wn;
return pr; // return the new run
// shuffle two partial runs and return the new partial run
runCGPP* runCGPP::shuffle(runCGPP *s2) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
/* rightmost transition of left state is equal to leftmost transition of right state
so new run will be concatenation of two runs and #points in new run is calculated as below*/
pr->P = P + (s2->P) - 1;
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
char i, j; // loopers
// copy the transitions and tsm values of first run except for the last position
for(i=0, j=0; i < (P-1); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = w[i];
pr->del[j] = del[i];
// copy the transitions and tsm values of 2nd run
for(i=0; i < (s2->P); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = s2->w[i];
pr->del[j] = s2->del[i];
return pr; // return the new run
// this will return a state with only 0-th transition with tsm value 0
stateGCPP* getZeroState() {
stateGCPP* vs = new stateGCPP();
vs->L = 1; // only one point is there
vs->P = 1;
vs->f = 0; // no push pop info yet, no accuracy info yet
vs->del = new char[1]; // memory allocation
vs->w = new char[1];
vs->del[0] = 0; // 0th transition has tsm value 0
vs->w[0] = 0;
return vs;
// return unique string for last reset points of current state participating in a combine operation as a left state
string stateGCPP::getKeyLeft() {
string s = ""; // return this string
short resetSoFar, reset; // used for calculating union of resets
s += del[P-1]; // include rightmost transition in the string
s += w[P-1]; // tsm value also be part of the key
char lastindex = P-1; // last index we have taken
char nf = 0; // distance info
char i=P-2;
char j=0;
resetSoFar = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset; // set of clocks reset at rightmost point
for(; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // take (i+1)-th point transition reset set
if( reset & (~resetSoFar) & (~1) ) { // if there are some new clocks reset at point (i+1)
s += del[i];
s += w[i];
resetSoFar |= reset;
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[j];
s += nf;
return s; // return the key
// return unique string for hanging points of a state participating in a combine operation as a right state
string stateGCPP::getKeyRight() {
string s = ""; // return this string as a key for current state
// take the transition at point L and all hanging points
char nf = 0; // this contains distance information between points
s+= del[L-1]; // L-th poiint transition
s+= w[L-1]; // L-th point tsm
char j = 0; // used for distance counter
char i = L-2; // counter for points from right to left starting from L-1 point
for(; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
s += del[i];
s += w[i];
if(f & a32[i+1] )
nf |= a32[j];
// add distance info in the key
s+= nf;
return s;
// print a run as witness of the given TPDA if the language is non-empty
void runCGPP::print() {
short int lt = 0, ct=0; // lt : last timestamps, ct : current time stamps
cout << endl << "A run of the automation as a witness for the language to be non-empty.\nThe run given as a sequence of pairs (Transition, Time stamp) : " << endl;
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
if( w[i] < lt ) // if current time stamps less than last time stamps
ct = M + ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct = ct + (w[i] - lt);
lt = w[i];
cout << "(" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << "), ";
cout << endl << endl;
// return a backtracking state with the info given in the parameters
trackCGPP* getTrack(char t, int l, int r) {
trackCGPP* xrs = new trackCGPP();
xrs->type = t; // this string is empty because vs is atomic state
xrs->left = l;
xrs->right = r; // this value is 0 for atomic state vs
return xrs;
// get the run of the timed system
// if sm == "", this means. we are backtracking from the state reside in i-th index of main vector 'allStates'
// if sm != "", then sm string is the key for shuffle operation of the state reside in i-th index of allStates
runCGPP* printRun(int i) {
stateGCPP* vs; // tree automata state variable
trackCGPP *bp; // back tracking state
vs = allStates[i].first;
bp = allStates[i].second;
runCGPP *rs, *rs1, *rs2;
// if the i-th state is an atomic state
if( (bp->type) == 0 ) {
//cout << endl << i << ":";
return getRun(vs); // return the run generated from atomic state
// if the considerted state is generated by an addNext operation from a state in the main vector
else if( (bp->type) == 1 ) {
rs1 = printRun( bp->left );
rs = rs1->addNext(vs->del[vs->P - 1], vs->w[vs->P - 1]);
//cout << endl << i << " : " << (bp->left);
return rs;
rs1 = printRun( bp->left);
rs2 = printRun(bp->right);
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2);
//cout << endl << i << " : " << (bp->left) << ", " << (bp->right);
return rs;
// return true iff language recognized by the TPDA is empty
bool isEmptyGCPP() {
// we are assuming that non-emptiness for a TPDA means there is a non-trivial run(length of the run is non-zero)
if(SI == SF) {
cout << "Initial state is same as final state " << endl;
return false;
int count=0; //count point to the index of the state currently being processed in the vector 'allStates' declared as global variable
int N=0; // total number of unique states generated so far
int i,j; // counters
string s; // temporary string for finding a unique key corresponding to a TA state, the key points to compatible states for combine operation
// pointer to a vector where each element is a pair of two things : (1) TA state and (2) back track info for that state
//vector<pair<stateGCPP*, trackCGPP*> > *vshuffle;
vector<stateGCPP*> v; // temporary vector for keeping a set of states
stateGCPP *rs, *vs, *vs1, *vs2; // some state variables
trackCGPP *xrs; // back propagarion state variable
runCGPP *prs; // variable for partial run of the TPDA
char *del, *w, P, L; // variables for keeping current state transitions, tsm values, #points and left point
short f; // flag variable
// pushl=1 iff push at L, pushr=1 iff push at R, popl=1 iff pop at L , popr=1 iff pop at R, ppDone : iff push-pop done
bool pushl, pushr, popl, popr, ppDone;
// for a given key size1 is #(left states) participated in combine operation and size2 is #(right states) participated in combine operation
int size1, size2;
vs = getZeroState(); // 'vs' state is the first Tree automata state with only 0-th transition with tsm value 0
identity(vs); // insert this state in the hashmap
// first empty string "" and third 0 denotes that this TA state is atomic
xrs = getTrack(0, -1, -1); // create a backtracking state for generating partial run
allStates.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) ); // insert the state into the main vector along with its back tracking information
N++; // increment #states
// iterate through all the generated states and process them to generate new state
for(count = 0; count < N; count++) {
if( count %5000 == 0 ) // Below of this string, #states will be shown
cout << "#States" << endl;
if( (count % 100) == 0 || count <= 200) // print state number currently being processed(note : all numbers will not be printed)
cout << count << endl;
rs = allStates[count].first; // get the state at index count, process this state now
// printing the current state information and its parents
xrs = allStates[count].second;
// priting parents :
// shuffle : left and right index shows left and right parent
// add : first index is the real parent, second index is -1
// atomic(generated by sucState()) : right index is the real parent
// atomic(0-th state) : both index are -1
//cout << "Parents: " << (xrs->left) << ", " << (xrs->right) << endl << "--------------" << endl;
// store current state info in variables for shortcut use
del = rs->del;
P = rs->P;
L = rs->L;
f = rs->f;
pushl = isPush( del[L - 1] ); // pushl = 1 iff there is a push at L
pushr = isPush( del[P - 1] ); // pushr = 1 iff there is a push at R
popl = isPop( del[L - 1] ); // popl = 1 iff there is a pop at L
popr = isPop( del[P - 1] ); // popr = 1 iff there is a pop at R
ppDone = (f & 1) && (f & a3215) ; // if push at L and pop at R is done in rs
// state rs is eligible for participating in combine operation as a left state(rs should have a non-trivial block)
if( L < P && pushr ) {
for(i=0; i < count; i++) {
// shuffle, considering rs as left state
vs = rs->shuffle( allStates[i].first );
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( identity(vs) ) {
xrs = getTrack(2, count, i); // key for the new state
allStates.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) );
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(N-1);
//cout << "N :" << N << endl;
return false;
// we are creating a template state(vs) from rs, 'vs' generate some states later, those states will participate in combine operation with state rs
vs = rs->sucState(); // get the template state
if( identity(vs) ) { // if we have not found this template earlier
xrs = getTrack(0, -1, count); // back track info for vs which is a atomic state
// insert the state into the main vector along with its back tracking information
allStates.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) );// note : every state must be in the main vector
N++; // increment #states
// state rs is eligible for participating in combine operation as a right state
else if( L < P && pushl && popr && ppDone) {
for(i=0; i < count; i++) {
// shuffle, considering rs as right state
vs = (allStates[i].first)->shuffle(rs);
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( identity(vs) ) {
xrs = getTrack(2, i, count); // key for the new state
allStates.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) );
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
prs = printRun(N-1);
//cout << "N :" << N << endl;
return false;
//state rs might be eligible for adding a new transition to its right
v = rs->addNextTPDA(); // get set of states after doing the add operation
for(i=0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if( identity(v[i]) ) { // if the i-th state is new
xrs = getTrack(1, count, -1);
allStates.push_back(make_pair( v[i], xrs ) );
if( v[i]->isFinal() ) { // if this state is final
prs = printRun(N-1);
//cout << "N :" << N << endl;
return false;
// vs1 = (allStates[8]).first;
// vs1->print();
// vs2 = vs1->sucState();
// vs2->print();
// vs = vs1->shuffle(vs2);
// vs->print();
//v = (allStates[2].first)->addNextTPDA();
// cout << v.size() << endl;
// for(i=0;i < v.size(); i++)
// v[i]->print();
//cout << "\"" << (allStates[1].first)->shuffleCheck((allStates[6].first)) << "\"";
return true;
// This file is for general TPDA zone based emptiness checking with continuous implementation, pop and push also can happen at the same transition
using namespace std;
// Considering w is edge weight matrix of a graph, find if there is any negative cycle in the graph after applying floyd warshal algorithm
bool isNegCycle(short **w, bool **open, int n) {
for(char i=0; i < n; i++) {
if( w[i][i] < 0 || open[i][i] ) // if diagonal weights are strictly less than zero
return true;
return false;
short **WT1, **WT2; // used as temporary storage for weight matrix in floyd warshal algorithm
bool **open1, **open2; // temporary variable for storing some edge is open interval or not
// apply all pair shortest path algorithms for the graph with n number of nodes(edge weights given in 1d array w)
void allPairSP(int n) {
char i,j,k; // counters
// n iterations for floyd warshal algorithm
for(k=0; k < n; k++) {
for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
for(j=0; j < n; j++){
if(k & 1) { // if k is odd, transfer weights from WT2 to WT1
if( ( WT2[i][k] + WT2[k][j] ) < WT2[i][j] ) { // if using node k, we update distance from i to j
WT1[i][j] = WT2[i][k] + WT2[k][j];
open1[i][j] = open2[i][k] || open2[k][j] ;
else if( ( WT2[i][k] + WT2[k][j] ) == WT2[i][j]) { // if any distance is open, then the new distance is also open
WT1[i][j] = WT2[i][j];
open1[i][j] = open2[i][k] || open2[k][j] || open2[i][j] ;
else {
WT1[i][j] = WT2[i][j];
open1[i][j] = open2[i][j] ;
else{ // if k is even , transfer weights from WT1 to WT2
if( ( WT1[i][k] + WT1[k][j] ) < WT1[i][j] ) {
WT2[i][j] = WT1[i][k] + WT1[k][j];
open2[i][j] = open1[i][k] || open1[k][j] ;
else if( ( WT1[i][k] + WT1[k][j] ) == WT1[i][j]) {
WT2[i][j] = WT1[i][j];
open2[i][j] = open1[i][k] || open1[k][j] || open1[i][j] ;
WT2[i][j] = WT1[i][j];
open2[i][j] = open1[i][j] ;
// used for checking if newly generated state was already generated earlier or not
unordered_map<string,bool> mapZone;
// this vector contains all the states generated for a TPDA paried with tracking states
vector<pair<stateZone*, trackZone*> > allStatesZone;
// return 1 iff state vs was not found earlier or vs is new state
bool identity(stateZone *vs) {
string os=""; // output string
short i; // looper
short P = vs->P;
for( i=0; i < P; i++ ) { // add transitions to the string os
//cout << "i:" << int(i) << endl;
os += (vs->del[i]);
P = P*P - P;
//cout << P << endl;
for(i=0; i < P; i++ ){
os += char(vs->w[i]);
os += char( (vs->w[i]) >> 8 ) ; //why this?
//cout << "ILIAS" << int(vs->f) << endl;
os += char(vs->f); // L is also included in f
// using hashmap : if os key was not there then mapGCPP[os]==false
if( mapZone[os] ) // 'os' is there in hashmap
return false;
else{ // 'os' is not there in hashmap
mapZone[os] = true;
return true;;
// reduce the #points after shuffle by using forget operation if possible and return the new state
stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
char *del2 = s2->del, *w2 = s2->w;
char P2 = s2->P, L2 = s2->L;
short f2 = s2->f;
short curReset, reset, tempReset; // temp variables to keep reset for a range of points
char count=0; // used for storing #points in new state
char i, j; // loopers
// we have to take all the points from s2->L+1 to s2->P, point s2->L may not be there
// all the points from 1 to L of first state will be there in new state, last point P may not be there
// take union of resets for points between s2->L+1(including) and s2->P(including)
curReset = 0;
for(i=L2; i < P2; i++)
curReset |= ( transitions[ del2[i] ].reset );
tempReset = curReset; // store this value for later use
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
// there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
//reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
count++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
// addition of 'L' below comes from the fact that all point from 1 to L of first state is there in new state
// (s2->P - s2-> L) comes from : all points s2->L+1 to s2->P are there in new state
count += L + (P2 - L2); // #points in new state
stateGCPP *vs = new stateGCPP(); // new TA state
vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new char[count];
vs->L = L;
short nf = 0; // initially flag is zero
short dis; // distance variable
j = count - 1; // index of the rightmost point of new state
// Here we are copying points from s2->L+1 to s2->P of 2nd state to new state
for(i=P2 - 1; i >= L2; i--, j--) {
vs->del[j] = del2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th transition to (j+1) transition of new state
vs->w[j] = w2[i]; // copy (i+1)-th tsm to (j+1) tsm of new state
// if distance (i+1)->(i+2) of 2nd state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
if( f2 & a32[i+1] )
nf |= a32[j+1];
// Here we are copying points from 1 to L-1 of 1st state to new state
for(j=0; j < (L-1); j++) {
vs->del[j] = del[j];
vs->w[j] = w[j];
// if distance (j+1)->(j+2) of 1st state is accurate, then distance (j+1)->(j+2) of new state is accurate
nf |= ( f & a32[j+1] );
//copy the point L, doing it separately because of the flag variable which is not applicable for L-th point
vs->del[L-1] = del[L-1];
vs->w[L-1] = w[L-1];
// Now we watch out for points from L+1 to P of 1st state
char lastindex = P;// last index of the point we have taken so far, although P might not be included
curReset = tempReset; //get the union of resets for points between s2->L+1 and s2->P
// current indices j of new state we have to take care
j = (count - 1) - (P2 - L2);
for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset ); // current point reset set
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if current point has more reset then seen earlier
vs->del[j] = del[i];
vs->w[j] = w[i];
if( lastindex == P ) { // if (i+1) is the first point we are considering after starting the loop
// In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
if( !big(i+1, P) && ( i == (P-1) || (f2 & a32[L2]) ) ) {
dis = dist(i+1, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
nf |= a32[j+1];
else {
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[j+1];
curReset |= reset;
lastindex = i;
// one accuracy we yet have to compute which starts from L-th point of first state
if( lastindex == P ) { // if we have not taken any point from L+1 to P of 1st state
// In if : first check is for accuracy check from L to P of left state
// In if : second check is for cheking accuracy from L2 to L2+1 of right state, L2 is not choosen
if( !big(L, P) && (f2 & a32[L2] ) ) { // if distance between L and R of 1st state is accurate
dis = dist(L, P) + mod( w2[L2] - w[P-1], M);
if( dis < M ) // if total distance from i+1-th point to s2->L+1 is accurate
nf |= a32[L];
// if distance from L-th point to lastindex+1-th of 1st state is accurate
if( !big(L, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[L];
if(f & 1) // push info from left state will be same
nf |= 1;
nf |= a3215; // pop at right(R) is done
vs->f = nf; // add the flag variable also
vs->P = count; // #points in new state
return vs;
// check if shuffle of this state with s2 is possible
bool stateZone::shuffleCheck(stateZone *s2) {
if( (f&127) == P || ((s2->f)&127) == ((s2->f)&127) ) // both state should have non-trival block
return false;
if( !isPush(del[P-1]) ) // there should be a push at last transition of left state
return false;
// there should be a push at L of s2 and pop at R of s2, note : del[P-1] = del2[P2-1]
if( !isPush( s2->del[((s2->f)&127)-1] ) || !isPop( s2->del[((s2->f)&127)-1] ) )
return false;
//why this condition?
//if( !( (s2->f) & 1 ) || !( (s2->f) & a3215 ) ) // push-pop edge should be connected in right state
// return false;
if( getKeyLeft() != (s2->getKeyRight() ) )
return false;
return true;
// shuffle of this state with state s2 and return the new state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::shuffle(stateGCPP *s2){ // shuffle with state s2
if(! shuffleCheck(s2) )
return NULL;
return reduceShuffle(s2);
// add transition 'dn' to current state and then forget some points if possible, return the new state
stateGCPP* stateGCPP::reduce(char dn){
short reset; // variable for reset bit vector
short nf = 0; // flag variable for new state
char count = 0; // #points in new state
char i; // looper
short curReset = transitions[dn].reset; // set of clocks reset at transition 'dn'
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i-- ) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset at transition at the (i+1)-th point
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if (i+1)-th point has more reset than found so far at right
curReset |= reset; // the 'curReset' will have more bit with value '1'
count++; // we have to take (i+1)-th point
// all the hanging points and point L and point for transition 'dn' also be there
count += (L+1); // number of points in new state
// pointer to the new state
stateGCPP* vs = new stateGCPP();
vs->P = count; // #points in new state
vs->L = L; // left point remain same
vs->del = new char[count]; // memory allocation for new state transition
vs->w = new char[count]; // memory allocation for new state tsm values
for(i=0; i < L; i++) { // hanging points and left point(L) remain same
vs->del[i] = del[i];
vs->w[i] = w[i];
for(i=1; i < L; i++) { // distances between points upto point L remain same
nf |= ( f & a32[i] );
vs->del[count-1] = dn; // trans at last point, till now we don't know the weight
char lastindex = P; // 'lastindex' used for accuracy between two points in new state
char firstindex;
char j = count-2; // assgin trans and tsm from index count-2 upto L
short dis; // variable for distance calculation
// **** edit last bit of accuracy when u know the tsm of dn
curReset = transitions[dn].reset; // set of clocks reset at transition 'dn'
for(i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset at i+1-th point
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) {
vs->del[j] = del[i]; // i-th index trans will be part of new state at j-th index
vs->w[j] = w[i]; // i-th index tsm will be part of new state at j-th index
if( lastindex != P ) {
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
nf |= a32[j+1]; // set the accuracy for (j+1)-th bit of new state
// store the accuracy from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in i+1-th bit of nf
// store the distance from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in vs->w[count-1]
// we yet don't know the tsm for 'dn', so full calculation is not done in this function
firstindex = i;
if( !big(i+1, P) )
nf |= a32[j+1];
vs->w[count-1] = dist(i+1, P);
lastindex = i; // this is now the last index
j--; // go to previous point
// we have to set the accuracy for point L to L+1 in new state
if( lastindex != P ) {
if( !big(L, lastindex+1) ) {
// vs->w[count-1] = dist(L, lastindex+1) ;
nf |= a32[L]; // set the accuracy for (j+1)-th bit of new state
// store the accuracy from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in i+1-th bit of nf
// store the distance from last point(active in new state) before dn and P in vs->w[count-1]
// we yet don't know the tsm for 'dn', so full calculation is not done in this function
else{ // if you have not choosed any point in the middle starting from point P**
if( !big(L, P) )
nf |= a32[L];
vs->w[count-1] = dist(L, P);
if(isPop(dn) ) // if dn has a pop, then push-pop has been added to L and R repectively
nf |= (1 | a3215) ;
nf |= (f & 1) ; // previous push information remain same
// last distance accuracy
vs->f = nf; // add partial flag variable to new state
return vs; // return the partially new state, **** last tsm missing with partial nf as given
// Add all possible upcoming transition just after the last transition of this state if all clock and stack constraints are satisfied
stateZone* stateZone::addNextTPDA(char dn) {
char i, j; // counters
char x; // used for clocks
char L = f & 127; //the left point the 7th bit of f is used to denote if push is done in the L.
// copy weights of current state to WT1
for(i=0; i < P; i++) {
for(j=0; j < P; j++) {
if(i==j) { //same transition points
WT1[i][i] = 0;
open1[i][i] = false;
else if(i < j) {
WT1[i][j] = w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] ) // as 15th bit is used for open and close interval
open1[i][j] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
else{ ///when i > j i.e the edges coming from j to i it must be negetive.
WT1[i][j] = - ( w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]) ); // 15-TH bit is used for open or not
if( w[index(i, j, P)] & a32[15] )
open1[i][j] = true;
open1[i][j] = false;
// the temporary new state has P+1 points as of now before applying forget operations
for(i=0; i <= P; i++) {
WT1[i][P] = INF16; // forward edge weight from point i to point P is infinite
WT1[P][i] = 0; // backward edge weight from point i to point P is zero
open1[i][P] = false;
open1[P][i] = false;
int lb, ub; // lower and upper bounds temprary variables
bool openl, openu; // lower and upper bound is open or not
// *** TODO : change weight using pop constraint also
// according to the constraint of every clocks, change the weight of the edges
for(x=1; x <= X; x++) { // iterate for every clocks
if( isChecked(x, dn) ) { // if there is a constraint for clock x in the transition dn
lb = transitions[dn].lbs[x];
ub = transitions[dn].ubs[x];
openl = (transitions[dn].openl) & a32[x]; // lower bound for clock x is open or not
openu = (transitions[dn].openu) & a32[x];
for(i=P-1; i >= 0; i--) { // find reset point for clock x
if( isReset(x, del[i]) ) { // if clock x is reset at point i+1
// tighten the lower and upper bounds
if( (-lb) < WT1[P][i] ) {
WT1[P][i] = -lb;
open1[P][i] = (openl & a32[x]);
else if( (-lb) == WT1[i][P] )
open1[P][i] |= (openl & a32[x]);
if(ub != INF) {
if(ub < WT1[i][P]) {
WT1[i][P] = ub;
open1[i][P] = (openu & a32[x]);
else if( ub == WT1[i][P] )
open1[i][P] |= (openu & a32[x]);
i = -1;
cout << "Before" << endl;
for(i=0; i <= P; i++){
for(j=0; j <= P; j++) {
cout << WT1[i][j] << "." << open1[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl << endl;
allPairSP(P+1); //this is the Floyd–Warshall algorithm implementation
short **WT;
bool **open;
if(P & 1) { // if P is odd, the shortest path stored in WT1 and open1
WT = WT1;
open = open1;
else{ // if P is odd, the shortest path stored in WT1 and open1
WT = WT2;
open = open2;
cout << "After" << endl;
for(i=0; i <= P; i++){
for(j=0; j <= P; j++) {
cout << WT[i][j] << "." << open[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl << endl;
// checking if there is any negative cycle by applying floyd warshal algorithm
for(i=0; i <= P; i++){
if(WT[i][i] < 0 || open[i][i])
return NULL;
short count = 1; // var for storing #points in new state after applying forget operation
int forgetFlag = 0; // i-th bit of forgetFlag is 1 iff i-th point is forgotten
int curReset = 0, reset = 0;
curReset = transitions[dn].reset;
for( i=P-1; i >= L; i--) {
reset = ( transitions[ del[i] ].reset );
/* there is a bit '1' of 'reset' but '0' of 'curReset' at same position => there is a clock
reset at (i+1) point of 1st state which has not reset to any of its right points for both state */
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // (~) : ignore the 0-th bit, used for stack operation
count++; // this point should be in new state, so increase the counter
curReset |= reset; // union reset set at this point with earlier set
forgetFlag |= a32[i+1]; // i+1-th point will be forgotten in new state
count += L; // all points from 1 to L will be there
char *newToOldRef = new char[count];
i = 0;
j = 0;
for(; i < P; i++) { // find the reference from old point to new point
if( (forgetFlag & a32[i+1] ) == 0 ) {
newToOldRef[j] = i;
newToOldRef[count-1] = P; // last point in the new state refer to new point
stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new TA state
vs->del = new char[count]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new short[count*count - count];
vs->f = f; // **** must edit this for tpda
vs->P = count;
for(i=0; i < (count-1); i++) {
vs->del[i]= del[newToOldRef[i]];
vs->del[count-1] = dn;
for(i=0;i < count; i++){
for(j=0; j < count; j++){
if(i < j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
else if(i > j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = - WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
// ***TO DO :
// Take open guard as input
return vs;
// not applied by ilias
/*// Return template successor state whose descendent states will be right states for shuffle operation with this state
stateGCPP* stateZone::sucState(){
short curReset, reset; // temp vars for keeping reset bit vector
char count; // will contain #points in the new state
char i,j; // counters
// iterate through all points right to left except the last point
curReset = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset;
count = 1; //we have to take the last point, so initialize 'count' to 1
for(i=P-2; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset bit vector for point i+1
if( reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // if (i+1)-th point has additional reset for some clock
curReset |= reset;
stateZone* vs = new stateZone(); // new template state
vs->P = count; //#points
//vs->L = count; // no non-trivial block is there there is no L in the zone class
vs->del = new char[count]; //allocate space for transition
vs->w = new char[count]; // allocate space for the upper and lower limits
vs->del[count-1] = del[P-1]; // the last point is the last transition
//vs->w[count-1] = w[P-1]; // have to apply the upper and lower bounds
// copy the necessary points into the template state
char lastindex = P-1;
short nf = 0; // flag variable for new state
curReset = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset;
for(i=P-2, j = count-2; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // reset bit vector for point i+1
if(reset & (~curReset) & (~1) ) { // found a new necessary point, copy this point to new state
vs->del[j] = del[i];
vs->w[j] = w[i];
if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) ) //from current needy point to the last found needy point distance small
nf |= a32[j+1]; // distance (j+1->(j+2)) is small
curReset |= reset;
lastindex = i; // this point is the last point selected till now
vs->f = nf; // copy flag information, no stack info is there till now for the template state
return vs;
* */
// print a validity state
void stateZone::print() {
char i, j;
char L = f & 127; // 7-th bit is used for push pop operation
cout << endl << "Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):" << endl;
cout << "\tPoints in the automaton:\n\t\t";
cout << 1 ;
for(i=2; i <= L; i++)
cout << " " << int(i) ;
for(i=L+1; i <= P; i++)
cout << "----" << int(i) ;
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\tL : " << int(L) << endl;
cout << "\tTransitions:";
cout << "\t";
for(i=0; i < P; i++)
cout << int(del[i]) << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "\tWeight Matrix : " << endl << "\t";
//for(i=0; i < P; i++)
//cout << int(i+1) << "\t";
cout << endl;
for(i=0;i < P; i++) {
cout << "\t\t\t";
for(j=0; j < P; j++) {
cout << "0,0" << "\t";
else if(i < j)
cout << (w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]) ) << "," << bool((w[index(i, j, P)] & (a32[15]) )) << "\t";
cout << ( -short(w[index(i, j, P)] & (~a32[15]) ) ) << "," << bool((w[index(i, j, P)] & (a32[15]) )) << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tPush done at L : " << ( (f & 128)? 1 : 0 ) << endl;
// if this state is a final state
bool stateZone::isFinal(){
char L = f & 127 ; // ignore the leftmost bit
if(L != 1) // there should not be any hanging point
return false;
// transition at first point must be 0-th transition
if( del[0] != 0)
return false;
// there will not any push at the last transition
if( isPush( del[P-1] ) )
return false;
// target state of the transiton at point R should be the final state
if( transitions[del[P-1]].target != SF )
return false;
return true;
// return the partial run corresponding the tree automata state 'vs', ignore the hanging points
// copy only transitions between L(left) and R(right)
runCGPP* getRun(stateGCPP* vs) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
pr->P = vs->P - vs->L + 1 ; // transitions in new partial run will be from left(L) point to right(R) point
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
// loopers : i used to index transition of the tree automata state and j is used to index trans in the run
char i = vs->L - 1, j=0;
// copy transitions and tsm values from earlier partial run to new partial run
for(; i < (vs->P); i++, j++) {
pr->del[j] = vs->del[i];
pr->w[j] = vs->w[i];
return pr; // return the new run
// GIVEN the current partial run, append the transition 'dn' with tsm value 'wn'
runCGPP* runCGPP::addNext(char dn, char wn) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
pr->P = P + 1; // #transitions in new partial run will be one more than the earlier
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
// copy transitions and tsm values from earlier partial run to new partial run
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
pr->del[i] = del[i];
pr->w[i] = w[i];
pr->del[P] = dn; // add the new transition and tsm value to the last position of new partial run
pr->w[P] = wn;
return pr; // return the new run
// shuffle two partial runs and return the new partial run
runCGPP* runCGPP::shuffle(runCGPP *s2) {
runCGPP *pr = new runCGPP(); // new partial run stored in variable pr
// rightmost transition of left state is equal to leftmost transition of right state
so new run will be concatenation of two runs and #points in new run is calculated as below//
pr->P = P + (s2->P) - 1;
// allocate memory for transitions and tsm vlaues for new run
pr->del = new char[pr->P];
pr->w = new char[pr->P];
char i, j; // loopers
// copy the transitions and tsm values of first run except for the last position
for(i=0, j=0; i < (P-1); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = w[i];
pr->del[j] = del[i];
// copy the transitions and tsm values of 2nd run
for(i=0; i < (s2->P); i++, j++) {
pr->w[j] = s2->w[i];
pr->del[j] = s2->del[i];
return pr; // return the new run
// this will return a state with only 0-th transition with tsm value 0
stateZone* getZeroStateZone() {
stateZone* vs = new stateZone();
vs->P = 1;
vs->f = 1; // no push pop info yet and L = 1
vs->del = new char[1]; // memory allocation
vs->w = NULL;
vs->del[0] = 0; // 0th transition has tsm value 0
return vs;
// return unique string for last reset points of current state participating in a combine operation as a left state
string stateZone::getKeyLeft() {
string s = ""; // return this string
short resetSoFar, reset; // used for calculating union of resets
s += del[P-1]; // include rightmost transition in the string
//sparsa's editing
//s += w[P-1]; // tsm value also be part of the key in zone we dont have any tsm values
char lastindex = P-1; // last index we have taken
//char nf = 0; // distance info DO we need it??
char i=P-2; //list
char j=0;
resetSoFar = transitions[ del[P-1] ].reset; // set of clocks reset at rightmost point
for(; i >= 0; i--) {
reset = transitions[ del[i] ].reset; // take (i+1)-th point transition reset set
if( reset & (~resetSoFar) & (~1) ) { // if there are some new clocks reset at point (i+1)
s += del[i]; //then add the transition to the string
//s += w[i]; // but we dont have
resetSoFar |= reset;
//if( !big(i+1, lastindex+1) )
// nf |= a32[j];
//s += nf;
return s; // return the key
// return unique string for hanging points of a state participating in a combine operation as a right state
string stateZone::getKeyRight() {
string s = ""; // return this string as a key for current state
// take the transition at point L and all hanging points
//char nf = 0; // this contains distance information between points distance information not needed
s+= del[(f&127)-1]; // L-th poiint transition
//s+= w[L-1]; // L-th point tsm dont need in Zone
//char j = 0; // used for distance counter no distance in zone
char i = (f&127)-2; // counter for points from right to left starting from L-1 point
for(; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
s += del[i];
//s += w[i]; not needed in zone cause for zone it is not a time stamp
//if(f & a32[i+1] )
//nf |= a32[j];
// add distance info in the key
//s+= nf;
return s;
// print a run as witness of the given TPDA if the language is non-empty
void runCGPP::print() {
short int lt = 0, ct=0; // lt : last timestamps, ct : current time stamps
cout << endl << "A run of the automation as a witness for the language to be non-empty.\nThe run given as a sequence of pairs (Transition, Time stamp) : " << endl;
for(char i=0; i < P; i++) {
if( w[i] < lt ) // if current time stamps less than last time stamps
ct = M + ct + (w[i] - lt);
ct = ct + (w[i] - lt);
lt = w[i];
cout << "(" << int(del[i]) << ", " << int(ct) << ".0" << "), ";
cout << endl << endl;
// return a backtracking state with the info given in the parameters
trackZone* getTrackZone(char t, int l, int r) {
trackZone* xrs = new trackZone();
xrs->type = t; // this string is empty because vs is atomic state type of state, if = 0 then atomic or child
// 1 if its add operation
//2 if its generated by shuffle
xrs->left = l; // if no left parameter then -1
xrs->right = r; // if no right parameter then -1
return xrs;
// get the run of the timed system
// if sm == "", this means. we are backtracking from the state reside in i-th index of main vector 'allStates'
// if sm != "", then sm string is the key for shuffle operation of the state reside in i-th index of allStates
runCGPP* printRun(int i) {
stateGCPP* vs; // tree automata state variable
trackCGPP *bp; // back tracking state
vs = allStates[i].first;
bp = allStates[i].second;
runCGPP *rs, *rs1, *rs2;
// if the i-th state is an atomic state
if( (bp->type) == 0 ) {
cout << endl << i << ":";
return getRun(vs); // return the run generated from atomic state
// if the considerted state is generated by an addNext operation from a state in the main vector
else if( (bp->type) == 1 ) {
rs1 = printRun( bp->left );
rs = rs1->addNext(vs->del[vs->P - 1], vs->w[vs->P - 1]);
cout << endl << i << " : " << (bp->left);
return rs;
rs1 = printRun( bp->left);
rs2 = printRun(bp->right);
rs = rs1->shuffle(rs2);
cout << endl << i << " : " << (bp->left) << ", " << (bp->right);
return rs;
// return true iff language recognized by the TPDA is empty
bool isEmptyZone() {
// we are assuming that non-emptiness for a TPDA means there is a non-trivial run(length of the run is non-zero)
if(SI == SF) {
cout << "Initial state is same as final state " << endl;
return false;
int i,j; // counters
bool pushl, pushr, popl, popr, ppDone;
// allocate memory for two weight matrix and their corresponding open vars used shortest path operations
// K : maximum #points in a state
WT1 = new short*[K+2]; // size is K(tree-width), so that we can use for any #points in a state
WT2 = new short*[K+2];
open1 = new bool*[K+2]; // size is K(tree-width), so that we can use for any #points in a state
open2 = new bool*[K+2];
for(i=0; i < (K+2); i++) { // allocate memory for inner 1d arrays
WT1[i] = new short[K+2];
WT2[i] = new short[K+2];
open1[i] = new bool[K+2];
open2[i] = new bool[K+2];
int count=0; //count point to the index of the state currently being processed in the vector 'allStates' declared as global variable
int N=0; // total number of unique states generated so far
string s; // temporary string for finding a unique key corresponding to a TA state, the key points to compatible states for combine operation
stateZone *rs, *vs, *vs1, *vs2; // some state variables required for track
trackZone *xrs; // back propagarion state variable
runZone *prs; // variable for partial run of the TPDA
char *del, *w, P, L; // variables for keeping current state transitions, tsm values, #points and left point
char dn; // var for upcoming transition might be added to the right of a state
char f; // flag variable
//for(int k= 0; k < 12870; k++) {
vs = getZeroStateZone(); // 'vs' state is the first Tree automata state with only 0-th transition with tsm value 0
identity(vs); // insert this state in the hashmap
xrs = getTrackZone(0, -1, -1);
allStatesZone.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) ); // insert the state into the main vector along with its back tracking information
N++; // increment #states
//cout << k << endl;
for(count = 0; count < 0; count++) { //start looping on the vector of transtions
//if( count %5000 == 0 ) // Below of this string, #states will be shown
//cout << "#States" << endl;
if( (count % 100) == 0 || count <= 200) // print state number currently being processed(note : all numbers will not be printed)
cout << count << endl;
rs = allStatesZone[count].first; // get the state at index count, process this state now
// printing the current state information and its parents
xrs = allStatesZone[count].second;
// priting parents :
// shuffle : left and right index shows left and right parent
// add : first index is the real parent, second index is -1
// atomic(generated by sucState()) : right index is the real parent
// atomic(0-th state) : both index are -1
//cout << "Parents: " << (xrs->left) << ", " << (xrs->right) << endl << "--------------" << endl;
del = rs->del;
P = rs->P;
f = rs->f;
L = f & 127;
pushl = isPush( del[L - 1] ); // pushl = 1 iff there is a push at L
pushr = isPush( del[P - 1] ); // pushr = 1 iff there is a push at R
popl = isPop( del[L - 1] ); // popl = 1 iff there is a pop at L
popr = isPop( del[P - 1] ); // popr = 1 iff there is a pop at R
ppDone = (f & 1) ; // if push at L and pop at R is done in rs
// iterate through all the generated states and process them to generate new state
if(L < P && pushr)
else if (L < P && pushl && ppDone)
char q = transitions[ del[P-1] ].target; // target state of last transition
// iterate through all the upcoming transitions
//this is only add operations we have to find way to suffle and
for(i=0; i < nexttrans[q].size(); i++) {
dn = nexttrans[q][i]; // i-th upcoming transition
vs = rs->addNextTPDA(dn); // get set of states after doing the add operation
if(vs != NULL) { // if new state is valid
if( identity(vs) ) {
xrs = getTrackZone(1, count, -1); // key for the new state
allStatesZone.push_back( make_pair(vs, xrs) );
if( vs->isFinal() ) {
//prs = printRun(N-1);
return false;
// vs = allStatesZone[0].first;
//N = 0'
vs = allStatesZone[0].first;
rs = vs->addNextTPDA(1);
vs = rs->addNextTPDA(2);
rs= vs->addNextTPDA(3);
rs->f = 3;
vs = rs->addNextTPDA(4);
rs = vs->addNextTPDA(5);
vs = rs->addNextTPDA(6);
rs = vs->addNextTPDA(7);
vs = rs->addNextTPDA(8);
rs = vs->addNextTPDA(9);
return true;
unsigned int a32[32]; /* a[i] contains an integer where only one '1' is there in the bit position (i-1)
For example, a[3] contains binary number 00..01000 or integer 8
unsigned int b32[32]; /*b[i] contains an integer where all bits are '1' from zeroth bit position upto i-th bit position
For example, b[4] contains binary number 00..01111 or integer 15
unsigned int c32[32]; /*c[i] contains an integer where all bits are '1' from (i+1)-th bit position upto last bit position
For example, c[4] contains binary number 11..10000 or integer -16
unsigned int d32[32]; /* d32[i] contains an integer where only one '0' is there in the bit position i
For example, a[3] contains binary number 11..10111 or integer 8
char K; // this denote number of maximum active colors
// number of 1's in a integer represented in binary
int noofones(unsigned int x, int B) {
unsigned int y = 1;
int i,count=0;
for(i=0; i < B; i++) {
if( (y & x) != 0)
y = y << 1;
return count;
// unsigned integer to binary conversion and print(for testing purpose)
string inttobinary(int x) {
unsigned int y=1;
y = y << 31;
int i;
stringstream ss;
if((y&x) == 0)
ss << 0;
ss << 1;
y = y >> 1;
if((i%4) == 3)
ss << " ";
return ss.str();
// initialization of the integer arrays a,b and c defined above
void setBits() {
char i;
unsigned int x32=1,y32=1;
for(i=0;i<32;i++) { // we are ignoring a[0],b[0] and c[0]
a32[i] = x32;
d32[i] = ~x32;
b32[i] = y32;
c32[i] = ~y32;
x32 = x32 << 1; // x = 2 * x or left shift the '1' in x one position left
y32 = x32 | y32; // If old y = 0011 and x = 0100, then new y = 0011 | 0100 = 0111
for(i=0;i<32;i++) {
cout << inttobinary(a32[i]) << endl;
cout << inttobinary(b32[i]) << endl;
cout << inttobinary(c32[i]) << endl;
cout << inttobinary(d32[i]) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
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