Commit 82936e0e authored by SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY's avatar SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY


1. Created new shell file to draw all the inputs in separate folders
2. Resolved a new bug which was effecting the run of the system.
3. More bug is there to resolve.
parent 02f9cae1
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];8;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=1,ps_2}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,pp_2:1<=ag(2)<=inf}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,ps_1}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=2,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:4,1<=x2<=1,ps_1}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:5,x2:=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];4;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=2,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x2<=1,ps_1}" ];
4 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:4,1<=x1<=2}" ];
2 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:5,1<=x2<=2,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:6,x1:=0}" ];
3 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:7,pp_1:2<=ag(1)<=2}" ];
2 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:8}" ];
1 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:9,0<=x1<=2,1<=x2<=1}" ];
1 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:10,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:11,x1:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];4;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,2<=x2<=3,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:2,pp_2:2<=ag(2)<=2}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=2,1<=x2<=2,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=2,ps_2}" ];
3 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:4,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];6;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,5<=x2<=inf,x2:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=4}" ];
5 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=4}" ];
1 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,2<=x1<=inf,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,5<=x2<=inf}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,4<=x1<=inf}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x3<=1,x2:=0}" ];
2 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x1<=6,0<=x2<=1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,x1:=0,x3:=0}" ];
3 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:6,1<=x1<=1,0<=x2<=0}" ];
6 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:7,1<=x1<=1}" ];
6 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:8,0<=x1<=1,1<=x2<=inf}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];7;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0,x3:=0,x4:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,5<=x2<=inf,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,3<=x3<=inf,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,2<=x1<=2,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,0<=x2<=2,0<=x3<=5,x3:=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,3<=x4<=3,x4:=0}" ];
4 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x3<=1,x3:=0,x4:=0}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:7,2<=x1<=2,2<=x2<=2,x4:=0}" ];
6 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:8,1<=x4<=1,x1:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];3;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
1 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:1,1<=x1<=3,2<=x2<=2,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:2,3<=x3<=inf,x2:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x1<=2,x3:=0}" ];
2 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,1<=x2<=3,x3:=0}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x3<=0,x1:=0}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:6,1<=x1<=1,2<=x3<=2}" ];
6 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:7,1<=x3<=3,x2:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];3;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=inf,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x2<=1}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=0,1<=x2<=inf}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:4,0<=x1<=0}" ];
3 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,2<=x1<=inf}" ];
3 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x2<=0,x2:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];10;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,ps_1}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,10<=x1<=18}" ];
8 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:8,x1:=0}" ];
9 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:9,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=9}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];1;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,1<=x1<=1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,x1:=0,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=0}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:4,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];10;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,ps_1}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,x2:=0,x3:=0}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,7<=x1<=12}" ];
8 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:8,x3:=0}" ];
9 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:9,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=6}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,1<=x1<=inf,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=1,x2:=0}" ];
2 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x1<=1,0<=x2<=3}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:6,1<=x1<=1,0<=x2<=0}" ];
6 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:7,1<=x1<=1}" ];
6 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:8,0<=x1<=1,1<=x2<=inf,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];4;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:4,0<=x1<=2,x1:=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
3 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,x1:=0}" ];
5 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,3<=x1<=inf}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x1<=inf}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,3<=x1<=100}" ];
3 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=2}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:6,pp_1:2<=ag(1)<=3}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,ps_2}" ];
1 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=2,pp_2:6<=ag(2)<=8}" ];
2 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:3}" ];
2 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:4,1<=x1<=1,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:6}" ];
4 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:7,0<=x1<=2}" ];
4 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:8,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=2}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=2}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf,ps_1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];1;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2}" ];
3 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:3}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:6}" ];
5 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:7}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:8}" ];
6 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:9}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:10}" ];
7 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:11}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:12}" ];
8 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:13}" ];
8 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:14}" ];
9 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:15}" ];
9 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:16}" ];
10 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:17}" ];
10 -> 11 [ label = "{tn:18}" ];
11 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:19}" ];
11 -> 12 [ label = "{tn:20}" ];
12 -> 11 [ label = "{tn:21}" ];
12 -> 13 [ label = "{tn:22}" ];
13 -> 12 [ label = "{tn:23}" ];
13 -> 14 [ label = "{tn:24}" ];
14 -> 13 [ label = "{tn:25}" ];
2 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:26,6<=x1<=10,pp_1:11<=ag(1)<=15}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];8;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,x1:=0,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=1,ps_2}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,pp_2:1<=ag(2)<=inf}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,x1:=0}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,ps_1}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];26;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0,x3:=0,x4:=0,x5:=0,x6:=0,x7:=0,x8:=0,x9:=0,x10:=0,x11:=0,x12:=0,x13:=0,x14:=0,x15:=0,x16:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,x3:=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,x4:=0}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,x5:=0}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,x6:=0}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,x7:=0}" ];
8 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:8,x8:=0}" ];
9 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:9,x9:=0}" ];
10 -> 11 [ label = "{tn:10,x10:=0}" ];
11 -> 12 [ label = "{tn:11,x11:=0}" ];
12 -> 13 [ label = "{tn:12,x12:=0}" ];
13 -> 14 [ label = "{tn:13,x13:=0}" ];
14 -> 15 [ label = "{tn:14,x14:=0}" ];
15 -> 16 [ label = "{tn:15,x15:=0}" ];
16 -> 17 [ label = "{tn:16,x16:=0}" ];
17 -> 18 [ label = "{tn:17,2<=x1<=2,1<=x9<=1}" ];
18 -> 19 [ label = "{tn:18,2<=x2<=2,1<=x10<=1}" ];
19 -> 20 [ label = "{tn:19,2<=x3<=2,1<=x11<=1}" ];
20 -> 21 [ label = "{tn:20,2<=x4<=2,1<=x12<=1}" ];
21 -> 22 [ label = "{tn:21,2<=x5<=2,1<=x13<=1}" ];
22 -> 23 [ label = "{tn:22,2<=x6<=2,1<=x14<=1}" ];
23 -> 24 [ label = "{tn:23,2<=x7<=2,1<=x15<=1}" ];
24 -> 25 [ label = "{tn:24,2<=x8<=2,1<=x16<=1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];8;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,3<=x1<=11,x2:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,2<=x2<=13,x2:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x2<=15,ps_1}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,0<=x2<=10,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,x1:=0,pp_1:2<=ag(1)<=6}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x2<=inf,x2:=0,pp_1:3<=ag(1)<=9}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];12;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=0,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x2<=0,x2:=0}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,ps_1}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=0}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x2<=0,x1:=0,x2:=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=0}" ];
7 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:7,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=0,ps_2}" ];
8 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:8,0<=x1<=0,x2:=0}" ];
9 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:9,0<=x2<=0,x1:=0,x2:=0}" ];
10 -> 11 [ label = "{tn:10,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0}" ];
11 -> 12 [ label = "{tn:11,0<=x1<=0,pp_2:0<=ag(2)<=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];8;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=inf,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,x1:=0,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=2}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,ps_1}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,1<=x1<=1,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
6 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=1,x1:=0,pp_2:0<=ag(2)<=1}" ];
2 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:7,1<=x1<=2,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
7 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:8,1<=x1<=2,x1:=0,pp_2:2<=ag(2)<=2}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];1;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=inf,ps_1}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,x1:=0,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=5}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:4,ps_1}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:5,1<=x1<=1,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
6 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=1,x1:=0,pp_2:0<=ag(2)<=1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];6;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 9 [ label = "{tn:2,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:3,4<=x1<=5}" ];
3 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:4,x1:=0}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,3<=x1<=5}" ];
4 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:6,1<=x1<=2}" ];
5 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:7,pp_2:1<=ag(2)<=2}" ];
6 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:8,ps_3}" ];
7 -> 10 [ label = "{tn:9,x1:=0,pp_3:0<=ag(3)<=5}" ];
8 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:10,3<=x1<=4}" ];
8 -> 6 [ label = "{tn:11,pp_1:2<=ag(1)<=3}" ];
9 -> 7 [ label = "{tn:12,4<=x1<=5}" ];
9 -> 8 [ label = "{tn:13,x1:=0}" ];
10 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:14,1<=x1<=inf,x1:=0}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];1;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=2,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=1,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,3<=x1<=4,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,2<=x1<=6,x1:=0,pp_2:3<=ag(2)<=7}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:5,6<=x1<=8,x1:=0,pp_1:5<=ag(1)<=10}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];1;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=2,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:2,2<=x1<=4,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,3<=x1<=4,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:4,2<=x1<=6,x1:=0,pp_2:3<=ag(2)<=7}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:5,6<=x1<=8,x1:=0,pp_1:5<=ag(1)<=10}" ];
5 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:6,1<=x1<=4,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];4;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:3,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0}" ];
3 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:4,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0}" ];
3 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:5,1<=x1<=1,x1:=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=inf}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,pp_2:2<=ag(2)<=2}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];6;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=1,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,pp_2:0<=ag(2)<=1}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:4,pp_1:1<=ag(1)<=1}" ];
1 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:5,x1:=0}" ];
5 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=1}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:2,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
2 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:3,1<=x1<=2,x1:=0}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:4,3<=x1<=3,x1:=0}" ];
3 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:5,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:6,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,pp_2:0<=ag(2)<=inf}" ];
4 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:7,1<=x1<=1,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 5 [ label = "{tn:8,0<=x1<=0,x1:=0,pp_1:6<=ag(1)<=6}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = point ]; qi0;
node [shape = doublecircle];5;
node [shape=circle];
qi0 -> 0;
0 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:0,x1:=0}" ];
1 -> 2 [ label = "{tn:1,0<=x1<=2,x1:=0,ps_1}" ];
2 -> 3 [ label = "{tn:2,1<=x1<=2,x1:=0,ps_2}" ];
3 -> 4 [ label = "{tn:3,2<=x1<=2,x1:=0,pp_2:1<=ag(2)<=2}" ];
4 -> 1 [ label = "{tn:4,2<=x1<=2,x1:=0,pp_1:0<=ag(1)<=2}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
for f in `ls $FILES`
echo "Drawing $f File.. "
./drawsystem "$FILES$f" "./dot/$f.out"
dot -Tpng "./dot/$f.out" -o "./images/$f.png"
......@@ -109,12 +109,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// if(b==b1)
// cout <<"Correct!" << endl;
// cout<< "Wrong!" << endl;
// if(b==b1)
// cout <<"Correct!" << endl;
// else
// cout << "Wrong" << endl;
// the returned value b will be true iff the language is empty
cout << "The language recognized by the TPDA is EMPTY!" << endl;
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
<configurationDescriptor version="100">
<logicalFolder name="root" displayName="root" projectFiles="true" kind="ROOT">
<df root="." name="0">
<df name="dot">
<df name="images">
<df name="include">
......@@ -71,8 +75,10 @@
<runcommandpicklistitem>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" </runcommandpicklistitem>
<runcommandpicklistitem>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/</runcommandpicklistitem>
<runcommandpicklistitem>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/tp38</runcommandpicklistitem>
<runcommandpicklistitem>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/tp1</runcommandpicklistitem>
<runcommandpicklistitem>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/pd1</runcommandpicklistitem>
<runcommand>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/tp38</runcommand>
<runcommand>"${OUTPUT_PATH}" /home/sparsa/Programming/mtp/input/pd1</runcommand>
Processing ./input/pd1 File..
Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):
Points in the automaton:
L : 1
Transitions: 0 7
Accuracy: 0
TSM : 0 1
Push done at L : 0
Pop done at R : 1
A run of the automation as a witness for the language to be non-empty.
The run given as a sequence of pairs (Transition, Time stamp) :
(0, 0.0), (1, 0.0), (2, 0.0), (3, 1.0), (4, 2.0), (5, 2.0), (6, 2.0), (7, 3.0),
Processing ./input/rep1 File..
Processing ./input/rep2 File..
Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):
Points in the automaton:
L : 1
Transitions: 0 9
Weight Matrix :
0,0 1,0
-1,0 0,0
Push done at L : 0
Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):
Points in the automaton:
L : 1
Transitions: 0 9
Accuracy: 1
TSM : 0 1
Push done at L : 0
Pop done at R : 0
A run of the automation as a witness for the language to be non-empty.
The run given as a sequence of pairs (Transition, Time stamp) :
(0, 0.0), (9, 1.0),
Processing ./input/sample File..
Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):
Points in the automaton:
L : 1
Transitions: 0 2
Weight Matrix :
0,0 16384,0
0,0 0,0
Push done at L : 0
Abstract state of the on the fly tree automata(TA):
Points in the automaton:
L : 1
Transitions: 0 4 2
Accuracy: 0 1
TSM : 0 0 0
Push done at L : 0
Pop done at R : 1
A run of the automation as a witness for the language to be non-empty.
The run given as a sequence of pairs (Transition, Time stamp) :
(0, 0.0), (1, 2.0), (3, 2.0), (4, 4.0), (2, 4.0),
Processing ./input/t1 File..
Processing ./input/t10 File..
Processing ./input/t11 File..
Processing ./input/t13 File..
Processing ./input/t8 File..
Processing ./input/tp2_0 File..
Processing ./input/tp3_0 File..
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f File.. "
......@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ bool isEmptyZone() {
for(count = 0; count < 0; count++) { //start looping on the vector of transtions
for(count = 0; count < N; count++) { //start looping on the vector of transtions
//if( count %5000 == 0 ) // Below of this string, #states will be shown
//cout << "#States" << endl;
......@@ -1555,7 +1555,10 @@ bool isEmptyZone() {
// printing the current state information and its parents
//This line is very important for debugging
//This line is very important for debugging
xrs = allStatesZone[count].second;
// priting parents :
// shuffle : left and right index shows left and right parent
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