Commit 17277298 authored by SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY's avatar SPARSA ROYCHOWDHURY


1. Completed the reduceShuffle.cpp code vs->f variable still undone
2. have to use free properly to reduce the memory leak
3. have to work on the total program.

Sparsa Roychowdhury
parent fce2eeb0
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......@@ -10,12 +10,7 @@
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......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
//Now before reducing the state we want to check if the state is at all feasible..
// so we run the APSP algo.
allPairSP(count+1); //this is the Floyd–Warshall algorithm implementation
allPairSP(count); //this is the Floyd–Warshall algorithm implementation
......@@ -290,16 +290,16 @@ stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
stateZone *vs = new stateZone(); // new TA state
stateZone *vs1 = new stateZone(); // new TA state
vs->del = new char[newcount]; // allocate memory
vs->w = new short[newcount*newcount - newcount];
vs->f = f; // **** must edit this for tpda
vs->P = newcount;
vs1->del = new char[newcount]; // allocate memory
vs1->w = new short[newcount*newcount - newcount];
vs1->f = f; // **** must edit this for tpda
vs1->P = newcount;
for(int i=0; i < newcount; i++) {
vs->del[i]= del[newToOldRef[i]];
vs1->del[i]= vs->del[newToOldRef[i]];
//vs->del[count-1] = dn;
......@@ -311,16 +311,16 @@ stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
for(int i=0;i < newcount; i++){
for(int j=0; j < newcount; j++){
if(i < j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
vs1->w[index(i, j, newcount)] = WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
vs1->w[index(i, j, newcount)] |= a32[15];
else if(i > j) {
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] = - WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
vs1->w[index(i, j, newcount)] = - WT[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ];
//cout << int(newToOldRef[i]) << "," << int(newToOldRef[j]) << endl;
if( open[ newToOldRef[i] ][ newToOldRef[j] ] )
vs->w[index(i, j, count)] |= a32[15];
vs1->w[index(i, j, newcount)] |= a32[15];
......@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ stateZone* stateZone::reduceShuffle(stateZone* s2) {
//vs->P = count; // #points in new state
return vs;
return vs1;
// reduce the #points after shuffle by using forget operation if possible and return the new state
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