I, Sourabh, pledge on Gita that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
I,Harshith, pledge on my honour that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
I,Uddeshya, pledge on Gita that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
We have made equal contribution in this assignment.
Sourabh(150050009) 100%
Harshith(150050069) 100%
Uddeshya(15D110007) 100%
########## A ###########
When you press [TAB], readline reads what you typed and sends it to bash for completion.
Bash has inbuild function for add auto-completion results. So, Bash searches through those which are stored already for the give command. If it can't find a complete entry, it returns all the files in the current directory. We can also add entries to the completion.
########## B ###########
Relevant File for memory is '\proc\meminfo'
The command we used to get the desired output : `cat meminfo | grep Mem | tr -d [:blank:] | cut -d ':' -f2`
########## C ###########
The command used to SSH to mars is `ssh {user-name}@mars.cse.iitb.ac.in`
This command contains the '-X' argument where X represents X-server `ssh -X {user-name}@mars.cse.iitb.ac.in`
After logging into mars server, to open -> `subl /tmp/lab03_inlab_C3.txt`
We've done the password less authentication.
########## D ###########
We made an infinite loop (infiniteLoop.sh)
Command to run it in background is `chmod a+x infiniteLoop.sh` and `./infiniteLoop.sh &`
To kill 'cell.sh', we used `kill -9 {process-id}`
For process-id, we grepped through process using `ps aux | grep cell.sh`