Commit 6a716006 authored by SNEHA SUNIL BHAKARE's avatar SNEHA SUNIL BHAKARE

Add lab03_group10_inlab

parent cce48613
while true; do echo 'Infinite Loop';sleep 1;done
PS1='\u@\h - \t [\W]:$' //subtask3
alias bk="cd \$OLDPWD" //subtask4
Group 10: (Sneha Sunil Bhakare, 150050040), (Krati Tiwari, 150050051), (Divya Raghunathan, 150110086)
Sneha: 100%, Krati: 100%, Divya: 100%
Honor Code:
Sneha: I pledge on Gita that I have not given or received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Krati: I pledge on Gita that I have not given or received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Divya: I pledge on Gita that I have not given or received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
Task A:
If a command is typed with an incorrect spelling of a directory component, bash corrects minor errors in the spelling. This is accomplished by checking for the following possible errors: transposed characters, a missing character and a character too many. If a correction is found, the corrected path is printed, and the command proceeds. On hitting tab, bash suggests possible completions of the command. The actual completion performed is specific to the application. Bash attempts completion treating the text as a variable (if the text begins with ‘$’), username (if the text begins with ‘~’), hostname (if the text begins with ‘@’), or command (including aliases and functions) in turn. If none of these produces a match, bash attempts completion regarding the incomplete text as a filename.
Task B:
Commands to open the file:
cd /proc
less meminfo
To reach the desired result:
grep -e MemTotal -e MemFree meminfo | tr -d " " |cut -f 2 -d ':'
Task C:
ssh -X
Task D:
Command to run the infinite loop:
sh &
To kill this:
then copy the pids printed on the terminal
then kill pids
for e.g. if pids are 28021 28141 28251 28252
kill 28021 28141 28251 28252
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