Commit fef7b294 authored by SHASHIJ GUPTA's avatar SHASHIJ GUPTA

First Commit


2.68 KB

#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)
(require (planet clements/rsound))
(provide list)
(define road-color (color 105 105 105 255))
(define road-white (color 255 255 255 255))
(define outroad (color 245 222 179 255))
(define outroad2 (color 226 206 169 255))
(define user-angle 0)
(define collision #f)
(define t2 0)
(define collision-speed 0)
(define basic-track1
(rectangle 1024 720 "solid" outroad)
512 50 0 3
600 360 270 1/16
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
600 360 270 1/16
512 670 180 3
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
512 670 180 3
424 360 90 1/16
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
424 360 90 1/16
512 50 0 3
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round")))
(define track1(add-line
512 50 0 3
600 360 270 1/16
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
600 360 270 1/16
512 670 180 3
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 670 180 3
424 360 90 1/16
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
424 360 90 1/16
512 50 0 3
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 720 512 620
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel"))
452 718 452 618
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel" )))
(define track track1)
(define basic-track2 (add-curve
(rectangle 1024 720 "solid" outroad)
512 50 0 0
974 360 270 0
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
974 360 270 0
512 670 180 0
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
512 670 180 0
50 360 90 0
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
50 360 90 0
512 50 0 0
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round")))
(define track2 (add-line
512 50 0 0
974 360 270 0
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
974 360 270 0
512 670 180 0
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 670 180 0
50 360 90 0
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
50 360 90 0
512 50 0 0
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 720 512 608
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel"))
452 690 452 570
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel")))
(define basic-track3
(rectangle 1024 720 "solid" outroad)
512 50 0 0.3
974 360 270 0.3
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
974 360 270 0
512 670 180 0
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
512 670 180 3
424 360 90 1/16
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round"))
424 360 90 1/16
512 50 0 3
(make-pen road-color 100 "solid" "round" "round")))
(define track3(add-line
512 50 0 0.3
974 360 270 0.3
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
974 360 270 0
512 670 180 0
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 670 180 3
424 360 90 1/16
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
424 360 90 1/16
512 50 0 3
(make-pen "white" 8 'long-dash "round" "round"))
512 720 512 610
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel"))
452 718 452 618
(make-pen "white" 10 "solid" "butt" "bevel" )))
(define image-pixel (image->color-list track1))
(define (get-pixel-color x y)
(let* [(value(+ x (* 1024 y)))]
(if (or (< x 0)(> x 1024) (> y 718) (< y 0)) outroad
(list-ref image-pixel value))))
(define user-car (bitmap "user.png"))
(define (keep-distance x y angle unit)
(if (equal? (get-pixel-color (inexact->exact (floor (+ x (* (cos angle) unit)))) (inexact->exact (floor (- y (* (sin angle) unit))))) outroad)
#t #f))
(define (inside x y)
(let*[(cos-angle(/ (- x 512) (sqrt (+ (* (- y 360) (- y 360)) (* (- x 512) (- x 512))))))
(sin-angle(/ (- 360 y) (sqrt (+ (* (- y 360) (- y 360)) (* (- x 512) (- x 512))))))
(x (get-pixel-color (inexact->exact (floor (+ x (* cos-angle 55)))) (inexact->exact (floor (- y (* sin-angle 55))))))]
(or (equal? x road-color) (equal? x road-white))))
(define centre-coordinate (list 482 690 (- 90) 0))
(define alpha 0.6435011)
(define me-point1 (cons 0 0))
(define me-point2 (cons 0 0))
(define me-point3 (cons 0 0))
(define me-point4 (cons 0 0))
(define comp-speed 0)
(define user-speed 0)
(define comp-angle 90)
(define (keep-usercar-going lis)
(let*[(current-state( car (cdr lis)))]
(begin (set! centre-coordinate current-state)
(let*[(celement1(car lis))
(celement2(car(cdr lis)))
(cstate(car(cdr(cdr lis))))
(cangle(car(cdr(cdr cstate))))
(cx (car cstate))
(cy (car (cdr cstate)))
(dis 10 )
(cspeed(car(cdr(cdr(cdr cstate)))))
(cpoint1 (cons (+ cx (* 25 (cos (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 cangle)))))) (- cy (* 25 (sin (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 cangle))))))))
(cpoint2 (cons (+ cx (* 25 (cos (- (* (/ pi 180)(+ 90 cangle)) alpha)))) (- cy (* 25 (sin (- (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 cangle)) alpha))))))
(cpoint3 (cons (- cx (* 25 (cos (- (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 cangle) 90)) alpha)))) (+ cy (* 25 (sin (- (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 cangle) 90)) alpha))))))
(cpoint4 (cons (- cx (* 25 (cos (+ (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 cangle) 90)) alpha)))) (+ cy (* 25 (sin (+ (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 cangle) 90)) alpha) )))))]
(define (equation1 x y)
(- (- y (cdr cpoint1)) (/ (* (- x (car cpoint1)) (- (cdr cpoint1) (cdr cpoint3))) (- (car cpoint1) (car cpoint3)))))
(define (equation2 x y)
(- (- y (cdr cpoint2)) (/ (* (- x (car cpoint2)) (- (cdr cpoint2) (cdr cpoint4))) (- (car cpoint2) (car cpoint4)))))
(define (equation3 x y)
(- (- y (cdr cpoint1)) (/ (* (- x (car cpoint1)) (- (cdr cpoint1) (cdr cpoint2))) (- (car cpoint1) (car cpoint2)))))
(define (equation4 x y)
(- (- y (cdr cpoint3)) (/ (* (- x (car cpoint3)) (- (cdr cpoint3) (cdr cpoint4))) (- (car cpoint3) (car cpoint4)))))
(define (keep-distance1 x y unit)
(if (< (* (equation3 x y) (equation4 x y)) 7) #t #f))
(define (keep-distance3 x y unit)
(if (< (* (equation1 x y) (equation2 x y)) 7)
#t #f))
(let*[(angle(car(cdr(cdr current-state))))
(x (car centre-coordinate))
(y (car (cdr centre-coordinate)))
(speed(car(cdr(cdr(cdr centre-coordinate)))))
(point1 (cons (+ x (* 25 (cos (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)))))) (- y (* 25 (sin (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180)
(+ 90 angle))))))))
(point2 (cons (+ x (* 25 (cos (- (* (/ pi 180)(+ 90 angle)) alpha)))) (- y (* 25 (sin (- (* (/ pi 180)
(+ 90 angle)) alpha))))))
(point3 (cons (- x (* 25 (cos (-(* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha) ))) (+ y (* 25 (sin (-(* (/ pi 180)
(- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha))))))
(point4 (cons (- x (* 25 (cos (+(* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha) ))) (+ y (* 25 (sin (+(* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha) )))))
(cond1(keep-distance (car point1) (cdr point1) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) 3))
(cond2(keep-distance (car point2) (cdr point2) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) 3))
(cond3(keep-distance (car point3) (cdr point3) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) (- 3)))
(cond4(keep-distance (car point4) (cdr point4) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) (- 3)))
(con1(keep-distance1 (car point1) (cdr point1) 7))
(con3(keep-distance3 (car point1) (cdr point1) 7))
(con11(keep-distance1 (car point2) (cdr point2) 7))
(con31(keep-distance3 (car point2) (cdr point2) 7))
(con12(keep-distance1 (car point3) (cdr point3) 7))
(con32(keep-distance3 (car point3) (cdr point3) 7))
(con13(keep-distance1 (car point4) (cdr point4) 7))
(con33(keep-distance3 (car point4) (cdr point4) 7))]
(define (equation11 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point1)) (/ (* (- x (car point1)) (- (cdr point1) (cdr point3))) (- (car point1) (car point3)))))
(define (equation12 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point2)) (/ (* (- x (car point2)) (- (cdr point2) (cdr point4))) (- (car point2) (car point4)))))
(define (equation13 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point1)) (/ (* (- x (car point1)) (- (cdr point1) (cdr point2))) (- (car point1) (car point2)))))
(define (equation14 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point3)) (/ (* (- x (car point3)) (- (cdr point3) (cdr point4))) (- (car point3) (car point4)))))
(define (keep-distance11 x y unit)
(if (< (* (equation13 x y) (equation14 x y)) 7)
#t #f))
(define (keep-distance13 x y unit)
(< (* (equation11 x y) (equation12 x y)) 7))
(let*[(con5(keep-distance11 (car cpoint1) (cdr cpoint1) 5))
(con6(keep-distance13 (car cpoint1) (cdr cpoint1) 5))
(con51(keep-distance11 (car cpoint2) (cdr cpoint2) 5))
(con61(keep-distance13 (car cpoint2) (cdr cpoint2) 5))
(con52(keep-distance11 (car cpoint3) (cdr cpoint3) 5))
(con62(keep-distance13 (car cpoint3) (cdr cpoint3) 5))
(con53(keep-distance11 (car cpoint4) (cdr cpoint4) 5))
(con63(keep-distance13 (car cpoint4) (cdr cpoint4) 5))
(u speed)]
(begin (set! me-point1 point1) (set! me-point2 point2) (set! me-point3 point3) (set! me-point4 point4) (set! user-angle angle) (set! user-speed speed)
(cond[(and (> y 500) (< x 480) (> x 455)) (replace lis 2 (list 482 690 90 0))]
[ (or (and con1 con3) (and con11 con31) (and con12 con32) (and con13 con33) (and con5 con6)
(and con51 con61) (and con52 con62) (and con53 con63)) (if (= u 0) (replace lis 2 (list x y angle (- (/ u 5))))
(begin (cond [(> (car lis) (+ t2 1)) (begin (play snare) (set! t2 (car lis)))])
(set! collision #t) (set! collision-speed (* 2 u) )
(replace lis 2 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) (- speed))) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) (- speed))) angle (- (/ u 3) )))))]
[(> speed 0) (if (or cond1 cond2) (replace lis 2 (list x y angle 0))
(replace lis 2 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle speed)))]
[else (if (or cond3 cond4) (replace lis 2 (list x y angle 0))
(replace lis 2 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle speed)))]))))))))
(define (add-3-to-state lis key)
(let*[(current-state( car (cdr lis)))
(angle(car(cdr(cdr current-state))))
(x (car current-state))
(y (car (cdr current-state)))
(speed (car(cdr(cdr(cdr current-state)))))]
(cond [(key=? key "up") (if (< speed 6) (replace lis 2 (list x y angle (+ speed 0.3))) lis)]
[(key=? key "down")(if (> speed (- 5)) (replace lis 2 (list x y angle (- speed 0.3))) lis)]
[(key=? key "left") (replace lis 2 (list x y (+ angle 8) speed))]
[(key=? key "right") (replace lis 2 (list x y (- angle 8) speed))]
[else lis])))
(define comp-car1 (bitmap "comp.png"))
(define (computer lis)
(let*[(element1(car lis))
(element2(car(cdr lis)))
(state(car(cdr(cdr lis))))
(angle(car(cdr(cdr state))))
(x (car state))
(y (car (cdr state)))
(speed(car(cdr(cdr(cdr state)))))
(point1 (cons (+ x (* 25 (cos (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)))))) (- y (* 25 (sin (+ alpha (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle))))))))
(point2 (cons (+ x (* 25 (cos (- (* (/ pi 180)(+ 90 angle)) alpha)))) (- y (* 25 (sin (- (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) alpha))))))
(point3 (cons (- x (* 25 (cos (- (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha)))) (+ y (* 25 (sin (- (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha))))))
(point4 (cons (- x (* 25 (cos (+ (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha)))) (+ y (* 25 (sin (+ (* (/ pi 180) (- (+ 180 angle) 90)) alpha) )))))
(centre-distance (sqrt (+ (*(- (car centre-coordinate) x) (- (car centre-coordinate) x)) (*(- (car (cdr centre-coordinate)) y) (- (car (cdr centre-coordinate)) y)))))
(cond1(keep-distance (car point1) (cdr point1) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) 2))
(cond2(keep-distance (car point2) (cdr point2) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) 2))
(cond3(keep-distance (car point3) (cdr point3) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) (- 2)))
(cond4(keep-distance (car point4) (cdr point2) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 90 angle)) (- 2)))]
(define (equation1 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point1)) (/ (* (- x (car point1)) (- (cdr point1) (cdr point3))) (- (car point1) (car point3)))))
(define (equation2 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point2)) (/ (* (- x (car point2)) (- (cdr point2) (cdr point4))) (- (car point2) (car point4)))))
(define (equation3 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point1)) (/ (* (- x (car point1)) (- (cdr point1) (cdr point2))) (- (car point1) (car point2)))))
(define (equation4 x y)
(- (- y (cdr point3)) (/ (* (- x (car point3)) (- (cdr point3) (cdr point4))) (- (car point3) (car point4)))))
(define (forward x1 y1 x2 y2)
(cond[(and (> x2 512) (< x1 512)) #t]
[(and (< x2 512) (> x1 512)) #f]
[(and(> x1 512) (> x2 512)) ( if (< y1 y2) #t (if (and (< (abs (- y1 y2)) 32) (< (abs (- x1 x2)) 42) (< centre-distance 55)) #t #f))]
[else (if (> y1 y2) #t (if (and(< (abs (- y1 y2)) 32) (< (abs (- x1 x2)) 42) (< centre-distance 55)) #t #f))]))
(let*[(cond5(<= (* (equation1 (car me-point1) (cdr me-point1)) (equation2 (car me-point1) (cdr me-point1))) 0))
(cond6(<= (* (equation1 (car me-point2) (cdr me-point2)) (equation2 (car me-point2) (cdr me-point2))) 0))
(cond7(<= (* (equation1 (car me-point3) (cdr me-point3)) (equation2 (car me-point3) (cdr me-point3))) 0))
(cond8(<= (* (equation1 (car me-point4) (cdr me-point4)) (equation2 (car me-point4) (cdr me-point4))) 0))
(cond11(<= (* (equation1 (car centre-coordinate) (car(cdr centre-coordinate))) (equation2 (car centre-coordinate) (car(cdr centre-coordinate)))) 0))
(cond9 (forward (car centre-coordinate) (car(cdr centre-coordinate)) x y))
(cond10(inside x y))]
(begin (set! comp-speed speed) (set! comp-angle angle)
(cond[collision (if (< collision-speed 1) (begin (set! collision #f) lis) (if (or cond1 cond2 cond3 cond4) (begin (set! collision #f) (replace lis 3 (list x y angle 0)))
(begin (set! collision-speed (- collision-speed 0.5)) (replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) user-angle )) collision-speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) user-angle )) collision-speed)) angle 0)))))]
[(< speed 0) (replace lis 3 (list x y angle 0))]
[(and (not(= speed 0)) (or cond5 cond6 cond7 cond8 cond11) (< centre-distance 80) (or cond9 cond11 ))
(replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle 0))]
[(and cond1 (> speed 0)) (if cond10 (replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- angle 8) speed))
(replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (+ angle 8) speed)))]
[(and cond2 (> speed 0)) (if cond10 (replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- angle 8) speed))
(replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) 0.4)) (+ angle 8) speed)))]
[(and cond7 cond9 (< centre-distance 150)) (if (keep-distance (car me-point3) (cdr me-point3) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 180 angle)) 35) (replace lis 3
(list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- angle 3) speed ))
(replace lis 3 (list x y (+ angle 2) speed)))]
[(and cond8 cond9 (< centre-distance 150)) (if (keep-distance (car me-point4) (cdr me-point4) (* (/ pi 180) angle) 35) (replace lis 3
(list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (+ angle 3) speed ))
(replace lis 3 (list x y (- angle 2) speed)))]
[(and cond5 cond9 (< centre-distance 150)) (if (keep-distance (car me-point3) (cdr me-point3) (* (/ pi 180) (+ 180 angle)) 35) (replace lis 3
(list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- angle 3) speed ))
(replace lis 3 (list x y (+ angle 2) speed)))]
[(and cond6 cond9 (< centre-distance 150)) (if (keep-distance (car me-point4) (cdr me-point4) (* (/ pi 180) angle) 35) (replace lis 3
(list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (+ angle 3) speed ))
(replace lis 3 (list x y (- angle 2) speed)))]
[else (if (> speed 6) (replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle 6))
(if (< speed 6) (replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle (+ speed 0.05)))
(replace lis 3 (list (- x (* (sin (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) (- y (* (cos (* (/ pi 180) angle )) speed)) angle speed))))])))))
(define (replace l k x)
(if (= k 1) (cons x (cdr l)) (cons (car l) (replace (cdr l) (- k 1) x))))
(define (draw-a-car-onto-an-empty-scene lis)
(let*[(user-state (car (cdr lis)))
(comp-state (car(cdr(cdr lis))))]
(place-image (rotate (car(cdr(cdr user-state))) user-car)
(car user-state) (car(cdr user-state))
(place-image (rotate (car(cdr(cdr comp-state))) comp-car1)
(car comp-state) (car(cdr comp-state))
(define (collaborate lis)
(computer (timer lis))))
(define (timer cs)
(list (+ (car cs) (/ 1 28)) (cadr cs) (caddr cs) ))
(define l (cons 0 (cons '(482 690 -90 0) (cons '(482 650 -90 0)'()))))
(define (end-game cs)
(if (or (and (< 452 (caadr cs)) (> 462 (caadr cs)) (< 512 (cadadr cs))) (and (< 452 (caaddr cs)) (> 462 (caaddr cs)) (< 512 (car (cdaddr cs))))) #t #f))
(define (times cs)
(cond [(and (< 452 (caadr cs)) (> 462 (caadr cs))) (place-image (text "Your Time: s" 40 "indigo") 502 420
(place-image (text (number->string (exact->inexact (/ (floor (* 100 (car cs))) 100))) 40 "indigo")
587 420
(place-image (text "You Win" 40 "indigo") 512 360 (empty-scene 1024 720))))]
[(and (< 452 (caaddr cs)) (> 462 (caaddr cs))) (place-image (text "You Lose" 40 "indigo") 512 360 (empty-scene 1024 720))]))
(define (main1)
(begin (set! track track1)
(set! image-pixel (image->color-list track1))
(big-bang l
(on-tick collaborate)
;(on-tick timer)
(on-key add-3-to-state)
(to-draw draw-a-car-onto-an-empty-scene)
(stop-when end-game times)
(close-on-stop 3))))
(define (main2)
(begin (set! track track2)
(set! image-pixel (image->color-list track2))
(big-bang l
(on-tick collaborate)
;(on-tick timer)
(on-key add-3-to-state)
(to-draw draw-a-car-onto-an-empty-scene)
(stop-when end-game times)
(close-on-stop 3))))
(define (main3)
(begin (set! track track3)
(set! image-pixel (image->color-list track3))
(big-bang l
(on-tick collaborate)
;(on-tick timer)
(on-key add-3-to-state)
(to-draw draw-a-car-onto-an-empty-scene)
(stop-when end-game times)
(close-on-stop 3))))
(define (start-screen cs) (place-image (text "Race On" 120 "red") 512 150
(place-image (text "Press 3 for Third Track" 40 "indigo") 512 420
(place-image (text "Press 2 for Second Track" 40 "indigo") 512 360
(place-image (text "Press 1 for First Track" 40 "indigo") 512 300 (rectangle 1024 720 "solid" "yellow"))))))
(define (start state key)
(cond [(key=? key "1") (play (rs-read "step_out_gert.wav" ))
[(key=? key "2") (play (rs-read "step_out_gert.wav" ))
[(key=? key "3") (play (rs-read "step_out_gert.wav" ))
(big-bang l
(to-draw start-screen)
(on-key start))
;(stop-when give-true))

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